426 products were found matching your search for proliferation in 5 shops:
Nuclear Proliferation and Terrorism in the Post-9/11 World
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 79.23 $This book fills a clear gap in the literature for a technically-focused book covering nuclear proliferation and related issues post-9/11. Using a concept-led approach which serves a broad readership, it provides detailed overview of nuclear weapons, nuclear proliferation and international nuclear policy. The author addresses topics including offensive and defensive missile systems, command and control, verification, weapon effects, and nuclear testing. A chronology of nuclear arms is presented including detailed discussion of the Cold War, proliferation, and arms control treaties. The book is tailored to courses on nuclear proliferation, and the general reader will also find it a fascinating introduction to the science and strategy behind international nuclear policy in the modern era.
Nuclear Proliferation and Terrorism in the Post-9/11 World
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.57 $This book fills a clear gap in the literature for a technically-focused book covering nuclear proliferation and related issues post-9/11. Using a concept-led approach which serves a broad readership, it provides detailed overview of nuclear weapons, nuclear proliferation and international nuclear policy. The author addresses topics including offensive and defensive missile systems, command and control, verification, weapon effects, and nuclear testing. A chronology of nuclear arms is presented including detailed discussion of the Cold War, proliferation, and arms control treaties. The book is tailored to courses on nuclear proliferation, and the general reader will also find it a fascinating introduction to the science and strategy behind international nuclear policy in the modern era.
Alien Proliferation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.86 $Sci-fi action meets steamy paranormal in Gini Koch’s Alien novels, as Katherine “Kitty” Katt faces off against aliens, conspiracies, and deadly secrets. · “Futuristic high-jinks and gripping adventure.” —RT Reviews After the wildest wedding ever, Katherine "Kitty" Katt-Martini and her Alpha Centaurion husband Jeff are hoping life will settle down. But alien attacks are on the increase, and someone is testing a dangerous new drug on unwilling subjects within their group. As if that's not enough, they discover that their newborn's talents are off the charts—and the bad guys want their baby.The last thing anyone in Centaurion Division needs after that is a conspiracy to kill the heads of the C.I.A.'s Extra-Terrestrial Division and the Presidential Terrorism Control Unit, otherwise known as Charles Reynolds and Kitty's mother, Angela Katt. Then, suddenly, key members of Alpha and Airborne start vanishing. Can Kitty, her remaining team members, friends old and new, and a totally unexpected new partner rescue everyone and figure out why Kitty's become a superhuman? Most importantly, can they pull it all off before the event Kitty dreads most—her Alpha Centaurion baby shower?Alien Proliferation is the fourth installment of the thrilling Alien novels.
When Proliferation Causes Peace : The Psychology of Nuclear Crises
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.61 $Does state acquisition of nuclear weapons lead to stability and peace or instability and crises? This is one of the great debates in international relations scholarship. Michael D. Cohen argues that nuclear weapons acquisition often does dangerously embolden the acquiring state to undertake coercion and aggression, but that this behavior moderates over time as leaders learn the dangers and limitations of nuclear coercion. This book examines the historical cases of the Soviet Union and Pakistan in depth and also looks at mini-cases involving the United States, China, and India. This book broadens our understanding of how leaders and states behave when they acquire nuclear weapons and is important reading for scholars and students of international relations, security studies, and political psychology.
When Proliferation Causes Peace: The Psychology of Nuclear Crises
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 36.57 $Does state acquisition of nuclear weapons lead to stability and peace or instability and crises? This is one of the great debates in international relations scholarship. Michael D. Cohen argues that nuclear weapons acquisition often does dangerously embolden the acquiring state to undertake coercion and aggression, but that this behavior moderates over time as leaders learn the dangers and limitations of nuclear coercion. This book examines the historical cases of the Soviet Union and Pakistan in depth and also looks at mini-cases involving the United States, China, and India. This book broadens our understanding of how leaders and states behave when they acquire nuclear weapons and is important reading for scholars and students of international relations, security studies, and political psychology.
The Cutaneous Lymphoid Proliferations: A Comprehensive Textbook of Lymphocytic Infiltrates of the Skin
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.61 $A masterful and thorough revision of the only single-source, authoritative reference on cutaneous lymphoproliferative disease. Classic reference for unsurpassed coverage of lymphocytic infiltrates of the human skin Covers a broad spectrum of topics ranging from the role of the immune system in the pathogenesis of cutaneous lymphocytic infiltrates to one describing the immunohistochemica nd molecular aspects of lymphoid neoplasia. Each chapter contains an extensive array of ‘clinical vignettes’ clearly showing the application of principles and treatment techniques discussed in the chapter Presents a succinct and logical approach to the diagnosis of most cutaneous lymphocytic infiltrates and discusses the interplay between the immune system in the propagation of lymphocytic infiltrates focusing on the role of iatrogenic and endogenous immune dysregulation. The molecular and cytogenetic basis of lymphoid neoplasia is considered in great detail. Contains hundreds of full-color, high-quality clinical and histologic photographs, with over 200 new images in the new edition
Globalization and Wmd Proliferation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 69.99 $First published in 2010. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
The Challenges of Nuclear Non-Proliferation (Weapons of Mass Destruction and Emerging Technologies)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.07 $This exhaustive survey of the many aspects of nuclear non-proliferation efforts explains why some nations pursued nuclear programs while others abandoned them. It addresses key issues such as concerns over rogue states and stateless rogues, delivery systems made possible by technology, and the connection between nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles. It also examines whether non-proliferation regimes can deal with these threats or whether economic or military sanctions need to be developed and the feasibility of eliminating or greatly reducing the number of nuclear weapons.
On the Brink: Nuclear Proliferation & the 3rd World [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 5.22 $278p yellow/white paperback, shefmark to spine, index, very good condition, paper yellowing
Globalization and Wmd Proliferation : Terrorism, Transnational Networks and International Security
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 76.02 $First published in 2010. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Cutaneous Lymphoid Proliferations : A Comprehensive Textbook of Lymphocytic Infiltrates of the Skin
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 314.45 $A masterful and thorough revision of the only single-source, authoritative reference on cutaneous lymphoproliferative disease. Classic reference for unsurpassed coverage of lymphocytic infiltrates of the human skin Covers a broad spectrum of topics ranging from the role of the immune system in the pathogenesis of cutaneous lymphocytic infiltrates to one describing the immunohistochemica nd molecular aspects of lymphoid neoplasia. Each chapter contains an extensive array of ‘clinical vignettes’ clearly showing the application of principles and treatment techniques discussed in the chapter Presents a succinct and logical approach to the diagnosis of most cutaneous lymphocytic infiltrates and discusses the interplay between the immune system in the propagation of lymphocytic infiltrates focusing on the role of iatrogenic and endogenous immune dysregulation. The molecular and cytogenetic basis of lymphoid neoplasia is considered in great detail. Contains hundreds of full-color, high-quality clinical and histologic photographs, with over 200 new images in the new edition
Shopping for Bombs: Nuclear Proliferation, Global Insecurity, and the Rise and Fall of the A.Q. Khan Network
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.38 $A.Q. Khan was the world's leading black market dealer in nuclear technology, described by a former CIA Director as "at least as dangerous as Osama bin Laden." A hero in Pakistan and revered as the Father of the Bomb, Khan built a global clandestine network that sold the most closely guarded nuclear secrets to Iran, North Korea, and Libya. Here for the first time is the riveting inside story of the rise and fall of A.Q. Khan and his role in the devastating spread of nuclear technology over the last thirty years. Drawing on exclusive interviews with key players in Islamabad, London, and Washington, as well as with members of Khan's own network, BBC journalist Gordon Corera paints a truly unsettling picture of the ultimate arms bazaar. Corera reveals how Khan operated within a world of shadowy deals among rogue states and how his privileged position in Pakistan provided him with the protection to build his unique and deadly business empire. It explains why and how he was able to operate so freely for so many years. Brimming with revelations, the book provides new insight into Iran's nuclear ambitions and how close Tehran may be to the bomb. In addition, the book contains startling new information on how the CIA and MI6 penetrated Khan's network, how the U.S. and UK ultimately broke Khan's ring, and how they persuaded Pakistan's President Musharraf to arrest a national hero. The book also provides the first detailed account of the high-wire dealings with Muammar Gadaffi, which led to Libya's renunciation of nuclear weapons and which played a key role in Khan's downfall.The spread of nuclear weapons technology around the globe presents the greatest security challenge of our time. Shopping for Bombs presents a unique window into the challenges of stopping a new nuclear arms race, a race that A.Q. Khan himself did more than any other individual to promote.
Achieving Nuclear Ambitions : Scientists, Politicians, and Proliferation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.81 $Despite the global spread of nuclear hardware and knowledge, at least half of the nuclear weapons projects launched since 1970 have definitively failed, and even the successful projects have generally needed far more time than expected. To explain this puzzling slowdown in proliferation, Jacques E. C. Hymans focuses on the relations between politicians and scientific and technical workers in developing countries. By undermining the workers' spirit of professionalism, developing country rulers unintentionally thwart their own nuclear ambitions. Combining rich theoretical analysis, in-depth historical case studies of Iraq, China, Yugoslavia and Argentina and insightful analyses of current-day proliferant states, Achieving Nuclear Ambitions develops a powerful new perspective that effectively counters the widespread fears of a coming cascade of new nuclear powers.
Shopping for Bombs : Nuclear Proliferation, Global Insecurity, and the Rise and Fall of the A.Q. Khan Network
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.61 $A.Q. Khan was the world's leading black market dealer in nuclear technology, described by a former CIA Director as "at least as dangerous as Osama bin Laden." A hero in Pakistan and revered as the Father of the Bomb, Khan built a global clandestine network that sold the most closely guarded nuclear secrets to Iran, North Korea, and Libya. Here for the first time is the riveting inside story of the rise and fall of A.Q. Khan and his role in the devastating spread of nuclear technology over the last thirty years. Drawing on exclusive interviews with key players in Islamabad, London, and Washington, as well as with members of Khan's own network, BBC journalist Gordon Corera paints a truly unsettling picture of the ultimate arms bazaar. Corera reveals how Khan operated within a world of shadowy deals among rogue states and how his privileged position in Pakistan provided him with the protection to build his unique and deadly business empire. It explains why and how he was able to operate so freely for so many years. Brimming with revelations, the book provides new insight into Iran's nuclear ambitions and how close Tehran may be to the bomb. In addition, the book contains startling new information on how the CIA and MI6 penetrated Khan's network, how the U.S. and UK ultimately broke Khan's ring, and how they persuaded Pakistan's President Musharraf to arrest a national hero. The book also provides the first detailed account of the high-wire dealings with Muammar Gadaffi, which led to Libya's renunciation of nuclear weapons and which played a key role in Khan's downfall.The spread of nuclear weapons technology around the globe presents the greatest security challenge of our time. Shopping for Bombs presents a unique window into the challenges of stopping a new nuclear arms race, a race that A.Q. Khan himself did more than any other individual to promote.
All Options on the Table: Leaders, Preventive War, and Nuclear Proliferation (Cornell Studies in Security Affairs)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.11 $Signs of wear and consistent use.
Legal Resolution of Nuclear Non-proliferation Disputes
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 11.26 $How viable is the resolution of nuclear non-proliferation disputes through the International Court of Justice and international arbitration? James Fry examines the compromissory clauses in the IAEA Statute, IAEA Safeguards Agreements and the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material that give jurisdiction to these fora and analyses recent jurisprudence to demonstrate how legal resolution can handle such politically sensitive disputes. In sum, legal resolution of nuclear non-proliferation disputes represents an option that States and commentators have all too often ignored. The impartiality and procedural safeguards of legal resolution should make it an acceptable option for target States and the international community, especially vis-...-vis the procedural shortcomings and general heavy-handedness of Security Council involvement under UN Charter Chapter VII.
Seeking the Bomb : Strategies of Nuclear Proliferation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.51 $Used book that is in excellent condition. May show signs of wear or have minor defects.
Achieving Nuclear Ambitions : Scientists, Politicians, and Proliferation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.02 $Despite the global spread of nuclear hardware and knowledge, at least half of the nuclear weapons projects launched since 1970 have definitively failed, and even the successful projects have generally needed far more time than expected. To explain this puzzling slowdown in proliferation, Jacques E. C. Hymans focuses on the relations between politicians and scientific and technical workers in developing countries. By undermining the workers' spirit of professionalism, developing country rulers unintentionally thwart their own nuclear ambitions. Combining rich theoretical analysis, in-depth historical case studies of Iraq, China, Yugoslavia and Argentina and insightful analyses of current-day proliferant states, Achieving Nuclear Ambitions develops a powerful new perspective that effectively counters the widespread fears of a coming cascade of new nuclear powers.
Nuclear Politics : The Strategic Causes of Proliferation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 36.29 $When do states acquire nuclear weapons? Overturning a decade of scholarship focusing on other factors, Debs and Monteiro show in Nuclear Politics that proliferation is driven by security concerns. Proliferation occurs only when a state has both the willingness and opportunity to build the bomb. A state has the willingness to nuclearize when it faces a serious security threat without the support of a reliable ally. It has the opportunity when its conventional forces or allied protection are sufficient to deter preventive attacks. This explains why so few countries have developed nuclear weapons. Unthreatened or protected states do not want them; weak and unprotected ones cannot get them. This powerful theory combined with extensive historical research on the nuclear trajectory of sixteen countries will make Nuclear Politics a standard reference in international security studies, informing scholarly and policy debates on nuclear proliferation - and US non-proliferation efforts - for decades to come.
Nuclear Politics: The Strategic Causes of Proliferation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.72 $When do states acquire nuclear weapons? Overturning a decade of scholarship focusing on other factors, Debs and Monteiro show in Nuclear Politics that proliferation is driven by security concerns. Proliferation occurs only when a state has both the willingness and opportunity to build the bomb. A state has the willingness to nuclearize when it faces a serious security threat without the support of a reliable ally. It has the opportunity when its conventional forces or allied protection are sufficient to deter preventive attacks. This explains why so few countries have developed nuclear weapons. Unthreatened or protected states do not want them; weak and unprotected ones cannot get them. This powerful theory combined with extensive historical research on the nuclear trajectory of sixteen countries will make Nuclear Politics a standard reference in international security studies, informing scholarly and policy debates on nuclear proliferation - and US non-proliferation efforts - for decades to come.
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