9 products were found matching your search for labat in 2 shops:
The Memoirs of Pere Labat, 1693-1705: First English Translation (Library of African Study)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 149.02 $During his stay in the West Indies as a Dominican missionary, pere Labat was able to observe buccaneers and their ships. His adventures in this turbulent period are varied, but it is in the descriptions of the lives of the different races that the value of his memoirs resides.
The Memoirs of Pere Labat, 1693-1705: First English Translation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.00 $During his stay in the West Indies as a Dominican missionary, pere Labat was able to observe buccaneers and their ships. His adventures in this turbulent period are varied, but it is in the descriptions of the lives of the different races that the value of his memoirs resides.
Rue Ordener, Rue Labat (Stages)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.52 $Rue Ordener, Rue Labat is a moving memoir by the distinguished French philosopher Sarah Kofman. It opens with the horrifying moment in July 1942 when the author’s father, the rabbi of a small synagogue, was dragged by police from the family home on Rue Ordener in Paris, then transported to Auschwitz—“the place,” writes Kofman, “where no eternal rest would or could ever be granted.” It ends in the mid-1950s, when Kofman enrolled at the Sorbonne.The book is as eloquent as it is forthright. Kofman recalls her father and family in the years before the war, then turns to the terrors and confusions of her own childhood in Paris during the German occupation. Not long after her father’s disappearance, Kofman and her mother took refuge in the apartment of a Christian woman on Rue Labat, where they remained until the Liberation. This bold woman, whom Kofman called Mémé, undoubtedly saved the young girl and her mother from the death camps. But Kofman’s close attachment to Mémé also resulted in a rupture between mother and child that was never to be fully healed.This slender volume is distinguished by the author’s clear prose, the carefully recounted horrors of her childhood, and the uncommon poise that came to her only with the passage of many years.
Song That I Am : On the Mystery of Music
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 36.26 $The Song That I Am: On the Mystery of Music is a short but full-to-the-brim essay on the decisive role that great music (whether Bach, Tavener, or Gregorian chant) ought to play in the spiritual life. With admirable restraint Élisabeth-Paule Labat shares her interior experience of music and thus continually opens up fresh vistas through worlds of sound and spirit. With her uncanny gift of language, Labat precisely describes soundings and yearnings of the soul that many of us glimpse fleetingly. Because "only the lover sings" (St. Augustine), her final illumination is that the experience of profound music ought to transform us into the beauty that we hear.
manuel d'épigraphie akkadienne. signes, syllabaire, idéogrammes.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.52 $quart paperback. tres bon - sehr gut. ungelesen: hellbraune, illustriete original-broschur, 246 seiten mit zwei karten im anhang, sauber einfoliert / non lu : brochage original brun clair, illustré, 246 pages avec deux cartes en annexe, proprement relié; revu et augmenté par florence malbran-labat
Lettres en akkadien de la Maison d'Urtenu. Fouilles de 1994
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 98.00 $English summary: This book continues the publication of the tablets from the house conventionally designated as Maison d'Urtenu. Sylvie Lackenbacher and Florence Malbran-Labat deliver here the editio princeps of 130 letters in Akkadian discovered during the 1994 campaigns. This exceptional correspondence, dated from the reigns of the last two kings of Ugarit, traditionally Niqmaddu III and Ammurapi, sheds light on a crucial moment that has, until now, been poorly documented. French description: Apres les volumes RSO VII, RSO XIV et RSO XVIII, cet ouvrage continue la publication des tablettes de la maison designee conventionnellement comme Maison d'Urtenu, dont les vestiges ont ete degages sur le tell de Ras Shamra - Ougarit de 1986 a 2002. Sylvie Lackenbacher et Florence Malbran-Labat livrent ici l'editio princeps de 130 lettres en akkadien decouvertes au cours de la campagne de 1994, lettres dont le nombre, la provenance et les sujets confirment qu'il ne s'agit pas des archives du personnage qui a donne son nom a la maison. La plupart des lettres sont adressees au roi d'Ougarit, a la reine et au prefet, et quel qu'ait ete le principal occupant de cette grande demeure, il est clair qu'il avait des liens etroits avec le pouvoir royal. Presque toutes proviennent de l'etranger - embrassant un vaste horizon, presque tout le Proche-Orient du temps -, expediees soit depuis les cours amies, soit par des Ougaritains etablis ou envoyes en mission a l'etranger. Cette correspondance exceptionnelle, datee des regnes des deux derniers rois d'Ougarit, traditionnellement Niqmaddu III et Ammurapi, nous eclaire sur un moment capital mais mal documente, la fin du Bronze recent, juste avant les evenements qui allaient bouleverser le Proche-Orient.
Fake Memories
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 31.98 $French producer Lb Aka Labat returns with a new LP named Fake Memories on his own label, Allah Records. He surprises with some more hip-hop and R'n'B music, liberating his love for jazz rhythms and harmonics. Known for his talent at playing with samples, this new Fake Memories expresses his actual potential, offering a large use of instrumental stuff: violin and piano chords, guitar riffs, and more. Together with delicate voices that balance with the old school drums and procure gentleness to t
Lettres En Akkadien De La Maison D'urtenu Fouilles De 1994 -Language: french
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 136.88 $English summary: This book continues the publication of the tablets from the house conventionally designated as Maison d'Urtenu. Sylvie Lackenbacher and Florence Malbran-Labat deliver here the editio princeps of 130 letters in Akkadian discovered during the 1994 campaigns. This exceptional correspondence, dated from the reigns of the last two kings of Ugarit, traditionally Niqmaddu III and Ammurapi, sheds light on a crucial moment that has, until now, been poorly documented. French description: Apres les volumes RSO VII, RSO XIV et RSO XVIII, cet ouvrage continue la publication des tablettes de la maison designee conventionnellement comme Maison d'Urtenu, dont les vestiges ont ete degages sur le tell de Ras Shamra - Ougarit de 1986 a 2002. Sylvie Lackenbacher et Florence Malbran-Labat livrent ici l'editio princeps de 130 lettres en akkadien decouvertes au cours de la campagne de 1994, lettres dont le nombre, la provenance et les sujets confirment qu'il ne s'agit pas des archives du personnage qui a donne son nom a la maison. La plupart des lettres sont adressees au roi d'Ougarit, a la reine et au prefet, et quel qu'ait ete le principal occupant de cette grande demeure, il est clair qu'il avait des liens etroits avec le pouvoir royal. Presque toutes proviennent de l'etranger - embrassant un vaste horizon, presque tout le Proche-Orient du temps -, expediees soit depuis les cours amies, soit par des Ougaritains etablis ou envoyes en mission a l'etranger. Cette correspondance exceptionnelle, datee des regnes des deux derniers rois d'Ougarit, traditionnellement Niqmaddu III et Ammurapi, nous eclaire sur un moment capital mais mal documente, la fin du Bronze recent, juste avant les evenements qui allaient bouleverser le Proche-Orient.
Song That I Am : On the Mystery of Music
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.34 $The Song That I Am: On the Mystery of Music is a short but full-to-the-brim essay on the decisive role that great music (whether Bach, Tavener, or Gregorian chant) ought to play in the spiritual life. With admirable restraint Élisabeth-Paule Labat shares her interior experience of music and thus continually opens up fresh vistas through worlds of sound and spirit. With her uncanny gift of language, Labat precisely describes soundings and yearnings of the soul that many of us glimpse fleetingly. Because "only the lover sings" (St. Augustine), her final illumination is that the experience of profound music ought to transform us into the beauty that we hear.
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