7 products were found matching your search for magicae in 2 shops:
Papyri Graecae magicae / Die griechischen Zauberpapyri. Band I
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 174.91 $The series was founded in 1896. it is dedicated to rare Greek and Latin texts together with translations and commentaries, as well as detailed introductions, so rendering them more accessible to a broader readership. Since 2000 the series has concentrated on "Homer's Iliad. A full commentary", presenting the text of the Iliad (by M. L. West), a translation (by J. Latacz) and a commentary in German. Since January 2007, the series is being published by de Gruyter. For backlist titles please visit http://www.saur.de/index.cfm?lang=EN&ID=0000007757 .
Papyri Copticae Magicae : Coptic Magical Texts: Formularies
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 136.16 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Papyri Graecae Magicae : Die Griechischen Zauberpapryi
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 221.34 $The series was founded in 1896. it is dedicated to rare Greek and Latin texts together with translations and commentaries, as well as detailed introductions, so rendering them more accessible to a broader readership. Since 2000 the series has concentrated on "Homer's Iliad. A full commentary", presenting the text of the Iliad (by M. L. West), a translation (by J. Latacz) and a commentary in German. Since January 2007, the series is being published by de Gruyter. For backlist titles please visit http://www.saur.de/index.cfm?lang=EN&ID=0000007757 .
Vitalsource Technologies, Inc. Papyri Copticae Magicae
Vendor: Textbooks.com Price: 137.99 $A digital copy of "Papyri Copticae Magicae" by Korshi Dosoo; Markéta Preininger. Download is immediately available upon purchase!
Svod svyaschennoy magii. Summa Sacrae Magicae
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 135.59 $Pages: 316 Language: Russian. Istorija znaet mnozhestvo grimuarov. Malenkie i bolshie, neizvestnykh i izvestnykh avtorov (i voobsche bez avtorstva), originalnye i neoriginalnye. Davno uzhe, kazalos by, najdeny vse manuskripty, sostavleny vse na svete "10 samykh izvestnykh misticheskikh tekstov" i bolshaja chast etogo nasledija perevedena na vsevozmozhnye jazyki. Kniga, kotoruju my khotim vam predstavit, byla najdena sravnitelno nedavno, vsego lish v nachale XXI veka. No tsennost ee dlja sovremennykh praktikov v chastnosti i obschego okkultnogo techenija v tselom nichut ne umaljaetsja, a informatsija o ee suschestvovanii byla izvestna zadolgo do fakticheskogo nakhozhdenija. "Svod svjaschennoj magii", ili Summa sacrae magicae, ili SMM, predstavljaet soboj masshtabnyj trud nekogo Berengarius Ganellus, Berengarija Ganella. God napisanija (ili, vernee, god izdanija) - 1346 ot R.Kh. V originalnoj rukopisi soderzhitsja porjadka 300 listov, posvjaschennykh kolossalnogo obema obzoru magicheskikh praktik. Pochemu "Svod svjaschennoj magii" tak vazhen v kontekste grimuarnoj traditsii? Vse prosto. Bolshaja chast grimuarov, praktik, ritualov, molitv, vozzvanij i prochikh neotemlemykh detalej zapadnoj traditsii, izvestnykh sejchas, javljajutsja sledstviem etoj knigi. Po suti, prodelannaja Berengariem Ganellom rabota po sopostavleniju i obzoru "magii proshlogo" i "magii nastojaschego" obespechila interesujuschikhsja materialom i znanijami na veka vpered. Summa Sacrae Magicae javljaetsja svoego roda propuschennoj stupenju mezhdu "Pikatriksom" (X v.) i "Magiej Arbatelja", takzhe izvestnoj pod nazvaniem "Okkultnaja filosofija" (XVI v). V dannoj knige predstavleny pervaja i vtoraja kniga iz pjati. 9785604235911
Martin Delrio: Scholarship and DemonoMachielsen, Jan
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 656.76 $If the Jesuit Martin Delrio (1551-1608) is remembered at all today, it is for his Disquisitiones magicae (1599-1600), a voluminous tome on witchcraft and superstition which was reprinted numerous times until 1755. The present volume recovers the lost world of Delrio's wider scholarship. Delrio emerges here as a figure of considerable interest not only to historians of witchcraft but to the broader fields of early modern cultural, religious and intellectual history as well. As the editor of classical texts, notably Senecan tragedy, Delrio had a number of important philological achievements to his name. A friend of the Flemish philosopher Justus Lipsius (1547-1606) and an enemy of the Huguenot scholar Joseph Scaliger (1540-1609), he played an important part in the Republic of Letters and the confessional polemics of his day. Delrio's publications after his admission to the Society of Jesus (the Disquisitiones included) marked a significant contribution to the intellectual culture of the Counter-Reformation. Catholic contemporaries accordingly rated him highly, but later generations proved less kind.As attitudes towards witchcraft changed, the context in which the Disquisitiones first emerged disappeared from view and its author became a byword for credulity and cruelty. Recovering this background throws important new light on a period in history when the worlds of humanism and Catholic Reform collided. In an important chapter, the book demonstrates that demonology, in Delrio's hands, was a textual science, an insight that sheds new light on the way witchcraft was believed in. At the same time, the book also develops a wider argument about the significance of Delrio's writings, arguing that the Counter-Reformation can also be seen as a textual project and Delrio's contribution to it as the product of a mindset forged in its fragile borderlands.
Martin Delrio: Demonology and Scholarship in the Counter-Reformation (British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship Monographs) (eng)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 150.54 $If the Jesuit Martin Delrio (1551-1608) is remembered at all today, it is for his Disquisitiones magicae (1599-1600), a voluminous tome on witchcraft and superstition which was reprinted numerous times until 1755. The present volume recovers the lost world of Delrio's wider scholarship. Delrio emerges here as a figure of considerable interest not only to historians of witchcraft but to the broader fields of early modern cultural, religious and intellectual history as well. As the editor of classical texts, notably Senecan tragedy, Delrio had a number of important philological achievements to his name. A friend of the Flemish philosopher Justus Lipsius (1547-1606) and an enemy of the Huguenot scholar Joseph Scaliger (1540-1609), he played an important part in the Republic of Letters and the confessional polemics of his day. Delrio's publications after his admission to the Society of Jesus (the Disquisitiones included) marked a significant contribution to the intellectual culture of the Counter-Reformation. Catholic contemporaries accordingly rated him highly, but later generations proved less kind.As attitudes towards witchcraft changed, the context in which the Disquisitiones first emerged disappeared from view and its author became a byword for credulity and cruelty. Recovering this background throws important new light on a period in history when the worlds of humanism and Catholic Reform collided. In an important chapter, the book demonstrates that demonology, in Delrio's hands, was a textual science, an insight that sheds new light on the way witchcraft was believed in. At the same time, the book also develops a wider argument about the significance of Delrio's writings, arguing that the Counter-Reformation can also be seen as a textual project and Delrio's contribution to it as the product of a mindset forged in its fragile borderlands.
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