2675 products were found matching your search for neuware in 1 shops:
Das Reich. Neuware.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.16 $Nachdruck der Ausgabe Das Reich/Berlin 1931, 380 S., OPbd. (Quellentexte zur Konservativen Revolution, Die Nationalrevolutionäre, Band 13). Original verschweißt. 2000048 Sprache: Deutsch
Herman Wirth. Schriften, Vorträge, Manuskripte und Sekundärliteratur. Neuware.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.76 $369 S. mit 3911 bibliographierten Titeln, 16 Fotos und Dokumente im Bildteil, Namenverzeichnis, Kurzbiographie, OKart. (Toppenstedter Reihe Band 13). Neuware. 2000015 Sprache: Deutsch
Erinnerungen aus der Geschichte des Wehrwolf 1923 - 1933. Neuware. Hrsgg. von Fritz Kloppe u.a.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.16 $Nachdruck des Manuskriptes Berlin 1938, 141S. und 24 S. Bilderteil. (Quellentexte zur Konservativen Revolution, Die Nationalrevolutionäre: Band 8). Original verschweißt. 2000028 Sprache: Deutsch
Organisation Heinz. Das Schicksal der Kameraden Schlageters. Neuware.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.16 $Nachdruck der Ausgabe Hobbing/Berlin 1934, 240 S. mit 94 Bildern im Text und auf Tafeln, OPbd. (Quellentexte zur Konservativen Revolution, Die Nationalrevolutionäre: Band 10). Original verschweißt. 2000042 Sprache: Deutsch
Krieg im Osten. Das bittere Ende jenseits der Weichsel bis Oder und Neiße. Neuware.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.92 $1. Aufl., 600 S., zahlreiche Fotos und Kartenskizzen, OPbd., Gr.-8*. Original verschweißt. 99 Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 1000
Manson's Tropical Diseases: Expert Consult Basic
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 269.99 $Neu Neuware,Importqualität, DHL/dpd, i.d.R. in 2 Werktagen bei Ihnen - From the difficult to diagnose to the difficult to treat, be prepared for whatever your patients bring back. This title provides you with the coverage on emerging and re-emerging diseases from around the world, such as multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis and malaria, and the avian flu.
The Theory of Heat Radiation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 57.76 $This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Translated by Morton Masius 520 pp. Englisch
Ice Age Floodscapes of the Pacific Northwest
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 98.22 $This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This heavily illustrated book contains descriptions and geologic interpretations of photographs (mostly aerial) illustrating the power and magnitude of repeated Ice Age flooding in the Pacific Northwest, as recently as 14,000 years ago.The scale of Ice Age floods was so huge that today it is often difficult to see and appreciate the power and magnitude of such megafloods from ground level. However, from the air, landforms created by the floods often come into clear focus. Aerial images, obtained via unmanned aerial vehicle (drone) as well as fixed-wing airplane, add a new perspective on evidence gathered by dozens of scientists since 1923. 180 pp. Englisch
Artificial Intelligence and Accounting
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 47.42 $This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Study of the most important aspects on the Application of Artificial Intelligence in the accounting field. Definition of the concept of Artificial Intelligence, based on the criteria of several authors, brief historical review and the most important characteristics were highlighted. Analyzing Artificial Intelligence in more depth, the most applied Artificial Intelligence Techniques were defined: expert systems, artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic and genetic algorithm. Of these techniques, the most widely applied in accounting are expert systems and neural networks. Expert systems are applied in the accounting field; in auditing, cost and management accounting, financial accounting, financial statement analysis and financial planning. On the other hand, artificial neural networks have application in the processing of financial information. The application of Artificial Intelligence in corporate solvency was also addressed. 52 pp. Englisch
Women's Mood Disorders
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 138.66 $Neuware -This text provides background on the history of perinatal psychiatry, and discusses future directions in the field. It clearly defines perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs), which are the most common complication of pregnancy. When left untreated, PMADs are morbid and devastating for both the patient and their entire family. It reviews gold standard recommendations for the treatment of PMADs, including evidence-based psychotherapies, as well as risk-benefit analysis of psychotropic medication use in pregnancy and lactation. Additionally, common presentations of depression, anxiety, and trauma in pregnancy and postpartum women, as well as mania, psychosis, suicidal and homicidal thoughts are reviewed.Women's Mood Disorders:A Clinician's Guide to Perinatal Psychiatryhighlights special considerations in pregnancy, including teenage pregnancies, hyperemesis gravidum, eating disorders, substance abuse disorders, as well as infertility, miscarriageand loss. The text concludes with outlining the importance of collaborative care in providing gold standard treatment of perinatal women and review documentation and legal considerations.This handbook willhelp educate and train future psychiatrists and OBGYNs in feeling confident and comfortable assessing and treating pregnant women who suffer from PMADs. 316 pp. Englisch
Patient Reported Outcomes and Quality of Life in Cardiovascular Interventions
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 115.55 $This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This book provides a guide to the assessment of patient reported outcomes measures and quality of life in cardiovascular interventions, which have become a fundamental component of decision making in bedside medicine, health policy, health economics, and public health. Cardiac surgery, cardiovascular interventions, vascular interventions, and the core principles of quality of life are all covered. This book is the first book to demonstrate how clinicians and policy makers can easily get access to a single source of quality of life and patient reported outcomes measures evidence to help them make the best informed decisions in the field of cardiovascular interventions. This is a rapidly emerging field and the book would be relevant to doctors, healthcare scientists, allied-health professionals, healthcare managers, medical statisticians, healthcare economists, and consultants working in healthcare. 444 pp. Englisch
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 115.55 $This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This book focuses on the value of supervised Disulfiram therapy, highlighting the many potential and unique benefits of Disulfiram. One of the oldest drugs available for the long-term management of alcohol dependence, Disulfiram remains a viable treatment option for alcohol dependence and has been shown in recent studies to be more successful in treating patients with alcohol dependence than Naltrexone, Topiramate and Acamprosate. It is also useful in dual diagnosis patients and those with co-morbid cocaine and alcohol dependence. Although Disulfiram's mechanism of action in alcohol dependence was long thought to be its effects as a psychological deterrent, more recent studies point to potential anti-craving effects as well. In dedicated chapters, the book reviews major clinical trials of Disulfiram spanning nearly 60 years, its historical aspects and discovery, side effects, treatment protocols and uses in the context of alcohol dependence. The book also discusses the use of Disulfiram across diverse populations along with monitoring for compliance and various adverse effects that may manifest. Further topics include Disulfiram implant therapy and the role of Disulfiram in the modern long-term pharmacotherapy of alcohol dependence, as well as the role of cognitive behavior therapy in enhancing the effects of Disulfiram and the emerging role of Disulfiram in treating cocaine dependence and pathological gambling. As such, the book offers a 'one-stop' comprehensive guide to all aspects of Disulfiram therapy. 92 pp. Englisch
When Challenge Brings Change : How Teacher Breakthroughs Transform the Classroom
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 74.32 $Neuware - 'These narratives share teacher breakthroughs-the ways teachers have successfully and courageously turned a corner'
The Handle Core Concept
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 15.12 $This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This work deals with topics related to mobility, contacts and transmission of knowledge. The study of these topics regarding the past can promote an understanding of the social implications of migration, communication and learning today through long-term perspectives of change. 406 pp. Englisch
The Vegetal Turn
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 161.77 $This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This book charts the multidimensional course of what has come to be known as the 'Vegetal Turn' in environmental humanities - a wave of theoretical and practical interest in the complexities and peculiarities of plant life and plant-human relations.The vegetal turn consists of increasingly sophisticated, inter- and trans-disciplinary, inter- and trans-cultural explorations of the multiple systems and networks of communication, intelligence, technical-operational capabilities, and relations articulated by and via plants - as well as the ethical, economic, cultural, and political dimensions of plant-human interactions and practices. The volume includes contributions from philosophy and the humanities more generally that explore and reflect on the history, prospects, and applications of four main themes that the Vegetal Turn has brought to general attention: the mind of plants, and what their peculiar mentality can tell us about mind more generally; plant personhood and/or moral standing, and the justifications and implications of attributions thereof; plant relationships with humans, plant-based human relationships, and the ethics of human practices with or regarding plants - from agriculture to the arts, from forest management to urban design ; as well as the rights and/or political representation of plant life and the other life-forms that depend on it, human as well as non-human, present and future. 306 pp. Englisch
DLL 07: Prüfen, Testen, Evaluieren
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.00 $Neuware -Diese Einheit führt in die Rahmenbedingungen des Prüfens und Evaluierens ein und zeigt die vielen Möglichkeiten, formell und informell zu evaluieren und zu diagnostizieren. Lehrkräfte lernen Standards des Prüfens kennen und können diese auf ihre eigene Prüfungspraxis anwenden.
Discontinuous Constituency
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 194.35 $This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Frontmatter -- Preface -- Table of Contents -- Discontinuous constituency: Introduction / Bunt, Harry -- Toward a minimalist theory of syntactic structure / Dowty, David R. -- Formal tools for describing and processing discontinuous constituency structure / Bunt, Harry -- Expressing discontinuous constituency in Dislog / Saint-Dizier, Patrick -- Discontinuous Rewrite Grammar, a description of discontinuities by separating recognition and structure assignment / Aarts, Erik -- Non-compositional discontinuous constituents in Tree Adjoining Grammar / Abeillé, Anne / Schabes, Yves -- Discontinuous constituency in Segment Grammar / Smedt, Koenraad De / Kempen, Gerard -- Discontinuity and the wat voor-construction / Corver, Norbert -- Generalized quantifiers and discontinuous type constructors / Moortgat, Michael -- Getting things in order / Reape, Mike -- Grammatical relations and the Lambek calculus / Hepple, Mark -- On head non-movement / Pollard, Carl J. -- Discontinuity and the Binding theory / Hoekstra, Eric -- Thematic accessibility in discontinuous dependencies / Sanfilippo, Antonio -- Index 360 pp. Englisch
Advances in Theory and Practice of Computational Mechanics
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 173.32 $This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This book discusses physical and mathematical models, numerical methods, computational algorithms and software complexes, which allow high-precision mathematical modeling in fluid, gas, and plasma mechanics; general mechanics; deformable solid mechanics; and strength, destruction and safety of structures. These proceedings focus on smart technologies and software systems that provide effective solutions to real-world problems in applied mechanics at various multi-scale levels. Highlighting the training of specialists for the aviation and space industry, it is a valuable resource for experts in the field of applied mathematics and mechanics, mathematical modeling and information technologies, as well as developers of smart applied software systems. 404 pp. Englisch
Analytical Chemistry for the Study of Paintings and the Detection of Forgeries
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 12.71 $This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware 536 pp. Englisch
Paul B. Thompson's Philosophy of Agriculture
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 138.66 $This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This book explores the philosophical thought and praxis of Paul B.Thompson, who planted some of the first seeds of philosophy of agriculture andwhose work inspires interdisciplinary scholarship in food ethics, biotechnology,and environmental philosophy. Landmark texts such as The Spirit of the Soil, TheAgrarian Vision, and From Field to Fork revealed the fertility of food systems forinspiring reflection on our relationships to technology, the land, and one another.Rooted in philosophical traditions ranging from pragmatism topost-phenomenology, Thompson's work nourishes projects in ethics,epistemology, philosophy of science, and social and political theory, not only inacademic philosophy departments but also in the social and natural sciences. Thisvolume collects this diversity of thought in a tour of the many fields of foodsystems; from theorizing the sustainability of agroecological systems, toappreciating the quotidian practice of agrarian communities, to anticipating theimpacts of emerging biotechnology, and to savoring the roles that food plays informing our identities. Composed by an international crop of scholars working onthe future of food ethics, the volume is a vital contribution to scholars andpractitioners thinking through our relationships to the food systems that sustainus. 206 pp. Englisch
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