14 products were found matching your search for rueckert in 3 shops:
Die Rezeption der Gedichte Friedrich Rückerts im Kunstlied der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.58 $Neuware -Der Name Friedrich Rückert wird heute meist automatisch mit dem Gustav Mahlers assoziiert. Dabei war er nicht nur Robert Schumanns Lieblingsdichter, sondern neben Goethe, Heine und Eichendorff einer der meistvertonten Autoren des 19. Jahrhun-derts. Aus der unglaublichen Zahl von über 20.000 Gedichten bedienten sich über 850 Komponistinnen und Komponisten. Die tatsächliche Anzahl von Liedern nach Rückert-Vorlagen lässt sich nur annähernd beziffern und beläuft sich auf über 2000. 'Warum Rückert ' ist eine naheliegende Frage, wenn man bedenkt, dass sein Name heute weit-gehend unbekannt ist. Sämtliche Rückert-Lieder von Franz Schubert, Wolfgang Marschner, Ferdinand Hiller, Carl Loewe und Robert und Clara Schumann werden hier auf ihre Wort-Ton-Beziehungen untersucht, um der Antwort auf diese Frage ein Stück weit näher zu kommen. Musikwissenschaftliche Aspekte kommen dabei ebenso zum Tragen wie der Blick auf das Werk des 'gelehrten Dichters', dessen Kenntnis verschie-dener Sprachen und Kulturen und die daraus resultierenden Ideen zur 'Welt-Versöhnung' ebenso Beachtung verdienen wie seine oft originellen Schilderungen und sein virtuoser Umgang mit der Form. 426 pp. Deutsch
On-Site Inspection in Theory and Practice: A Primer on Modern Arms Control Regimes Rueckert, George
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.33 $The on-site inspection (OSI) regimes concluded in the last decade to verify major arms control agreements have established unprecedented levels of military cooperation and openness, added military predictability and stability, and provided new verification tools to deal with the proliferation priorities at the century's turn.This study is the first comprehensive effort to provide an overall understanding of how these regimes evolved, what they do, and how they contribute to national security goals. Rueckert concludes with a discussion of costs and benefits of the current approaches. A major professional tool for all those involved in arms control verification activities. Scholars and researchers in the fields of international relations and conflict resolution will find the work of interest as well.
Alfred Music 36-A288802
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 29.99 $ (+3.79 $)Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) composed SONGS TO POEMS BY RUECKERT (SONGS AFTER R?CKERT; R?CKERT-LIEDER) between 1901 and 1902. They were not conceived ...
Alfred Music 36-A805302
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 29.99 $ (+3.79 $)Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) composed SONGS TO POEMS BY RUECKERT (SONGS AFTER R?CKERT; R?CKERT-LIEDER) between 1901 and 1902. They were not conceived ...
Voices of the Confederation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.33 $First compiled and edited in 1975, Voices of the Confederation is a collection of channeled material from the early years of Don Elkins' and Carla Rueckert's experiments with telepathic communication with extraterrestrials. Originally titled Voices of the Gods, it was never officially published and sat on the shelf until the project was resurrected decades later. The collection contains excerpts arranged categorically to help introduce people to Confederation philosophy. Some of these transcripts are being published for the first time in this book, having never appeared on L/L Research's archive website. Topics covered include channeling, meditation, love, service, UFOs, and other subjects relevant to the spiritual seeker. Explored in these pages are the basic themes of the Confederation philosophy that have become the hallmark of L/L Research’s channeling ever since. “Seek, my friends. Seek. This is the word that opens the door to everything that exists throughout all of space and all of time. Seek. Seek. And what will you find? You will find love, for that is all that there is to find. For that is all that there is.” - Hatonn, February 9, 1974
August Graf von Platen
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 81.46 $Aus dem Inhalt: H. Flachenecker: Platen als bayerischer Offizier J. Heymann: Platen und Italien M. Riedel: Schelling und Platen J.C. Buergel: Zu Platens Uebertragungen aus dem Persischen H. Bobzin: Platen und Rueckert im Gespraech ueber Hafiz J. Link: Spruen.
Gustav Mahler : Songs and Symphonies of Life and Death : Interpretations and Annotations
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 43.74 $A monument in Mahler studies, this volume concentrates on the composer's vocal music and, in particular, on some of his most famous, most original and best loved compositions: the late Rueckert orchestral songs and Kindertotenlieder; Das Lied von der Erde, one of the composer's supreme masterpieces, and the vast Eighth Symphony. Much new ground is broken but the author bases his conclusions on a meticulous examination of the principal manuscript sources, especially those for Das Lied. He offers an unprecedented exploration of the original Chinese texts for that work and indeed of the whole Oriental dimension of Mahler's last and greatest song-cycle. Time and time again, the composer's sketches back up the author's reading of these massive scores and there will be few among this book's readers who will not find a familiar passage or movement sharply illuminated by fresh insights and information. The scope of the book, despite its concentration, is immensely wide; and so is the readership it addresses: Mahler scholars, performers, and general readers. DONALD MITCHELL was Founder Professor of Music at the University of Sussex. He is currently Visiting Professor at Sussex and York, and formerly at King's College, London.
Kindertodtenlieder (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.00 $Friedrich Rückert: Kindertodtenlieder Im Winter 1833 sind alles sechs Kinder des Autors an Scharlach erkrankt, nur vier werden wieder gesund. Die dreijährige Luise und der fünfjährige Ernst sterben über den Jahreswechsel. Friedrich Rückert schrieb rund 400 Kindertodtenlieder im Andenken an seine beiden liebsten und schönsten Kinder, die durch die Vertonung von Gustav Mahler später zu großer Bekanntheit gelangen. Entstanden 1833-1834. Dieser Edition liegt der Erstdruck zugrunde: Friedrich Rückert, Kindertodtenlieder aus seinem Nachlasse, hg. von Marie Rückert, Frankfurt a. M. (Sauerländer) 1872. Neuausgabe. Herausgegeben von Karl-Maria Guth. Berlin 2017. Textgrundlage sind die Ausgaben: Friedrich Rückert: Kindertodtenlieder aus seinem Nachlasse, Frankfurt a.M.: Sauerländer, 1872. Friedrich Rückert: Werke, Herausgegeben von Georg Ellinger, Band 1 u. 2, Leipzig und Wien: Bibliographisches Institut, [1897]. Die Paginierung obiger Ausgaben wird in dieser Neuausgabe als Marginalie zeilengenau mitgeführt. Umschlaggestaltung von Thomas Schultz-Overhage unter Verwendung des Bildes: Ferdinand Theodor Hildebrandt, Die Ermordung der Söhne Edwards IV. (Ausschnitt), 1835. Gesetzt aus der Minion Pro, 11 pt.
Ruckert Lieder and Other Orchestral Songs in Full Score
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.34 $Gustav Mahler spent 14 years exploring the musical potential of German folk poetry, and this volume comprises some of his most significant work. It features authoritative editions of his settings of five poems by Friedrich Rückert, known as the Rückert Lieder: "Blicke mir nicht in die Lieder" (Look not, love, on my work unended); "Ich atmet einen linden Duft" (I breathed the breath of blossoms red); "Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen" (O garish world, long since thou hast lost me); "Um Mitternacht" (At midnight hour); and "Liebst du um Schonheit" (Lovst thou but beauty). A pair of songs from Des Knaben Wunderhorn (The Youth's Miraculous Horn) are also featured: "Revelge" (The dead drummer) and "Der Tamboursg'sell" (The drummer-boy).
Hafez, in English, French, German & Persian
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 286.95 $A fine and artistic edition of the "Divan of Hafez" in original Persian based on the version of Ghazvini & Ghani. With the selected lyrics rendered into English by H. Nickbell and A.J. Arberry and H.W. Clarke, rendered into French by Vincent Monteil and into German by F. Rueckert.
Encounters with Kenneth Burke (Paperback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 48.38 $ William H. Rueckert's landmark 1963 study, Kenneth Burke and the Drama of Human Relations, is often credited with bringing the field of Burke studies into existence. Here, Rueckert has gathered his "encounters" with Burke over the past thirty years--brieft talks, position papers, rethinking and reformation of earlier ideas, and detailed analyses of individual texts--into one volume that offers readers the best of Burkean criticism.
Gustav Mahler: Songs and Symphonies of Life and Death. Interpretations and Annotations (Music)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.81 $A monument in Mahler studies, this volume concentrates on the composer's vocal music and, in particular, on some of his most famous, most original and best loved compositions: the late Rueckert orchestral songs and Kindertotenlieder; Das Lied von der Erde, one of the composer's supreme masterpieces, and the vast Eighth Symphony. Much new ground is broken but the author bases his conclusions on a meticulous examination of the principal manuscript sources, especially those for Das Lied. He offers an unprecedented exploration of the original Chinese texts for that work and indeed of the whole Oriental dimension of Mahler's last and greatest song-cycle. Time and time again, the composer's sketches back up the author's reading of these massive scores and there will be few among this book's readers who will not find a familiar passage or movement sharply illuminated by fresh insights and information. The scope of the book, despite its concentration, is immensely wide; and so is the readership it addresses: Mahler scholars, performers, and general readers. DONALD MITCHELL was Founder Professor of Music at the University of Sussex. He is currently Visiting Professor at Sussex and York, and formerly at King's College, London.
Click Track Jazz: Slave to the Machine 2
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 35.94 $Click Track jazz vol 1 are 2 CDs of improvised music featuring new compositions by Sean Wayland. The CDs feature Drummers Mark Guiliana, Keith Carlock, Jochen Rueckert and Andrew Gander. Bass players Jeff Hanley, Matt Penman and Matt Clohesy. Guitarists Wayne Krantz, James Muller Michael Valenue and Nate Wood . Saxophonist Donny McCaslin and vocalist Kristen Berardi. Sean wayland plays piano and various keyboards. A few of the tracks feature music performed by computer controlled instruments. So
Click Track Jazz: Slave to Machine 1
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 35.33 $Click Track jazz vol 1 are 2 CDs of improvised music featuring new compositions by Sean Wayland. The CDs feature Drummers Mark Guiliana, Keith Carlock, Jochen Rueckert and Andrew Gander. Bass players Jeff Hanley, Matt Penman and Matt Clohesy. Guitarists Wayne Krantz, James Muller Michael Valenue and Nate Wood . Saxophonist Donny McCaslin and vocalist Kristen Berardi. Sean wayland plays piano and various keyboards. A few of the tracks feature music performed by computer controlled instruments. So
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