16 products were found matching your search for scaglione in 1 shops:
FraSca Franco Scaglione. Il poeta dell'Aerodinamica.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.24 $La vita di un personaggio che ha fatto la storia dell'automobile italiana, dalla sua nascita, alla guerra, percorrendo la sua carriera breve ma intensa terminata con l'oblio. Dimenticato da quel mondo delle auto, ma proprio grazie ad esse ritrovato in un piccolo paese della Toscana: Suvereto. E. dopo: gli eventi a lui dedicati che hanno fatto capire il valore del suo lascito. FraSca era la sigla con cui Franco Scaglione firmava i suoi primi bozzetti di carrozzerie. cm.21x28, pp.200, illustrazioni. Collana Volti, Spazi, Memorie. Pisa, Pacini Editore cm.21x28, pp.200, illustrazioni. brossura copertina figurata a colori. Collana Volti, Spazi, Memorie. brossura copertina figurata a colori.
The Knowledge of Childhood in the German Middle Ages, 1100-1350
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.93 $Winner of the 1994-95 MLA Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for studies in Germanic languages and literaturesJames A Schultz has brought a historiographic approach to nearly two hundred Middle High German texts—narrative, didactic, homiletic, legal, religious, and secular. He explores what they say about the nature of the child, the role of inherited and individual traits, the status of education, the remarkable number of disruptions these children suffered as they grew up, the rites of passage that mark coming of age, the various genres of childhood narratives, and the historical development of such narratives.
Karate of Okinawa: Building Warr
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 9.85 $History of Okinawan Karate. Author Hanshi Robert Scaglione Ueshiro Shorin-Ryu Karate USA and retired New York City Police Officer/Detective relates police stories, experiences, karate tactical training methods and physical fitness exercises. Precepts of Eyes, Foundation, Spirit and Strength of karate practioners and police officers and their relationship to eachother.
Recoding World Literature: Libraries, Print Culture, and Germany's Pact with Books
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 47.25 $Winner, 2018 Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Studies in Germanic Languages and Literatures, Modern Language AssociationWinner, 2018 German Studies Association DAAD Book Prize in Germanistik and Cultural Studies.From the current vantage point of the transformation of books and libraries, B. Venkat Mani presents a historical account of world literature. By locating translation, publication, and circulation along routes of “bibliomigrancy”―the physical and virtual movement of books―Mani narrates how world literature is coded and recoded as literary works find new homes on faraway bookshelves. Mani argues that the proliferation of world literature in a society is the function of a nation’s relationship with print culture―a Faustian pact with books. Moving from early Orientalist collections, to the Nazi magazine Weltliteratur, to the European Digital Library, Mani reveals the political foundations for a history of world literature that is at once a philosophical ideal, a process of exchange, a mode of reading, and a system of classification.Shifting current scholarship’s focus from the academic to the general reader, from the university to the public sphere, Recoding World Literature argues that world literature is culturally determined, historically conditioned, and politically charged.
Linda Le Kinff: The Graphic Work
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 150.00 $Linda Le Kinff: The Graphic Work is a 275 page hard-cover book which includes the chronology of the artist's life and work. With an introduction by Albert Scaglione and essays by Anthony Janson, Ph.D. and Joseph Jacobs, art historian. Accompanying the color plates (1968-present) are original works of poetry and quotes from the artist examining her technique, subject matter and inspiration. Published by Park West Gallery, 2008.
The Ethnography of Rhythm: Orality and Its Technologies (Verbal Arts: Studies in Poetics)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 42.61 $Winner of the Modern Language Association's Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Comparative Literary StudiesWho speaks? The author as producer, the contingency of the text, intertextuality, the “device”―core ideas of modern literary theory―were all pioneered in the shadow of oral literature. Authorless, loosely dated, and variable, oral texts have always posed a challenge to critical interpretation. When it began to be thought that culturally significant texts―starting with Homer and the Bible―had emerged from an oral tradition, assumptions on how to read these texts were greatly perturbed. Through readings that range from ancient Greece, Rome, and China to the Cold War imaginary, The Ethnography of Rhythm situates the study of oral traditions in the contentious space of nineteenth- and twentieth-century thinking about language, mind, and culture. It also demonstrates the role of technologies in framing this category of poetic creation. By making possible a new understanding of Maussian “techniques of the body” as belonging to the domain of Derridean “arche-writing,” Haun Saussy shows how oral tradition is a means of inscription in its own right, rather than an antecedent made obsolete by the written word or other media and data-storage devices.
Empires of Love: Europe, Asia, and the Making of Early Modern Identity
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 66.11 $"Winner of the 2014 MLA Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Comparative Literary StudiesAwarded the 2014 Roland H. Bainton Book Prize in Literature by the Sixteenth Century Society and Conference" Through literary and historical documents from the early sixteenth to late seventeenth centuries—epic poetry, private correspondence, secular dramas, and colonial legislation—Carmen Nocentelli charts the Western fascination with the eros of "India," as the vast coastal stretch from the Gulf of Aden to the South China Sea was often called. If Asia was thought of as a place of sexual deviance and perversion, she demonstrates, it was also a space where colonial authorities actively encouraged the formation of interracial households, even through the forcible conscription of native brides. In her comparative analysis of Dutch, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish texts, Nocentelli shows how sexual behaviors and erotic desires quickly came to define the limits within which Europeans represented not only Asia but also themselves.Drawing on a wide range of European sources on polygamy, practices of male genital modification, and the allegedly excessive libido of native women, Empires of Love emphasizes the overlapping and mutually transformative construction of race and sexuality during Europe's early overseas expansion, arguing that the encounter with Asia contributed to the development of Western racial discourse while also shaping European ideals of marriage, erotic reciprocity, and monogamous affection.
Marie De France Poetry : New Translations, Backgrounds and Contexts, Criticism
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.06 $Marie de France’s beautiful poems of courtly love, enchantment, and mystery are now available in a Norton Critical Edition.Winner of the 2016 Northern California Book Award for Translation of Poetry.Honorable Mention for the 2015 Modern Language Association's Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize For Translation of a Literary Work.Marie de France was a medieval poet who was probably born in France and who lived in England during the twelfth century. Prominent among the earliest poets writing in the French vernacular, Marie de France helped shape the style and genres of later medieval poetry. This Norton Critical Edition includes all of Marie’s lais (short narrative verse poems); selected fables; and a generous excerpt from Saint Patrick’s Purgatory, a long poem based on a well-known medieval legend. Each text is accompanied by detailed explanatory annotations. For comparative reading, two lais, “Bisclavret” and “Yönec,” are accompanied by Marie’s facing-page originals. "Backgrounds and Contexts" is thematically organized to provide readers with a clear sense of Marie’s inspirations. Topics include “The Supernatural,” “Love and Romance,” “Medical Traditions,” “Fable Sources and Analogues: Similar Themes,” and “Purgatory and the Afterlife.” Ovid, Chaucer, Andreas Capellanus, Boccaccio, Aristotle, and Bede are among the authors included.From the wealth of scholarly work published on Marie de France, Dorothy Gilbert has chosen excerpts from nine pieces that address issues of history and authorship as well as major themes in the lais, fables, and Saint Patrick’s Purgatory. The contributors are Thomas Warton, Abbé Gervais de la Rue, Joseph Bedier, Leo Spitzer, R. Howard Bloch, E. A. Francis, Jill Mann, and Jacques Le Goff. A selected bibliography is also included.
Narrative As Virtual Reality 2 : Revisiting Immersion and Interactivity in Literature and Electronic Media
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 36.59 $Winner of the Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Comparative Literary Studies from the Modern Language Association of AmericaIs there a significant difference between engagement with a game and engagement with a movie or novel? Can interactivity contribute to immersion, or is there a trade-off between the immersive "world" aspect of texts and their interactive "game" dimension? As Marie-Laure Ryan demonstrates in Narrative as Virtual Reality 2, the questions raised by the new interactive technologies have their precursors and echoes in pre-electronic literary and artistic traditions. Approaching the idea of virtual reality as a metaphor for total art, Ryan applies the concepts of immersion and interactivity to develop a phenomenology of narrative experience that encompasses reading, watching, and playing. The book weighs traditional literary narratives against the new textual genres made possible by the electronic revolution of the past thirty years, including hypertext, electronic poetry, interactive drama, digital installation art, computer games, and multi-user online worlds like Second Life and World of Warcraft.In this completely revised edition, Ryan reflects on the developments that have taken place over the past fifteen years in terms of both theory and practice and focuses on the increase of narrativity in video games and its corresponding loss in experimental digital literature. Following the cognitive approaches that have rehabilitated immersion as the product of fundamental processes of world-construction and mental simulation, she details the many forms that interactivity has taken―or hopes to take―in digital texts, from determining the presentation of signs to affecting the level of story.
The Ethnography of Rhythm: Orality and Its Technologies (Verbal Arts: Studies in Poetics)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.24 $Winner of the Modern Language Association's Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Comparative Literary StudiesWho speaks? The author as producer, the contingency of the text, intertextuality, the “device”―core ideas of modern literary theory―were all pioneered in the shadow of oral literature. Authorless, loosely dated, and variable, oral texts have always posed a challenge to critical interpretation. When it began to be thought that culturally significant texts―starting with Homer and the Bible―had emerged from an oral tradition, assumptions on how to read these texts were greatly perturbed. Through readings that range from ancient Greece, Rome, and China to the Cold War imaginary, The Ethnography of Rhythm situates the study of oral traditions in the contentious space of nineteenth- and twentieth-century thinking about language, mind, and culture. It also demonstrates the role of technologies in framing this category of poetic creation. By making possible a new understanding of Maussian “techniques of the body” as belonging to the domain of Derridean “arche-writing,” Haun Saussy shows how oral tradition is a means of inscription in its own right, rather than an antecedent made obsolete by the written word or other media and data-storage devices.
Mystery to a Solution : Poe, Borges, and the Analytic Detective Story
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 36.28 $Winner of the Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Comparative Literary Studies from the Modern Language AssociationWinner of the Christian Gauss Award from the Phi Beta Kappa SocietyIn The Mystery to a Solution, John Irwin brilliantly examines the deeper significance of the analytical detective genre which Poe created and the meaning of Borges' efforts to "double" the genre's origins one hundred years later. Combining history, literary history, and practical and speculative criticism, Irwin pursues the issues underlying the detective story into areas as various as the history of mathematics, classical mythology, the double-mirror structure of self-consciousness, the anthropology of Evans and Frazer, the structure of chess, the mind-body problem, the etymology of the word labyrinth, and dozens of other topics. Irwin mirrors the aesthetic impact of the genre by creating in his study the dynamics of a detective story―the uncovering of mysteries, the accumulation of evidence, the tracing of clues, and the final solution that ties it all together.
Distinction of Fiction
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.19 $Winner of the Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Comparative Literary Studies from the Modern Language Association Winner of the Modern Language Association's Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Comparative Literary StudiesThe border between fact and fiction has been trespassed so often it seems to be a highway. Works of history that include fictional techniques are usually held in contempt, but works of fiction that include history are among the greatest of classics. Fiction claims to be able to convey its own unique kinds of truth. But unless a reader knows in advance whether a narrative is fictional or not, judgment can be frustrated and confused.In The Distinction of Fiction, Dorrit Cohn argues that fiction does present specific clues to its fictionality, and its own justifications. Indeed, except in cases of deliberate deception, fiction achieves its purposes best by exercising generic conventions that inform the reader that it is fiction. Cohn tests her conclusions against major narrative works, including Proust's A la Recherche du temps perdu, Mann's Death in Venice, Tolstoy's War and Peace, and Freud's case studies. She contests widespread poststructuralist views that all narratives are fictional. On the contrary, she separates fiction and nonfiction as necessarily distinct, even when bound together. An expansion of Cohn's Christian Gauss lectures at Princeton and the product of many years of labor and thought, The Distinction of Fiction builds on narratological and phenomenological theories to show that boundaries between fiction and history can be firmly and systematically explored.
Recoding World Literature: Libraries, Print Culture, and Germany's Pact with Books
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.48 $Winner, 2018 Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Studies in Germanic Languages and Literatures, Modern Language AssociationWinner, 2018 German Studies Association DAAD Book Prize in Germanistik and Cultural Studies.From the current vantage point of the transformation of books and libraries, B. Venkat Mani presents a historical account of world literature. By locating translation, publication, and circulation along routes of “bibliomigrancy”―the physical and virtual movement of books―Mani narrates how world literature is coded and recoded as literary works find new homes on faraway bookshelves. Mani argues that the proliferation of world literature in a society is the function of a nation’s relationship with print culture―a Faustian pact with books. Moving from early Orientalist collections, to the Nazi magazine Weltliteratur, to the European Digital Library, Mani reveals the political foundations for a history of world literature that is at once a philosophical ideal, a process of exchange, a mode of reading, and a system of classification.Shifting current scholarship’s focus from the academic to the general reader, from the university to the public sphere, Recoding World Literature argues that world literature is culturally determined, historically conditioned, and politically charged.
Murder on Memory Lake (A Ferrara Family Mystery)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.92 $For Alberta Scaglione, her golden years are turning out much more differently than she expected—and much more deadly . . . Alberta Scaglione’ s spinster aunt had some secrets—like the fortune she squirreled away and a secret lake house in Tranquility, New Jersey. More surprising: she’s left it all to Alberta. Alberta, a widow, is no spring chicken and she’s gotten used to disappointment. So having a beautiful view, surrounded by hydrangeas, honeysuckle, and her cat, Lola, sounds blissful after years of yelling and bickering and cooking countless lasagnas. But Tranquility isn’t as peaceful as it sounds. There’s a body in the water—and it belongs to Alberta’s childhood nemesis. Alberta suspects foul play and when Alberta’s estranged granddaughter, an aspiring crime reporter, shows up, it only makes sense for them to team up and investigate . . . Includes Italian recipes from Alberta’s kitchen!
The Knowledge of Childhood in the German Middle Ages, 1100-1350
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 67.23 $Winner of the 1994-95 MLA Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for studies in Germanic languages and literaturesJames A Schultz has brought a historiographic approach to nearly two hundred Middle High German texts—narrative, didactic, homiletic, legal, religious, and secular. He explores what they say about the nature of the child, the role of inherited and individual traits, the status of education, the remarkable number of disruptions these children suffered as they grew up, the rites of passage that mark coming of age, the various genres of childhood narratives, and the historical development of such narratives.
Empires of Love: Europe, Asia, and the Making of Early Modern Identity
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 55.00 $"Winner of the 2014 MLA Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Comparative Literary StudiesAwarded the 2014 Roland H. Bainton Book Prize in Literature by the Sixteenth Century Society and Conference" Through literary and historical documents from the early sixteenth to late seventeenth centuries—epic poetry, private correspondence, secular dramas, and colonial legislation—Carmen Nocentelli charts the Western fascination with the eros of "India," as the vast coastal stretch from the Gulf of Aden to the South China Sea was often called. If Asia was thought of as a place of sexual deviance and perversion, she demonstrates, it was also a space where colonial authorities actively encouraged the formation of interracial households, even through the forcible conscription of native brides. In her comparative analysis of Dutch, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish texts, Nocentelli shows how sexual behaviors and erotic desires quickly came to define the limits within which Europeans represented not only Asia but also themselves.Drawing on a wide range of European sources on polygamy, practices of male genital modification, and the allegedly excessive libido of native women, Empires of Love emphasizes the overlapping and mutually transformative construction of race and sexuality during Europe's early overseas expansion, arguing that the encounter with Asia contributed to the development of Western racial discourse while also shaping European ideals of marriage, erotic reciprocity, and monogamous affection.
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