26 products were found matching your search for haeckels in 2 shops:
Ernst Haeckel's Art Forms in Nature: A Visual Masterpiece of the Natural World
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.43 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Haeckels Earth Marine AHA Toner
Vendor: Endclothing.com Price: 29.00 $ (+9.99 $)The brainchild of volunteer beach warden Dom Bridges, Haeckels continues to grow its devoted fanbase across its Margate hometown - and the world! - with this Earth Marine AHA toner. This innovative leave-exfoliator is crafted using glycolic acid to help reduce pore size and the appearance of discoloration and fine lines by simply using 2-3 times per week overnight. Fresh feeling skin and an ocean-first philosophy? What’s not to love! 100ml, Key Ingredients: Glycolic Acid, Bladderwrack, Willowherb. Haeckels Earth Marine AHA Toner
Ernst Haeckel Sea Anemones 500-Piece Jigsaw Puzzle
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.34 $In the hopes of widening the public’s understanding of naturalism, German biologist Ernst Haeckel published Kunstformen der Natur (or Art Forms in Nature) in 1904. The work, equal parts scientific text and artistic endeavor, highlights Haeckel’s particular interest in the symmetries in living forms.This illustration is from a copy of Kunstformen der Natur in the Case Book Collection in the Prints and Photographs Division of the Library of Congress. The Library holds over 162 million items in almost all media and in more than 470 languages.
Ernst Haeckel's Art Forms in Nature: A Visual Masterpiece of the Natural World
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.76 $Mild to Moderate creasing / bending to covers and pages. Book is otherwise very clean, unmarked and 100% functional.
Roots of Ecology: Antiquity to Haeckel [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 81.99 $Ecology is the centerpiece of many of the most important decisions that face humanity. Roots of Ecology documents the deep ancestry of this now enormously important science from the early ideas of Herodotos, Plato, and Pliny, up through those of Linnaeus and Darwin, to those that inspired Ernst Haeckel's mid-nineteenth-century neologism ecology. Based on a long-running series of regularly published columns, this important work gathers a vast literature illustrating the development of ecological and environmental concepts, ideas, and creative thought that has led to our modern view of ecology. Roots of Ecology should be on every ecologist's shelf.
The Art and Science of Ernst Haeckel
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 169.56 $Ernst Haeckel (1834–1919) was a German-born biologist, naturalist, evolutionist, artist, philosopher, and doctor who spent his life researching flora and fauna from the highest mountaintops to the deepest ocean. A vociferous supporter and developer of Darwin’s theories of evolution, he denounced religious dogma, authored philosophical treatises, gained a doctorate in zoology, and coined scientific terms which have passed into common usage, including ecology, phylum, and stem cell.At the heart of Haeckel’s colossal legacy was the motivation not only to discover but also to explain. To do this, he created hundreds of detailed drawings, watercolors, and sketches of his findings which he published in successive volumes, including several marine organism collections and the majestic Kunstformen der Natur (Art Forms in Nature), which could serve as the cornerstone of Haeckel’s entire life project. Like a meticulous visual encyclopedia of living things, Haeckel’s work was as remarkable for its graphic precision and meticulous shading as for its understanding of organic evolution. From bats to the box jellyfish, lizards to lichen, and spider legs to sea anemones, Haeckel emphasized the essential symmetries and order of nature, and found biological beauty in even the most unlikely of creatures.In this book, we celebrate the scientific, artistic, and environmental importance of Haeckel’s work, with a collection of 450 of his finest prints from several of his most important tomes, including Die Radiolarien, Monographie der Medusen, Die Kalkschwämme, and Kunstformen der Natur. At a time when biodiversity is increasingly threatened by human activities, the book is at once a visual masterwork, an underwater exploration, and a vivid reminder of the precious variety of life.
The Art and Science of Ernst Haeckel
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 162.00 $Ernst Haeckel (1834–1919) was a German-born biologist, naturalist, evolutionist, artist, philosopher, and doctor who spent his life researching flora and fauna from the highest mountaintops to the deepest ocean. A vociferous supporter and developer of Darwin’s theories of evolution, he denounced religious dogma, authored philosophical treatises, gained a doctorate in zoology, and coined scientific terms which have passed into common usage, including ecology, phylum, and stem cell.At the heart of Haeckel’s colossal legacy was the motivation not only to discover but also to explain. To do this, he created hundreds of detailed drawings, watercolors, and sketches of his findings which he published in successive volumes, including several marine organism collections and the majestic Kunstformen der Natur (Art Forms in Nature), which could serve as the cornerstone of Haeckel’s entire life project. Like a meticulous visual encyclopedia of living things, Haeckel’s work was as remarkable for its graphic precision and meticulous shading as for its understanding of organic evolution. From bats to the box jellyfish, lizards to lichen, and spider legs to sea anemones, Haeckel emphasized the essential symmetries and order of nature, and found biological beauty in even the most unlikely of creatures.In this book, we celebrate the scientific, artistic, and environmental importance of Haeckel’s work, with a collection of 450 of his finest prints from several of his most important tomes, including Die Radiolarien, Monographie der Medusen, Die Kalkschwämme, and Kunstformen der Natur. At a time when biodiversity is increasingly threatened by human activities, the book is at once a visual masterwork, an underwater exploration, and a vivid reminder of the precious variety of life.
The Art and Science of Ernst Haeckel
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.55 $Acceptable/Fair condition. Book is worn, but the pages are complete, and the text is legible. Has wear to binding and pages, may be ex-library. 2.47
Roots of Ecology : Antiquity to Haeckel
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 85.05 $Ecology is the centerpiece of many of the most important decisions that face humanity. Roots of Ecology documents the deep ancestry of this now enormously important science from the early ideas of Herodotos, Plato, and Pliny, up through those of Linnaeus and Darwin, to those that inspired Ernst Haeckel's mid-nineteenth-century neologism ecology. Based on a long-running series of regularly published columns, this important work gathers a vast literature illustrating the development of ecological and environmental concepts, ideas, and creative thought that has led to our modern view of ecology. Roots of Ecology should be on every ecologist's shelf.
The Art and Science of Ernst Haeckel
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.77 $Book is in NEW condition. 2.47
From here to eternity : Ernst Haeckel and scientific faith. Religion, Theologie und Naturwissenschaft ; Bd. 3
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.55 $This study attempts to shed some light on the origin, sources, structure, significance and consequences of the theory of Ernst Haeckel.
Visions of Nature : The Art and Science of Ernst Haeckel
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 69.54 $This volume, which includes a number of Haeckel's drawings and watercolours which have never been published before, is the first detailed overview of the scientist and artist's vast output and provides a lively picture of his exceptional talent.
Art Forms from the Ocean: The Radiolarian Prints of Ernst Haeckel
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 86.72 $At the nexus of art and science, this dazzling new edition of Ernst Haeckel's first work reintroduces the genius of an enigmatic scientist and passionate observer of the natural world. Although original editions of this book are extremely rare, it is now available for the first time in a paperback edition, beautifully reproducing his drawings and watercolours. While the variety and detail of Haeckel's drawings display an impressive understanding of biological structure, the skill with which Haeckel drew these tiny, aquatic protozoa renders them genuine works of art. This volume features commentary and descriptions of each of the radiolarians from Haeckel's work.
Monism: Science, Philosophy, Religion, and the History of a Worldview (Palgrave Studies in Cultural and Intellectual History)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 63.33 $The first survey in the English language of the history of naturalistic monism in the works of Haeckel, Spinoza, and others. Contributors demonstrate that, to a greater extent than previously shown, monism provided an essential epistemological framework for numerous religious, political and cultural movements between the 1840s and 1940s.
Art Forms in Nature : 22 Pull-Out Posters
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.23 $Perfect for display or close observation, the posters in this elegantly produced collection of Ernst Haeckel's exquisite illustrations of natural forms demonstrate his exceptional artistry.Biologist, physician, philosopher, and artist, Ernst Haeckel was also a prescient observer of the natural world. His highly detailed and expertly rendered illustrations, first published at the turn of the 20th century, are not only beautiful works of art, but also have scientific underpinnings. Now available as a series of large format posters sumptuously printed and suitable for framing, Haeckel's most elaborate and captivating works illustrate his fundamental notion of the unity of all living things. From otherworldly radiolaria to psychedelic sea anemones, Haeckel's science and artistry continue to provide inspiration for 21st-century illustrators, architects, graphic designers, and anyone interested in exploring nature's perfect geometry.
The Scientific Origins of National Socialism [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.55 $Many studies of the origins of National Socialism claim that the völkisch and proto-Nazi movement arose largely as a reaction to the materialistic ideas of nineteenth-century science and especially to the naturalistic philosophy of Ernst Haeckel and the German Monist League. Using hitherto unexplored material, Daniel Gasman calls this generalization into question. Arguing that the importance of science has been relatively neglected in accounts of the intellectual origins of Nazism, he attempts to show that Haeckel's "scientific" Darwinism, and his movement, the German Monist League, were proto-Nazi in character. Contrary to popular belief, Haeckel's type of social Darwinism actually played a critical role in the formation of National Socialist ideology. In his new introduction, Gasman notes that recent research goes far to confirm Haeckel's role as an ideological progenitor of fascist ideology. This is true not only for Germany, but also for the birth of fascist thought in Italy and France. In general, Gasman claims, the history of science plainly reveals how Haeckel's social Darwinism nourished the roots of fascism no less than avant-garde modernism. When The Scientific Origins of National Socialism initially appeared, the Times Literary Supplement called it a "very well-argued thesis... that is completely successful... and leaves the reader to extract his own moral lessons." Medical History, in its review of The Scientific Origins of National Socialism, said, "His book is essential for understanding modern Germany. It has a general message derived from the events in Germany, where scientific data were permitted to take on a mystical signficiance... with ghastly consequences." Bruce Chatwin, in the New York Review of Books, called the book "brilliant." Now available in paperback, with a new introduction by the author, this seminal work will be of interest to intellectual historians, as well as those interested in twentieth-century Europe.
Art Forms from the Abyss : Images from the HMS Challenger Expedition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.22 $These radiant images from the renowned 19th-century biologist and illustrator Ernst Haeckel, featuring marine microorganisms, will enthrall fans of his previous collections and garner renewed attention for Haeckel’s unparalleled artistry. From jewelry designers to scientists, graphic artists to naturalists, the range of people inspired by Ernst Haeckel’s illustrations continues to grow. Following up on Prestel’s books Art Forms in Nature and Art Forms from the Ocean, this new collection features startlingly beautiful images created by Haeckel for the report of the HMS Challenger expedition, which circumnavigated the world from 1872–76, discoveringand cataloging nearly 5,000 new species from the depths ofEarth’s oceans. Full-page reproductions bring these organismscolorfully to life, drawing readers into a world at oncehypnotic and highly ordered. Divided into three sections―Siphonophores, Medusae, and Radiolarians―these illustrationsdisplay Haeckel’s remarkable artistic skill and understanding ofthe architecture of organic matter. The authors provide a briefhistory of the Challenger expedition, background on Haeckel’sscientific and artistic accomplishments, as well as informativetexts on each group of organisms. A guide to the natural worldand an inspiration to artists of every stripe, this collection ofHaeckel’s work is a fitting tribute to a 19th-century genius.
Creatures of the Deep
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.84 $The magnificent prints of Ernst Haeckel, who captured the amazing forms of the natural world, spring to life in this exciting pop-up book that reveals the vibrant intricacy of his work. The book Art Forms in Nature is a collection of prints, made by the scientist Ernst Haeckel, of an enormous variety of flora andfauna from the sea–including microscopic Radiolaria, starfish,and jelly fish. Since Prestel published it in 1998, the book hasbeen a favorite with artists, designers, illustrators, and anyonewho enjoys the wondrous forms of the natural world. Nowpaper engineer Maike Biederstaedt has transformed Haeckel’stranscendent work into a three-dimensional book that allowsreaders to appreciate Haeckel’s vivid colors, exceptionalprecision, and fascination with patterns and geometry. Thisstunning book features seven pop-ups that allow readers tosee nature’s brilliance the way that Haeckel did―as marvelous,mathematically based creations that support his theory of theunity of all living things. Certain to appeal to his huge variety offans, this pop-up version of a timeless classic will be treasuredfor years to come.
Kunstformen der Natur (verkleinert)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 114.48 $-2 S. Vorwort, 20 S. Inhaltsverzeichnis (Heft 1 bis 10)-470 S. Tafeln und Tafelbeschreibungen und 51 S. Supplement-Mit insgesamt 100 größtenteils chromolithographischen Tafeln --- Ernst Haeckel:Kunstformen der NaturMit einem Supplement-Heft: Allgemeine Erläuterung und systematische ÜbersichtUm etwa 10 % gegenüber der Originalausgabe verkleinerte Sonderedition Verlagsfrischer, bibliophil ausgestatteter Faksimile-Reprint:Gedruckt auf einem schönen alterungsbeständigen und säurefreien Werkdruckpapier, das den Originaleindruck am Besten wiedergibtGebunden als robuste Bibliotheksversion in Ganzleinen mit RückenprägungBibliophil ausgestattet mit rundem Rücken und LesebändchenDas dekorative Originaltitelblatt wurde auf dem Vorderdeckel aufgezogen. --- 30,5 x 22,4 cm
From Here to Eternity
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.00 $This study attempts to shed some light on the origin, sources, structure, significance and consequences of the theory of Ernst Haeckel.
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