10 products were found matching your search for isenheim in 1 shops:
Isenheim Altarpiece : History - Interpretation - Background
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.94 $“It is a well-known fact that The Isenheim Altarpiece has in the past been seen as having central significance as a ‘medium for healing’ by the Antonites. To what extent this function has taken hold again in our ‘modern’ times can be seen not only in the steadily growing numbers of visitors, but also in the fact that this book had to be republished after such a short time.” ―Michael Schubert (preface to 2nd ed.)The Isenheim Altarpiece by Matthias Grünewald is one of the most important and monumental works of Western art. Even today, five hundred years after its completion, it continues to present riddles to its viewers―its origin and creator, as well as its theological and esoteric content and intent. The book offers a systematic and informed introduction to the history, meaning, and background of the altarpiece. Moreover, numerous new interpretations are presented, which elaborate upon and fundamentally alter previous perspectives. Included are more than 200 high-quality color reproductions and in-depth visual analysis.
The Isenheim Altarpiece
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.48 $Former library book; may include library markings. Used book that is in clean, average condition without any missing pages.
The Isenheim Altar: Suffering and Salvation in the Art of Grunewald
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.79 $Grunewald is generally regarded as the greatest painter of the German Renaissance, and his masterpiece, "The Isenheim Altar" in Colmar, as one of the great works of western art. Painted for the Order of Saint Anthony -- a monastic fraternity that cared for the sick and suffering humanity of the time -- Richter explains how the various panels of the altarpiece, and in particular the great central panels of Christ's Crucifixion and Resurrection, need to be seen as a unity that provoked in the observer a profound experience of the meaning of earthly suffering and the power of healing transformation. In an age when illness and disease were still seen as a result of 'the sickness of sin' that had befallen humanity, such a picture has a spiritual therapeutic effect on those exposed to it and gave them an inner strength to endure and triumph over their often painful and difficult destinies.
The Isenheim Altarpiece: God's Medicine and the Painter's Vision (Princeton Essays on the Arts)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 94.19 $Andrée Hayum approaches Matthias Grünewald's Isenheim Altarpiece, now at the Musée d'Unterlinden in Colmar, as a structural and iconographic entity and restores it to its broader cultural context in the early sixteenth century. She interprets the altarpiece in terms of its hospital context, then explores how this polyptych functions as a system of communication, in relation to contemporary sermons and in response to an emerging print culture. The meaning and motivation behind the direct visual appeal of the Isenheim panels are considered within the liturgy and the sacramental economy.
The Isenheim Altarpiece: History - Interpretation - Background
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 51.29 $“It is a well-known fact that The Isenheim Altarpiece has in the past been seen as having central significance as a ‘medium for healing’ by the Antonites. To what extent this function has taken hold again in our ‘modern’ times can be seen not only in the steadily growing numbers of visitors, but also in the fact that this book had to be republished after such a short time.” ―Michael Schubert (preface to 2nd ed.)The Isenheim Altarpiece by Matthias Grünewald is one of the most important and monumental works of Western art. Even today, five hundred years after its completion, it continues to present riddles to its viewers―its origin and creator, as well as its theological and esoteric content and intent. The book offers a systematic and informed introduction to the history, meaning, and background of the altarpiece. Moreover, numerous new interpretations are presented, which elaborate upon and fundamentally alter previous perspectives. Included are more than 200 high-quality color reproductions and in-depth visual analysis.
The Devil at Isenheim: Reflections of Popular Belief in Grünewald's Altarpiece (The Discovery Series)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 130.59 $Matthias Grünwald's world-famous Isenheim Altarpiece ranks among the most powerful expressionistic works of the Northern Renaissance. Characterized by great emotional force, exquisite handling of color and brilliantly interwoven subtleties of Christian iconography, the multi-paneled altarpiece has remained the object of intense scholarly interest and the main attraction of the Musée d'Unterlinden in Colmar, France.Ruth Mellinkoff offers an original analysis of the altarpiece, uncovering the late medieval popular beliefs that underlie its unusual visual content. She places its rich imagery within a tradition of Christian art, and stunningly, discovers Lucifer among the angels observing the Nativity.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 81.00 $Traduzione di A. Bacchetta, Prefazione di Edoardo Villata. Matthias Grünewald è uno dei massimi artisti tedeschi del Rinascimento. Ma ormai lo si deve considerare a livello europeo non inferiore a Rembrandt. Lo stile originale di questo contemporaneo di Dürer e di Holbein, autore del Polittico di Isenheim e disegnatore prodigioso, fa di lui un visionario, le cui composizioni affascineranno gli espressionisti. Le ultime scoperte biografiche permettono di mettere meglio in luce la personalità ancora misteriosa di questo artista che era insieme ingegnere minerario e progettista di fontane, oltre che pittore. In mancanza di prove archivistiche sui suoi eventuali spostamenti, i debiti stilistici e i prestiti iconografici permettono di individuare un dialogo affascinante con le opere di Mantegna e, forse, con l'arte di Leonardo da Vinci, accostamento che sarà oggetto di discussione. Questa originalità e la consapevolezza che ne hanno avuto assai presto i contemporanei costituiscono l'oggetto di un ampio capitolo, parallelamente all'esame della sua opera. La sua tecnica pittorica, fortemente simbolica in quei tempi caratterizzati dall'alchimia, studiata in dettaglio dal Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France (C2RMF), rappresenta l'argomento di un capitolo redatto da uno dei suoi membri. L'ultima parte dell'opera tratta dell'eredità di Grünewald. cm.28,5x33, pp.350, ill.a colori. Collana Illustrati. Arte mondo. Milano, Jaca Book cm.28,5x33, pp.350, ill.a colori. legatura editoriale cartonata, sopracoperta figurata a colori. Collana Illustrati. Arte mondo. legatura editoriale cartonata, sopracoperta figurata a colori.
Matthias Grunewald
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.99 $Famous, above all, for his awe-inspiring Isenheim Altarpiece, Matthias Grunewald was one of the great Renaissance visionaries and has exerted a lasting influence on European painting. This book presents Grunewald's oeuvre from early paintings and drawings through his major masterpieces, the altarpieces in Frankfurt, Isenheim, Aschaffenburg and Mainz up to his last works, and also includes an up-to-date catalogue of paintings and drawings definitively attributed to the artist.Generally regarded as the greatest painter of the German Renaissance and certainly its greatest colourist, Grunewald produced paintings of extraordinary beauty and expressive force. A man of profound religious beliefs, his vision transcended the visible world and led him to paint some of the most moving and memorable images of Christ's Passion in Western art. The Isenheim Altarpiece, which is now housed in the Musee d'Unterlinden in Colmar, France, is widely held to be the single most important work of German Renaissance painting.
Der Isenheimer Altar : Werk und Wirkung
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 51.84 $Neuware - Die Gemälde des Isenheimer Altars gelten als Hauptwerk des Malers Matthias Grünewald und zugleich als eines der Hauptwerke der deutschen Malerei. Grünewald und der Bildschnitzer Niklaus von Hagenau führten den Altar etwa zwischen 1512 und 1516 für das Antoniter-Kloster in Isenheim aus, einem kleinen Dorf in der Nähe von Colmar. Das zunächst für den spezifischen Kontext der Arbeit des Antoniterordens geschaffene exzeptionelle Werk geriet ab der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts in den Blick von Kunsthistorikern und Künstlern und erlebte in der Folge eine stürmische und äußerst fruchtbare Rezeption in der Bildenden Kunst, in der Literatur, in der Publizistik, in der Musik und auch in theologischen Debatten. Die Samstags-Uni Freiburg stellte deshalb den Isenheimer Altar ins Zentrum ihrer zwanzigsten Staffel, und zwar sowohl als für sich stehendes außergewöhnliches Kunstwerk als auch in seiner Wirkung in der Literatur, in der Musik, in der Theologie und natürlich in der Malerei selbst. Das Buch versammelt die Beiträge der Vortragseihe.
Matthias Grunewald
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 95.00 $Famous, above all, for his awe-inspiring Isenheim Altarpiece, Matthias Grunewald was one of the great Renaissance visionaries and has exerted a lasting influence on European painting. This book presents Grunewald's oeuvre from early paintings and drawings through his major masterpieces, the altarpieces in Frankfurt, Isenheim, Aschaffenburg and Mainz up to his last works, and also includes an up-to-date catalogue of paintings and drawings definitively attributed to the artist.Generally regarded as the greatest painter of the German Renaissance and certainly its greatest colourist, Grunewald produced paintings of extraordinary beauty and expressive force. A man of profound religious beliefs, his vision transcended the visible world and led him to paint some of the most moving and memorable images of Christ's Passion in Western art. The Isenheim Altarpiece, which is now housed in the Musee d'Unterlinden in Colmar, France, is widely held to be the single most important work of German Renaissance painting.
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