1103 products were found matching your search for palestinians in 1 shops:
The Palestinian Exodus: 1948-1998
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 57.24 $This title deals with an important and often neglected subject: the Palestinian exodus and the creation of the refugee problem. The intimate and causal connection between the refugee exodus and the creation of the Jewish state in Palestine has rarely been defined and the two issues have customarily been treated as separate events. This book analyses this connection and reviews the Palestinian exodus from 1948, through 1967, right up to the present time with the continuing expulsion of Palestinians from Jerusalem. It explores the themes of compensation for Palestinians, the right of return of the refugees to Israel and the feasibility of return. It also sets out a vision for a future solution to the refugee problem, which remains an outstanding obstacle in the way of a lasting peace between the two sides. By bringing together historians, academics and legal experts to provide different perspectives, this book aims to address all the major aspects of this complex issue. As such, it forms essential reading for scholars and also for general readers concerned with the primary causes of and the solutions to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
Palestinian Religious Terrorism: Hamas and Islamic Jihad
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 96.44 $This volume profiles Hamas (Harakat al-Mugawama al-Islamiya), main radical Islamic terrorist group dedicated to the destruction of the State of Israel and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, smaller in size but equally committed to eliminating Israel through political violence. The aim of this book is not to glorify terrorist movements. Rather it is designed to provide an easily accessible reference for academics, policy makers, reporters, and other interested individuals on two of the most notorious Palestinian terrorist groups.Published under the Transnational Publishers imprint.
(Palestinian Women Under the British Mandate) almrat alflstynyt fy hd alantdab albrytany -Language: arabic
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.47 $The role of the Palestinian woman in the history of Palestine is important not only politically and nationally, but also socially, culturally and economically. This role was not given the significance that it deserves. In this book, I document her journey and accomplishments during the British Mandate period from 1920-1948 with the accessible resources available.
The Palestinian People A Hist
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.04 $In a timely reminder of how the past informs the present, Baruch Kimmerling and Joel Migdal offer an authoritative account of the history of the Palestinian people from their modern origins to the Oslo peace process and beyond. Palestinians struggled to create themselves as a people from the first revolt of the Arabs in Palestine in 1834 through the British Mandate to the impact of Zionism and the founding of Israel. Their relationship with the Jewish people and the State of Israel has been fundamental in shaping that identity, and today Palestinians find themselves again at a critical juncture. In the 1990s cornerstones for peace were laid for eventual Palestinian-Israeli coexistence, including mutual acceptance, the renunciation of violence as a permanent strategy, and the establishment for the first time of Palestinian self-government. But the dawn of the twenty-first century saw a reversion to unmitigated hatred and mutual demonization. By mid-2002 the brutal violence of the Intifada had crippled Palestine's fledgling political institutions and threatened the fragile social cohesion painstakingly constructed after 1967. Kimmerling and Migdal unravel what went right--and what went wrong--in the Oslo peace process, and what lessons we can draw about the forces that help to shape a people. The authors present a balanced, insightful, and sobering look at the realities of creating peace in the Middle East.
Palestinian Memories
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.09 $This title is a paperback, not a hardcover.
The Palestinians [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.23 $Photographs and interviews help capture the feelings, outlook, and plight of the Palestinians, who have spent frustrating years as refugees caught up in the turbulence of the Middle East
The Palestinians: From Peasants to Revolutionaries
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 48.08 $As the Israel-Palestine conflict rages on, it is increasingly important to understand the history of the Palestinian people. Rosemary Sayigh's The Palestinians is a classic of radical history. Through extensive interviews with Palestinians in refugee camps, she provides a deeply-moving, grassroots story of how the Palestinians came to be who they are today. Reissued with an extensive new foreword by Noam Chomsky, which brings the story that Sayigh tells up-to-date in the context of the Hamas victory and the war in Lebanon, this book is both a fascinating historical document and an essential insight into the situation in the contemporary Middle East.
The Palestinians in Israel A study in internal colonialism
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 6.48 $Shipped from UK, please allow 10 to 21 business days for arrival. Good, xi, 249 p. ; 23 cm.. . Includes bibliographical references and index.. In very good condition. Bright and clean internally. A little wear on the dust jacket, price clipped.
Palestinian Labour Migration to Israel : Labour, Land and Occupation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 111.19 $Leila Farsakh provides the first comprehensive analysis of the rise and fall of Palestinian labour flows to Israel. Highlighting the interdependence between Israel’s confiscation of Palestinian land and the use of Palestinian labour, she shows how migration has been the result of evolving dynamics of Israeli occupation and the reality of Palestinian labour force growth. This study analyzes the pattern of Palestinian labour supply, the role of Israel’s territorial and economic policies in the Occupied Territories in releasing Palestinian labour from the land, and the nature of Israeli demand for Palestinian workers, especially in the construction sector where the majority of commuting labourers are concentrated. New light is shed on the growth of illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, which are being built by Palestinian workers. Palestinian Labour Migration to Israel is original in its analysis of the contrasting forces of separation and the integration between Israel and the Palestinian territories, showing that the changing patterns in labour flows reflect a process of redefinition of the 1967 borders. It will be of valuable interest to economists and development specialists as well as to scholars, policy makers and all those concerned with the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
The Palestinian Refugees in Jordan 1948-1957
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.55 $There is perhaps no aspect of the Arab-Israeli conflict that is more complex and more emotionally charged than the problem of the Palestinian refugees. The atmosphere surrounding the discussion has led to confusion, so that the facts have become unclear and the problems more difficult to treat. This book, first published in 1981, examines the complex interlocking issues that surround the topic of the Palestinian refugees in the country that adopted most of them – Jordan.
Palestinians: The Making of a People
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 7.89 $Recent events have dealt the Palestinians a series of major blows that have discredited their leaders and apparently sidelined their cause in the shifting sands of Middle Eastern politics. But as the authors argue, the Palestinians may have reached a breakthrough in their long-standing impasse with Israel, as a new generation of leaders may be willing to abandon anti-Zionism.
Palestinian Identity: The Construction of Modern National Consciousness
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 124.25 $Khalidi critically assesses the narratives that make up Palestinian history and identity and examines the ways in which the Palestinian national consciousness has come full circle.
The Palestinian Economy: Studies in Development Under Prolonged Occupation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.99 $These papers are perhaps the first collection to examine in depth the problems and prospects for economic development in the occupied regions.
Palestinian Art: From 1850 to the Present
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 1,216.52 $“Boullata takes the reader close to the struggle of those visionary, obstinate Palestinian artists who create so that their anonymous heroic land with its ancestral olive trees may survive.”—John Berger“It is rare and exciting to find an art book full of persuasive, urgent visual imagery whose language and strategies are ultimately unfamiliar, whatever their surface appearance, to the complacent western eye. And it is refreshing to sense that the pull of much of the work derives from and points back to Palestinian culture itself, rather than being necessarily part of the self-conscious east-west discourse which so preoccupied Edward Said. As such it represents another advance in international understanding of Palestinian history and aspiration, but determinedly through the artist's eye.”—Guardian UKThis diverse selection features pre-1948 paintings alongside contemporary media works, highlighting the political concerns of Palestinian artists and their unique contributions to modern Arab culture. Works by artists who live in Palestine are examined alongside those of artists from the Palestinian diaspora.Kamal Boullata is a painter and writer. His writings on Palestinian art have appeared in numerous art and academic periodicals, and he recently edited Belonging and Globalisation: Critical Essays on Contemporary Art and Culture (Saqi Books).
A Palestinian State: The Implications for Israel (Loeb Classical Library)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.84 $The future of the West Bank and Gaza remains the single most crucial issue in the search for peace in the Middle East. Examining the entire range of possible outcomes, Mark Heller argues that an independent Palestinian state in those territories, even one dominated by the PLO, could, under certain stringent conditions, be the preferred option for Israel.In the first comprehensive treatment of the political, social, economic, and military factors bearing on the disposition of the West Bank and Gaza, Heller sets forth the possible alternatives―annexation by Israel, perpetuation of the status quo, federal or communal arrangements, and territorial compromise within the framework of the Jordanian option―and evaluates their implications for Israeli security.Heller outlines the conditions under which he believes the establishment of a Palestinian state could be the optimal solution. He also discusses the economic prospects of a Palestinian state and the future of Jerusalem. His analysis is the boldest attempt yet to come to grips with the Palestinian question and the future of Israel. No one interested in the pursuit of a peaceful settlement of the Israeli–Arab conflict can afford to ignore this book.
Palestinian Arab Music: A Maqam Tradition in Practice (Chicago Studies in Ethnomusicology)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.75 $This long-awaited project presents the results of a major research effort to determine the parameters of the stylistic variability of Arab folk music in Israel. Central to this old and highly improvised musical tradition is a unique modal framework that combines the concept of maqam—the foundation of Arab music theory—with other characteristics, including those of the text. Palestinian Arab Music is a comprehensive analysis of this music as actually practiced, examining both musical and nonmusical factors, their connection with the traits of individual performers, and their interaction with sociocultural phenomena.Working initially with their own 1957 invention, the Cohen-Katz Melograph, and later with computers, Dalia Cohen and Ruth Katz recorded and digitized several hundred Palestinian music performances. The authors analyzed the musical tradition in light of its main variables. These include musical parameters, modal frameworks, the form and structure of the music, its poetic texts, and aspects of the social functions of the tradition. As a result of their study, the vexed aspect of intonation in practice is revealed to exist in a special relationship with the scale systems or maqamat, which are in turn of great importance to organizing the music and determining its modal systems.
The Palestinian People: A History
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.25 $In a timely reminder of how the past informs the present, Baruch Kimmerling and Joel Migdal offer an authoritative account of the history of the Palestinian people from their modern origins to the Oslo peace process and beyond.Palestinians struggled to create themselves as a people from the first revolt of the Arabs in Palestine in 1834 through the British Mandate to the impact of Zionism and the founding of Israel. Their relationship with the Jewish people and the State of Israel has been fundamental in shaping that identity, and today Palestinians find themselves again at a critical juncture. In the 1990s cornerstones for peace were laid for eventual Palestinian-Israeli coexistence, including mutual acceptance, the renunciation of violence as a permanent strategy, and the establishment for the first time of Palestinian self-government. But the dawn of the twenty-first century saw a reversion to unmitigated hatred and mutual demonization. By mid-2002 the brutal violence of the Intifada had crippled Palestine's fledgling political institutions and threatened the fragile social cohesion painstakingly constructed after 1967. Kimmerling and Migdal unravel what went right--and what went wrong--in the Oslo peace process, and what lessons we can draw about the forces that help to shape a people. The authors present a balanced, insightful, and sobering look at the realities of creating peace in the Middle East.
Palestinians in Syria Nakba Memories of Shattered Communities
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.00 $One hundred thousand Palestinians fled to Syria after being expelled from Palestine upon the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. Integrating into Syrian society over time, their experience stands in stark contrast to the plight of Palestinian refugees in other Arab countries, leading to different ways through which to understand the 1948 Nakba, or catastrophe, in their popular memory. Conducting interviews with first-, second-, and third-generation members of Syria's Palestinian community, Anaheed Al-Hardan follows the evolution of the Nakba―the central signifier of the Palestinian refugee past and present―in Arab intellectual discourses, Syria's Palestinian politics, and the community's memorialization. Al-Hardan's sophisticated research sheds light on the enduring relevance of the Nakba among the communities it helped create, while challenging the nationalist and patriotic idea that memories of the Nakba are static and universally shared among Palestinians. Her study also critically tracks the Nakba's changing meaning in light of Syria's twenty-first-century civil war.
Palestinian Peasants and Ottoman Officials: Rural Administration around Sixteenth-Century Jerusalem (Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 45.25 $In a unique study of rural administration in the Ottoman empire, Amy Singer explores the relationship between Palestinian peasants and Ottoman officials in mid-sixteenth-century Jerusalem. Using court records, the author describes the mechanisms of tax collection and other aspects of local administration. The book emphasizes the interactive nature of Ottoman officialdom, which, while obliged to extract revenues from the peasants and impress them with its imperial authority, was profoundly influenced by local conditions and traditional practices.
The Palestinian Wedding: A Bilingual Anthology of Contemporary Palestinian Resistance Poetry
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 47.87 $The poems in this powerful collection range from the rhetorical lyricism of Tawfiq Zayyad to the complex, cosmic imagery of Walid al-Halis, from the romantic idiom of Salma al-Jayyusi to the edgy, convoluted style of Tawfiq Sayigh, all evoking Palestine, the never-forgotten homeland.The rich variety of the work is explored in Abdelwahab Elmessiri's extensive introduction and further reflected in the Arabic-language versions that accompany each selection. Opening with Mahmud Darwish's "The Roses and the Dictionary" and Samih al-Qasim's "To Najib Mahfuz," the collection is organized around six themes: aesthetics of the revolution, elegies, love of Palestine, steadfastness, resistance, and victory.Other poets represented include Laila 'Alush, 'Abd al-Latif 'Aql, Fawzi el-Asmar, Mu'in Basisu, Ahmad Dahbur, Yusuf Hamdan, Ahmad Husayn, Rashid Husayn, Jabra Ibrahim Jabra, Salim Jubran, Nazih Khayr, Kamal Nasir, 'Abd al-Karim al-Sab awi, Mayy Sayigh, and Fadwah Tuqan. The book also includes biographical notes and a selected bibliography.
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