18 products were found matching your search for ruprecht in 2 shops:
Der Hirt des Hermas (Kommentar Zu Den Apostolischen Vatern (Kav), 7) (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 82.08 $Der Hirt des Hermas (Kommentar zu den Apostolischen Vätern Band 7). Übersetzt und erklärt von Norbert Brox. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1991. Gebunden mit (randlädiertem) Schutzumschlag, 589 Seiten; ordentlicher Zustand. - Volumen.
Wingert-Jones Publications 3013421
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 81.99 $ (+3.79 $)Heres an absolutely delightful transcription from Schumanns popular Album for the Young. The music playfully describes Knecht Ruprecht, the dreaded...
Wingert-Jones Publications 3013422
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 21.99 $ (+3.79 $)Heres an absolutely delightful transcription from Schumanns popular Album for the Young. The music playfully describes Knecht Ruprecht, the dreaded...
Religious Revolution in Yehud? : The Material Culture of the Persian Period As a Test Case
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 175.32 $447p (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2014)
De inventione und die Rhetorica ad Herennium (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.00 $Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2007 im Fachbereich Romanistik - Vergleichende Romanistik, Note: 2,5, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In seinem Werk „Politik der Würde" setzt der Jerusalemer Avishai Margalit neue Maßstäbe, indem er den Versuch unternimmt, das bisherige Idealbild einer Gesellschaft zu ersetzen. Schien doch lange Zeit die Gerechtigkeit ein Paradekriterium für eine vorbildliche Gesellschaft zu sein, so betitelt Margalit nun die ideale Gesellschaft als anständige, die jeden Menschen ausgehend von politischen, sozialen und rechtlichen Institutionen menschenwürdig behandelt. Diese Behandlung gründet vor allen Dingen auf einer Nicht-Verletzung der Selbstachtung und einer daraus resultierenden Nicht-Demütigung eines jeden Menschen. Im dritten Kapitel dieser Schrift erläutert der Philosoph das Thema „Ehre". Nachdem er in den ersten beiden Kapiteln den Begriff „Selbstachtung" als Gegenbegriff zur „Demütigung" entworfen und folglich eine anständige Gesellschaft als eine nichtdemütigende charakterisiert hat, macht Margalit sich nun Gedanken darüber, ob die Selbstachtung das einzig mögliche Charakteristikum einer solchen Gesellschaft sei oder ob dieser Begriff beispielsweise durch den der Ehre nicht erweitert oder gar ersetzt werden könne. Doch was versteht man überhaupt unter „Selbstachtung"? Und was ist der Unterschied zum so genannten „Selbstwertgefühl", einem Ausdruck, der zumindest umgangssprachlich oft in ähnlichen Kontexten zu finden ist und dessen Bedeutungsspektrum fälschlicherweise oft dem der „Selbstachtung" gleichgesetzt wird? Eben diese Unterscheidung soll nachfolgend - sowohl in Anlehnung an Margalits philosophische Erörterung, als auch anhand alltäglicher Beispiele - erläutert werden.
Homerische Personennamen.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 108.00 $Sprachwissenschaftliche und historische Klassifikation. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1982. XXVI, 388 S., OLeinenband m. OUmschlag Umschlag mit Randläsuren, Buch sonst gut.
Esdrae liber I .
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.76 $Gr.-8°. 148 Seiten, II Seiten (kartonierte Beilage: "Erklärung der Zeichen und Abkürzungen"). Originalausgabe Verlag Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht (1974). 148 Seiten, II Seiten (kartonierte Beilage: "Erklärung der Zeichen und Abkürzungen"). Roter, mit goldener Titelprägung versehener Original-Ganzleinenband. Kein Umschlag. Bibliotheks-Exemplar (Bibliotheks-Etikett auf dem Buchrücken, Bibliotheks-Stempel [Ausgeschieden] verso Titelblatt). Innen ansonsten sehr gutes, sauberes Exemplar. Keine Anstreichungen! Kein Mängelexemplar! Einband mit nur minimalen Gebrauchsspuren. Einleitung in deutscher Sprache, Text in griechischer Sprache. (Septuaginta: Vetus Testamentum Graecum, Vol. 8,1).
Septuaginta. Band 1 (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 245.74 $"Wevers's scholarship and care for the text is clear as one makes her or his way through the Genesis volume. It's the starting place for studying the Greek text of Genesis. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht's production of the book is stellar, too. It's got a sewn binding and is beautifully constructed--built to last and look good on the shelf, or in your hands." --Abram Kielsmeier-Jones, Words on the Word Blog
Voices of the Turtledoves
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.00 $Winner, 2004 Dale W. Brown Book Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Anabaptist and Pietist StudiesWinner, 2005 Outstanding Publication, Communal Studies AssociationCo-published with the Pennsylvania German Society/Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht The Ephrata Cloister was a community of radical Pietists founded by Georg Conrad Beissel (1691–1768), a charismatic mystic who had been a journeyman baker in Europe. In 1720 he and a few companions sought a new life in William Penn’s land of religious freedom, eventually settling on the banks of the Cocalico Creek in what is now Lancaster County. They called their community “Ephrata,” after the Hebrew name for the area around Bethlehem. Voices of the Turtledoves is a fascinating look at the sacred world that flourished at Ephrata. In Voices of the Turtledoves, Jeff Bach is the first to draw extensively on Ephrata’s manuscript resources and on recent archaeological investigations to present an overarching look at the community. He concludes that the key to understanding all the various aspects of life at Ephrata—its architecture, manuscript art, and social organization—is the religious thought of Beissel and his co-leaders.
Voices of the Turtledoves: The Sacred World of Ephrata (Pennsylvania German History and Culture)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.77 $Winner, 2004 Dale W. Brown Book Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Anabaptist and Pietist StudiesWinner, 2005 Outstanding Publication, Communal Studies AssociationCo-published with the Pennsylvania German Society/Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht The Ephrata Cloister was a community of radical Pietists founded by Georg Conrad Beissel (1691–1768), a charismatic mystic who had been a journeyman baker in Europe. In 1720 he and a few companions sought a new life in William Penn’s land of religious freedom, eventually settling on the banks of the Cocalico Creek in what is now Lancaster County. They called their community “Ephrata,” after the Hebrew name for the area around Bethlehem. Voices of the Turtledoves is a fascinating look at the sacred world that flourished at Ephrata. In Voices of the Turtledoves, Jeff Bach is the first to draw extensively on Ephrata’s manuscript resources and on recent archaeological investigations to present an overarching look at the community. He concludes that the key to understanding all the various aspects of life at Ephrata—its architecture, manuscript art, and social organization—is the religious thought of Beissel and his co-leaders.
Die Barmer Thesen 1934-2004
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.16 $Die Barmer Thesen 1934-2004 Eberhard Busch Taschenbuch 94 S. Deutsch 2004 Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht EAN 9783525563328 Verantwortliche Person für die EU: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Theaterstr. 13, 37073 Göttingen, ute[dot]schnueckel[at]brill[dot]com Anbieter: preigu
Iob .
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 11.88 $Gr.-8°. 414 Seiten, vier Seiten (Beilage "Erklärung der Zeichen und Abkürzungen"). Originalausgabe Verlag Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht (1982). 414 Seiten, vier Seiten (Beilage "Erklärung der Zeichen und Abkürzungen"). Roter, mit goldener Titelprägung versehener Original-Ganzleinenband. Kein Umschlag. Bibliotheks-Exemplar (Bibliotheks-Etikett auf dem Buchrücken, Bibliotheks-Stempel [Ausgeschieden] verso Titelblatt). Innen ansonsten sehr gutes, sauberes Exemplar. Keine Anstreichungen! Kein Mängelexemplar! Einband fachmännisch mit transparenter, selbstklebender Folie eingeschlagen. Einleitung in deutscher Sprache, Text in griechischer Sprache. (Septuaginta: Vetus Testamentum Graecum, Vol.11,4).
Daniel, a Commentary
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 36.04 $"Translated from the German, Das Danielbuch (Das Alte Testament Deutsch, 23), First edition, 1962, published by Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Gèottingen"--Title page verso.
Voices of the Turtledoves: The Sacred World of Ephrata (Pennsylvania German History and Culture)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.95 $Winner, 2004 Dale W. Brown Book Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Anabaptist and Pietist StudiesWinner, 2005 Outstanding Publication, Communal Studies AssociationCo-published with the Pennsylvania German Society/Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht The Ephrata Cloister was a community of radical Pietists founded by Georg Conrad Beissel (1691–1768), a charismatic mystic who had been a journeyman baker in Europe. In 1720 he and a few companions sought a new life in William Penn’s land of religious freedom, eventually settling on the banks of the Cocalico Creek in what is now Lancaster County. They called their community “Ephrata,” after the Hebrew name for the area around Bethlehem. Voices of the Turtledoves is a fascinating look at the sacred world that flourished at Ephrata. In Voices of the Turtledoves, Jeff Bach is the first to draw extensively on Ephrata’s manuscript resources and on recent archaeological investigations to present an overarching look at the community. He concludes that the key to understanding all the various aspects of life at Ephrata—its architecture, manuscript art, and social organization—is the religious thought of Beissel and his co-leaders.
Zwischen Verheißung und Verborgenheit: Studien zur Theologie und Anthropologie der Hagar-Erzählungen in Genesis 16 und 21
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.00 $Zwischen Verheißung und Verborgenheit Studien zur Theologie und Anthropologie der Hagar-Erzählungen in Genesis 16 und 21, Biblisch-Theologische Studien 109 Nina Heinsohn Taschenbuch 138 S. Deutsch 2010 Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht EAN 9783788724283 Verantwortliche Person für die EU: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Theaterstr. 13, 37073 Göttingen, ute[dot]schnueckel[at]brill[dot]com Anbieter: preigu
Voices of the Turtledoves; the Sacred World of Ephrata [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.25 $Winner, 2004 Dale W. Brown Book Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Anabaptist and Pietist StudiesWinner, 2005 Outstanding Publication, Communal Studies AssociationCo-published with the Pennsylvania German Society/Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht The Ephrata Cloister was a community of radical Pietists founded by Georg Conrad Beissel (1691–1768), a charismatic mystic who had been a journeyman baker in Europe. In 1720 he and a few companions sought a new life in William Penn’s land of religious freedom, eventually settling on the banks of the Cocalico Creek in what is now Lancaster County. They called their community “Ephrata,” after the Hebrew name for the area around Bethlehem. Voices of the Turtledoves is a fascinating look at the sacred world that flourished at Ephrata. In Voices of the Turtledoves, Jeff Bach is the first to draw extensively on Ephrata’s manuscript resources and on recent archaeological investigations to present an overarching look at the community. He concludes that the key to understanding all the various aspects of life at Ephrata—its architecture, manuscript art, and social organization—is the religious thought of Beissel and his co-leaders.
Skippy Dies: A Novel
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.25 $Why does Skippy, a fourteen-year-old boy at Dublin’s venerable Seabrook College, end up dead on the floor of the local doughnut shop?Could it have something to do with his friend Ruprecht Van Doren, an overweight genius who is determined to open a portal into a parallel universe using ten-dimensional string theory?Could it involve Carl, the teenage drug dealer and borderline psychotic who is Skippy’s rival in love?Or could “the Automator”—the ruthless, smooth-talking headmaster intent on modernizing the school—have something to hide?Why Skippy dies and what happens next is the subject of this dazzling and uproarious novel, unraveling a mystery that links the boys of Seabrook College to their parents and teachers in ways nobody could have imagined. With a cast of characters that ranges from hip-hop-loving fourteen-year-old Eoin “MC Sexecutioner” Flynn to basketballplaying midget Philip Kilfether, packed with questions and answers on everything from Ritalin, to M-theory, to bungee jumping, to the hidden meaning of the poetry of Robert Frost, Skippy Dies is a heartfelt, hilarious portrait of the pain, joy, and occasional beauty of adolescence, and a tragic depiction of a world always happy to sacrifice its weakest members. As the twenty-first century enters its teenage years, this is a breathtaking novel from a young writer who will come to define his generation.
Religious Revolution' in Yeh?d? [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.00 $447p (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2014)
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