7 products were found matching your search for paralytic in 2 shops:
Paralytic Stalks
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 31.29 $The brand new full-length from Of Montreal, PARALYTIC STALKS sees Kevin Barnes writing with a lyrical and musical direction that is infinitely more personal than anything he has written since 2007's HISSING FAUNA, ARE YOU THE DESTROYER? Each track feeds off the last in what seems a singular album-long movement that never allows you to rip your ears away. PARALYTIC STALKS at times resembles modern classical with it's intricate compositions while at others echoes of neo-prog, pseudo-country, and 6
Spasmo Paralytic Dreams
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 27.05 $Spasmo Paralytic Dreams Blood - LP 827166396026
Passage through Crisis: Polio Victims and Their Families
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 6.58 $Based on a study of fourteen families in which a child had contracted paralytic poliomyelitis. Passage Through Crisis: Polio Victims and Their Families, first published in 1963, was widely praised for its penetrating—and, for its time, innovative—analyses of doctor-patient communications, and for its interpretation of the meaning of physical disability in American society. In his new opening essay, Davis reflects on the enduring sources of this profound problem in human relations as well as on those changes in the culture of American health care that are helping to restructure doctor-patient relations along more open, less authoritarian lines. The emergence of patient self-help groups, the political militancy of the Gay community in regard to AIDS, and the fading of the early post-World War II naive faith in the humanitarian efficacy of science are some of the developments dealt with. A parallel discussion of the importation into medical sociology of such concepts as the reality-structuring power of professional discourse and of the meta-phoric significance of different diseases for different historical eras seeks to relate developments in the culture of health care to sociology's study. Passage Through Crisis retains for today's readers that essential quality that most engaged readers of a quarter century ago: its vivid and probing ethnographic account of the impact of serious illness on the family, the difficult processes of adjustment that ensue and, in these connections, the role played (and toll exacted) by American values.
The Polio Years in Texas: Battling a Terrifying Unknown
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.65 $From the 1930s to the 1950s, in response to the rising epidemic of paralytic poliomyelitis (polio), Texas researchers led a wave of discoveries in virology, rehabilitative therapies, and the modern intensive care unit that transformed the field nationally. The disease threatened the lives of children and adults in the United States, especially in the South, arousing the same kind of fear more recently associated with AIDS and other dread diseases. Houston and Harris County, Texas, had the second-highest rate of infection in the nation, and the rest of the Texas Gulf Coast was particularly hard-hit by this debilitating illness. At the time, little was known, but eventually the medical responses to polio changed the medical landscape forever. Polio also had a sweeping cultural and societal effect. It engendered fearful responses from parents trying to keep children safe from its ravages and an all-out public information blitz aimed at helping a frightened population protect itself. The disease exacted a very real toll on the families, friends, healthcare resources, and social fabric of those who contracted the disease and endured its acute, convalescent, and rehabilitation phases.In The Polio Years in Texas, Heather Green Wooten draws on extensive archival research as well as interviews conducted over a five-year period with Texas polio survivors and their families. This is a detailed and intensely human account of not only the epidemics that swept Texas during the polio years, but also of the continuing aftermath of the disease for those who are still living with its effects.Public health and medical professionals, historians, and interested general readers will derive deep and lasting benefits from reading The Polio Years in Texas.
The Holy Terror
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.93 $Serial killer Frank Haid, dubbed the Painkiller by Chicago police and media, murders 18 people--all paralytics. Commanded by an unseen presence that he calls ''Father'' and that speaks in the voice of an uncle whose rotting corpse he keeps in the living room, Haid destroys his victims (what's left of them) and evidence in a way that puzzles police. Hardest hit are residents of Marclinn, a home for the handicapped, where survivors decide they must track down the madman themselves. Their efforts bring them into contact with Chicago's weird underworld--including junkie/murderers and a deformed prostitute whose head grows out her chest--and their own true selves. Crippled physically and emotionally, Marclinn inhabitants must overcome their limitations before taking on their nemesis. Their unlikely front man is Evan Shustak, who is the novel's centerpiece. About a hundred pages into the novel, he dons his superhero outfit - wrist braces, a "utility belt" from which hang bags of vitamins and aspirin, and a plaid heating pad for a cape then announces: "Crippled and insane, I am the American Dream!"Praise for The Holy Terror "Sallee's characters in "The Holy Terror" are like nothing we've seen since Flannery O'Conner sent Hazel Motes into the big city in her seminal novel "Wise Blood". Like O'Conner, Sallee has the talent to make his repulsive denizens of the street readable with an absurd sense of humor. Of course, he also has the talent to make them extremely terrifying, and in the first part of the novel, he spends a good deal of time doing just that. Still, Francis Haid is one of the most sympathetic serial killers we've seen since Hannibal Lecter, but not because he's witty. Sallee has created an unusual supernatural power, one that the reader will not forget, one that might make Haid as much of a savior as a murderer." --- Rick Kleffel - Agony Column Reviews
Passage Through Crisis: Polio Victims and Their Families
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 43.78 $Based on a study of fourteen families in which a child had contracted paralytic poliomyelitis. Passage Through Crisis: Polio Victims and Their Families, first published in 1963, was widely praised for its penetrating—and, for its time, innovative—analyses of doctor-patient communications, and for its interpretation of the meaning of physical disability in American society. In his new opening essay, Davis reflects on the enduring sources of this profound problem in human relations as well as on those changes in the culture of American health care that are helping to restructure doctor-patient relations along more open, less authoritarian lines. The emergence of patient self-help groups, the political militancy of the Gay community in regard to AIDS, and the fading of the early post-World War II naive faith in the humanitarian efficacy of science are some of the developments dealt with. A parallel discussion of the importation into medical sociology of such concepts as the reality-structuring power of professional discourse and of the meta-phoric significance of different diseases for different historical eras seeks to relate developments in the culture of health care to sociology's study. Passage Through Crisis retains for today's readers that essential quality that most engaged readers of a quarter century ago: its vivid and probing ethnographic account of the impact of serious illness on the family, the difficult processes of adjustment that ensue and, in these connections, the role played (and toll exacted) by American values.
Manners and Customs of the Bible: A Complete Guide to the Origin and Significance of Our Time-Honored Biblical Tradition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 101.22 $Have you ever wondered how a camel can go through the eye of a needle? How the four men got their paralytic friend through the roof to Jesus? What it means to greet one another with a holy kiss? This book answers these questions and others. In it, you will learn who the magi were, how lots were used, and what it means to be engraved on the palm of God's hand. This valuable resource goes book by book through the Bible, explaining many customs practiced in Bible times. Not only is it easy to understand, but it is also filled with many helpful illustrations. This useful tool will greatly aid anyone wanting to understand more about the Bible.
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