15 products were found matching your search for raabe in 2 shops:
Novels Wilhelm Raabe German Library S
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 59.57 $New Book. Shipped From Uk. This Book Is Printed On Demand. Established Seller Since 2000.
Philosophical Counseling: Theory and Practice by Peter B. Raabe
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 70.01 $Raabe critiques both existing theoretical conceptions of philosophical counseling and accounts of its practice. He then presents and defends an overarching model of philosophical counseling that captures the best conceptions and reports of practice.The volume begins with an examination of the principles of philosophical counseling as they have been gathered from theoretical normative hypotheses and from accounts of actual practice. Raabe then presents a new model of philosophical counseling based on the combination of principles presented earlier and experiential data from his private practice. The volume concludes with sample cases from his own practice to illustrate the principles at work in a number of different applications of philosophical counseling. Practicing counselers as well as scholars and advanced students of philosophy, psychology, counseling, and educational guidance will find this work of particular importance.
German Novellas of Realism: Ebner-Eschenbach, Heyse, Raabe, Storm, Meyer, Hauptmann: Volume Two (German Library)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 51.69 $Ebner-Eschenbach, Heyse, Raabe, Storm, Meyer, and Hauptmann
Max Raabe & Palast Orchester
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 28.99 $Directed by Henning Kasten.
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 46.98 $Isaiah's only album (1975) features a mix of jazz, blues and progressive rock elements. Led by the charismatic voice of flautist and guitarist Gert Raabe, the band counts as one of Austria's most versatile bands of the 1970s, often likened to Jethro Tull, Yes and ELP. Digatone restored their demos for the previously-unreleased second album which were declined by the label at the time for being too weird. The band disbanded in 1977. Original copies of the album very rarely come up for sale these
Palast Orchester: Dance & Film Music Of 1920s
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 24.99 $ (+1.99 $)Raabe and the Orchestra perform for an audience of 20,000 at the Berlin Waldbuehne.
Der Perfekte Moment: Wird Heut Verpennt
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 32.09 $Der Perfekte Moment: Wird Heut Verpennt Max Raabe - LP 028947985006
Water, Sky, Sun, Wood
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 31.98 $Music is the silence between the notes, the French composer Claude Debussy once said. The German trio Wareika, consisting of Florian Schirmacher, Henrik Raabe, and Jakob Seidensticker, love the silence between their notes, even if their music is often fully loaded with many detailed sounds, rhythms, melodies, and intercultural sound links. Since 2007 they've spread their passion for repetitive club grooves in the minimal house spheres that love to swing in an epic way. With four albums on lab
Extrawelt: Schone Neue Extrawelt
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 29.98 $2017 edition. Double LP version. 2017 edition of the 2008 debut by Hamburg's Arne Schaffhausen and Wayan Raabe aka Extrawelt. The duo describe the aesthetic of Schne Neue Extrawelt thusly: "It's all about hooking up our music to the emotional world of electronic music at the beginning of the '90s, however, without falling for nostalgic references. We don't want to do cowardly zeitgeist techno, we want to have the heart to dare big sounds and more melodies. Sunrise scenarios, energy, revolution
Philosophical Counseling : Theory and Practice
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 175.79 $Raabe critiques both existing theoretical conceptions of philosophical counseling and accounts of its practice. He then presents and defends an overarching model of philosophical counseling that captures the best conceptions and reports of practice.The volume begins with an examination of the principles of philosophical counseling as they have been gathered from theoretical normative hypotheses and from accounts of actual practice. Raabe then presents a new model of philosophical counseling based on the combination of principles presented earlier and experiential data from his private practice. The volume concludes with sample cases from his own practice to illustrate the principles at work in a number of different applications of philosophical counseling. Practicing counselers as well as scholars and advanced students of philosophy, psychology, counseling, and educational guidance will find this work of particular importance.
A Companion to German Realism, 1848-1900
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 59.95 $This volume of new essays by leading scholars treats a representative sampling of German realist prose from the period 1848 to 1900, the period of its dominance of the German literary landscape. It includes essays on familiar, canonical authors -- Stifter, Freytag, Raabe, Fontane, Thomas Mann -- and canonical texts, but also considers writers frequently omitted from traditional literary histories, such as Luise Mühlbach, Friedrich Spielhagen, Louise von François, Karl May, and Eugenie Marlitt. The introduction situates German realism in the context of both German literary history and of developments in other European literatures, and surveys the most prominent critical studies of ninteenth-century realism. The essays treat the following topics: Stifter's Brigitta and the lesson of realism; Mühlbach, Ranke, and the truth of historical fiction; regional histories as national history in Freytag's Die Ahnen; gender and nation in Louise von François's historical fiction; theory, reputation, and the career of Friedrich Spielhagen; Wilhelm Raabe and the German colonial experience; the poetics of work in Freytag, Stifter, and Raabe; Jewish identity in Berthold Auerbach's novels; Eugenie Marlitt's narratives of virtuous desire; the appeal of Karl May in the Wilhelmine Empire; Thomas Mann's portrayal of male-male desire in his early short fiction; and Fontane's Effi Briest and the end of realism. Contributors: Robert C. Holub, Brent O. Petersen, Lynne Tatlock, Thomas C. Fox, Jeffrey L. Sammons, John Pizer, Hans J. Rindisbacher, Irene S. Di Maio, Kirsten Belgum, Nina Berman, Robert Tobin, Russell A. Berman. Todd Kontje is professor of German at the University of California, San Diego.
Biblioholism: The Literary Addiction
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 7.63 $In this humorous confession Tom Raabe addresses the problems of book addiction and offers sympathy to fellow biblioholics.
Denkmalpflege: Schnelleinstieg für Architekten und Bauingenieure (essentials) (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.88 $Dieses essential behandelt die vier wichtigsten Themenfelder der Denkmalpflege, die in ihren Grundzügen dargestellt werden: Geschichte, Organisation, Praxis und Forschung. Christian Raabe zeigt in einem kurzen Abriss der Geschichte, wie sich Wertebegriffe und die Institutionalisierung der Denkmalpflege historisch entwickelt haben. Es folgen eine Darstellung der Aufgaben und Strukturen der nationalen und internationalen Organisation des Denkmalschutzes, Hinweise zum rechtlichen Umfeld und Handlungsempfehlungen zur praktischen Denkmalpflege nebst einer Übersicht der Fördermöglichkeiten. Diese praxisnahe Einführung schließt der Autor mit einer Erläuterung der Ziele und Methoden der historischen Bauforschung ab.
Heute Nacht Oder Nie: Live In Berlin
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 26.98 $The DVD features a February 2009 performance from Max Raabe & the Palast Orchester in Berlin, Germany's Admiralpalast.
Eine Nacht in Berlin
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 24.98 $ (+1.99 $)The inimitable Max Raabe invites his fans and growing audience around the globe for a very special Night in Berlin. Max presents a gorgeous selection of greatest hits from his last gold- and platinum-selling albums in new arrangements for the Palast Orchester. This very special concert was recorded live at Admirals palace in Berlin-Friedrichstra, a perfect setting which lives and breathes the flair and panache of Berlin during the 20s and early 30s. Max has become an iconic German/Berlin celebri
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