30 products were found matching your search for herzl in 2 shops:
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.98 $Theodor Herzl was the founder of modern Zionism. His early life, however, gave little inkling of this. Until 1895 he was no more than a 'boulevardier', a moderately successful playwright, and the Paris correspondent for Vienna's leading newspaper, Die Neue Freie Presse. In short, he was an assimilated nineteenth-century Jew. The Dreyfus Affair was to change that. In a feverish, semi-mystical state he wrote a pamphlet The Jewish State: an Attempt at a Modern Solution of the Jewish Question that was to affect the lives of literally millions of people. The claim has been made, with no exaggeration, that it was as important to Zionism as The Communist Manifesto was to socialism: it set in motion the plans that led to the modern state of Israel. From then on Herzl devoted all his energies to his vision of creating an independent, sovereign Jewish state. He travelled back and forth across Europe and the Middle East, negotiating with European rulers, statesmen, financiers, Jewish leaders, and even the Sultan of Turkey. The man who could note with such conviction in his diary that he had founded the 'Jewish State' after organizing and leading the first Zionist congress in 1897 would hardly have been surprised when, fifty years later on 14 May 1948, the State of Israel was proclaimed. Amos Elon's magnificent biography is being reissued to mark the 150th anniversary of Theodor Herzl's birth in 1860. 'A fascinating book ... it has the fascination of a novel on the grand scale.' Arthur Miller, Washington Post 'A skilfully written human look at the man whose life reads like a novel ...' Miami Herald 'A full superb, dramatic biography, rich in big scenes ...' Alfred Kazin, New York Times
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.45 $Theodor Herzl was the founder of modern Zionism. His early life, however, gave little inkling of this. Until 1895 he was no more than a 'boulevardier', a moderately successful playwright, and the Paris correspondent for Vienna's leading newspaper, Die Neue Freie Presse. In short, he was an assimilated nineteenth-century Jew. The Dreyfus Affair was to change that. In a feverish, semi-mystical state he wrote a pamphlet The Jewish State: an Attempt at a Modern Solution of the Jewish Question that was to affect the lives of literally millions of people. The claim has been made, with no exaggeration, that it was as important to Zionism as The Communist Manifesto was to socialism: it set in motion the plans that led to the modern state of Israel. From then on Herzl devoted all his energies to his vision of creating an independent, sovereign Jewish state. He travelled back and forth across Europe and the Middle East, negotiating with European rulers, statesmen, financiers, Jewish leaders, and even the Sultan of Turkey. The man who could note with such conviction in his diary that he had founded the 'Jewish State' after organizing and leading the first Zionist congress in 1897 would hardly have been surprised when, fifty years later on 14 May 1948, the State of Israel was proclaimed. Amos Elon's magnificent biography is being reissued to mark the 150th anniversary of Theodor Herzl's birth in 1860. 'A fascinating book ... it has the fascination of a novel on the grand scale.' Arthur Miller, Washington Post 'A skilfully written human look at the man whose life reads like a novel ...' Miami Herald 'A full superb, dramatic biography, rich in big scenes ...' Alfred Kazin, New York Times
From Herzl to Rabin: The Changing Image of Zionism
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 99.97 $In From Herzl to Rabin, Amnon Rubinstein traces the history of the Israeli state and provides the reader with a fascinating study of Zionism. Moving deftly between the roles of objective historian and persuasive politician, Rubinstein uses his skills to show both the political and religious aspects of Zionism and the attacks on it by the haredim and Post- and anti-Zionists.
Theodor Herzl: From Assimilation to Zionism (Hardback or Cased Book)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.02 $An original and brilliant thesis, exposing a long misunderstood figure. A great book." ―Bernard AvishaiExcellent... a highly revealing portrait that demolishes Herzl-the-icon." ―Michael MarrusOther biographers... have illuminated aspects of [Herzl’s] life, but none has been able to produce the kind of intellectual biography that we have here. Jacques Kornberg has done an admirable job of plumbing the depths of Herzl’s mind to try to come to an understanding of just why he became a Zionist and why he was literally consumed with promoting Zionist goals." ―CitharaWith compassion and critical balance, placing his subject well within his Austrian milieu, Kornberg analyzes Herzl’s rhetoric, tergiversations, and profound ambivalence over his politics and identity."―Choice... a masterful display of the sources... " ―American Historical Review... stimulating, provocative and agreeably iconoclastic... powerful and compelling." ―German HistoryA novel and provocative explanation of Theodor Herzl’s founding of Zionism as a way of resolving his personal crisis over his Jewish identity.
Reading Herzl in Beirut: The PLO Effort to Know the Enemy
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.03 $May have limited writing in cover pages. Pages are unmarked. ~ ThriftBooks: Read More, Spend Less 1.3
Theodor Herzl and the Zionist Dream
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 5.39 $This illustrated biography traces Herzl's life and achievements. The historical background to the writing of "The Jewish State" and the beginnings of political Zionism is examined, particularly his meetings with politicians of the day and his journey to Palestine.
Theodor Herzl: From Assimilation to Zionism (Jewish Literature and Culture)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 55.00 $An original and brilliant thesis, exposing a long misunderstood figure. A great book." ―Bernard AvishaiExcellent... a highly revealing portrait that demolishes Herzl-the-icon." ―Michael MarrusOther biographers... have illuminated aspects of [Herzl’s] life, but none has been able to produce the kind of intellectual biography that we have here. Jacques Kornberg has done an admirable job of plumbing the depths of Herzl’s mind to try to come to an understanding of just why he became a Zionist and why he was literally consumed with promoting Zionist goals." ―CitharaWith compassion and critical balance, placing his subject well within his Austrian milieu, Kornberg analyzes Herzl’s rhetoric, tergiversations, and profound ambivalence over his politics and identity."―Choice... a masterful display of the sources... " ―American Historical Review... stimulating, provocative and agreeably iconoclastic... powerful and compelling." ―German HistoryA novel and provocative explanation of Theodor Herzl’s founding of Zionism as a way of resolving his personal crisis over his Jewish identity.
Theodor Herzl: Excerpts from His Diaries
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.83 $This is a new release of the original 1941 edition.
The Labyrinth of Exile: A Life of Theodor Herzl
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 76.87 $Kafka's biographer resurrects the life story of the founder of one of the most important political movements of the twentieth century, describing how, in his short life, Herzl envisioned Zionism, inspired pride in Jews, and realized his dream
The Story of Israel: From Theodor Herzl to the Roadmap for Peace
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.95 $Just over 100 years ago, Theodor Herzl launched the Zionist movement. Fifty years later, after the Holocaust, the State of Israel came into being, established so that Jews anywhere in the world could have a homeland. Yet in the years since, five wars have tested Israel's ability to survive. Influxes of emigrants added to the country's cultural riches yet strained its social fabric, even as Israel's Arab neighbors sought to redress their own grievances through violence. Now Israel's fascinating story is told by renowned historian Martin Gilbert, enhanced with 15 rare facsimile documents, some of which have never before been published.
The Labyrinth of Exile: A Life of Theodor Herzl
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.23 $"At the age of thirty-five, the fashionable Viennese playwright and journalist Theodor Herzl fantasized about the collective conversion of the Jews in a mass ceremony at the cathedral of St. Stephen. By the time he died, a mere nine years later, he had redefined Jewish identity in terms of a modern secular faith and created a national movement which, within less than half a century, led to the foundation of the Jewish state." So begins Ernst Pawel's remarkable study of Herzl. In The Labyrinth of Exile Pawel restores the vital link between the myth of the founding father of Zionism and the human being and demonstrates that the reality of Herzl's life is much more complicated and far more interesting. Legendary and all too human, Herzl remains one of the emblematic figures of modern times.
Glitter and Gloom/Éclat et obscurité: The Sketchbooks of Herzl Kashetsky/Les cahiers de croquis de Herzl Kasetsky (English and French Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.94 $Kashetsky documents domestic life, street life, urban landscapes, nature, and the stories of Holocaust survivors in his affecting, meditative work.Herzl Kashetsky's rich, multi-layered works are deep explorations of the human condition. His meticulously rendered portraits, still lifes, and landscapes are intense explorations of identity and place.This profusely illustrated book features more than 150 drawings selected from Kashetsky's 119 sketchbooks, ranging from portraits to landscapes, from streetscapes to interiors, from circles to lines to words that fly through the universe.Accompanying the drawings are essays by art writer and Blake critic Allen Bentley about Kashetsky's use of "the bounding line" as an aesthetic instrument for constructing and deconstructing reality, psychiatrist Ivan Silver about the artist's lifelong work depicting human emotion through facial expression and his varied studies of the human form, and former director and curator of the Beaverbrook Art Gallery Terry Graff on Kashetsky's self-portraits as meditations on mortality.
Old New Land Altneuland
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.33 $Old New land, or Altneuland, is a novel written in the early 20th century by Zionism founder, Theodor Herzl. In this utopian novel, Herzl outlines his vision for a Jewish state in the land of Israel. As one of the most important texts in the establishment of Zionistic beliefs, Old New Land is considered to be one of the key texts in its founding. Old New Land is highly recommended for those who are interested in Zionist history and for those who enjoy the writings of Theodor Herzl.
Voice Called (Paperback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.12 $A VOICE CALLED - STORIES OF JEWISH HEROISM is a collection of articles about some of the great Jewish heroes of modern times. The book is a collage of role-models and inspiring makers of Jewish history. The first chapter tells the story of Theodor Herzl, father of modern Zionism, who died at the age of forty-four. He accomplished so much in just a few short years. His story is followed by an array of chapters about unique heroes and heroines including poets and song-writers, spies and underground fighters, soldiers and statesmen, boxers and a basketball player, a religious Christian, an astronaut and many others. The stories are written to shed light on Jewish history and to inspire the reader to live in the present with pride and dignity and to help build a better future. Some of the heroes are famous like Chaim Nachman Bialik, Sarah Aaronsohn, Rachel the Poetess, David Marcus and Menachem Begin. Other chapters deal with little known heroes like Michael Halpern, Manya Shochat and Zivia Lubetkin and then there are the unsung heroes like Michael Levin, Adam Bier, Alex Singer and Brian Bebchick. Readers will meet courageous fighters like Roi Klein and inspiring poets like Naomi Shemer. They will learn about the struggle after 1967 to free Soviet Jews from perspectives on both sides of the Iron Curtain. The book title takes its name from a poem by the great Hebrew poetess and fighting partisan Hannah Senesh who wrote, A voice called and I went . Hannah answered an inner calling when she moved to Israel in 1939 and again when she volunteered to parachute into Nazi occupied Europe to help rescue her Jewish people. She gave her life to light a fire that continues to burn brightly today. The legacy of these inspiring Jewish heroes is one that will remain with the reader for an eternity.
The Jewish State
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.00 $Der Judenstaat (The Jewish State) is a pamphlet written by Theodor Herzl. It is considered one of the most important texts of early Zionism. As expressed in this book, Herzl envisioned the founding of a future independent Jewish state during the 20th century. He argued that the best way to avoid antisemitism in Europe was to create this independent Jewish state.
The Jewish State: An Attempt at a Modern Solution of the Jewish Question
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.08 $The Jewish State was a political pamphlet written by Zionist political theorist and playwright Theodor Herzl, and was originally published in German in February 1896, and in English later that year as translated by Sylvie d'Avigdor. The work outlines a solution for a Jewish state, and is an important text in the early Zionist canon. Wherein he argues that the best way to avoid anti-Semitism in Europe would be to create an independent Jewish state, and he advised that Jews purchase land in Palestine as first steps towards this goal.
The Revival of Israel: Rome and Jerusalem, the Last Nationalist Question
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.00 $Important as the first book to give theoretical expression to Zionism, The Revival of Israel was originally published in 1862. The scholar Melvin I. Urofsky notes that it “laid down nearly all of the premises and proposals” that Theodore Herzl, founder of the modern political Zionist movement, would popularize four decades later. Its author, Moses Hess (1812–1875), was a German socialist who brought his revolutionary zeal to the preaching of Jewish nationalism. The Revival of Israel combines a fervent sense of national destiny with ethical socialism and religious conservatism. Hess believed that Papal Rome represented the source of anti-Semitism and that universal ideals of justice and equality were inherent in the history and aspirations of the Jewish people, who could fulfill their historical promise only in their ancient Holy Land under their own rule. Without spiritual regeneration, Judaism was in danger of becoming nothing more than a creed or cult; too many German Jews had already assimilated. He looked above all to France, home of revolution, to protect the Jews, considering it the “sacred duty of Christians to help” them regain their promised land. Unnoticed at first, The Revival of Israel was later discovered and adopted by the Zionists. What Hess has to say about German anti-Semitism is eerily prescient.
Glitter and Gloom/?clat Et Obscurit?
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.49 $Kashetsky documents domestic life, street life, urban landscapes, nature, and the stories of Holocaust survivors in his affecting, meditative work.Herzl Kashetsky's rich, multi-layered works are deep explorations of the human condition. His meticulously rendered portraits, still lifes, and landscapes are intense explorations of identity and place.This profusely illustrated book features more than 150 drawings selected from Kashetsky's 119 sketchbooks, ranging from portraits to landscapes, from streetscapes to interiors, from circles to lines to words that fly through the universe.Accompanying the drawings are essays by art writer and Blake critic Allen Bentley about Kashetsky's use of "the bounding line" as an aesthetic instrument for constructing and deconstructing reality, psychiatrist Ivan Silver about the artist's lifelong work depicting human emotion through facial expression and his varied studies of the human form, and former director and curator of the Beaverbrook Art Gallery Terry Graff on Kashetsky's self-portraits as meditations on mortality.
Zionism: The Formative Years
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 76.31 $A sequel to The Origins of Zionism, this book traces the emergence of the Zionist movement through which the Jews were reformed as a political people. It concentrates on 1897, when Herzl launched the Zionist movement, and the following decade, which saw the establishment of the movement's main ideas and central institutions, its modes of political, social and economic action and its internal ideological and party political divisions on such issues as religious orthodoxy and socialism.
The Dream of Zion: the Story of the First Zionist Congress
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 50.82 $The Dream of Zion tells the story of the Jewish political effort to restore their ancient nation. At the First Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland, in August 1897 Theodor Herzl convened a remarkable meeting that founded what became the World Zionist Organization, defined the political goals of the movement, adopted a national anthem, created the legal and financial instruments that would lead to statehood, and ushered the reentry of the Jewish people into political history. It was there in Basel that Herzl, the man some praised and some mocked as the new Moses, became the leader. The book provides an overview of the history that led to the Congress, an introduction to key figures in Israeli history, a discussion of the climate at the time for Jews—including the pogroms in Russia—and a discussion of themes that remain relevant today, such as the Christian reaction to the Zionist idea.As political debates continue to swirl around Israel, this book opens a window into its founding.
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