8 products were found matching your search for medicinae in 1 shops:
Synopsis Medicinæ; or, A Compendium of Galenical and Chymical Physick, Showing the art of Healing According to the Precepts of Galen & Paracelsus. Fit
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.42 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Fundamenta Medicinae.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 44.48 $xxvi 142p hardback with green illustrated dustjacket, nice clean copy, facsimile of original title page, translated from the Latin
Bufo Medicinae Codex : Proper Guidelines for the Administration of 5 Meo Dmt
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.95 $This work describes detailed and historical information of how humans ended up milking a gland from a desert amphibian to induce the strongest state of Awareness; On how to collect properly and ethically venom from the Sonoran desert toad, and especially how to facilitate the state induced by its entheogenic secretion in a ceremonial setting. The author shares his experience of the thousands of processes around the world in an attempt to establish Guidelines for Entheogenic exploration with the now called God Molecule.
Bufo Medicinae Codex : Proper Guidelines for the Administration of 5 Meo Dmt
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.46 $This work describes detailed and historical information of how humans ended up milking a gland from a desert amphibian to induce the strongest state of Awareness; On how to collect properly and ethically venom from the Sonoran desert toad, and especially how to facilitate the state induced by its entheogenic secretion in a ceremonial setting. The author shares his experience of the thousands of processes around the world in an attempt to establish Guidelines for Entheogenic exploration with the now called God Molecule.
Physica. Libro de Medicina Sencilla: Subtilitatum Diversarum Naturarum Creaturarum I. Liber Simplicis Medicinae (spanish Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.74 $Tal vez sea significativo que el interés por las obras de Santa Hildegarda, y entre ellas, por la Physica, haya despertado casi simultáneamente en las principales lenguas modernas de Occidente al alba del tercer milenio. Poner este libro en español es un aporte importante, me atrevería a decir que esencial, para la cultura española de nuestro tiempo, o tal vez de un tiempo que aún esté por venir, en el que la salud se confíe más a la alimentación equilibrada y los remedios naturales que a la química o la cirugía.Pero en todo caso el lector va a gozar con su lectura una aventura apasionante que no le dejará insensible. Aprenderá mucho, disfrutará con muchos conocimientos insospechados y seguramente, también, encontrará buenos consejos para su dieta, su salud y su vida. Santa Hildegarda nos aporta en esta obra el gozo intelectual de puntos de vista insólitos, un poderoso estímulo a la curiosidad científica y, finalmente, y no es su menor gracia, una provechosa lectura espiritual que el esfuerzo de Rafael Renedo y la inteligente política de Akrón han puesto a disposición de los lectores de lengua española. Lector, aquí hay lectura y consulta para mucho tiempo. ¡Que aproveche!José María Sánchez de Toca y Catalá
Physica. Libro de Medicina Sencilla: Subtilitatum Diversarum Naturarum Creaturarum I. Liber Simplicis Medicinae -Language: spanish
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.97 $Tal vez sea significativo que el interés por las obras de Santa Hildegarda, y entre ellas, por la Physica, haya despertado casi simultáneamente en las principales lenguas modernas de Occidente al alba del tercer milenio. Poner este libro en español es un aporte importante, me atrevería a decir que esencial, para la cultura española de nuestro tiempo, o tal vez de un tiempo que aún esté por venir, en el que la salud se confíe más a la alimentación equilibrada y los remedios naturales que a la química o la cirugía.Pero en todo caso el lector va a gozar con su lectura una aventura apasionante que no le dejará insensible. Aprenderá mucho, disfrutará con muchos conocimientos insospechados y seguramente, también, encontrará buenos consejos para su dieta, su salud y su vida. Santa Hildegarda nos aporta en esta obra el gozo intelectual de puntos de vista insólitos, un poderoso estímulo a la curiosidad científica y, finalmente, y no es su menor gracia, una provechosa lectura espiritual que el esfuerzo de Rafael Renedo y la inteligente política de Akrón han puesto a disposición de los lectores de lengua española. Lector, aquí hay lectura y consulta para mucho tiempo. ¡Que aproveche!José María Sánchez de Toca y Catalá
Philosophical Path for Paracelsian Medicine : The Ideas, Intellectual Context, and Influence of Petrus Severinus, 1540-1602
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 77.74 $The great Paracelsian scholar Walter Pagel and the pioneer medical historian Kurt Polycarp Sprengel identified Petrus Severinus' Idea Medicinæ (1571) as an influential vehicle for the elaboration and diffusion of Paracelsian ideas in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, a process that has recently come under renewed scrutiny. Severinus' conception that diseases grow from living, seed-like entities proved to be an especially important idea, which was recognized by prominent scientific and medical authors from Oswald Croll and Daniel Sennert to Pierre Gassendi and Robert Boyle. But they also formed a useful theoretical model for reconciling ideas about physical causation with certain Christian Platonist concerns in Protestant theology.A Philosophical Path for Paracelsian Medicine is the first book-length monograph to treat Severinus, a Danish royal physician and contemporary of the great astronomer Tycho Brahe, and to present his ideas in their historical context as well as considering their ramifications for medical and religious theory in the decades prior to the Thirty Years' War. This book will prove to be a useful tool in the reexamination of the process by which Paracelsian ideas were spread and assimilated and will appeal to all those interested the intellectual background for the work of Tycho Brahe and his students and the role of Paracelsian and Hermetic metaphysical ideas in the scientific revolution of the seventeenth century.
Philosophical Path for Paracelsian Medicine : The Ideas, Intellectual Context, and Influence of Petrus Severinus, 1540-1602
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 76.32 $The great Paracelsian scholar Walter Pagel and the pioneer medical historian Kurt Polycarp Sprengel identified Petrus Severinus' Idea Medicinæ (1571) as an influential vehicle for the elaboration and diffusion of Paracelsian ideas in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, a process that has recently come under renewed scrutiny. Severinus' conception that diseases grow from living, seed-like entities proved to be an especially important idea, which was recognized by prominent scientific and medical authors from Oswald Croll and Daniel Sennert to Pierre Gassendi and Robert Boyle. But they also formed a useful theoretical model for reconciling ideas about physical causation with certain Christian Platonist concerns in Protestant theology.A Philosophical Path for Paracelsian Medicine is the first book-length monograph to treat Severinus, a Danish royal physician and contemporary of the great astronomer Tycho Brahe, and to present his ideas in their historical context as well as considering their ramifications for medical and religious theory in the decades prior to the Thirty Years' War. This book will prove to be a useful tool in the reexamination of the process by which Paracelsian ideas were spread and assimilated and will appeal to all those interested the intellectual background for the work of Tycho Brahe and his students and the role of Paracelsian and Hermetic metaphysical ideas in the scientific revolution of the seventeenth century.
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