333 products were found matching your search for imbalance in 4 shops:
Biochemical Imbalances in Disease : A Practitioner's Handbook
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 65.21 $Biochemical imbalances caused by nutritional deficiencies are a contributory factor in chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, auto-immune conditions and cancer. This handbook for practitioners explains how to identify and treat such biochemical imbalances in order to better understand and manage a patient's ill-health.The book examines a range of biochemical imbalances, including compromised adrenal or thyroid function, gastro-intestinal imbalances, immune system problems and sex hormone imbalances, and explains how and why such states occur. It pulls together a wide range of evidence to show how such imbalances are involved in the most common chronic diseases. It helps practitioners to understand how to identify the imbalances through appropriate case history taking and laboratory testing, and how to design and implement effective nutritional interventions. Developed by leading academics and practitioners in the fields of nutritional therapy and functional medicine, this evidence-informed approach can be used with all patients who present in clinic, regardless of whether or not they have a 'named medical condition'. In the final chapter, a case example illustrates how to use the theoretical information in the practice of treating patients with chronically compromised health. Biochemical Imbalances in Disease is an essential text for nutritional therapy practitioners, as well as for students, and will be welcomed by complementary and conventional healthcare practitioners alike.
The Chromosomal Imbalance Theory of Cancer
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 211.35 $Exploring the chromosomal imbalance (aneuploidy) theory of cancer, this volume describes how cancer is initiated and why progression takes years to decades. It clarifies why cancer cells often become drug resistant, provides objective, quantitative measures for detecting cancer and monitoring its progression, and suggests non-toxic strategies of cancer therapy and prevention. The book posits that the autocatalyzed progression of aneuploidy is carcinogenesis. The clarity and unifying simplicity of the theory of chromosomal imbalance has the potential to fundamentally alter the course of cancer research, prevention, diagnosis and treatment.
The Chromosomal Imbalance Theory of Cancer
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 210.86 $Exploring the chromosomal imbalance (aneuploidy) theory of cancer, this volume describes how cancer is initiated and why progression takes years to decades. It clarifies why cancer cells often become drug resistant, provides objective, quantitative measures for detecting cancer and monitoring its progression, and suggests non-toxic strategies of cancer therapy and prevention. The book posits that the autocatalyzed progression of aneuploidy is carcinogenesis. The clarity and unifying simplicity of the theory of chromosomal imbalance has the potential to fundamentally alter the course of cancer research, prevention, diagnosis and treatment.
Biochemical Imbalances in Disease: A Practitioner's Handbook
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.38 $Biochemical imbalances caused by nutritional deficiencies are a contributory factor in chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, auto-immune conditions and cancer. This handbook for practitioners explains how to identify and treat such biochemical imbalances in order to better understand and manage a patient's ill-health.The book examines a range of biochemical imbalances, including compromised adrenal or thyroid function, gastro-intestinal imbalances, immune system problems and sex hormone imbalances, and explains how and why such states occur. It pulls together a wide range of evidence to show how such imbalances are involved in the most common chronic diseases. It helps practitioners to understand how to identify the imbalances through appropriate case history taking and laboratory testing, and how to design and implement effective nutritional interventions. Developed by leading academics and practitioners in the fields of nutritional therapy and functional medicine, this evidence-informed approach can be used with all patients who present in clinic, regardless of whether or not they have a 'named medical condition'. In the final chapter, a case example illustrates how to use the theoretical information in the practice of treating patients with chronically compromised health. Biochemical Imbalances in Disease is an essential text for nutritional therapy practitioners, as well as for students, and will be welcomed by complementary and conventional healthcare practitioners alike.
Deadly Imbalances: Tripolarity and Hitler's Strategy of World Conquest
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.86 $Scholars frequently portray World War II as an epic morality play driven by a villain (Hitler) and a sinner (Chamberlain). This book offers a fresh approach, combining both the attributes of states and the structure of the international system to explain the origins and causes of World War II. Central to the analysis is the argument that the structure of the international system was tripolar - with Germany, the Soviet Union and the United States as the three central powers - and not multipolar and that this needs to be considered in any examination of the antecedent causes and crucial events of the war.
An Undetected Acid-Alkaline Imbalance
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 64.37 $An Undetected Acid-Alkaline Imbalance is the first book in North America that details a national undetected acid imbalance. How it is damaging the lymph system (a sewage treatment plant for the body) and their role in disease. The author uses new research to explain the problem and gives Five Steps to A Healthier, Happier Life
Metabolic Imbalances, pH and Ayurveda
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 51.88 $Discusses the 6 metabolic imbalances and how to balance them through food selection. Most people due to genetic inheritance have metabolic imbalances that affect how their body makes energy. By eating the foods that are corrective for their imbalances they can have more energy and better health.
Blame It on the Brain?: Distinguishing Chemical Imbalances, Brain Disorders, and Disobedience
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.25 $Viewing brain problems through the lens of Scripture, Welch distinguishes genuine brain disorders from disorders that may not be rooted in the brain. Understanding that distinction will enable pastors, counselors, families, and other concerned believers to know the extent of a person's responsibility.
Estrogen Dominance: Hormonal Imbalance of the 21st Century
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.26 $Are you a woman? Do you have excess estrogen in your body? Are you bathing in a sea of it? Estrogen Dominance: Hormonal Imbalance of the 21st Century identifies: How every day products used within the household can contribute to excess estrogen in your system; How everyday foods that are chemically enhanced can overload your body with estrogen; How endometriosis, PMS, cancer, fibroids and fibrocystic disease can be symptoms of Estrogen Dominance and How excess estrogen has become the silent killer for women today. Many of the disorders encountered today were unknown and unheard of a mere century ago. Technology, the multitude of new chemicals and other agents of modernization cause a host of illnesses and health problems. Chief among these silent killers is the estrogen hormone when present in excess amounts. Sometimes the danger comes in the guise of useful household products that we buy off the shelf that have chemical structures akin to those of estrogen. Hormone-laced beef and poultry, pesticides, car pollutants and the leftover estrogen from hormone replacement therapy (HRT) are all culprits. You may not have known it but you are bathing in a sea of estrogen and estrogen-like compounds created by our industrial world over the past 100 years. The hormonal imbalance caused by excessive estrogen has brought us a myriad of illnesses including premenstrual syndrome (PMS), premenopausal syndrome, uterine fibroids, breast cysts, endometriosis, and breast cancer. Many women develop the entire series. The list is not exhaustive and these illnesses are not mutually exclusive. Many women develop the entire series—the root cause is the same. It’s time to clear up the misinformation and ignorance. Estrogen Dominance will be your guide. Dr. Michael Lam and Dorine Lam are the authors of numerous best-selling publications, including Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome.
Perils of Dominance: Imbalance of Power and the Road to War in Vietnam
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 36.93 $Perils of Dominance is the first completely new interpretation of how and why the United States went to war in Vietnam. It provides an authoritative challenge to the prevailing explanation that U.S. officials adhered blindly to a Cold War doctrine that loss of Vietnam would cause a "domino effect" leading to communist domination of the area. Gareth Porter presents compelling evidence that U.S. policy decisions on Vietnam from 1954 to mid-1965 were shaped by an overwhelming imbalance of military power favoring the United States over the Soviet Union and China. He demonstrates how the slide into war in Vietnam is relevant to understanding why the United States went to war in Iraq, and why such wars are likely as long as U.S. military power is overwhelmingly dominant in the world. Challenging conventional wisdom about the origins of the war, Porter argues that the main impetus for military intervention in Vietnam came not from presidents Kennedy and Johnson but from high-ranking national security officials in their administrations who were heavily influenced by U.S. dominance over its Cold War foes. Porter argues that presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson were all strongly opposed to sending combat forces to Vietnam, but that both Kennedy and Johnson were strongly pressured by their national security advisers to undertake military intervention. Porter reveals for the first time that Kennedy attempted to open a diplomatic track for peace negotiations with North Vietnam in 1962 but was frustrated by bureaucratic resistance. Significantly revising the historical account of a major turning point, Porter describes how Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara deliberately misled Johnson in the Gulf of Tonkin crisis, effectively taking the decision to bomb North Vietnam out of the president's hands.
Perils of Dominance: Imbalance of Power and the Road to War in Vietnam
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 44.93 $Perils of Dominance is the first completely new interpretation of how and why the United States went to war in Vietnam. It provides an authoritative challenge to the prevailing explanation that U.S. officials adhered blindly to a Cold War doctrine that loss of Vietnam would cause a "domino effect" leading to communist domination of the area. Gareth Porter presents compelling evidence that U.S. policy decisions on Vietnam from 1954 to mid-1965 were shaped by an overwhelming imbalance of military power favoring the United States over the Soviet Union and China. He demonstrates how the slide into war in Vietnam is relevant to understanding why the United States went to war in Iraq, and why such wars are likely as long as U.S. military power is overwhelmingly dominant in the world.Challenging conventional wisdom about the origins of the war, Porter argues that the main impetus for military intervention in Vietnam came not from presidents Kennedy and Johnson but from high-ranking national security officials in their administrations who were heavily influenced by U.S. dominance over its Cold War foes. Porter argues that presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson were all strongly opposed to sending combat forces to Vietnam, but that both Kennedy and Johnson were strongly pressured by their national security advisers to undertake military intervention. Porter reveals for the first time that Kennedy attempted to open a diplomatic track for peace negotiations with North Vietnam in 1962 but was frustrated by bureaucratic resistance. Significantly revising the historical account of a major turning point, Porter describes how Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara deliberately misled Johnson in the Gulf of Tonkin crisis, effectively taking the decision to bomb North Vietnam out of the president's hands.
G7 Current Account Imbalances: Sustainability and Adjustment
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.98 $The current account deficit of the United States is more than six percent of its gross domestic product—an all-time high. And the rest of the world, including other G7 countries such as Japan and Germany, must collectively run current account surpluses to finance this deficit. How long can such unevenness between imports and exports be sustained, and what form might their eventual reconciliation take? Putting forth scenarios ranging from a gradual correction to a crash landing for the dollar, G7 Current Account Imbalances brings together economists from around the globe to consider the origins, status, and future of those disparities. An esteemed group of collaborators here examines the role of the bursting of the dot-com bubble, the history of previous episodes of current account adjustments, and the possibility of the Euro surpassing the dollar as the leading international reserve currency. Though there are areas of broad agreement—that the imbalances will ultimately decline and that currency revaluations will be part of the solution—many areas of contention remain regarding both the dangers of imbalances and the possible forms of adjustment. This volume will be of tremendous value to economists, politicians, and business leaders alike as they look to the future of the G7 economies.
Assessment and Treatment of Muscle Imbalance: The Janda Approach
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.58 $Reading copy. May have signs of wear and previous use scuffs, library copy, highlighting, writing, and underlining . Dust jacket may be missing. 100% GUARANTEE! Shipped with delivery confirmation, if youâre not satisfied with purchase.Ships USPS Media Mail
The Fixed Stars, Health and Behavior Imbalances
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 240.73 $The Fixed Stars Health and Behavior Imbalances Book, Hardcover.
Luis Camnitzer: Towards an Aesthetic of Imbalance [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 44.48 $4to in colour printed stiff card covers, 84pp on stiff art paper, colour plates, etc CONDITION: NEW unread and unmarked copy ] ._ To see more of our Art Monographs etc type DbbARTIST in the Keywords search box._We Ship in PROTECTIVE CARD PARCELS
The Functional Nutrition Cookbook : Addressing Biochemical Imbalances Through Diet
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.25 $This unique cookbook with a CD-ROM of printable recipes looks beyond intervening in the symptoms of health problems and addresses the ways in which diet can be used to help correct underlying imbalances in the body.Dealing with a range of different issues, including gastro-intestinal, immune system and hormone imbalances, this book clearly explains the intricacies of each problem and offers useful tips on how to truly make a difference through diet. The recipes provided for each imbalance are easy to follow and are accompanied by detailed nutritional information. The information throughout the book, including the chapter on healthy ageing, is designed for clients who wish to optimise their health, whether or not they are currently facing health problems.With its focus on a personalised approach to helping people through diet, this book is an invaluable resource for nutritionists, health professionals and their clients.
Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Imbalances: Content Review Plus Practice Questions (Davis's Content Reviews Plus Practice Questions Series)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.46 $Over 600 NCLEX-style questions in the text and online as DavisPlus student content provide... rationales for correct and incorrect answers alternate-format questions test-taking tips Two, 50-item comprehensive NCLEX-style tests online at DavisPlus—a Plus code in the front of each new book unlocks DavisPlus student content—offer you even more opportunities to practice. (Access can also be purchased at DavisPlus.com) “Putting it All Together” case studies at the end of every chapter encourage you to think critically and shows you how to analyze common imbalances and consider the most effective solutions. Content covers the most recent NCLEX-RN® test plan with a focus on medical/surgical nursing, obstetrics, pediatrics, and care of the adult across the life span. Consistent organization for each chapter addresses Causes · Risk Factors · Signs and Symptoms · Interventions · Client Education · Review Questions/Answers/Rationales.
Diagnostic Vestibular Pocket Guide: Evaluation of Dizziness, Vertigo, and Imbalance
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 124.11 $New! This book is in the same immaculate condition as when it was published 0.6
Depression Delusion, Volume One: the Myth of the Brain Chemical Imbalance
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.83 $New Book. Shipped from UK. Established seller since 2000.
Blue Genes: Breaking Free from the Chemical Imbalances That Affect Your Moods, Your Mind, Your Life, And Your Loved Ones
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.15 $Many common psychological problems, such as depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and ADHD, can be linked to chemical imbalances in the brain. Dr. Paul Meier, whose clinic treats thousands of people per week, has written Blue Genes to help find answers for those who struggle. Through fascinating case studies, Dr. Meier shows the dramatic difference counseling and medicine can make. This empowering book addresses how genetics, environment, diet, fitness, and spirituality all affect our minds and our quality of life.
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