4 products were found matching your search for nationalpark in 2 shops:
Grenzenlose Wildnis Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald: Ungezähmte Natur im Herzen Europas
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.38 $Gut/Very good: Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit wenigen Gebrauchsspuren an Einband, Schutzumschlag oder Seiten. / Describes a book or dust jacket that does show some signs of wear on either the binding, dust jacket or pages.
100 Highlights Wildes Europa. Die schönsten Naturparadiese und Nationalparks.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.31 $Neu -Entdecken Sie Europas wilde Seite. Der Bildband führt Sie zu den schönsten Naturparadiesen in ganz Europa - von den gewaltigen Eishöhlen im isländischen Vatnajökull Nationalpark, unberührten Bergregionen im norwegischen Jotunheimen Nationalpark, der vielfältigen Tierwelt im Bayerischen Wald, den gigantischen Wasserfällen und Kalksteinhöhlen der kroatischen Plitvicer Seen bis zum Urwald der Karpaten. Bestaunen Sie unberührte Natur und erleben Sie Europa von seiner wilden Seite. Mit Locatormaps und Autorentipps. Mit Texten von Jörg Berghoff, Andrea Lammert, Klio Verigou, Herbert Taschler, Hans-Joachim Spitzenberger, Christine Lendt, Georgi Palahutev, Thomas Burgert, Jürgen Haberhauer, Britta Mentzel, Rosemarie Elsner, Sarah Fischer, Mareike Weber, Bernd Klaube, Silke Weidemann und Sabine Rheker-Weigt. 320 pp. Deutsch
Ruckverzauberung 10 / Nationalpark
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 23.98 $ (+1.99 $)In celebration of the opening of German national park Hunsruck-Hochwald, Wolfgang Voigt has conceived an abstract, ambient-infused sound installation which can be experienced as a kind of acoustic hike through the forest, thanks to a series of loudspeakers allocated in a natural environment. This approximately hour-long piece of music is a freeform improvisation on a classic sonic scenario made of strings and winds, processed with electronic means. The rather elegiac billows of sound flow into e
Empire of Shadows: The Epic Story of Yellowstone
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 5.18 $George Black rediscovers the history and lore of one of the planet s most magnificent landscapes. Read Empire of Shadows, and you ll never think of our first in many ways our greatest nationalpark in the same way again. Hampton Sides, author of Blood and Thunder Empire of Shadows is the epic story of the conquest of Yellowstone, a landscape uninhabited, inaccessible and shrouded in myth in the aftermath of the Civil War. In a radical reinterpretation of the nineteenth century West, George Black casts Yellowstone's creation as the culmination of three interwoven strands of history - the passion for exploration, the violence of the Indian Wars and the "civilizing" of the frontier - and charts its course through the lives of those who sought to lay bare its mysteries: Lt. Gustavus Cheyney Doane, a gifted but tormented cavalryman known as "the man who invented Won
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