29 products were found matching your search for presa in 5 shops:
Presa del placer (Psi/Cambiantes 5) (Narrativa femenina)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.24 $La científica Ashaya Aleine, que vive separada de su hijo de cuatro años y enfrascada en la creación de implantes cerebrales que supondrían la efectiva esclavización de su raza, es la psi perfecta: fría, imperturbable, sin sentimientos... O eso aparenta aunque en realidad lucha desesperadamente por salvar a su hijo y huir c
MNBMP Presa Iberica Shoulder Steak
Vendor: Meatnbone.com Price: 74.99 $This is an interesting and very rare cut of pork. Not only because it's "iberico pork" (basically the tastiest pork there is). But also because it is usually just cut like this in Spain. It is actually considered the finest cut in the Iberian pig. Presa actually looks like red meat and should be cooked medium-rare or medium. The meat has a very high marble content and is the pork equivalent of Wagyu beef. It is thick and juicy and is a very different pork steak. HOW TO COOK IT Thaw Properly: If
MNBMP Presa Iberica Shoulder Steak
Vendor: Meatnbone.com Price: 54.99 $This is an interesting and very rare cut of pork. Not only because it's "iberico pork" (basically the tastiest pork there is). But also because it is usually just cut like this in Spain. It is actually considered the finest cut in the Iberian pig. Presa actually looks like red meat and should be cooked medium-rare or medium. The meat has a very high marble content and is the pork equivalent of Wagyu beef. It is thick and juicy and is a very different pork steak. HOW TO COOK IT Thaw Properly: If
MSI Presa Marfi 24 in. x 24 in. Matte Porcelain Floor and Wall Tile (16 sq. ft./Case)
Vendor: Homedepot.com Price: 30.08 $This MSI's Presa Marfil 24 in. x 24 in. glazed porcelain floor and wall tile will transform the look of your home. The matte Beige finish, low sheen and rectified edge are versatile for many home styles and is ideal for floors, walls and backsplashes. This tile is also frost-resistant for long-term use and it's suitable for outdoor or indoor residential or commercial spaces. It's easy to install with precise sizing that allows for a thinner grout joint for a clean look. Suitable for medium-duty commercial or residential floors and walls with minimum maintenance, the tile incorporates a distinctive personal signature in a wide variety of designs. Use matching trim tile or a combination of field tile to achieve the design that best suit's your space and preferences.
Presència divina. Arts de l'Ãndia i els Himalà ies: Presència divina. Arts de l'Ãndia i els Himalà ies
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 219.92 $"Serving as the catalog of the inaugural exhibition of Casa Asia—a new cultural institution established in Barcelona to foster the understanding of Asian art and civilization—this book brings together more than 60 of the world’s finest examples of Indian and Himalayan art, drawn from 26 leading private and public collections in Europe and North America, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art. John Bigelow Taylor's stunning photographs communicate the presence and the powers of divinity and highlight the artistic achievements of India and the Himalayas (Tibet and Nepal). The objects depicted represent the major schools and traditions of Indian and Himalayan art. The salient aesthetic and historical characteristics of each work of art—from sculptures and paintings to book covers—complement each photograph."
1977 Martinez and Presa 1977
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 331.81 $ (+213.71 $)Martinez and Presa made guitars during the 1970s in their workshop in the western part of Buenos Aires until the untimely death of Miguel Martinez ...
Perro De Presa Canario: Special Rare-Breed Edition : A Comprehensive Owner's Guide
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 146.21 $Introducing the Perro de Presa Canario, the mighty fighting dog of the Canary Islands, off the coast of Spain. This Special Rare-Breed Edition is the first and only book written in English on this exciting breed of dog, written by the world’s most famous Presa breeder and expert, Manuel Curtó Gracia from Tenerife. This informative, factual volume details the true history of the Presa Canario, as never before documented, told through first-hand accounts by old-time Presa dogmen from the islands. Additionally, the book discusses the breed characteristics, the official standard of the Spanish breed club, selecting a puppy, housebreaking and obedience training and health care. In addition to an expert comprehensive text, this book presents over 135 color photographs of impressive Presas from around the world and other illustrations that prove to be as informative as they are attractive. For every dog fancier interested in this unique rare breed, this book promises to be an invaluable resource and the only volume of its kind dedicated to the Perro de Presa Canario breed.
memorias de una presa politica la lopre 1 edicion cnuevo
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 398.52 $(Author: La Lopre ) Estas son las memoria de Graciela Loprete, una estudiante de Sociología, ex militante de Vanguardia Comunista, que en julio de 1975, involucrada en una causa judicial contra la guerrilla fue detenida y recluída en la cárcel de Villa Devoto. Comenzó a escribir estas memorias en 1976, describiendo los avatares de su vida en la cárcel, la historia de sus compañeras. En junio de 1977 fue sobreseída y en noviembre de esemismo año se exilió en París, donde continuó su manuscrito,al que se refería en sus cartas a sus compañeras de cautiverio. En 1983 se suicidó. Este texto atraviesa la experienciacarcelaria de la dictadura con la lucidez de una "independiente" que no acepta someterse a los dogmas de la afiliación obediente ni elude la crítica "entre compañeras". Un libro de gran valor documental. Prólogo: Cristina Feijóo. Epílogo: María Moreno.
Memorias de una presa política : 1975-1979.-- ( Militancias )
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 62.00 $(Author: La Lopre ) Estas son las memoria de Graciela Loprete, una estudiante de Sociología, ex militante de Vanguardia Comunista, que en julio de 1975, involucrada en una causa judicial contra la guerrilla fue detenida y recluída en la cárcel de Villa Devoto. Comenzó a escribir estas memorias en 1976, describiendo los avatares de su vida en la cárcel, la historia de sus compañeras. En junio de 1977 fue sobreseída y en noviembre de esemismo año se exilió en París, donde continuó su manuscrito,al que se refería en sus cartas a sus compañeras de cautiverio. En 1983 se suicidó. Este texto atraviesa la experienciacarcelaria de la dictadura con la lucidez de una "independiente" que no acepta someterse a los dogmas de la afiliación obediente ni elude la crítica "entre compañeras". Un libro de gran valor documental. Prólogo: Cristina Feijóo. Epílogo: María Moreno.
Perro De Presa Canario: Special Rare-Breed Edition : A Comprehensive Owner's Guide
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 54.15 $Introducing the Perro de Presa Canario, the mighty fighting dog of the Canary Islands, off the coast of Spain. This Special Rare-Breed Edition is the first and only book written in English on this exciting breed of dog, written by the world’s most famous Presa breeder and expert, Manuel Curtó Gracia from Tenerife. This informative, factual volume details the true history of the Presa Canario, as never before documented, told through first-hand accounts by old-time Presa dogmen from the islands. Additionally, the book discusses the breed characteristics, the official standard of the Spanish breed club, selecting a puppy, housebreaking and obedience training and health care. In addition to an expert comprehensive text, this book presents over 135 color photographs of impressive Presas from around the world and other illustrations that prove to be as informative as they are attractive. For every dog fancier interested in this unique rare breed, this book promises to be an invaluable resource and the only volume of its kind dedicated to the Perro de Presa Canario breed.
Modern Arnis by Remy Presas: Volume 3
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 29.99 $Modern Arnis - a system of stick-fighting and combat styles from the Philippines - flourishes in cities in the United States and abroad. Now available on DVD, this 3-volume instructional series presents stick attacks, vulnerable body targets, blocking, evasive techniques & takedowns, as well as unarmed self-defense techniques that will improve your skills and chances of defending yourself effectively. Volume 3 covers disarming attackers, counterstrikes, using weapons to disarm an assailant, prop
Presa 4 in. Black Steel Pegboard Hooks for 1/4 in. Pegboards (50-Piece)
Vendor: Homedepot.com Price: 34.99 $These 4 in. peg hooks make it a lot easier to get your items and accessories organized. There are fifty, 4 in. pegboard hooks included, which are made with a corrosion-resistant, zinc chrome polish and are designed to fit 1/4 in. holes. These are heavy-duty, commonly used J-style metal hooks and are compatible with pegboards and shelving units.
Presa 6 in. Black Steel Pegboard Hooks for 1/4 in. Pegboards (50-Piece)
Vendor: Homedepot.com Price: 39.99 $These 6 in. peg hooks make it a lot easier to get your items and accessories organized. There are fifty, 6 in. pegboard hooks included, which are made with a corrosion-resistant, zinc chrome polish and are designed to fit 1/4 in. holes. These are heavy-duty, commonly used J-style metal hooks and are compatible with pegboards and shelving units.
Presa 8 in. Zinc-Plated Steel Pegboard Hooks for 1/4 in. Pegboards (50-Piece)
Vendor: Homedepot.com Price: 28.99 $These Capri tools 8 in. metal pegboard shelving hooks are perfect for holding tools, accessories, and for organizing your board. Measured at 8 in. L and 1/4 in. thick, these are heavy-duty pegboard hooks with long-term durability. The chrome plated finish, gives it a nice, clean, and organized look. This set includes 50 pegboard hooks in 8 in. L for standard 1/4 in. pegboards.
Presa 6 in. Zinc-Plated Steel Pegboard Hooks for 1/4 in. Pegboards (50-Piece)
Vendor: Homedepot.com Price: 24.99 $This Capri Tools 6 in. metal pegboard shelving hooks are perfect for holding tools and other accessories and organize your board. Measured at 6 in. L 1/4 in. wire heavy weight pegboard hooks, heavy-duty constructions, long-lasting hooks for durability. The chrome plated finish, gives a nice clean organized look. Set includes 50 pegboard hooks in 6 in. L for standard 1/4 in. pegboards.
Presa 4 in. Zinc-Plated Steel Pegboard Hooks for 1/4 in. Pegboards (50-Piece)
Vendor: Homedepot.com Price: 21.99 $This Capri Tools 4 in. metal pegboard shelving hooks are perfect for holding tools and other accessories and organize your board. Measured at 4 in. L 1/4-in. wire heavy weight pegboard hooks, heavy-duty constructions, long-lasting hooks for durability. The chrome plated finish, gives a nice clean organized look. Set includes 50 pegboard hooks in 4 in. L for standard 1/4 in. pegboards.
Cómo evitar a los vampiros energéticos: Una guía para alejarte de las relaciones que te consumen y recuperar el poder y la salud (Spanish Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.13 $Algunas personas irradian una luz especial. Son compasivas y carinosas, se preocupan en grado sumo por el bienestar de las personas que aman, hacen gala de una sensibilidad especial. Este tipo de mujer, y de hombre, que conocemos como empatica, es la presa favorita de los vampiros energeticos. Christiane Northrup, la doctora de prestigio internacional que inspira a mujeres de todo el mundo a vivir con plenitud y consciencia, aborda en su nueva obra uno de los aspectos que mas pueden perjudicar el bienestar fisico y emocional de las mujeres: los vampiros energeticos, depredadores que dominan el arte de la manipulacion para apropiarse de la confianza, la buena voluntad, el poder y los recursos de los demas sin dar nada a cambio. Esta obra recurre a las mejores investigaciones realizadas sobre el tema, junto con la propia experiencia de la autora y su comunidad global, para ayudar a las lectoras a identificar y desterrar la oscuridad que los vampiros proyectan sobre su cuerpo, mente y espiritu para que su luz vuelva a brillar.
Las alas de la esfinge (Comisario Montalbano 15)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.51 $La nueva novela del comisario Montalbano.Después de lo acaecido en Ardores de agosto, la relación entre Montalbano y Livia ha dado un giro tan pronunciado que Salvo se encuentra sumido en un mar de dudas, presa de un profundo desasosiego que el paso del tiempo no parece sino agravar. En tal estado de ánimo se encuentra el c omisario cuando una llamada de Catarella lo obliga a zambullirse en la investigación de un crimen. Ha aparecido el cadáver desnudo de una joven, y la única pista sobre su identidad es un tatuaje en la espalda que representa una pequeña esfinge, una mariposa nocturna.
Viaggio in Un' Italia Diversa
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.07 $Bruno Vespa torna a raccontare l'Italia in un viaggio in presa diretta nella rivoluzione silenziosa che ha determinato lo sconvolgimento elettorale della primavera 2008, e fruga tra le paure degli italiani. Ha assistito agli sbarchi dei clandestini a Lampedusa e parlato con i protagonisti di un'immigrazione tanto disperata quanto osteggiata; ha discusso con gli stranieri in attesa di espulsione e con i rom dei campi nomadi di Roma, Milano e Napoli. È andato negli empori allestiti dalla Caritas per sostenere le famiglie in difficoltà e ha controllato i prezzi dei discount, per analizzare i disagi della "quarta settimana". Si è aggirato nei quartieri di Napoli in mano alla camorra e in quelli sommersi dai rifiuti. Ha viaggiato nel profondo Nordest, dove la paura dello straniero ha fatto esplodere i consensi per la Lega, e mostra come la somma di inquietudini e insoddisfazioni abbia messo a soqquadro il panorama politico italiano, riducendo a cinque i partiti presenti in Parlamento, cancellando la sinistra radicale e consegnando a Berlusconi la maggioranza più ampia e solida della storia della Repubblica. Ricostruisce la caduta del governo Prodi, la nascita dell'alleanza tra Veltroni e Di Pietro, la rottura tra Bertinotti e Ferrero, quella tra Berlusconi e Casini, ma anche il "nuovo inizio" del governo Berlusconi: un'Italia davvero diversa, vista dagli occhi di un grande cronista. Top page
A Isca de Satanas: Como Livrar-se de uma Armadilha Mortal: A Ofensa
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.89 $A Isca De Satanás expõe um dos laços mais enganosos que Satanás utiliza para tirar os crentes da vontade de Deus – a ofensa. A maioria das pessoas que é presa pela isca de Satanás nem sequer percebe isso. Não se deixe enganar! A ofensa o alcançará, mas a forma como ela afetará o seu relacionamento com Deus depende de você. A sua reação determinará o seu futuro. Se a ofensa for tratada forma correta, você se tornará mais forte em vez de se tornar uma pessoa amarga. Nesta edição de 10º aniversário do seu best- seller, John Bevere revela como ficar livre da ofensa e escapar da mentalidade de vítima. Com mais de 400.000 cópias publicadas, este livro inclui testemunho de pessoas transformadas que leram o livro original, além de apresentar um texto novo e fresco, contendo as mesmas verdades que transformaram tantas vidas.
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