27 products were found matching your search for orientalis in 3 shops:
Camera Orientalis Format: Paperback
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.35 $In the decades after its invention in 1839, photography was inextricably linked to the Middle East. Introduced as a crucial tool for Egyptologists and Orientalists who needed to document their archaeological findings, the photograph was easier and faster to produce in intense Middle Eastern light—making the region one of the original sites for the practice of photography. A pioneering study of this intertwined history, Camera Orientalis traces the Middle East’s influences on photography’s evolution, as well as photography’s effect on Europe’s view of “the Orient.” Considering a range of Western and Middle Eastern archival material from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Ali Behdad offers a rich account of how photography transformed Europe’s distinctly Orientalist vision into what seemed objective fact, a transformation that proved central to the project of European colonialism. At the same time, Orientalism was useful for photographers from both regions, as it gave them a set of conventions by which to frame exotic Middle Eastern cultures for Western audiences. Behdad also shows how Middle Eastern audiences embraced photography as a way to foreground status and patriarchal values while also exoticizing other social classes. An important examination of previously overlooked European and Middle Eastern photographers and studios, Camera Orientalis demonstrates that, far from being a one-sided European development, Orientalist photography was the product of rich cultural contact between the East and the West.
The Structure and Life-history of the Cockroach (Periplaneta orientalis) Paperback
Vendor: Heritagereads.com Price: 9.45 $The Structure and Life-history of the Cockroach (Periplaneta orientalis) by L. C. Miall is a pioneering work that delves deep into the anatomy, physiology, and behavioral patterns of one of the most resilient insects on the planet. Miall, an eminent biologist, meticulously examines the cockroach's biological structure, offering detailed illustrations that enhance understanding. The book is not only a scientific exploration but also an engaging narrative that showcases Miall's keen observations and insights into the life cycle of the cockroach. From its embryonic development to its adult behaviors, Miall presents a comprehensive study that highlights the adaptability and survival mechanisms of this species. The text serves as both an educational resource for students of entomology and an intriguing read for anyone interested in the complexities of insect life. Miall's work remains a significant contribution to entomological literature, blending rigorous scientific inquiry with a passion for the natural world.
Origenes Orientalis : The Preservation of Origen's Hexapla in the Syrohexapla of 3 Kingdoms
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 146.81 $This book prepares the way for a new critical edition of the hexaplaric fragments of III Kgdms, which is now possible due to the results of the present study. Ultimately, this material will allow us to learn more about the interactions between Jews and Christians in the Graeco-Roman and Late Antique periods, their understandings of the nature of Scripture, and the methods they used to make the Divine Word understandable.
Inscriptiones Cypri orientalis: Citium, Golgi, Tremithus, Idalium, Tamassus, Kafizin, Ledra
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 47.52 $Der Band IG XV umfasst die griechischen Inschriften der Insel Zypern, deren Zahl etwa auf 5.000 geschaetzt wird. Ein erster Teil umfasst die Inschriften, die im sog. Kyprischen Syllabar geschrieben sind dessen erster Faszikel (IG XV 1, 1) mit den Inschri.
Inscriptiones Locridis orientalis (Latin Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.64 $Von den sieben Regionen Mittelgriechenlands, die der Corpusband IG IX 1 in Neubearbeitung umfasst, erscheint nach Ätolien (1932), Akarnanien (1957), Westlokris (1968) und den Ionischen Inseln (2001) der fünfte Faszikel mit den Inschriften von Ostlokris. Neben den Grabinschriften und den Inschriften auf Keramik, die den Hauptteil des Corpus bilden, sind die Dekrete der Stadt Opus und der Brief des Kaisers Hadrian an die Stadt Naryka sowie für die Geschichte des Alphabets und für die Onomastik die archaischen Inschriften von besonderem Interesse. Den einzelnen Städten sind die antiken Belege für Namen und Ethnikon vorangestellt. Am Beginn des Bandes sind alle antiken Zeugnisse zu Ostlokris und seiner Bevölkerung aus der Zeit vom 8. Jh. v.Chr. bis zum 6. Jh. n.Chr. gesammelt. Der Band wird durch ausführliche Indices erschlossen. Erstmals sind alle aus Ostlokris erhaltenen Inschriften abgebildet.
Revisione delle specie orientali (Giappone e Taiwan esclusi) del genere Melanotus Escholtz, 1829 (Coleoptera, Elateridae, Melanotinae)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 68.03 $638, 65 b/w plates, 6 maps. . HB. NEW. . Text Italian. Covers the elaterids of the genus Melanotus Eschscholtz, from the Oriental Region (from Pakistan to the Solomon Islands, excluding Japan and Taiwan). 410 species described (296 new). [9788886041423]
The Cartography of the East Indian Islands: Insulae Indiae Orientalis
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 52.33 $Picture Shown is For Illustration Purposes Only, Please See Below For Further DetailsCONDITION ? VERY GOOD ? HARDBACK - light wear and scuff marks to jacket, pages in nice condition, shipped from the UK
La Collezione Di Porcellane Orientali Ala Ponzone
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.42 $Edizione banca popolare. libro nuovo e sigillato. Dettagli LibroSku: PZZLB42906ISBN: 9788836608287Titolo: La Collezione Di Porcellane Orientali Ala PonzoneAutore: Cristiana BertoldiEditore: Banca Popolare CremonaAnno: 2007Pagine: 140Formato: RilegatoLa pubblicazione dei cataloghi sulle raccolte del Museo Civico Ala Ponzone di Cremona prosegue con questo volume dedicato alle ceramiche orientali, oggetto di uno studio approfondito di Cristiana Bertoldi.La collezione del museo, frutto della raccolta del marchese Giuseppe Sigismondo Ala Ponzone, rispecchia il gusto per le cineserie e, più in generale, per la moda orientale che cominciò a diffondersi a partire dalla metà del Seicento per proseguire, con diverse caratteristiche, sino all'Ottocento.L'importante collezione presentata in queste pagine annovera 155 esemplari fra pezzi unici e servizi completi, tutti rappresentativi delle tipologie più comuni di porcellana cinese e giapponese d'esportazione, con la preziosa ecce
Pinacoteca Capitolina. Porcellane Europee E Orientali.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 9.72 $Ril. in tela con sovr.ill. a colori., cm 29x24,5, pp 491,498 tavv. e ill. a colori. - ISBN: 9788837051815
Isaie, Jeremie Et Lamentations (Orbis Biblicus Et Orientalis, 50/2) (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 112.00 $Very good, clean, tight condition. Hardcover. Some pages bent and dented but does not affect text. Text free of marks. Professional book dealer since 1999. All orders are processed promptly and carefully packaged.
Early Monastic Rules: The Rules of the Fathers and the Regula Orientalis
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.22 $The decision to translate these early monastic rules was made at the first 1979-80 meeting of the Medieval Group at Saint John's University during the sesquimillennial celebration of the birth of Saint Benedict of Nursia. It was felt that making these rules available in English could be valuable for a general , nonspecialist audience wishing to become familiar with the tradition that produced the rule of St. Benedict. These translations are the result of that resolution.
Yehezkel Kaufmann and the Reinvention of Jewish Biblical Scholarship (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, 283)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 5.94 $The biblical scholar, historian, and Jewish thinker Yehezkel Kaufmann (1889-1963) is best known for two magisterial works: a two-volume interpretation of Jewish history and a four-volume study of biblical religion. Toledot in particular is the most monumental achievement of modern Jewish biblical scholarship. No other figure, not even Martin Buber, has had such a profound influence on the work of Jewish scholars of the Bible. The volume provides a comprehensive and multi-faceted account of Kaufmann's work, through which Anglophone readers, students and scholars alike, can explore the hitherto unrecognized significance and profundity of Kaufmann's legacy.
I viaggi di C. Federici e G. Balbi alle Indie Orientali
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.64 $Normali segni del tempo e marginali imperfezioni alla copertina. Pagine brunite.
Arabica Sacra: Aufsatze Zur Religionsgeschichte Arabiens Und Seiner Randgebiete (Orbis Biblicus Et Orientalis, 40) (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.08 $(Orbis biblicus et orientalis, 40); gebunden, Schutzumschlag, 347 S.; nahezu neuwertig; 680 g
Die Oden Salomos in ihrer Bedeutung für Neues Testament und Gnosis . 3 Bände (Orbis biblicus et orientalis, 25/1 - 25/1a - 25/2)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 4.86 $25/1: Ausführliche Handschriftenbeschreibung. Edition mit deutscher Parallel-Übersetzung, Hermeneutischer Anhang zur gnostischen Interpretation der Oden Salomos in der Pistis Sophia - XI, 237 Seiten, 1 Blatt Verlagsanzeigen; 25/1a: Der syrische Text der Edtion in Estrangelä, Faksimile des griechischen Papyrus Bodmer XI - 64 Seiten, 1 Blatt Verlagsanzeigen; 25/2: Vollständige Wortkonkordanz zur handschriftlichen, griechischen, koptischen, lateinischen und syrischen Überlieferung der Oden Salomos. Mit einem Faksimile des Kodex N - XV, 201 Seiten, 1 Blatt Verlagsanzeigen; gute und saubere Exemplare; 1,5 kg Versandgewicht = 5 Euro Versandkosten für Deutschland;
EORC Rust 10 ft. x 14 ft. Hand Knotted Wool Traditional Bakhtiari Area Rug
Vendor: Homedepot.com Price: 1,557.55 $Add warmth and timeless charm to your space with the Hand-Knotted Wool Rust Traditional Oriental Orientali Rug. This elegant area rug is crafted from high-quality wool, combining luxurious texture with durability, making it perfect for any living room, bedroom, office, or home decor setting. The rich rust color and classic Oriental-inspired design bring a cozy yet sophisticated ambiance, seamlessly enhancing both traditional and modern spaces.The Rust Traditional Orientali Rug showcases intricate patterns reminiscent of classic Oriental rugs, adding depth and cultural charm to your interiors. Its warm rust tone provides a beautiful foundation that complements a variety of color schemes, creating an inviting and cohesive look in any room. Perfect for those who appreciate timeless design and quality craftsmanship, this rug brings elegance, comfort, and character to your decor. Place this rust area rug in your living room as a statement piece that unifies the space with a touch of sophistication. Its intricate design also makes it suitable for a bedroom, where it introduces a cozy and serene vibe, turning your space into a restful retreat. For an office, this rug enhances professionalism and warmth, creating a balanced atmosphere that is both stylish and inviting.The Hand-Knotted Wool Orientali Rug combines luxurious materials with traditional artistry, resulting in a rug that is both functional and visually captivating. Lightweight yet resilient, it's designed for everyday.
Crafts and Images in Contact: Studies in Eastern Mediterranean Art of the First Millennium BCE
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 99.36 $(Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, 210); Orig.-Leinen, XXXI, 395 S. mit zahlr. Abbildungen im Text; , LIV Tafeln; enthält Beiträge in englisch und deutsch; sehr gutes, sauberes Exemplar; very good copy;
Isaiah 13-27
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 64.47 $"Wildberger's commentary is a work of such importance that it must be carefully studied by each serious student of Isaiah. It is a rich and significant contribution." --Bernhard E. Hasel Bibliotheca Orientalis "It would be hard to imagine a more thorough and a more convincing presentation. I recommend this commentary unreservedly to all serious students of the Old Testament." -- John Bright Interpretation
Agyptologie - Agyptische Schrift Und Sprache
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 71.89 $'...un guide précieux où le lecteur intéressé recueillera des notions précises sur le caractère varié de la langue et de l'écriture égyptiennes en même temps que l'érudit y trouvera commodément groupées des données bien choisies et généralement sûres.'H. De Meulenaere, Bibliotheca Orientalis, 1960.'Wie man sieht, sind die Beiträge sehr kurz gehalten. Trotzdem geben sie von dem Tatbestand ein anschauliches Bild und lassen die überall auftauchenden Probleme deutlich hervortreten.'Otto Eißfeldt, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 1962.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 83.28 $Critical Praise for Houtman's Commentary on Exodus: informative and illuminating commentary which no one working on Exodus can afford to overlook" - J.W. Rogerson in Book List 1990, 56. is to my mind one of the best available on Exodus to modern scholars." - John Wevers in Bibliotheca Orientalis 48 (1991) 885. the commentary has a great deal to offer both scholar and layman, and ... provides the fullest modern treatment ... of Exodus that is available in any language" - G.L. Davies in Vetus Testamentum 43 (1993) 428. Kommentierung enthalt ... eine Rubrik mit dem Titel "Hauptlinien und Perspektiven". Sie Bietet ... eine Auslegung, die f r jeden Leser nicht nur ein Gewinn, sondern auch ein Genuss ist." - J. Becker in Biblische Zeitschrift 36 (1992) 115. importance ... elle (l'information de C.H.) est incontestablement plus complete que celle des grands commentaires de l'Exode..." - J. Loza in Revue Biblique 98 (1991) 462.
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