19 products were found matching your search for ostraca in 1 shops:
Ostraca Ieratici n.57450-57568. Tabelle lignee n.58001-58007.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.24 $A cura di Jesus Lopez. Catalogo Generale del Museo Egizio di Torino, Serie IIa, Collezioni, Vol.III, fascicolo 4. cm.24,5x33, pp.58, 60 tavv.di cui alcune a col. Milano, Cisalpino Goliardica Ed. cm.24,5x33, pp.58, 60 tavv.di cui alcune a col. brossura
Ostraca Ieratici n.57320-57449.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.24 $cm.24,5x33, pp.54, 100 tavv.di cui alcune a col. Coll. Catalogo Generale del Museo Egizio di Torino. Serie seconda. Collezioni, vol.III, fascicolo 3. Milano, Cisalpino La goliardica Ed. cm.24,5x33, pp.54, 100 tavv.di cui alcune a col. brossura Coll. Catalogo Generale del Museo Egizio di Torino. Serie seconda. Collezioni, vol.III, fascicolo 3.
ostraca grecs et coptes du monast
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.00 $In 2005, the Bible + Orient Foundation at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) enhanced its collection with a group of 68 ostraca, written in Coptic and Ancient Greek, and donated by the family of a Swiss collector. The expression "chine nsa" written on almost all the ostraca, leaves no room for doubt as to their origin: the monastery of Bawit, in Middle Egypt. The documentary texts on the ostraca concern the economic management of the monastery and were used for delivery requests of food, especially grain, from the surrounding fields. As a group, these ostraca are coherent and homogeneous. Repetition of personal names, toponyms and dates, as well as our ability to recognize the hand of a single scribe on several of them, suggest they come from one archive.
Ostraca de Krokodil? II
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 57.00 $The fort of Krokodilo on the road from Coptos to Myos Hormos was excavated in 1996-97 by the French mission in the Eastern desert. Its rubbish-dump was formed during the reigns of Trajan and Hadrian, and produced over 800 ostraca, 189 of which are published in this volume. While the first volume of Ostraca de Krokodilo concerns military correspondence, this second volume contains private letters exchanged between the inhabitants of Krokodilo and the neighbouring forts, Phoinikon and Persou. The letters were written by three very different characters: Philokles, a green-grocer and pimp, plays a central role in supplying vegetables to the inhabitants of the desert forts and also organises the prostitution; Ischyras, a quarry-man, is an acquaintance of Philokles and his letters are full of declarations of friendship, but also contain some harsh remarks which demonstrate the brutality of certain human relationships; Apollos is probably a soldier, but also functions as a letter-writer for a group of people who are mostly concerned with their provisions of food. This rich corpus gives us a glimpse of the daily life in a society of some 200 people who lived in the desert garrisons at the beginning of the 2nd century AD, and who appear in the ostraca. We are able to witness the importance of solidarity in this hostile environment and the important role of civilians, not least the women, in the life around the forts.
Ostraca et papyrus coptes du topos de Saint-Marc ? th?bes
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 88.00 $The topos of St. Mark, a religious institution located on the hill of Qurnet Murai in Western Thebes, was excavated by the Ifao in the early 1970. The material found during the excavations included approximately 1400 Coptic ostraca and several dozen fragments of Coptic papyri. The selection of 440 texts published here illustrates, from the economic and administrative point of view, the life of this ecclesiastical center between the early 7th and half of the 8th century. This documentation confirms the importance of the priest Mark, whose activities and influence are already known from other sites in the region. It also helps to understand the role of the topos in the network of hermitages, monasteries and churches that had developed in Western Thebes at that time.
Hieratic Ostraca in the Hunterian Museum Glasgow
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.00 $This volume presents the 27 limestone and hieratic ostraca collected by Rev. Colin Campbell in Egypt at the turn of the century and donated by him to the Hunterian Museum. All but one come from the New Kingdom community of Deir el-Medina, the exception being a Ptolemaic copy of the Offering of the mnw -vase. The main group of ostraca contains hymns, magical, literary, administrative, legal and economic texts. Many texts are published here ofr the first time, and are presented in facsimiles and transcriptions, furnished with full translation and commentary.
Mons Claudianus. Ostraca graeca et latina I. O.Claud. 1 à 190.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 7.56 $Le Caire, IFAO, 1992. In-4 broché, 198 pp., 6 fig. in t., 66 pl. de reprod. photogr. en n/b., textes en français, anglais, extraits en grec, concordance des numéros d'inventaire, index. IF 728 DFIFAO 29. /S72 Dos insolé, couv. un peu poussiéreuse, intérieur en bonne condition, bon ex.
Catalogue Des Ostraca Hieratiques Non Litteraires De Deir El-medineh : Tome XIII - Nos 10406-10556 -Language: french
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 13.71 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Les ostraca grecs et coptes du monastère de Baouît conservés à la Fondation Bible+Orient de l?Université de Fribourg (Suisse). BEC 25.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.92 $In 2005, the Bible + Orient Foundation at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) enhanced its collection with a group of 68 ostraca, written in Coptic and Ancient Greek, and donated by the family of a Swiss collector. The expression "chine nsa" written on almost all the ostraca, leaves no room for doubt as to their origin: the monastery of Bawit, in Middle Egypt. The documentary texts on the ostraca concern the economic management of the monastery and were used for delivery requests of food, especially grain, from the surrounding fields. As a group, these ostraca are coherent and homogeneous. Repetition of personal names, toponyms and dates, as well as our ability to recognize the hand of a single scribe on several of them, suggest they come from one archive.
Hieratic Ostraca in the Hunterian Museum, Glasgow by A. G. McDowell (Griffith Institute Publications)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.95 $This volume presents the 27 limestone and hieratic ostraca collected by Rev. Colin Campbell in Egypt at the turn of the century and donated by him to the Hunterian Museum. All but one come from the New Kingdom community of Deir el-Medina, the exception being a Ptolemaic copy of the Offering of the mnw -vase. The main group of ostraca contains hymns, magical, literary, administrative, legal and economic texts. Many texts are published here ofr the first time, and are presented in facsimiles and transcriptions, furnished with full translation and commentary.
Masada I. The Aramaic and Hebrew Ostraca and Jar Inscriptions
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 150.45 $31 x 23.5, hard cover, 232 pp., 80 plates. 'No other archaeological endeavor in Israel has attracted such widespread attention as the excavations at Masada carried out under the direction of Yigael Yadin in 19631965. Interest may have been precipitated by Josephus Flavius' detailed account of the dramatic fate of Masada at the end of the Jewish War against the Romans (6673/74 CE). Masada includes remains of an impressive architectural complex built by Herod the Great and vivid evidence of Jewish resistance to Rome's might.'
Grammar of Epigraphic Hebrew
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 55.32 $A grammar of the extra-biblical Hebrew inscriptions of Palestine, which have been attributed to the period between the tenth and sixth century BC. Builds on earlier studies by examining the whole corpus, including ostraca, graffiti, and seals and by comparing the seal inscriptions and the personal names with the longer inscriptions. Developed from a Ph.D. dissertation for the University of Chicago, no date noted. No index. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.
[The Ptolemaic Period (323 BCE¿30 BCE)]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 167.35 $The edition collects and presents all papyri and ostraca from the Ptolemaic period, connected to Jews and Judaism, published since 1957. It is a follow-up to the Corpus Papyrorum Judaicarum (= CPJ) of the 1950s and 60s, edited by Victor Tcherikover, which had consisted of three volumes - I devoted to the Ptolemaic period; II to the Early Roman period (until 117 CE); and III to the Late Roman and Byzantine periods. The present book, CPJ vol. IV, is the first in a new trilogy, and is devoted to the Ptolemaic period. The present and upcoming volumes supplement the original CPJ. They present over 300 papyri that have been published since 1957. They also include papyri in languages other than Greek (Hebrew, Aramaic, Demotic), and literary papyri which had not been included in the old CPJ. Aside from quite a number of papyri in these categories, the present volume (of over 100 documents) includes 21 papyri from Herakleopolis in Middle-Egypt that record the existence of a Jewish self-ruling body - the politeuma. These papyri put an end to a long-standing dispute over whether such a Jewish institution had ever existed in Egypt.
A Grammar of Epigraphic Hebrew (Sbl - Resources for Biblical Study)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 74.81 $A grammar of the extra-biblical Hebrew inscriptions of Palestine, which have been attributed to the period between the tenth and sixth century BC. Builds on earlier studies by examining the whole corpus, including ostraca, graffiti, and seals and by comparing the seal inscriptions and the personal names with the longer inscriptions. Developed from a Ph.D. dissertation for the University of Chicago, no date noted. No index. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.
Jurisdiction in the Workmen's Community of Deir el-Med?na
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.00 $One of the best known villages of antiquity, the artisan's community of Deir el-Medina on the west bank of Thebes which had its floruit in the Ramesside period, has also yielded a wealth of information on the social and juridical systems. A great number of ostraca, papyri and inscriptions form the base on which the main outlines of the system of administering law can be reconstructed. This richly documented monograph tries to find answers to problems like: who were the members of the village council (the knb.t)? Which cases did it deal with by itself and which were rather put before the village oracle? And, finally, what juridical cases occupied the minds of the villagers which fell out of the scope of these two main means to regulate the social life of community?
Hieratic Documents From the Ramesside Period in the Egyptian Museum of Cairo
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.49 $This volume presents seventeen ostraca and two jar labels from the Egyptian Museum of Cairo with transliteration, translation and commentary. All were discovered during Davis and Carter's excavations in the Valley of the Kings, and interpretive remarks explore the relationship between the finds and the locations and spread of workmen's huts in the valley.
Reign of Ramesses IV
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 9.91 $Peden draws on a range of sources, including inscriptions, monuments and ostraca, to present 'a compact and comprehensive history of the reign of Ramesses IV, who ruled Egypt at a point of transition between the last days of the her greatness under Ramesses III and her political and economic decline under Ramesses IV's successors'.
Hieratic Documents from the Ramesside Period in the Egyptian Museum of Cairo (GHP Egyptology)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.35 $This volume presents seventeen ostraca and two jar labels from the Egyptian Museum of Cairo with transliteration, translation and commentary. All were discovered during Davis and Carter's excavations in the Valley of the Kings, and interpretive remarks explore the relationship between the finds and the locations and spread of workmen's huts in the valley.
Dictionary of the North-West Semitic Inscriptions
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 79.87 $The North-West Semitic epigraphic contributes considerably to our understanding of the Old Testament and of the Ugaritic texts and to our knowledge of the North-West Semitic languages as such. This dictionary is concerned with the North-West Semitic material found in inscriptions, papyri and ostraca in Phoenician, Punic, Hebrew, various forms of Aramaic, Ammonite, Edomite, the language of Deir Alla et cetera. The material covers the period from ca. 1000 B.C. to ca. 300 A.D. Besides translations, the entries include discussions and full references to scholarly literature. The book is a translated, updated and considerably augmented edition of Jean & Hoftijzer, Dictionnaire des inscriptions sémitiques de l'ouest. The additions concern newly found texts as well as references to new scholarly literature. The book is an indispensable tool for research in North-West Semitic epigraphy, on the Old Testament and on Ugaritic texts, and for Semitic linguistics.Please note that this version is an unrevised reprint of the original version published in 1995.
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