31 products were found matching your search for mulla in 2 shops:
Mullá ?usayn: The Story of the Declaration of the Báb for Young Children
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.64 $Mullá Ḥusayn: The Story of the Declaration of the Báb for Young Children is a true story written for young children about the declaration of the Báb, to help them form an understanding of what this celebration is. It is meant to assist Bahá’í mothers, as the first educators of children, and other educators, foster a spiritual identity in children from a young age using stories from the history of the Faith as a tool.Mullá Ḥusayn was the first believer in the Báb. This story tries to demonstrate his endeavor to reach to his heart’s desire through prayer and hard work.
2024 Pedal Pawn Germanium Fuzz Ltd Edition 2N404 Vintage Mulla...
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 549.00 $ (+18.00 $)Number 80 of 120 Made. Very rare Pedal Pawn fuzz pedal. Pedal works fine and sounds good. Great condition with very little use. Comes with original...
Mullard Brand New Plate Current Matched Pair (2) Reissue Mulla...
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 89.00 $ (+9.99 $)Brand New Plate Current Matched Pair (2) Reissue Mullard EL34 6CA7 Vacuum Tubes
Mulla Sadra
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.74 $Mulla Sadra (1572–1640) is perhaps the single most important and influential philosopher in the Muslim world. The author of over forty works, he sought to bring to life the whole heritage of Islamic thought, from philosophy to mysticism, and create a more flexible and conciliatory approach to the problems which seemed to dissociate reason from faith. In this wide-ranging profile, Sayeh Meisami reaches beyond historical narrative to assess the true impact of the man and his ideas. This thought provoking and comprehensive account is ideal for readers interested in uncovering the life and thoughts of a man who represents the climax of intellectual tradition at a crucial point in the history of Islamic civilization.
Mulla Sadra
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.64 $Mulla Sadra (1572–1640) is perhaps the single most important and influential philosopher in the Muslim world. The author of over forty works, he sought to bring to life the whole heritage of Islamic thought, from philosophy to mysticism, and create a more flexible and conciliatory approach to the problems which seemed to dissociate reason from faith. In this wide-ranging profile, Sayeh Meisami reaches beyond historical narrative to assess the true impact of the man and his ideas. This thought provoking and comprehensive account is ideal for readers interested in uncovering the life and thoughts of a man who represents the climax of intellectual tradition at a crucial point in the history of Islamic civilization.
Mulla Sadra Shirazi (Journal of Semitic Studies Supplement)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.16 $Mulla Sadra Shirazi is the first attempt in English to produce a thorough preparatory study of the intellectual biography of this famous Safavid thinker. Previous attempts by other thinkers have been marred by ideological prejudice and the lack of serious intellectual rigour. A properunderstanding of Islamic intellectual history requires the study of canonical thinkers, of which Mulla Sadra is certainly one in the philosophical tradition of Iran. The book eschews legends and theoretical constructs of bibliography in favour of a rigorous life that draws upon a wide range ofprimary sources, many of which are unpublished, and that demonstrate the significance and context of the intellectual contributions of Mulla Sadra. Mulla Sadra Shirazi is quite a traditional biography in that it seeks to locate the life of the thinker and his works in his historical and intellectualcontent. The course of ideas in Islam is an area of research that is of great interest at the moment; even the study of philosophy has flourished in recent years. Consistently, with recent works on other Islamic philosophers, this book sets the standard for approaching Islamic intellectual historyby insisting upon an historical and source-critical approach, allied with a keen philological, but also philosophical, appreciation of the intellectual life of a thinker. The life is based upon the most recent scholarship on Safavid history and draws widely upon primary sources in Arabic andPersian, including a number of works in manuscript. For students of Islamic thought in the early modern period and those with a particular interest in philosophy in Safavid Iran, this book should be the first point of reference. Mulla Sadra Shirazi will become the foundation for further researchboth on Mulla Sadra and his thought, as well as the thought and intellectual trends of his period.
600 Mulla Nasreddin Tales (Silsilah-I Tajdid-I Chap-I Mutun-I Mashhur-I Farsi)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 36.24 $Collection of traditional humorous tales in Persian (Farsi).
The Philosophy of Mulla Sadra: Sadr Al-din Al-shirazi
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.41 $Explores the philosophy of Mulla Sadra Shirazi.Mulla Sadra Shirazi emerges as an original philosopher who had a sure understanding of his Greek and Islamic predecessors. He is worthy of study by scholars concerned with the development of Islamic philosophy because of his attempt to reconcile various currents of Islamic philosophical thought, particularly the peripatetic tradition of Ibn Arabi. Modern existentialists will be interested in his basic concern with the reality of existence and the unreality of essences or general notions.
The Philosophy of Mulla Sadra
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 61.95 $Lacking dust jacket. Interior pages show a fair amount of underlining and marginalia. Binding is secure.
The Three Mulla-Mulgars
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.32 $"Long -- long is Time, though books be brief: Adventures strange -- ay, past belief -- Await the Reader's drowsy eye; But, wearied out, he'd lay them by. "But, if so be he'd some day hear All that befell these brothers dear In Tishnar's lovely Valleys -- well, Poor pen, thou must that story tell! "But farewell, now, you Mulgars three! Farewell, your faithful company! Farewell, the heart that loved unbidden -- Nod's dark-eyed, beauteous Water-midden!" If you know Walter De La Mare's work, you probably know him as an important literary novelist and poet in the early twentieth century. But he also tried his hand at children's fiction, and The Three Mulla-mulgars is pretty special. It's the sort of book you want to take home and read to your kids yourself. But it's De La Mare. You know it's got to have a bit of verse, don't you?
The Subtleties of the Inimitable Mulla Nasrudin,
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.00 $Physical description; 176 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Subject; Nasreddin Hoca active 13th century.
The Exploits and Subtleties of Mulla Nasrudin
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 77.85 $In shrink wrap. Looks like an interesting title!
Classic Tales of Mulla Masreddin
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.26 $Mulla Nasreddin is one of the most celebrated personalities in Persian folklore. He is a character who appears in thousands of stories, always witty, sometimes wise, even philosophic, sometimes the instigator of practical jokes on others and often a fool or the butt of a joke. Stories relating to Mulla Nasreddin are generally humorous, but in the subtle humor there is always a lesson to be learned. These stories involve people and incidents in all walks of life, from king to beggar, from cleric to politician.This collection, published for the first time in a bilingual format, includes anecdotes popular in Iran, Turkey, and other regions of the Middle East. In preparing this volume, the editor and the translator have tried to select stories which are representative of the wit and wisdom of Mulla Nasreddin stories in the hope that these efforts will bring a few smiles to children of all ages.
Subtleties of the Inimitable Mulla Nasrudin
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.37 $102 pages. 8.75x5.50x0.50 inches. In Stock.
Al-Arba'in (3) of Mulla 'Ali al-Qari Excellence of Clear Qur'an
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.86 $It is not possible to fully grasp the true gravity of the Qur'an, but this remarkable collection gathers forty hadith that each indicate the majesty of the Book of Allah. Whether describing the manifestation of the Qur'an as an intercessor on the Day of Judgement, or its effect on those who read it, every hadith in this collection is profoundly inspiring and likely to have a deeply transformative effect on the reader.
Transcendent Theosophy of Mulla Sadra (English and Arabic Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.07 $100% Satisfaction is Guaranteed! There are no problems in page content and in the paper. You will be the first to open the book cover. For Used condition books in our store; It shows signs of wear from consistent use, but it remains in good condition and works perfectly. All pages and cover are intact , but may have aesthetic issues such as price clipping, nicks, scratches, and scuffs. Pages may include some notes and highlighting. For all our books; Cargo will be delivered in the required time.
The Exploits of the Incomparable Mulla Nasrudin
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 104.62 $"Perfectly designed models for isolating and holding distortions of the mind which so often pass for reasonable behavior." --Idries Shah Today we find him in a high-level physics report, illustrating phenomena that can't be described in ordinary technical terms. He appears in psychology textbooks, illuminating the workings of the mind in a way no straightforward explanation can. Here, in three definitive volumes, Idries Shah takes us to the very heart of this mysterious mentor, the Mulla Nasrudin. Skillful contemporary retellings of hundreds of collected stories and sayings bring the unmistakable--often backhanded--wisdom, wit and charm of the timeless jokester to life. The Mulla and his stories appear in literature and oral traditions from the Middle East to Greece, Russia, France--even China. Many nations claim Nasrudin as a native son, the Turks going so far as to exhibit a grave with his date of death as 386. But nobody really knows who he was or where he came from. According to a legend dating from at least the 13th century, Nasrudin was snatched as a schoolboy from the clutches of the "Old Villain"--the crude system of thought that ensnares man--to carry through the ages the message of how to escape. He was chosen because he could make people laugh, and humor has a way of slipping through the cracks of the most rigid thinking habits. Today--as they have for centuries--the Sufis use these stories as teaching exercises, in part to momentarily "freeze" situations in which states of mind can be recognized. In these delightful volumes, Shah not only gives the Mulla a proper vehicle for our times, he proves that the centuries-old stories and quips of Nasrudin are still some of the funniest jokes in the world.
The Exploits of the Incomparable Mulla Nasrudin
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.96 $Mulla Nasrudin, the wise fool of Eastern folklore and Eastern Philosophy, holds a special place in Sufi studies. The Sufis, who believe that deep intuition is the only real guide to knowledge, use the humorous stories of Nasrudin's adventures almost like exercises in Sufi Thought. The Sufis ask people to choose a few which especially appeal to them, and turn them over in their mind, making them their own. Sufi teaching masters say that in this way a breakthrough into a higher wisdom can be effected. In Sufism, a single story can work on many levels, from great humour to initiating profound thought.
The Exploits of the Incomparable Mulla Nasrudin (Hardcover)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.89 $Mulla Nasrudin, the wise fool of Eastern folklore, holds a special place in Sufi studies. The Sufis, who believe that deep intuition is the only real guide to knowledge, use the humorous stories of Nasrudin’s adventures almost like exercises.They ask people to choose a few which especially appeal to them, and turn them over in their mind, making them their own.Sufi teaching masters say that in this way a breakthrough into a higher wisdom can be effected. A single story can work on many levels, from great humor to initiating profound thought.
Laugh and Learn Farsi : Mulla Nasreddin Tales for Intermediate to Advanced Persian Learners -Language: persian
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.21 $Excellent Source of Persian short stories! Mullah Nasreddin is a famous Persian character who appears in many funny Persian stories. He is always humorous, wise, and sometimes philosophic. Mulla’s stories are generally funny, but in the subtle humor there is always a lesson to be learned. Just hearing Molla's name brings smile to Persians. You cannot find an Iranian who does not know a few stories of Mulla. This book offers about 200 funny stories of Mulla Nasreddin. It is an excellent source of short stories that are both enjoyable and relatively easy to understand for intermediate to advanced Persian learners. Laugh and learn Farsi is a series of supplementary texts for Persian students and professionals who want to better understand Persian native speakers, publications and media. Learn Persian the Fun Way!What Are You Waiting For?Get this book now and enjoy learning Persian today!Scroll to the top of the page and select the buy button. Published By: www.learnpersianonline.com
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