28 products were found matching your search for sexology in 1 shops:
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.46 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Sexology: The Basis of Endocrinology and Criminology: The Surprising Connections Between Hormones, Imagination, Clairvoyance, and Crime
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.83 $Book is in NEW condition. 0.77
The Best of Sexology: The Most Unintentionally Amusing Articles, Advertisements, & Advice from America's First Sex Magazine
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 72.38 $Sexology, founded in 1933, was America's first sex magazine. Through its fifty-year run, Grandma and Grandpa got a rollicking taste of sexual exotica in articles such as...· Extra Breasts in Women· Sexual Vampirism· Pregnant Men· Priapism: Uncontrollable Erections·When Midgets Marry·Homosexual Chickens· Twin Beds or Single?·Humans With Tails· Do Women Marry each Other?· Sexual Tattooing· Can Humans and Animals Crossbreed?From the looney to the libertine to the downright lecherous, Sexology covered it all . . . or should we say uncovered? Readers will laugh and learn in this hilarious book collecting the best of Sexology—it may even be better than sex itself!
Sexology Uncensored: The Documents of Sexual Science
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.89 $Sexology Uncensored brings together, for the first time, many of the key documents of the modern science of sexuality that emerged in the late nineteenth century. The early pioneers of the new field of sexology examined and classified sexual behaviors, identities, and relations. For years much of the material here has been "censored" in the sense that it is difficult to obtain, subject to restrictive circulation, or available only in medical archives. The extracts (which date from the 1880s to the 1940s) cover a variety of topics including gender and sexual difference; homosexuality; transsexuality and bisexuality; heterosexuality; marriage and sex manuals; reproductive control; eugenics; race; and various sexual proclivities. Offering readers access to the primary materials on which contemporary sexology is founded, Sexology Uncensored is an invaluable record for all those interested in how we have come to think about sex and sexuality over the last hundred years. Sexology in Culture and its companion Sexology Uncensored will interest all those concerned with understanding modern sexual discourse in its historical context.
The Tao of Sexology: The Book of Infinite Wisdom
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 187.52 $Unique and extraordinary methods for healing and regeneration, complete satisfaction, STD and health problem prevention (even the deadliest for both sexes), immune system strengthening, age process retardation, mental and spiritual bonding and well-being, and much more. E.g.: Million-Dollar Point (improves climax without depletion), Nine Steps to (unparalleled) Orgasm, Male and Female Exercises for boundless strength and energy, and much more.
The Tao of Sexology The Book of Infinite Wisdom
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 60.00 $Unique and extraordinary methods for healing and regeneration, complete satisfaction, STD and health problem prevention (even the deadliest for both sexes), immune system strengthening, age process retardation, mental and spiritual bonding and well-being, and much more. E.g.: Million-Dollar Point (improves climax without depletion), Nine Steps to (unparalleled) Orgasm, Male and Female Exercises for boundless strength and energy, and much more.
Gay, Straight, and In-Between: The Sexology of Erotic Orientation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.94 $The diverse historical, cultural, and physiological influences that determine sexual orientation are the focus of this fascinating work by one of the foremost investigators of human sexuality. Drawing on case studies from his sexology clinic, the author explores such topics as prenatal and postnatal history, gender differentiation in childhood, and postpubertal hormonal theories. In so doing, he addresses the many enigmas of sexual orientation: What makes some children grow up to be homosexual, while others become heterosexual or bisexual? To what degree is gender identity determined before birth? How do the concepts of masculine and feminine become differentiated during childhood? What do we know about the relationship between hormones and homosexuality in adulthood? A unique feature of this book is the follow-up reporting on Money's long-term studies that began over three decades ago. The studies are brought together here for comparison with one another--and with the work of others--and their full significance is systematically evaluated. Also explored here is his pioneering concepts of lovemaps, the pathways of individual sexual and erotic development, and the factors that may shape overall healthy or pathological orientation, paraphilia, and gender transposition in childhood, adolescence, and maturity. Written in accessible language for researchers and clinicians, this authoritative work is both thought-provoking and informative as it explores timely questions of sexual orientation.
Colonizing Sex: Sexology and Social Control in Modern Japan (Paperback or Softback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 4.56 $A sweeping study of sex, power, and knowledge in modern Japan, this ambitious work provides the first full-scale, detailed history of the formation and application of a science of sex from Meiji through mid-twentieth century Japan. Tracing the different uses made of sexual knowledge, the book brings to light the complex and subtle interplay between sexuality, scientific expertise, social control, and empire building.Drawing on a wide variety of sources, Frühstück analyzes the conflicts and negotiations that aimed at producing a normative sexuality. She shows how the "colonization" of sex was enacted through debates over several issues: the necessity of sex education; the prevention of venereal diseases; the problem of masturbation and its alleged consequences; the legalization of birth control; the fight against prostitution; the emergence of eugenics; and, eventually, the implementation of "racial hygiene" policies. In Colonizing Sex we see how these struggles were driven by rhetoric consisting of cries for defense, liberation, and truth―emphasizing in every historical moment how the sexual body has been, and is, part of much broader currents in political, cultural, and social life.
Gay, Straight, and In-Between: The Sexology of Erotic Orientation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 58.92 $The diverse historical, cultural, and physiological influences that determine sexual orientation are the focus of this fascinating work by one of the foremost investigators of human sexuality. Drawing on case studies from his sexology clinic, the author explores such topics as prenatal and postnatal history, gender differentiation in childhood, and postpubertal hormonal theories. In so doing, he addresses the many enigmas of sexual orientation: What makes some children grow up to be homosexual, while others become heterosexual or bisexual? To what degree is gender identity determined before birth? How do the concepts of masculine and feminine become differentiated during childhood? What do we know about the relationship between hormones and homosexuality in adulthood? A unique feature of this book is the follow-up reporting on Money's long-term studies that began over three decades ago. The studies are brought together here for comparison with one another--and with the work of others--and their full significance is systematically evaluated. Also explored here is his pioneering concepts of lovemaps, the pathways of individual sexual and erotic development, and the factors that may shape overall healthy or pathological orientation, paraphilia, and gender transposition in childhood, adolescence, and maturity. Written in accessible language for researchers and clinicians, this authoritative work is both thought-provoking and informative as it explores timely questions of sexual orientation.
Sex in China: Studies in Sexology in Chinese Culture (Perspectives in Sexuality)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 169.23 $China today is sexually (and in many other ways) a very repressive so ciety, yet ancient China was very different. Some of the earliest surviving literature of China is devoted to discussions of sexual topics, and the sexual implications of the Ym and Yang theories common in ancient China continue to influence Tantric and esoteric sexual practices today far dis tant from their Chinese origins. In recent years, a number of books have been written exploring the history of sexual practices and ideas in China, but most have ended the discussion with ancient China and have not continued up to the present time. Fang Fu Ruan first surveys the ancient assumptions and beliefs, then carries the story to present-day China with brief descriptions of homosexuality, lesbianism, transvestism, transsexualism, and prostitution, and ends with a chapter on changing attitudes toward sex in China today. Dr. Ruan is well qualified to give such an overview. Until he left China in the 1980s, he was a leader in attempting to change the repressive attitudes of the government toward human sexuality. He wrote a best selling book on sex in China, and had written to and corresponded with a number of people in China who considered him as confidant and ad visor about their sex problems. A physician and medical historian, Dr. Ruan's doctoral dissertation was a study of the history of sex in China.
Sex in China: Studies in Sexology in Chinese Culture (Perspectives in Sexuality)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 14.35 $China today is sexually (and in many other ways) a very repressive so ciety, yet ancient China was very different. Some of the earliest surviving literature of China is devoted to discussions of sexual topics, and the sexual implications of the Ym and Yang theories common in ancient China continue to influence Tantric and esoteric sexual practices today far dis tant from their Chinese origins. In recent years, a number of books have been written exploring the history of sexual practices and ideas in China, but most have ended the discussion with ancient China and have not continued up to the present time. Fang Fu Ruan first surveys the ancient assumptions and beliefs, then carries the story to present-day China with brief descriptions of homosexuality, lesbianism, transvestism, transsexualism, and prostitution, and ends with a chapter on changing attitudes toward sex in China today. Dr. Ruan is well qualified to give such an overview. Until he left China in the 1980s, he was a leader in attempting to change the repressive attitudes of the government toward human sexuality. He wrote a best selling book on sex in China, and had written to and corresponded with a number of people in China who considered him as confidant and ad visor about their sex problems. A physician and medical historian, Dr. Ruan's doctoral dissertation was a study of the history of sex in China.
Children, Youth And Adults With Asperger Syndrome: Integrating Multiple Perspectives
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.95 $This book offers a comprehensive overview of clinical, research and personal perspectives on Asperger Syndrome, including contributions from parents and experts in the fields of psychology, social work, psychiatry, genetics, sexology and vocational counselling.It includes first-hand accounts from adults with AS, highlighting their difficulties in areas such as social competence and education. Specialist perspectives on AS, including sexuality and relationships, finding and keeping employment and anxiety and depression are sensitively addressed. The viewpoints of parents explore experiences of parenting AS individuals. These varied approaches to living with AS complement the emerging literature on theory, research and practice in this area.The broad scope of Children, Youth and Adults with Asperger Syndrome guarantees a wide readership among practitioners, students, parents, young people and adults with AS, educates service providers how to assist people with AS and suggests a model of interdisciplinary collaboration for administrators and funders.
Sexual Politics and Feminist Science: Women Sexologists in Germany, 1900-1933 (Paperback or Softback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 48.24 $In Sexual Politics and Feminist Science, Kirsten Leng restores the work of female sexologists to the forefront of the history of sexology. While male researchers who led the practice of early-twentieth-century sexology viewed women and their sexuality as objects to be studied, not as collaborators in scientific investigation, Leng pinpoints nine German and Austrian "women sexologists" and "female sexual theorists" to reveal how sex, gender, and sexuality influenced the field of sexology itself. Leng’s book makes it plain that women not only played active roles in the creation of sexual scientific knowledge but also made significant and influential interventions in the field. Sexual Politics and Feminist Science provides readers with an opportunity to rediscover and engage with the work of these pioneers.Leng highlights sexology’s empowering potential for women, but also contends that in its intersection with eugenics, the narrative is not wholly celebratory. By detailing gendered efforts to understand and theorize sex through science, she reveals the cognitive biases and sociological prejudices that ultimately circumscribed the transformative potential of their ideas. Ultimately, Sexual Politics and Feminist Science helps readers to understand these women’s ideas in all their complexity in order to appreciate their unique place in the history of sexology.
Designing and Leading a Successful SAR
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.54 $This professional guidebook and training manual introduces the Sexual Attitudes Reassessment and Restructuring (SAR) training program for professionals working in the broad field of sexology. The authors, who have led 43 SAR training programs in seven different countries, provide an overview of the history and modern day context of SARs in the first part of the book. In Part II, they provide a toolkit for creating your own SAR, using 21 photocopiable workbook pages, handy checklists, and practical tips. Part III focuses on lessons learned from past SARs and future predictions for cutting-edge SARs. This book is necessary reading for clinicians and educators who wish to offer SAR training programs or integrate “The SAR Approach” into their practice.
Sex, God, and the Conservative Church
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 47.34 $Sex, God, and the Conservative Church guides psychotherapy and sexology clinicians on how to treat clients who grew up in a conservative faith―mired in sexual shame and dysfunction―and who desire to both heal and hold on to their faith orientation. The author first walks clinicians and readers through a critique of Western culture and the conservative Christian Church, and their effects on intimate partnerships and sexual lives. The book provides clinicians a way to understand the faulty sexual ethic of the early church, while revealing the hidden mystical sex and body positive understanding of sexuality of the Hebrew people. The book also includes chapters on strategies for a new sexual ethic, on clinical steps to heal religious sexual shame, and on specific sex therapy interventions clinicians can use directly in their practice. Finally, it offers a four step model for healing religious sexual shame and actual touch and non-touch exercises to bring healing and intimacy into a person's life.
The Medical Book
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 36.65 $Following his hugely successful The Math Book and The Physics Book, Clifford Pickover now chronicles the advancement of medicine in 250 entertaining, illustrated landmark events. Touching on such diverse subspecialties as genetics, pharmacology, neurology, sexology, and immunology, Pickover intersperses “obvious” historical milestones--the Hippocratic Oath, general anesthesia, the Human Genome Project--with unexpected and intriguing topics like “truth serum,” the use of cocaine in eye surgery, and face transplants.
Paradise Found (Hardcover)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.99 $Hardcover. For those who desire to expand their amorous repertoire and a lush visual complement to the groundbreaking Boudoir Bible.A celebrated pioneer in the field of sexology and erotic design, Vernon unlocks the secrets of the sensual realm, taking us on a visual journey to a sexual paradise. This enlightening, luxurious tome features Vernons renowned jewel-toolsartisanal erotic jewelry and instruments of ecstasy of her own design coveted by collectors around the worldalongside extensive advice on their use to reach new levels of pleasure. The mysteries of the tantalizing ascent to paradise unfold as we are invited to explore empowerment through the sleek chains and cuffs of Sado-Chic. Orchestrating the Senses, Tickle Your Fantasies, Erecting the Temple, and Role Play heighten anticipation within the boudoir. Intimate Bonds and Scepters of Desire illuminate pushing limits with refined implements of desire, while The Ceremony teases a dreamworld of pleasure, with Vernons infamous Boudoir Box showing the infinite possibilities of sensual realms. Vernons work has been documented by some of the top names in fashion photography and illustration, from Douglas Kirkland and Ellen von Unwerth to Nick Knight and David Downton, Jeff Burton, Francois Berthoud, and many others. Their riveting images beckon us to explore the world of intimacy and sensual satisfaction with creative new eyes. Now available at a promotional price! Shipping may be from multiple locations in the US or from the UK, depending on stock availability.
Strange Tales
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.00 $Hanns Heinz Ewers is a vastly ignored and misunderstood master of the horror and fantasy genre of literature. He was an associate of Guido von List, Lanz von Liebenfels, and Aleister Crowley and later a member of the NSDAP, but also a nudist, pioneer of sexology and decadent poet, film maker, playwright and cabaret performer. This volume contains most of Ewers' stories which had been previously translated and also includes two newly translated tales: "The Water-Corpse" and "From the Diary of an Orange Tree." There is also an extensive 22 page introduction that makes the reader familiar with the facts of Ewers' life and his sometimes overtly "Satanic" ideas and philosophies to an extent never before discussed in the English language.
The New Woman : Literary Modernism, Queer Theory, and the Trans Feminine Allegory
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.11 $The New Woman: Literary Modernism, Queer Theory, and the Trans Feminine Allegory traces the use of the trans feminine as an allegorical figure, from the practice's origins in nineteenth-century sexology through writings in the fields of psychoanalysis, Modernist fiction, and contemporary Queer Theory. The book is the first to identify the process by which medical sources simplified the diversity of trans feminine experience into a single diagnostic narrative. It then demonstrates that this medical figure became an archetype for the "sexual anarchy" of the Modernist period in works by Aldous Huxley, James Joyce, Djuna Barnes, T. S. Eliot, and Jean Genet. Thus illuminating the trans feminine's Modernist provenance, the book examines foundational works of Queer Theory that resuscitated the trans feminine allegory at the end of the twentieth century. Insightful and seminal, The New Woman debunks the pervasive reflex beginning in the 1990s to connect trans experience to a late twentieth-century collapse of sexual differences by revealing the Modernist roots of that very formulation.
Designing and Leading a Successful SAR
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.05 $This professional guidebook and training manual introduces the Sexual Attitudes Reassessment and Restructuring (SAR) training program for professionals working in the broad field of sexology. The authors, who have led 43 SAR training programs in seven different countries, provide an overview of the history and modern day context of SARs in the first part of the book. In Part II, they provide a toolkit for creating your own SAR, using 21 photocopiable workbook pages, handy checklists, and practical tips. Part III focuses on lessons learned from past SARs and future predictions for cutting-edge SARs. This book is necessary reading for clinicians and educators who wish to offer SAR training programs or integrate “The SAR Approach” into their practice.
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