112 products were found matching your search for polio in 2 shops:
Polio Wars
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.83 $New Book. Shipped From Uk. This Book Is Printed On Demand. Established Seller Since 2000.
American Experience: The Polio Crusade
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 24.99 $ (+1.99 $)Based in part on David Oshinsky's Pulitzer Prize-winning book Polio: An American Story this one-hour film chronicles a decades-long crusade fueled by the bold leadership of a single philanthropy and it's innovative public relations campaign and features a bitter battle between two scientists and the breakthrough of a forgotten woman researcher.
Polio Across the Iron Curtain : Hungary's Cold War With an Epidemic
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.15 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Polio's Legacy
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 75.38 $This book shows readers the reality of polio and how it alters human lives. Thirty-five polio survivors open their hearts to explain their experiences-the day they were diagnosed with polio, their initial hospital stay, the therapy and the treatments they received, and the effects of polio on their childhood, youth, adulthood, and relationships with others. The editor, a polio survivor himself, and two colleagues obtained interviews with these survivors. The result is this written tribute to the survival of the human spirit. The book begins with an introduction to the disease. Next, the stories of the thirty-five interviewees are detailed and arranged into chapters according to the survivors' common life experiences. Finally, the editor provides a conclusion in hopes of 'making some sense of polio's legacy.' Readers will see how polio's legacy reveals itself through these stories. Because these are personal accounts about humans with a disease, they also provide information about others with disabling disorders. Polio's Legacy will be of prime interest to those in the medical field and anyone who wants to see the reality of the individual's fight for life.
The Polio Paradox: What You Need to Know
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.62 $Polio is a disease of paradoxes, the major one being that although the threat of the ``dreaded disease'' ended with the Salk vaccine in 1954, many polio survivors are now experiencing the onset of ``Post-Polio Syndrome'' (PPS), new but related symptoms which may include chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, intolerance to cold, and more.
The Polio Paradox: What You Need to Know
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 43.51 $Although the threat of polio ended with the Salk vaccine in 1954, many polio survivors are now experiencing the onset of post-polio syndrome (PPS), a complication with new but related symptoms such as chronic fatigue and joint pain.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 102.14 $Polio - infantile paralysis -was until recently a greatly feared disease, but is now preventable by a vaccine, which has largely eradicated it from the Western Hemisphere; a global eradication campaign is underway. This book tells the storyof polio in fascinating and personal detail, through a series of essays written by those who experienced the disease: its victims, those who cared for them, and those who worked to eliminate it altogether. The opening chapter recounts the history of polio from its earliest depiction in Egyptian art to the present day; it is followed by accounts of the experiences of patients who were paralysed in youth by polio, but went on to build successful lives. The challenges of caring for polio sufferers are described by two physicians who worked on polio wards at the height of the epidemic. The story of the cultivation of poliovirus and the testing of the vaccines is related by two research scientists from the laboratories where the breakthroughs were achieved. The final essays describe the public health vaccination campaigns which successfully eradicated polio from the Americas, as experienced by those who directed them. Dr. Thomas M. Daniel is Professor Emeritus of Medicine and International Health and Director of the Center for International Health at Case Western Reserve University. Dr. Frederick C. Robbins is University Professor and Dean Emeritus of the School of Medicine at Case Western Reserve University. Contributors: Thomas M. Daniel, Frederick C. Robbins, Michael W. R. David, Ann L. McLaughlin, Ruth E. Frischer, Robert M. Eiben, Martha Lipson Lepow, Joao Batista Risi Jr, Ciro De Quadros
The Polio Years in Texas: Battling a Terrifying Unknown
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.65 $From the 1930s to the 1950s, in response to the rising epidemic of paralytic poliomyelitis (polio), Texas researchers led a wave of discoveries in virology, rehabilitative therapies, and the modern intensive care unit that transformed the field nationally. The disease threatened the lives of children and adults in the United States, especially in the South, arousing the same kind of fear more recently associated with AIDS and other dread diseases. Houston and Harris County, Texas, had the second-highest rate of infection in the nation, and the rest of the Texas Gulf Coast was particularly hard-hit by this debilitating illness. At the time, little was known, but eventually the medical responses to polio changed the medical landscape forever. Polio also had a sweeping cultural and societal effect. It engendered fearful responses from parents trying to keep children safe from its ravages and an all-out public information blitz aimed at helping a frightened population protect itself. The disease exacted a very real toll on the families, friends, healthcare resources, and social fabric of those who contracted the disease and endured its acute, convalescent, and rehabilitation phases.In The Polio Years in Texas, Heather Green Wooten draws on extensive archival research as well as interviews conducted over a five-year period with Texas polio survivors and their families. This is a detailed and intensely human account of not only the epidemics that swept Texas during the polio years, but also of the continuing aftermath of the disease for those who are still living with its effects.Public health and medical professionals, historians, and interested general readers will derive deep and lasting benefits from reading The Polio Years in Texas.
The End of Polio: A Global Effort To End A Disease
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 56.73 $An inspirational account of the global initiative to eliminate the scourge of polio offers one hundred stunning duotone photographs that capture the campaign in five polio endemic nations--Democratic Republic of Congo, India, Pakistan, Somalia, and Sudan.
Post-Polio Syndrome
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 47.89 $Although you only have one volume in front of you, writing four volumes and 1600 pages on a single subject needs some form of justification. And then on the other hand, why write even more?! Can't, at least, the preface of something that long be short?! Very well, so let's keep it short. It is my sincere hope that the series "'lEX in Practice" will be useful for your own 'lEX work. But please, before you get started, read the "Notes on ''lEX in Practice' ," because it instructs you how to use this series. You will find these notes on pages xxvii-xxxvi. The fourth and last volume deals with two different subject areas. First of all, there are the so-called output routines which are responsible for putting together the pages as generated by 'lEX. You will be amazed at how many different things can be done with 'lEX's output routines. The second subject area we are dealing with in this volume are tables. About a hundred different tables you can choose from should provide you with a starting point in the selection of tables.
Post-Polio Syndrome: A Guide for Polio Survivors and Their Families
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.00 $The effects of polio that occur decades after the disease has run its course—weakness, fatigue, pain, intolerance to cold, difficulty with breathing and swallowing—are often more devastating than the original disease. This book on the diagnosis and management of polio-related health problems is an essential resource for polio survivors and their families and health care providers. Dr. Julie K. Silver, who has both personal and professional experience with post-polio syndrome, begins the book by defining and describing PPS and providing a historical overview of its diagnosis and treatment. Chapters that follow discuss finding good medical care, dealing with symptoms, maintaining proper nutrition and weight, preventing osteoporosis and falls, and sustaining mobility. Dr. Silver reviews the latest in braces, shoes, assistive devices, and wheelchairs and scooters. She also explores issues involving managing pain, surgery, complementary and alternative medicine, safe and comfortable living environments, insurance and disability, and sex and intimacy.
Living with Polio: The Epidemic and Its Survivors
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.61 $Polio was the most dreaded childhood disease of twentieth-century America. Every summer during the 1940s and 1950s, parents were terrorized by the thought that polio might cripple their children. They warned their children not to drink from public fountains, to avoid swimming pools, and to stay away from movie theaters and other crowded places. Whenever and wherever polio struck, hospitals filled with victims of the virus. Many experienced only temporary paralysis, but others faced a lifetime of disability. Living with Polio is the first book to focus primarily on the personal stories of the men and women who had acute polio and lived with its crippling consequences. Writing from personal experience, polio survivor Daniel J. Wilson shapes this impassioned book with the testimonials of more than one hundred polio victims, focusing on the years between 1930 and 1960. He traces the entire life experience of the survivors—from the alarming diagnosis all the way to the recent development of post-polio syndrome, a condition in which the symptoms of the disease may return two or three decades after they originally surfaced.Living with Polio follows every physical and emotional stage of the disease: the loneliness of long separations from family and friends suffered by hospitalized victims; the rehabilitation facilitieswhere survivors spent a full year or more painfully trying to regain the use of their paralyzed muscles; and then the return home, where they were faced with readjusting to school or work with the aid of braces, crutches, or wheelchairs while their families faced the difficult responsibilities of caring for and supporting a child or spouse with a disability.Poignant and gripping, Living with Polio is a compelling history of the enduring physical and psychological experience of polio straight from the rarely heard voices of its survivors.
DDT/Polio: Virology vs Toxicology
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.78 $The DDT/Polio thesis represents the major historical turning point for political criticism of the sciences of environment, epidemiology, and germ theory. It was brought to the public by the independent research of Jim West, first published in The Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, June 2000. With three original articles published circa 2000, and with current (2014) updates, annotations and commentary, the author unearths a disconnected, buried science of polio, i.e., the 1950s arcana of Biskind, Mobbs and Scobey. With modern epidemiological graphs, with toxicological and virological insights, the thesis describes a human disaster resulting from the massive application of persistent pesticides circa 1945-1972. The oft-maligned Rachel Carson is effectively and simply defended. The author introduces strong arguments that enable a clear separation of science from politics within the areas of toxicology, virology and environmentalism, and the related topics, vaccination and immunology.
Chasing Polio in Pakistan: Why the World's Largest Public Health Initiative May Fail
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 52.53 $The number of global polio cases has fallen dramatically and eradication is within sight, but despite extraordinary efforts, polio retains its grip in a few areas. Anthropologist Svea Closser follows the trajectory of the polio eradication effort in Pakistan, one of the last four countries in the world with endemic polio. Journeying from vaccination campaigns in rural Pakistan to the center of global health decision making at the World Health Organization in Geneva, the author explores the historical and cultural underpinnings of eradication as a public health strategy, and reveals the culture of optimism that characterizes—and sometimes cripples—global health institutions.With a keen ethnographic eye, Closser describes the complex power negotiations that underlie the eradication effort at every level, tracking techniques of resistance employed by district health workers and state governments alike. This book offers an analysis of local politics, social relations, and global political economy in the implementation of a worldwide public health effort, with broad implications for understanding what is possible in global health, now and for the future.This book is the recipient of the annual Norman L. and Roselea J. Goldberg Prize for the best project in the area of medicine.
Post-Polio Syndrome: A Guide for Polio Survivors and Their Families
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 78.88 $The effects of polio that occur decades after the disease has run its course—weakness, fatigue, pain, intolerance to cold, difficulty with breathing and swallowing—are often more devastating than the original disease. This book on the diagnosis and management of polio-related health problems is an essential resource for polio survivors and their families and health care providers. Dr. Julie K. Silver, who has both personal and professional experience with post-polio syndrome, begins the book by defining and describing PPS and providing a historical overview of its diagnosis and treatment. Chapters that follow discuss finding good medical care, dealing with symptoms, maintaining proper nutrition and weight, preventing osteoporosis and falls, and sustaining mobility. Dr. Silver reviews the latest in braces, shoes, assistive devices, and wheelchairs and scooters. She also explores issues involving managing pain, surgery, complementary and alternative medicine, safe and comfortable living environments, insurance and disability, and sex and intimacy.
Post-Polio Syndrome: A Guide for Poliio Survivors and Their Families
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 50.39 $The effects of polio that occur decades after the disease has run its course—weakness, fatigue, pain, intolerance to cold, difficulty with breathing and swallowing—are often more devastating than the original disease. This book on the diagnosis and management of polio-related health problems is an essential resource for polio survivors and their families and health care providers. Dr. Julie K. Silver, who has both personal and professional experience with post-polio syndrome, begins the book by defining and describing PPS and providing a historical overview of its diagnosis and treatment. Chapters that follow discuss finding good medical care, dealing with symptoms, maintaining proper nutrition and weight, preventing osteoporosis and falls, and sustaining mobility. Dr. Silver reviews the latest in braces, shoes, assistive devices, and wheelchairs and scooters. She also explores issues involving managing pain, surgery, complementary and alternative medicine, safe and comfortable living environments, insurance and disability, and sex and intimacy.
Post-Polio Syndrome Halstead MD, Lauro S.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 50.25 $Many survivors of the polio epidemic of the first half of the 20th century are now experiencing a recurrence of symptoms, known as postpolio syndrome (PPS). This book, written by leaders in the field, describes the features of this disorder and its diagnosis, evaluation, management, and rehabilitation. It reviews the problems specific to people with PPS, primarily fatigue, muscle weakness, and chronic pain, and addresses the whole person through chapters on psychosocial issues, aging and prevention of secondary disability, and assistive devices to help with activities of daily living. Current evidence-based guidelines for specific rehabilitation therapies, such as exercise therapy, aquatic therapy, and energy conservation measures, are covered.Practical information presented by international leaders in the fieldFeatures diagnosis and management considerations as well as rehab considerationsCurrent evidence base for rehabilitation therapies
The Battle Against Polio (Epidemic!)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 124.84 $Discusses the cause of polio and the infection process, its history and search for a cure, and the course it took in the United States between 1900 and the early 1960s.
Paralyzing Fear: Story of Polio in America
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 24.95 $ (+1.99 $)A documentary by Nina Gilden Seavey narrated by Olympia Dukakis, examines how Polio came to America in 1916 and grew into the frightening epidemics of the 1940's and 50's when the disease crippled tens of thousands of children every summer.
Passage Through Crisis: Polio Victims and Their Families
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 43.78 $Based on a study of fourteen families in which a child had contracted paralytic poliomyelitis. Passage Through Crisis: Polio Victims and Their Families, first published in 1963, was widely praised for its penetrating—and, for its time, innovative—analyses of doctor-patient communications, and for its interpretation of the meaning of physical disability in American society. In his new opening essay, Davis reflects on the enduring sources of this profound problem in human relations as well as on those changes in the culture of American health care that are helping to restructure doctor-patient relations along more open, less authoritarian lines. The emergence of patient self-help groups, the political militancy of the Gay community in regard to AIDS, and the fading of the early post-World War II naive faith in the humanitarian efficacy of science are some of the developments dealt with. A parallel discussion of the importation into medical sociology of such concepts as the reality-structuring power of professional discourse and of the meta-phoric significance of different diseases for different historical eras seeks to relate developments in the culture of health care to sociology's study. Passage Through Crisis retains for today's readers that essential quality that most engaged readers of a quarter century ago: its vivid and probing ethnographic account of the impact of serious illness on the family, the difficult processes of adjustment that ensue and, in these connections, the role played (and toll exacted) by American values.
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