77 products were found matching your search for mcluhan in 2 shops:
McLuhan and Baudrillard : The Masters of Implosion
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 59.67 $Gary Genosko's timely study traces McLuhan's influence on the work of Jean Baudrillard, arguing that McLuhan's ideas have been far more influential than hitherto imagined in the development of postmodern theory. Genosko explores how McLuhan's ideas persist and are distorted through Baudrillard's work. He argues that it is through Baudrillard's influence that McLuhanism has had its greatest impact on contemporary cultural thought and practice.
McLuhan for Beginners (Writers and Readers Documentary Comic Book, 82)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 78.76 $A documentary comic book profiles the thoughts of Marshall McLuhan, the media studies pioneer who coined such phrases as "The medium is the message" and "The global village"
Marshall McLuhan: The Man and His Message
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 106.83 $This is the story of the godfather of the Internet.
Marshall McLuhan: You Know Nothing of My Work!
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.31 $A crackling look at the philosopher whose founding ideas were at once obscure and eerily prophetic.Marshall McLuhan, the celebrated social theorist who defined the culture of the 1960s, is remembered now primarily for the aphoristic slogan he coined to explain the emerging new world of global communication: “The medium is the message.” Half a century later, McLuhan’s predictions about the end of print culture and the rise of “electronic inter-dependence” have become a reality—in a sense, the reality—of our time. Douglas Coupland, whose iconic novel Generation X was a “McLuhanesque” account of our culture in fictional form, has written a compact biography of the cultural critic that interprets the life and work of his subject from inside. A fellow Canadian, a master of creative sociology, a writer who supplied a defining term, Coupland is the ideal chronicler of the uncanny prophet whose vision of the global village—now known as the Internet—has come to pass in the 21st century.
Marshall Mcluhan: Escape Into Understanding: The Authorized Biography
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 76.69 $Traces the life of the "media guru," contrasts his academic life in Toronto with the glitzy world of New York media, and examines the major themes of his writings
Marshall McLuhan Understanding
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 43.33 $When first published, Marshall McLuhans Understanding Media made history with its radical view of the effects of electronic communications upon man and life in the twentieth century. This edition of McLuhans best-known book both enhances its accessibility to a general audience and provides the full critical apparatus necessary for scholars. This critical edition makes available for the first time the core of the research project that spawned the book.
Digital McLuhan : A Guide to the Information Millenium
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 60.89 $Marshall McLuhan died on the last day of 1980, on the doorstep of the personal computer revolution. Yet McLuhan's ideas anticipated a world of media in motion, and its impact on our lives on the dawn of the new millennium.Paul Levinson examines why McLuhan's theories about media are more important to us today than when they were first written, and why the Wired generation is now turning to McLuhan's work to understand the global village in the digital age.
Marshall Mcluhan: Escape Into Understanding: The Authorized Biography
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 8.35 $The originator of such widely used phrases as the global village” and the medium is the message,” Marshall McLuhan the prescient media guru is finally, attracting the critical attention he deserves. In the 1960s McLuhan blazed the intellectual territory which we are only coming to grips with today. This couldn't be a better time for a readable, full-scale treatment of his writings, a book that reflects the range and depth of his thought accurately and accessibly. Marshall McLuhan: Escape into Understanding fills this gap.W. Terrence Gordon traces McLuhan's beginnings in the prairie city of Edmonton, Alberta, through his education at Cambridge and teaching in America to his startling breakthroughs in communication while at the University of Toronto. McLuhan's central place in the ferment of the 1960s is evocatively drawn and the formation of his most brilliant insights into the media are clearly explained. This is the first book to mine McLuhan's extensive personal and public writings journal entries; correspondence with family and luminaries such as Ezra Pound, Wyndham Lewis, Peter Drucker, and Clare Boothe Luce; manuscript notes and files; and all of his publications to bring us an authoritative, well-rounded, and passionate portrait of one of the twentieth century's greatest thinkers.Written in the best tradition of intellectual biography, Marshall McLuhan: Escape into Understanding will infect readers with the vitality of McLuhan's ideas, drawing them into his mind and leaving them with an indelible image of the warm, whimsical, spiritual man whose playful conceptual explorations revolutionized the way we see the world.
Marshall McLuhan: You Know Nothing of My Work!
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 119.07 $A crackling look at the philosopher whose founding ideas were at once obscure and eerily prophetic.Marshall McLuhan, the celebrated social theorist who defined the culture of the 1960s, is remembered now primarily for the aphoristic slogan he coined to explain the emerging new world of global communication: “The medium is the message.” Half a century later, McLuhan’s predictions about the end of print culture and the rise of “electronic inter-dependence” have become a reality—in a sense, the reality—of our time. Douglas Coupland, whose iconic novel Generation X was a “McLuhanesque” account of our culture in fictional form, has written a compact biography of the cultural critic that interprets the life and work of his subject from inside. A fellow Canadian, a master of creative sociology, a writer who supplied a defining term, Coupland is the ideal chronicler of the uncanny prophet whose vision of the global village—now known as the Internet—has come to pass in the 21st century.
Digital McLuhan: A Guide to the Information Millennium
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 62.85 $Marshall McLuhan died on the last day of 1980, on the doorstep of the personal computer revolution. Yet McLuhan's ideas anticipated a world of media in motion, and its impact on our lives on the dawn of the new millennium.Paul Levinson examines why McLuhan's theories about media are more important to us today than when they were first written, and why the Wired generation is now turning to McLuhan's work to understand the global village in the digital age.
The Essential McLuhan
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.52 $Marshall McLuhan's insights are fresher and more applicable today than when he first announced them to a startled world. A whole new generation is turning to his work to understand a global village made real by the information superhighway and the overwhelming challenge of electronic transformation. Before anyone could perceive the electric form of the information revolution, McLuhan was publishing brilliant explanations of the perceptual changes being experienced by the users of mass media. He seemed futuristic to some and an enemy of print and literacy to others. He was, in reality, a deeply literate man of astonishing prescience. Tom Wolfe suggested aloud that McLuhan's work was as important culturally as that of Darwin or Freud. Agreement and scoffing ensued. Increasingly Wolfe's wonder seems justified.”From the IntroductionHere in one volume, are McLuhan's key ideas, drawn from his books, articles, correspondence, and published speeches. This book is the essential archive of his constantly surprising vision.
Marshall McLuhan: The Medium and the Messenger
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.06 $The life of the famed media guru is explored in a biography depicting his quiet university life in Toronto, as well as the glitzy world of New York media and advertising executives of which he was a part
Marshall McLuhan's Critical Writing : A History
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.98 $In 1988 Orest Subtelny's Ukraine was published to international acclaim, as the definitive history of what was at the time a state within the USSR. In the years since we have seen the dismantling of the Soviet bloc and the restoration of Ukraine's independence - a time of celebration for Ukrainians throughout the world, and of tumultuous change for those in the homeland.With this new edition of Ukraine: A History, Subtelny revises the story up to the spring of 2000. A new chapter focuses on the achievements and failures of the new state and society in international affairs, internal politics, and economic and social development.
Marshall McLuhan: On the Nature of Media: Essays, 1952 - 1978
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.91 $Media studies has been catching up with McLuhan over the last 50 years. These essays are drawn from themost productive quarter-century of his career (1952-1978), anddemonstrate his abiding interest in the materiality of mediation, from comic books to fashion, from technology to biology.Anchoring these essays are four meditations on the work of hisgreat predecessor, Harold adams innis, who first proposed thecentrality of mediation to every facet of our daily lives. McLuhan took this task literally; rejecting the specialist approachof academic study, he published in mainstream magazinessuch as Look and Harpers Bazaar on topics such as sexualityand the fashion industry, in each case bringing to these topics insights that remain startlinglyfresh. The essays offer a rare glimpse into a great mind as it works out the implications of theeffects of media not only on what we know but on how we are coming to understand our being.
Essential Mcluhan
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 54.14 $Essential McLuhan brings together in one concise volume key writings by Marshall McLuhan, the hugely influential guru of the mass media. Today, in a communications environment transformed by the rapid spread of electronic media, McLuhan's insights are fresher and more applicable today than when he first announced them to a startled world in the 1960s. A whole new generation is turning to his work to understand a global village made real by the coming of the information superhighway.This comprehensive collection includes extracts from McLuhan's famous books Understanding Media and The Gutenberg Galaxy, as well as selections from his other books, articles, correspondence, interviews and published speeches. There is also a 'sourcebook' of key quotations drawn from the whole body of McLuhan's work, and a full bibliography of writings by and about McLuhan.
Letters of Marshall McLuhan
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.37 $Coiner of the famous phrase "the medium is the message" and author of two widely read, controversial volumes--The Guttenberg Galaxy and Understanding Media--Marshall McLuhan was one of the most talked about personalities of the 1960s. He appeared on the cover of Newsweek and The Saturday Review, was written about in Time, Life, The Nation, The New Yorker, and The National Review, was the subject of an hour-long documentary on NBC, and had an unforgettable walk-on role in Woody Allen's Annie Hall, playing himself. A seminal thinker, he introduced popular culture as a subject for serious thought, and started people thinking about how technology--especially electronic media--shapes the way we perceive the world. McLuhan corresponded with a vast number of people, from Hubert Humphrey and Jimmy Carter to popular advice columnist Ann Landers. Indeed, his correspondents amount to a Who's Who of western culture, both high and low, including Duke Ellington, Woody Allen, Jacques Maritain, Rollo May, Susan Sontag, Eugene Ionesco, Wyndham Lewis, Ezra Pound, and Bob Newhart. At times playful and at times profound, his letters offer an invaluable commentary on McLuhan's work and, in some instances, the most lucid and detailed explanation of his ideas available. A brilliant letter-writer and a genial man who made friends all over the world, Marshall McLuhan left behind a correspondence that brims with insight, good humor, and the love of language and word play. His letters offer an invaluable glimpse of the private life and inner thoughts of one of the great minds of the twentieth century.
The Virtual Marshall McLuhan
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 11.25 $Donald Theall explores and explains the significance of the emergence of McLuhan as an important figure in North America in the development of an understanding of culture, communication, and technology. He reveals important information about McLuhan and his relationships with his earliest collaborator and life-long friend, anthropologist Edmund Carpenter, as well as with Theall himself, McLuhan's first doctoral student. McLuhan emerges as a complex human being, at once attractive, witty, egotistic, and exasperating. Theall examines McLuhan's many roles - proponent of a poetic method; pop guru adopted by Tom Wolfe, Woody Allen and others; North American precursor of French theory (Baudrillard, Barthes, Derrida, Deleuze); artist; and shaman. Complex and intellectual, neither uncritical adulation nor demonization, The Virtual Marshall McLuhan does justice to a unique figure caught in a struggle between tradition and modernity, between faith and anarchy.
The Electric Information Age Book: McLuhan/Agel/Fiore and the Experimental Paperback
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 96.23 $The Electric Information Age Book explores the nine-year window of mass-market publishing in the sixties and seventies when formerly backstage players-designers, graphic artists, editors-stepped into the spotlight to produce a series of exceptional books. Aimed squarely at the young media-savvy consumers of the "Electronic Information Age," these small, inexpensive paperbacks aimed to bring the ideas of contemporary thinkers like Marshall McLuhan, R. Buckminster Fuller, Herman Kahn, and Carl Sagan to the masses. Graphic designers such as Quentin Fiore (The Medium Is the Massage, 1967) employed a variety of radical techniques-verbal visual collages and other typographic pyrotechnics-that were as important to the content as the text. The Electric Information Age Book is the first book-length history of this brief yet highly influential publishing phenomenon.
Who Was Marshall McLuhan: Exploring a Mosaic of Impressions
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.35 $Book has minor wear to the edges and corners, including a minor bump to the top of the spine. Light rubbing can be seen on the covers as well. Aside from the items listed, this is a very good copy that remains well-bound with bright pages that are crisp and unmarked.
Distant Early Warning: Marshall McLuhan and the Transformation of the Avant-Garde
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.45 $Good condition. This is the average used book, that has all pages or leaves present, but may include writing. Book may be ex-library with stamps and stickers. 0.64
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