10 products were found matching your search for reasearch in 2 shops:
Essential Reasearch Methods For Social Work 3Ed (Ie) (Pb 2013)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.09 $Reader friendly and clear, Rubin and Babbie's concise and social work-specific research methods text provides you with the tools you need to understand the essential content for the course. Illustrations and examples throughout show you how you can apply research to practice. Outlines, introductions, boxes, chapter endings with main points, review questions and exercises, and Internet exercises present the information and practice you need to succeed. As part of the Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series, this book thoroughly integrates the core competencies and recommended practice behaviors outlined in the 2008 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) set by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE).
British Cruisers of World War Two
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 71.73 $From authors' Preface: "Readers of this, our companion volume to British Battleships of World War II, may suppose that the form of this work, and the degree of reasearch it has required, will have followed the same lines, and while this is true to a certain extent, it should be borne in mind that, in its general scope, the history of the cruiser is considerably more complicated than that of the battleship. With cruisers there is a greater degree of overlapping of classes, and a wide variety of influences determined their numbers and characteristics, particularly during the 1930s. It has proven virtually impossible to treat all of the Second World War within the confines of a single chapter, because the events thereof do not lend themselves to a neat and logical exposition. In fact, even with three chapters devoted to the period from 1939 to 1945, an irreducible amount of duplication has proved unavoidable. A further problem has been lack of space. It must be remembered that in this book are described a total of 121 cruisers actually built, as against the mere 21 battleships of the previous work. From a strictly historical viewpoint, the story should start in the Victorian era, but because the most popular and - as yet - most familiar period of naval history is that from 1939 to 1945, it was decided to cover ships from the Arethusa class of 1912 up to the last of the conventional, all-gun cruisers, the Tiger Class of the late 1950s....We have made every effort to ensure that the text be complemented by the visual material and, to this end, have striven to find unusual and hitherto unpublished photographs. All the plans have been drawn using the official 'as fitted' drawings, or design and sketch plans as a foundation. In many cases, the plans depict configurations for which there are no directly dated official sets, and we hope that this will enhance the value of the book." Hardcover, 9.75x10 inches, 444 pages, illustrated throughout with B&W drawings, photos.
Dean Winternitz : Yale Medical School's Passionate Humanist
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.35 $MILTON WINTERNITZ Dr. Milton Winternitz, Dean of Yale Medical School from 1920 -1935, was confident of his own wisdom and right-thinking. He hoped to turn that New Haven school from a local medical training center to the national and international reasearch institution it has become. He simplified the educational program, certain that graduate students, freed from compulsory attendance at lectures, would learn for themselves. â??Winter,â?? as he liked to be called, strengthen the requirement that students carry out a research project before graduation. He established the nursing school, the psychiatry department, supported the epidemiology and public health activities. Most importsaant, he brough about a full-time salaried academic faculty. But his real love, his enthusiasm, lay in humanizing the medical curriculum , in the 1920s beginning to verge on the purely scientific. In his short-lived Institute for Human Relations, he hoped to bring Yale Law and Divinity schools down to the medical area, and to encourage a far more humanuistic approach to medical trainiung. If he had succeeded, medical students would become science-based but fully aware of the psychological and social origin of much of their complaints. But Winternitz was a Jew in a Christian society. , In order to fulfill his ambitions and remain at his post,, he yielded to the prejudices of the time in limiting the admission of Jews, Italian Catholics, and Afr0- Americans to the medical school.. For that he has been vilified, and only in this 1910 200th Anniversary celebration, are his contributions finally getting the recognition they have long deserved. Here we present a bio-memoir of this remarkable man.
Research Methodology
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.27 $Reasearch Methodology: A Step-by-Step guide for Beginners-Sage-RANJIT KUMAR-2014-EDN-4
Strategies for Successful Writing: A Rhetoric, Research Guide, Reader and Handbook (9th Edition) - 9780205689446 - NEW
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.39 $Strategies for Successful Writing, 9e, offers a rhetoric, reader, reasearch guide and handbook, all in one convenient tool. Providing thorough coverage of the writing process and the research process, as well as strategies using the rhetorical patterns, this text also includes coverage of writing about literature and essay exams.
Evolutionary Psychology: The New Science of the Mind
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.00 $Composed of cutting-edge reasearch and featuring an engaging writing style, the author offers compelling scientific answers to the profound human questions regarding love and work. Beginning with a historial introduction, the text logically progresses by discussing adaptive problems humans face and ends with a chapter showing how the new field of evolutionary psychology encompasses all branches of psychology. Each chapter is alive with the subjects that most occupy our minds: sex, mating, getting along, getting ahead, friends, enemies, and social hierarchies. Why is child abuse 40 times more prevalent among step-families than biologically intact families? Why, according to one study, did 75% of men but 0% of women consent to have sex with a complete stranger? Buss explores these intriguing quandaries with his vision of psychology in the new millenium as a new science of the mind. Anyone with an interest in the biological facets of human psychology will find this a fascinating read.
British Cruisers of World War Two
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 17.85 $From authors' Preface: "Readers of this, our companion volume to British Battleships of World War II, may suppose that the form of this work, and the degree of reasearch it has required, will have followed the same lines, and while this is true to a certain extent, it should be borne in mind that, in its general scope, the history of the cruiser is considerably more complicated than that of the battleship. With cruisers there is a greater degree of overlapping of classes, and a wide variety of influences determined their numbers and characteristics, particularly during the 1930s. It has proven virtually impossible to treat all of the Second World War within the confines of a single chapter, because the events thereof do not lend themselves to a neat and logical exposition. In fact, even with three chapters devoted to the period from 1939 to 1945, an irreducible amount of duplication has proved unavoidable. A further problem has been lack of space. It must be remembered that in this book are described a total of 121 cruisers actually built, as against the mere 21 battleships of the previous work. From a strictly historical viewpoint, the story should start in the Victorian era, but because the most popular and - as yet - most familiar period of naval history is that from 1939 to 1945, it was decided to cover ships from the Arethusa class of 1912 up to the last of the conventional, all-gun cruisers, the Tiger Class of the late 1950s....We have made every effort to ensure that the text be complemented by the visual material and, to this end, have striven to find unusual and hitherto unpublished photographs. All the plans have been drawn using the official 'as fitted' drawings, or design and sketch plans as a foundation. In many cases, the plans depict configurations for which there are no directly dated official sets, and we hope that this will enhance the value of the book." Hardcover, 9.75x10 inches, 444 pages, illustrated throughout with B&W drawings, photos.
William Notman The Stamp of a Studio
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 130.00 $William Notman was " Canada's first internationally known photographer" Still both him and his work managed to slip into obscurity for a time. A few recent books to started to bring his work to more general attention. This book gives much more information than some others. It has careful biographical reasearch and looks carefully at the photographs and gives indiviual attribution whenever possible e.g.Notman himself, his brothers and Benjamin Batzly. Book is very clean, a bit of edgewear on dust jacket otherwise very good.
The Subcultures Reader
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.00 $This revised and updated edition of a hugely successful book brings together the most valuable and stimulating writings on subcultures, from the early work of the Chicago School on ‘deviant’ social groups to the present day reasearch and theories. This new edition features a wide range of articles from some of the biggest names in the field including Dick Hebdige, Paul Gilroy and Stanley Cohen, and expertly combines contemporary essays and critique with classic and canonical texts on subcultures. Examining an eclectic array of subcultures, from New Age travellers, to comic book fans, The Reader looks at how they are defined through their social position, styles, sexuality, politics and their music, and this new edition gives expression to the diversity of subcultural identifications, from scenes and ‘tribes’ to the ‘global underground’. With specially selected articles, grouped sections, editors introductions and a general introduction which maps out the field, it gives students and teachers of cultural studies an invaluable study aid.
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