Designed to help patrollers and all outdoor emergency care providers deal with any emergency situation they might encounter, this program targets numerous aspects of concern in the nonurban environment, including environmental illnesses and injuries such as altitude sickness, deep frostbite, and hypothermia; ski and other outdoor injuries; and the special equipment and techniques used by patrollers and other nonurban rescuers. Endorsed by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, this comprehensive teaching and learning system is the heart of the National Ski Patrol's Outdoor Emergency Care programs, bringing OEC protocols up-to-date with DOT standards for EMT-Basics while preserving their relevance to the patrolling environment. With Outdoor Emergency Care, Fourth Edition, the NSP has assembled a comprehensive resource for nonurban rescuers, who strive to keep natural environments safe and enjoyable for all. Comprehensive Medical Content Outdoor Emergency Care, Fourth Edition reflects major changes in emergency medical care that have been established since the third edition published. Highlights include: Extensive coverage of musculoskeletal care An updated assessment chapter Expanded coverage of outdoor sports emergencies Expanded discussion of pediatric considerations New chapters on managing mass-casualty incidents, caring for outdoor adaptive athletes, and interfacing with EMS and other medical personnel Dynamic New Features New features of Outdoor Emergency Care, Fourth Edition include: Four-color design, photographs, and illustrations Detailed anatomical illustrations Thorough photographs and illustrations depicting emergency care procedures, step-by-step Practical field tips In-depth scenarios Interactive online resources Interactive Technology Advances in technology have enhanced the teaching and learning process, and now Outdoor Emergency Care brings these advances to the classroom with This interactive website inclu
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