46 products were found matching your search for skira in 1 shops:
The Skira yearbook of world architecture 2007-2008
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.78 $English Edition - Edizione inglese con abstract in italiano. Wall paper. A number of double-page spreads featuring over one hundred of the most interesting projects designed and created during the year. Editorial. An essay with a systematic presentation of all news items, problems and key characters. Projects. A critical selection of projects, themes, outstanding people and towns which have displayed significant content or results over the year. Each project is sumptuously illustrated and includes a critique by a well-known figure or an interview with the designers (for example, this year we will certainly feature Herzog & De Meuron's Beijing Olympic stadium, an interview with the mayor of New York about the planned planting of one million trees in New York City over the next five years, Italo Rota and Peter Greenaway's design for the new Triennale Design Museum in Milan, the NY New Museum of Modern Art by Sanaa, works by MVRDV, Steven Holl, Diller + Scofidio, Toyo Ito... and more to be discovered). Tools. Index of the Index: a selection of the world's top architectural journals' annual indexes of international exhibitions and events, of interesting websites, details about the designers and the institutions mentioned. Work in progress. A few pictures of major, ongoing projects as a "teaser" for the next issue.
Bauhaus (Skira MINI Artbooks)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.04 $The Bauhaus Arts and Crafts Institute was founded in Weimar by Walter Gropius in 1919. Avant-garde artists from every part of Europe joined, including Paul Klee and Wassily Kandinsky. On the occasion of its ninetieth anniversary, fifty extraordinary works produced by the Bauhaus come back to life in the ninety-six pages of this unmissable "little" monograph.
Y08. The Skira yearbook of world Architecture 2007 -2008
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 4.32 $English Edition - Edizione inglese con abstract in italiano. Wall paper. A number of double-page spreads featuring over one hundred of the most interesting projects designed and created during the year. Editorial. An essay with a systematic presentation of all news items, problems and key characters. Projects. A critical selection of projects, themes, outstanding people and towns which have displayed significant content or results over the year. Each project is sumptuously illustrated and includes a critique by a well-known figure or an interview with the designers (for example, this year we will certainly feature Herzog & De Meuron's Beijing Olympic stadium, an interview with the mayor of New York about the planned planting of one million trees in New York City over the next five years, Italo Rota and Peter Greenaway's design for the new Triennale Design Museum in Milan, the NY New Museum of Modern Art by Sanaa, works by MVRDV, Steven Holl, Diller + Scofidio, Toyo Ito... and more to be discovered). Tools. Index of the Index: a selection of the world's top architectural journals' annual indexes of international exhibitions and events, of interesting websites, details about the designers and the institutions mentioned. Work in progress. A few pictures of major, ongoing projects as a "teaser" for the next issue.
Santa Fe Style (Skira Library of Architecture)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 65.08 $Since the opening of the Santa Fe Trail in 1821, the town of Santa Fe, New Mexico, has been a rich source of original American design. Santa Fe Style explores the beginnings and current form of this exciting design tradition, from the ancient inspiration of the Canyon de chelly to the innovations of Frank Lloyd Wright and contemporary passive-solar architects. The elements of style for which the area is known--warm adobe brick, simple hand-carved furnishings, rough-hewn beams, Indian potter, Navajo rugs, and colorful folk sculpture--are all beautifully photographed in over 450 illustrations.A community of fewer than 50,000 inhabitants, Santa Fe has had an impact on American culture far greater than its size. The Spanish colonists who founded the town in 1608 adapted their European tradition to the Pueblo Indian building materials and methods, creating an architecture that is unique in the world. The trade routes and the opening of the railroad brought ranchers and farmers from the East; and spectacular surroundings of mountains and high desert drew twentieth-century writers and artists from D.H.Lawrence to Georgia O'Keeffe. Each new wave of settlers added to the Santa Fe legend and the Santa Fe style.Here is not only the romance of Santa Fe, but the irresistible appeal of its lifestyle--a casual elegance enlivened by a dynamic, ever-changing mixture of the old and the new, the West and the East, the plain and the sophisitcated. In addition to the wide range of design ideas offered by the illustrations is a list of sources directing readers to Santa Fe merchants and services.
Photography: The Origins 1839-1890 (The Skira History of Photography)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.35 $The Skira History of Photography series will be released in four separate volumes: 1839-1890; 1890-1939; 1939-1980; and 1980-2010. Each volume is made up of essays by specialists, including a series of short monographic essays dedicated to individual photographers written by a single author, providing a narrative voice that ensures continuity throughout and a historical framework that adopts a strictly chronological approach.This first volume (1839-1890) considers the years of the invention of photography and those immediately following-extraordinary years from both the point of view of history and of the development of the inventions. Including the great early forebears, like Daguerre and Talbot, and the great photographic expeditions that placed the world before the eyes of an ever-increasing number of people, this first volume also stresses the fundamental links between photography and the world of science. The volume concludes by examining the burgeoning relationship between photography and the traditional arts disciplines, a point of fundamental importance in the development of a photographic language.
Book Illumination: The Early Middle Ages (Skira)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 71.84 $In shrink wrap. Looks like an interesting title!
Virginia Dwan and Dwan Gallery, Skira, 2016.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.51 $This book on Virginia Dwan and her galleries in Los Angeles and New York tells for the first time the unique story of a fundamental player on the global art scene, who has rarely been explored. The Dwan Gallery opened in Los Angeles in 1959 and showed works by artists such as Arman, Yves Klein, Claes Oldenburg, Robert Rauschenberg, Niki de Saint Phalle, and Jean Tinguely, becoming a West Coast point of reference for international art. In 1965, Virginia Dwan also opened a gallery in New York, where she exhibited pieces by the protagonists of Minimalism and Conceptual Art. Through a rich collection of images and rare testimonies published for the first time, as well as a detailed chronology, in this volume Germano Celant recounts the years 1959–1971 in the Dwan Gallery, whose shows were as important as those organized by figures such as Leo Castelli and Ileana Sonnabend, also focusing on earlier and subsequent events in Virginia Dwan’s career up to the present.
Images de La Spiritualite Grecque (art Ancien - Skira)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.64 $"L'ensemble d'icônes réuni par Rena Andreadis constitue l'une des collections privées de ce genre les plus connues. Sans englober un nombre particulièrement important de pièces, la collection est remarquable par sa diversité. Elle comprend des icônes grecques du XIVème au XVIIIème siècle, dont la production recouvre une vaste aire géographique, depuis Constantinople et la Grèce continentale jusqu'à la Crète et l'Heptanèse. --------------------------------- (.) Chaque icône de la collection témoigne une caractéristique qui attire le regard du spectateur ou de l'historien de l'art, une particularité iconographique, un détail architectural inhabituel, l expression d'un sentiment particulièrement marquée, le portrait original d'un donateur ou une inscription dédicatoire." Anastasia Drandaki
Olivetti Builds: Modern Architecture in Ivrea (Skira Library of Architecture)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 87.00 $The Olivetti company is known chiefly in the United States as a manufacturer of typewriters and calculators that has grown into one of the leading European telecommunications companies. What is less well known is how progressive the company was as a sponsor of modern architecture and urban planning in postwar Italy. Starting in the 1930s, Adriano Olivetti, the son of the founder, became a kind of modern day Medici of modern architecture and urban planning, relocating the company to Ivrea, outside Turin and embarking on an ambitious program of carefully planned development. These efforts attracted the top architects in Italy and created a unique relationship between a company and the architectural firms that worked for it, producing what is today a virtual open air architecture and urban planning museum in the town of Ivrea. This volume chronicles, through photographs, sketches, plans and archival documents, the development of this unique relationship between commerce, community and architecture that is one of the finest examples of planned development in the twentieth century.
Andy St. Louis, Contemporary Korean Art, Skira, 2023.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 5.94 $1085 Andy St. Louis Andy St. Louis, Contemporary Korean Art, Skira, 2023. , Skira 2023 english, 232 414501085Andy St. Louis, Contemporary Korean Art, Skira, 2023.cartonato.Ottimo
L'ecriture des pierres ****** no 99 (CHAMPS SKIRA)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 9.18 $Cover worn. Shipped from the U.K. All orders received before 3pm sent that weekday.
Uncollected: Every Story from Unreal, Unbelievable and Quirky Tails: Unreal / Unbelievable / Quirky Tails (Skira Paperbacks) (Volume 1)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 126.09 $In shrink wrap. Looks like an interesting title!
Tintoretto svelato. La sala dell'albergo della Scuola Grande di San Rocco a Venezia [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 54.00 $Tintoretto svelato. La sala dell'albergo della Scuola Grande di San Rocco a Venezia G. Fumo ISBN: 9788857206608 Descrizione libro: Skira, 2010. Condizione libro: New. Language: italian. La decisione di decorare il soffitto della Sala dell'Albergo nella Scuola Grande di San Rocco a Venezia, presa dai Confratelli già nel mese di luglio 1546, divenne operativa solo nel 1564. Fu in quell'anno che, grazie ad una disinvolta e celebre azione di "forza" di Jacopo Tintoretto, a tutti nota, il lavoro venne assegnato direttamente all'artista che eseguì, in tempi brevi, oltre al grande ovale centrale raffigurante la Gloria di san Rocco, tutte le altre sedici tele del soffitto che si sviluppa su una superficie complessiva di 130 metri quadri. Si tratta di quattro tondi con le raffigurazione delle Stagioni, posti agli angoli; cinque Allegorie delle Scuole Grandi, due Figure femminili in volo e cinque figure di virtù: la Liberalità, la Felicità, la Verità, la Fede e la Bontà. Le tele, che hanno forma e dimensioni diverse, si trovano lungo il perimetro del soffitto, inserite entro raffinate cornici con finitura a foglia d'oro e partiture lignee piane su cui si snodano bizzarre raffigurazioni fantastiche dorate su fondo grigio-azzurro, che si riallacciano al gusto delle decorazioni manieriste presenti in altri importanti palazzi veneziani del Cinquecento. Codice della Libreria 006873 Language : Italian text Size: 25 x 29 Cm.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.16 $Edition, 1990 pour les éditions Albert Skira S.A. Genève. Imprimé en Suisse, ce volume est sorti des presses de IRL Imprimerie Réunies Lausanne
Biennale di Firenze '96. Il tempo e la moda. Catalogo generale
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 4.86 $MIlano, 1996, Skira. Cm. 28x24, pp. 683, ill. a colori e in nero n.t., br.
Cecco del Caravaggio :
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.78 $Milano: Skira, 2023 9788857249384 1409 240 p. : ill. col. b/n, indice ; 27 cm. In occasione dell'esposizione inaugurale all'Accademia Carrara, un tributo dedicato al pittore Cecco del Caravaggio, alias Francesco Boneri (1580-1630), il più misterioso degli allievi del Merisi, che possiamo riconoscere nelle vesti di modello in dipinti del maestro: tredicenne nell'Amore vincitore, quattordicenne nel San Giovannino, quindicenne nel Sacrificio d'Isacco, diciassettenne o diciottenne nel David con la testa di Golia. Tra i più interessanti interpreti caravaggeschi in Europa, Boneri viene presentato attraverso circa quaranta opere e prestiti prestigiosi, a confronto con dipinti di Caravaggio e di altri grandi artisti, come Savoldo, dai quali trasse ispirazione. Conosciuto come Cecco del Caravaggio anche fra i suoi contemporanei, l'artista bergamasco fu il più autorevole e fedele seguace del Merisi. Un'ostinata ortodossia al maestro confermata non solo dal nome, ma anche dagli esiti della sua pittura, ne fa un artista dalla forte personalità, influenzata anche dal recupero di Savoldo, leggibile nelle alchimie luministiche e nella passione neocinquecentesca della definizione degli abiti. Caratteristiche rintracciabili in diverse opere quali l'Andata al Calvario, il Martirio di san Sebastiano, la Resurrezione, le Maddalene o l'Amore al fonte. Del Merisi, invece, si ritrovano nelle sue opere la violenza espressiva, riconducibile alle produzione napoletana, gli incarnati rossicci, i ghigni grotteschi, i tagli di luce. Il San Lorenzo, le due versioni del Fabbricante. Papi,Gianni
Catherine Murphy
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 9.57 $Published by Skira Rizzoli in association with Peter Freeman, Inc.Catherine Murphy has been celebrated as a representational painter of exceptional precision, and this, her first monograph, Catherine Murphy, surveys her complete work, which unites American Minimalism and American naturalist painting. Murphy has evolved a style that combines obsessive authenticity with Minimalist rigor. From the shaded lawns of the New Jersey suburbs to the Massachusetts woods, from childhood interiors to self-portraits and detailed images of buttons and dust, carpeted stairs, or a stuccoed ceiling, Murphy always paints and draws from life, often the domestic and quotidian. John Yau notes in his introduction that, “her attachment to the commonplace is not just amatter of convenience, of painting and drawing what she can see from her window or inside herapartment. In her choice of subjects—and I am speaking here of Murphy’s entire career, which stretches across five decades—the artist has made a conscious decision to stay true to both what she could observe and to her own working-class background, and the aesthetic choices that people of that milieuare constantly making, from illustrated calendars and inexpensive objets d’art to wallpaper andrefrigerator magnets.”
I Della Robbia. Il dialogo tra le Arti nel Rinascimento
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 7.56 $Milano, 2009, Skira. Cm. 29×25, pp.416, numerose ill. a colori nel testo, br
Alfredo Ravasco. L'Orafo dei Principi. il Principe degli Orafi.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 42.12 $Milano, Villa Necchi Campiglio, 14 ottobre 2015 - 6 gennaio 2016. A cura di P.Venturelli. cm.24,5x28,5, pp.154, 130 ill.e tavv.a col.nt. Milano, Skira Ed. cm.24,5x28,5, pp.154, 130 ill.e tavv.a col.nt. brossura copertina figurata a colori. brossura copertina figurata a colori.
The Doge's Palace in Venice.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 4.32 $Skira, 2011. Paperback / Softcover. With photographs in color by Jean-Pierre Gabriel. 225 pages. - Name on titlepage else AS NEW . [Architecture / international Venetië / Venice ]
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