18 products were found matching your search for jencks in 2 shops:
Late-modern architecture and other essays
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 127.75 $Late-modernism has now become one of the most important contemporary architectural movements, and has provided some of the most stimulating and sophisticated buildings of the 1970s. In this book, Charles Jencks analyses the defining aspects of the style, and discusses in a series of essays the work of its leading exponents in Europe, America and Japan. Profusely illustrated in black and white and in color.
Live in Love
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 29.25 $A powerful and exquisite experience of live kirtan in a 2-CD set, recorded in concert in Portland, Oregon. LIVE in Love offers the live energy of chant, flowing from the sublime to the ecstatic. Shantala is joined by special guests Manose, Jami Sieber,Gina Sala, Joe Jencks,and Talia Toni Marcus. For three days we sang with a loving and vibrant live audience in the sacred space of Portland Insight Meditation Center in Portland, Oregon, in August 2006. The birth of this project was a beautiful con
Story of Post-Modernism : Five Decades of the Ironic, Iconic and Critical in Architecture
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 45.26 $In The Story of Post-Modernism, Charles Jencks, the authority on Post-Modern architecture and culture, provides the defining account of Post-Modern architecture from its earliest roots in the early 60s to the present day. By breaking the narrative into seven distinct chapters, which are both chronological and overlapping, Jencks charts the ebb and flow of the movement, the peaks and troughs of different ideas and themes. The book is highly visual. As well as providing a chronological account of the movement, each chapter also has a special feature on the major works of a given period. The first up-to-date narrative of Post-Modern Architecture - other major books on the subject were written 20 years ago. An accessible narrative that will appeal to students who are new to the subject, as well as those who can remember its heyday in the 70s and 80s.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.98 $The brilliant Charles Jencks turns his laser-like eye on the architecture and urban texture of Los Angeles in the mid 1990's in this facinating book, first published in 1993. Jencks posits Los Angeles as ground zero for heterophilia, the love of the different; he infers from this the idea of hetero-achitecture, an architecture that combines the traditions of Southern California modernism with realities of the new city: the city of immigrants, gangs, fear and riots. Jencks's view is refreshingly sunny.
Enzymatic Reaction Mechanisms
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 212.33 $Books dealing with the mechanisms of enzymatic reactions were written a generation ago. They included volumes entitled Bioorganic Mechanisms, I and II by T.C. Bruice and S.J. Benkovic, published in 1965, the volume entitled Catalysis in Chemistry and Enzymology by W.P. Jencks in 1969, and the volume entitled Enzymatic Reaction Mechanisms by C.T. Walsh in 1979. The Walsh book was based on the course taught by W.P. Jencks and R.H. Abeles at Brandeis University in the 1960's and 1970's. By the late 1970's, much more could be included about the structures of enzymes and the kinetics and mechanisms of enzymatic reactions themselves, and less emphasis was placed on chemical models. Walshs book was widely used in courses on enzymatic mechanisms for many years. Much has happened in the field of mechanistic enzymology in the past 15 to 20 years. Walshs book is both out-of-date and out-of-focus in todays world of enzymatic mechanisms. There is no longer a single volume or a small collection of volumes to which students can be directed to obtain a clear understanding of the state of knowledge regarding the chemicals mechanisms by which enzymes catalyze biological reactions. There is no single volume to which medicinal chemists and biotechnologists can refer on the subject of enzymatic mechanisms. Practitioners in the field have recognized a need for a new book on enzymatic mechanisms for more than ten years, and several, including Walsh, have considered undertaking to modernize Walshs book. However, these good intentions have been abandoned for one reason or another. The great size of the knowledge base in mechanistic enzymology has been a deterrent. It seems too large a subject for a single author, and it is difficult for several authors to coordinate their work to mutual satisfaction. This text by Perry A. Frey and Adrian D. Hegeman accomplishes this feat, producing the long-awaited replacement for Walshs classic text.
The Garden of Cosmic Speculation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 36.84 $Telling the story of one of the most important gardens in Europe, created by the internationally celebrated architectural critic and designer Charles Jencks and his late wife, the landscape architect and author Maggie Keswick, this book looks at The Garden of Cosmic Speculation. It is a landscape that celebrates the new sciences of complexity and chaos theory and consists of a series of metaphors exploring the origins, the destiny and the substance of the Universe. The garden is full of ideas, associations, games and memories; Jencks weaves his personal account of the garden's creation into an investigation into the revelations of recent science, using landscape and design to shed light on the way we can now conceive of the Universe. This book is illustrated with year-round photography, bringing the garden's many dimensions vividly to life.
The Homeless
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.29 $How widespread is homelessness, how did it happen, and what can be done about it? These are the questions explored by Christopher Jencks, America’s foremost analyst of social problems. Jencks examines the standard explanations and finds that the deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill, the invention of crack cocaine, rising joblessness among men, declining marriage rates, cuts in welfare benefits, and the destruction of skid row have all played a role. Changes in the housing market have had less impact than many claim, however, and real federal housing subsidies actually doubled during the 1980s. Not confining his mission to studying the homeless, Jencks proposes several practical approaches to helping the homeless.
Who Gets Ahead
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 101.14 $Drawing on the results of eleven surveys, Jencks establishes a direct relationship between economic success and an individual's family background, academic ability, personality, and schooling
Post-Modernism & Discontinuity (Architectural Design 65) [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.00 $First edition. Quarto wrappers. 80pp. Top corner creased on front wrapper, corners rubbed, very good. Part of Architectural Design Volume 57 1/2, 1987. Jeremy Dixon, James Stirling, Leon Krier, Terry Farrell, James Gowan, and Charles Jencks.
The Architecture of the Jumping Universe: A Polemic: How Complexity Science is Changing Architecture and Culture
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 83.14 $Charles Jencks has the uncanny capacity to announce a new movement in architecture before it has begun. With Post-Modernism, he was looking to the past. Now, for the first time, with his new book on morphogenesis he is taking a look at the future. There is no question that his argument will have an important critical effect on architecture at the beginning of the new millennium. Peter Eisenman. Architect A new paradigm is sweeping through science, changing both our view of the universe and of mankind. Charles Jencks is one of a handful of thinkers with the courage to embrace the emerging paradigm and interpret it architecturally. This inspired synthesis of art, design, science and philosophy charts a bold new course not only for architecture, but for Post-Modern thought. Paul Davies, Professor of Natural Philosophy, University of Adelaide, author of The Cosmic Blueprint, Superforce, The Mind of God and other books on contemporary science. Who else could have written a book that opens up such cosmic perspectives and still make such neat, sharply focused comments on particular architects and particular styles of architecture? Who else could range with such zest, ease and elegance from Chaos to Bruce Goff, from Coleridge to Frank Gehry, from Complexity Theory to Green Buildings? The old question of in which style should we build can never be addressed in the same way again. Charles Jencks has brought purpose back into architecture. His teleology may transcend what architects are used to, but Jencks manages to make far more sense out of our contemporary architectural dilemmas than practically all the other books in the RIBA book shop. Francis Duffy, Chairman of DEGW International Ltd
Open Hand: Essays on Le Corbusier [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.00 $The fourteen essays are by Russell Walden, Paul Turner, Patricia Sekler, Maurice Favre, Brian Taylor, Charles Jencks, Anthony Sutcliffe, Robert Fishman, Martin Purdy, John Winter, Maxwell Fry, Jane Drew, Madhu Sarin, and Stanislaus von Moos.
Modern Movements in Architecture
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 102.15 $Jencks, Charles, Modern Movements in Architecture
The Iconic Building
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.97 $Charles Jencks, the leading architectural critic and writer, takes on "trendiness" in architecture: namely the rise of the "iconic building," instantly famous and distinctively recognizable structures like Norman Foster's "Gherkin" in London or Daniel Libeskind's Ground Zero designs in New York. Although there have always been buildings built to be instant icons such as palaces and cathedrals, Jencks sees this latest trend as being fueled by the real estate industry's thirst for profit and architects' outsize egos. Since the debut of Gehry's Guggenheim Bilbao, a roster of international architects has created iconic buildings that court publicity and controversy in equal measure. Some iconic buildings are successful creations that fulfill their contradictory requirements, while others make the public and the critics wince. In addition to Foster, Gehry and Libeskind, Jencks also discusses recent works by Peter Eisenman, Zaha Hadid, Rem Koolhaas, and Renzo Piano.Anyone interested in contemporary architecture and the direction of urban design will be interested in Jencks' witty, irreverent and sympathetic insights into how buildings can become good architecture that enhances the cityscape-and are truly iconic.
Late-Modern Architecture and Other Essays
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.66 $Late-modernism has now become one of the most important contemporary architectural movements, and has provided some of the most stimulating and sophisticated buildings of the 1970s. In this book, Charles Jencks analyses the defining aspects of the style, and discusses in a series of essays the work of its leading exponents in Europe, America and Japan. Profusely illustrated in black and white and in color.
Adhocism: The Case for Improvisation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 45.29 $When this book first appeared in 1972, it was part of the spirit that would define a new architecture and design era--a new way of thinking ready to move beyond the purist doctrines and formal models of modernism. Charles Jencks and Nathan Silver's book was a manifesto for a generation that took pleasure in doing things ad hoc, using materials at hand to solve real-world problems. The implications were subversive. Turned-off citizens of the 1970s immediately adopted the book as a DIY guide. The word "adhocism" entered the vocabulary, the concept of adhocism became part of the designer's toolkit, and Adhocism became a cult classic. Now Adhocism is available again, with new texts by Jencks and Silver reflecting on the past forty years of adhocism and new illustrations demonstrating adhocism's continuing relevance. Adhocism has always been around. (Think Robinson Crusoe, making a raft and then a shelter from the wreck of his ship.) As a design principle, adhocism starts with everyday improvisations: a bottle as a candleholder, a dictionary as a doorstop, a tractor seat on wheels as a dining room chair. But it is also an undeveloped force within the way we approach almost every activity, from play to architecture to city planning to political revolution. Engagingly written, filled with pictures and examples from areas as diverse as auto mechanics and biology, Adhocism urges us to pay less attention to the rulebook and more to the real principle of how we actually do things. It declares that problems are not necessarily solved in a genius's "eureka!" moment but by trial and error, adjustment and readjustment.
The Architecture of the Jumping
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 97.63 $This text discusses the basic ideas of complexity and chaos theories and presents many examples of architecture based on these ideas in the work of leading architects - Peter Eisenman, Frank Gehry, Renzo Piano, Charles Correa and Itsuko Hasegawa - along with ecological and organic designs. Charles Jenck's own recent work is used to illustrate concepts in physics and an architecture based on waves and twists. This work both advocates and criticizes as it seeks to define a new direction for the contemporary arts.
Enzymatic Reaction Mechanisms
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 394.87 $Books dealing with the mechanisms of enzymatic reactions were written a generation ago. They included volumes entitled Bioorganic Mechanisms, I and II by T.C. Bruice and S.J. Benkovic, published in 1965, the volume entitled Catalysis in Chemistry and Enzymology by W.P. Jencks in 1969, and the volume entitled Enzymatic Reaction Mechanisms by C.T. Walsh in 1979. The Walsh book was based on the course taught by W.P. Jencks and R.H. Abeles at Brandeis University in the 1960's and 1970's. By the late 1970's, much more could be included about the structures of enzymes and the kinetics and mechanisms of enzymatic reactions themselves, and less emphasis was placed on chemical models. Walshs book was widely used in courses on enzymatic mechanisms for many years. Much has happened in the field of mechanistic enzymology in the past 15 to 20 years. Walshs book is both out-of-date and out-of-focus in todays world of enzymatic mechanisms. There is no longer a single volume or a small collection of volumes to which students can be directed to obtain a clear understanding of the state of knowledge regarding the chemicals mechanisms by which enzymes catalyze biological reactions. There is no single volume to which medicinal chemists and biotechnologists can refer on the subject of enzymatic mechanisms. Practitioners in the field have recognized a need for a new book on enzymatic mechanisms for more than ten years, and several, including Walsh, have considered undertaking to modernize Walshs book. However, these good intentions have been abandoned for one reason or another. The great size of the knowledge base in mechanistic enzymology has been a deterrent. It seems too large a subject for a single author, and it is difficult for several authors to coordinate their work to mutual satisfaction. This text by Perry A. Frey and Adrian D. Hegeman accomplishes this feat, producing the long-awaited replacement for Walshs classic text.
Some Part of the Truth
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 23.02 $ (+1.99 $)Brother Sun's debut CD announced to the world that three respected singer-songwriters - Greg Greenway, Joe Jencks, and Pat Wictor - had banded together to produce some of the most powerful male harmonies on the acoustic music scene. After two years of nationwide touring and performances marked by outstanding songwriting, ethereal harmonies, off-the-cuff humor, and standing ovations, they are releasing Some Part of the Truth - a CD that goes a large step further in revealing Brother Sun not only
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