18 products were found matching your search for slowness in 2 shops:
The Discovery of Slowness
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 42.78 $In The Discovery of Slowness, German novelist Sten Nadolny recounts the life of the nineteenth-century British explorer Sir John Franklin (1786-1847). The reader follows Franklin's development from awkward schoolboy and ridiculed teenager to expedition leader, governor of Tasmania, and icon of adventure. Everyone with whom he came into contact sensed that he was a rare man, one who was “out of his time” and who moved to a different, grander beat. That beat eventually led Franklin to sail once more—on his final, fateful voyage—into the Arctic in search of the Northwest Passage. The Discovery of Slowness is both a riveting account of a remarkable and varied life, and a profound and thought-provoking meditation on time.
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 2.01 $ (+1.99 $)OUTFIT / SLOWNESS VINYL LP After the band members of Outfit moved all around the world due to different personal circumstances, they managed to get the group back together to record a new album. That LP is Slowness, and it drops June 2015 via Memphis Industries. They're celebrating by streaming it's lead single 'Genderless', which vocalist Andrew P M Hunt says is about "feeling disconnected from your body and your sexuality almost to the point where your self disappears completely."
In Praise of Slowness: How a Worldwide Movement Is Challenging the Cult of Speed
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 57.47 $310 pages. 8.50x6.00x1.25 inches. In Stock.
Rebirth of Suspense : Slowness and Atmosphere in Cinema
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 128.34 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Rebirth of Suspense : Slowness and Atmosphere in Cinema
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.07 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Tsai Ming-liang and a Cinema of Slowness
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 92.92 $How can we qualify slowness in cinema? What is the relationship between a cinema of slowness and a wider socio-cultural “slow movement”? A body of films that shares a propensity toward slowness has emerged in many parts of the world over the past two decades. This is the first book to examine the concept of cinematic slowness and address this fascinating phenomenon in contemporary film culture.Providing a critical investigation into questions of temporality, materiality, and aesthetics, and examining concepts of authorship, cinephilia, and nostalgia, Song Hwee Lim offers insight into cinematic slowness through the films of the Malaysian-born, Taiwan-based director Tsai Ming-liang. Through detailed analysis of aspects of stillness and silence in cinema, Lim delineates the strategies by which slowness in film can be constructed. By drawing on writings on cinephilia and the films of directors such as Abbas Kiarostami, Hou Hsiao-hsien, and Nuri Bilge Ceylan, he makes a passionate case for a slow cinema that calls for renewed attention to the image and to the experience of time in film.Tsai Ming-liang and a Cinema of Slowness will speak to readers with an interest in art cinema, queer studies, East Asian culture, and the question of time. In an age of unrelenting acceleration of pace both in film and in life, this book invites us to pause and listen, to linger and look, and, above all, to take things slowly.
Tsai Ming-liang and a Cinema of Slowness
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 92.92 $How can we qualify slowness in cinema? What is the relationship between a cinema of slowness and a wider socio-cultural “slow movement”? A body of films that shares a propensity toward slowness has emerged in many parts of the world over the past two decades. This is the first book to examine the concept of cinematic slowness and address this fascinating phenomenon in contemporary film culture.Providing a critical investigation into questions of temporality, materiality, and aesthetics, and examining concepts of authorship, cinephilia, and nostalgia, Song Hwee Lim offers insight into cinematic slowness through the films of the Malaysian-born, Taiwan-based director Tsai Ming-liang. Through detailed analysis of aspects of stillness and silence in cinema, Lim delineates the strategies by which slowness in film can be constructed. By drawing on writings on cinephilia and the films of directors such as Abbas Kiarostami, Hou Hsiao-hsien, and Nuri Bilge Ceylan, he makes a passionate case for a slow cinema that calls for renewed attention to the image and to the experience of time in film.Tsai Ming-liang and a Cinema of Slowness will speak to readers with an interest in art cinema, queer studies, East Asian culture, and the question of time. In an age of unrelenting acceleration of pace both in film and in life, this book invites us to pause and listen, to linger and look, and, above all, to take things slowly.
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 22.98 $ (+1.99 $)Berths Slowness - LP 634457810914
The Wisdom of Donkeys: Finding Tranquility in a Chaotic World
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 97.61 $A literary ode to peace, presence, and fulfillment inspired by a walk taken with a most surprising creature. "The demon of speed is often associated with forgetting, with avoidance...and slowness with memory and confronting," observes Milan Kundera in his novel Slowness. With that purpose in mind―a search for slowness and tranquillity―Andy Merrifield set out on a journey of the soul with a friend's donkey, to walk amid the ruins and spectacular vistas of southern France's Haute-Auvergne. The purposeful pace of the journey and the understated nobility of Gribouille, his humble donkey companion, allowed him to confront himself as well as to consider the larger mysteries of life―insight he now shares in his enchanting book, The Wisdom of Donkeys. As Merrifield contemplates literature, science, truth and beauty, and the universality of nature amid the French countryside, Gribouille surprises him with his subtle wisdom, reminding him time and again that enlightenment is all around us if we but seek it. Traveling with Andy Merrifield and Gribouille, we're reminded of the contemplative and exquisite benefits of nature, passive adventuring, and wild spaces.
Teaching Jewish Virtues: Sacred Sources and Arts Activities
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.65 $This book addresses the issues of who we should be, how we can develop personal character, and why pursuing lives of virtue is a central Jewish value. The 22 Virtues presented include Anavah (Humility), Din V'Rachamimim (Balancing Justice and Mercy), Emet (Truth), Erech Apayim (Slowness to Anger), Lo Levayesh (Not Embarassing Others), Malachah (Industriousness), Nedivut (Generosity), Ohev Zeh et Zeh/Mechabayd Zeh et Zeh (Loving and Honoring Others), Ometz Lev (Courage), Samayach B'Chelko (Contentment with One's Lot), Shmiat HaOzen (Attentiveness/Being a Good Listener), Shmirat HaGuf (Taking Care of Your Body), Simcha (Joy), and Yirah (Awe and Reverence). This book provides indispensible stimulation for inspiring mastery of Jewish virtues. All readers will increase their awareness of who they are at heart, and who they want to become.
The Unfolding Mystery of the D
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 216.62 $When Moses asked God to show him his glory, the Lord passed before him and proclaimed his name. And from that name cascaded a promise of grace and love, compassion and faithfulness, forgiveness and slowness to anger. The story is told in Exodus 34:5-7, but the resonant name reverberates through the corridors of Scripture. Michael Knowles teases out the rich dimensions and implications of this name by listening carefully to Exodus 34 and its biblical echoes. He particularly tunes his ear to the spiritual meditations of later sages. In tracing the unfolding mystery of the divine name throughout the span of Israel's story, he finds it startlingly resolved in the God of Sinai becoming present in our midst. The manifold name of God has long captivated those who trace their spiritual ancestry to Abraham, whether they are Jewish, Christian or Muslim. This book brings this spiritual quest into dialogue with Scripture and tradition, and invites us to experience this God of the eternal name.
Turbulence and Flow in Film : The Rhythmic Design
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.99 $Little attention has been paid to the temporal aspect of filmmaking. Turbulence and Flow in Film describes how pace and rhythm create meaning and how film gains its fullness through the flow of images and the speed or slowness of the dramatic action. It demonstrates that the quick or restrained breathing of the sequences is not a secondary element but rather provides the spirit and ambiance of the work.Yvette Bíro thoroughly analyzes this overlooked subject, examining various methods of temporal articulation. Relying on the richness of both classical and contemporary cinema, the author revisits the great masters such as Bresson, Ozu, Tarkovsky, Bergman, and Antonioni, as well as the directors of the Nouvelle Vague. In addition to discovering the new contributions of Asian cinema, she also discusses newcomers, including Jarmusch, Kaurismaki, and Kiarostami.
Mule South to Tractor South Mules, Machines, and the Transformation of the Cotton South
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 57.63 $The author describes the adoption of the mule as the major agricultural resource in the American South and its later displacement by the mechanical tractor. After describing the surprising slowness of southern farmers to realize the superiority of the mule over the horse for agricultural labor, Ellenberg strives to capture the symbiosis that emerged between animal and man to illuminate why and how the mule became a standard feature in Southern folk culture. Having been slow to adopt the mule, southern farmers were then reluctant to set it aside in favor of the tractor. Ellenberg describes the transformation as the tractor gradually displaced the mule and the role of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in this process. The work not only becomes a survey of the development of southern agriculture as revealed through an examination of this premier work animal but also follows the emergence of the animal as a cultural icon, as it figures in southern literature, folklore, and music.
Urban Forest: Images of Trees in the Human Landscape
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 81.14 $Beyond their esthetic and utilitarian importance, urban trees seem to fill a deeper human need. Perhaps they are reminders of the inexorable cycles of the natural world. Perhaps they serve as eddies and rills of slowness and sureness within the frantic rush of our urban environment. For more than two decades, photographer David Paul Bayles has been making images of trees in cities and suburbs--places of tension, as he puts it, between "what we build and what we grow." This beautifully designed and produced volume showcases his extraordinary vision of urban trees and their often precarious, sometimes triumphant place in the human landscape. Initially drawn to his subject by "the balance and harmony and beauty between the manmade structure and the tree," Bayles has also found and photographed plenty of imbalance and human folly along the way. His images are laconic, almost deadpan, yet at the same time infused with irony, humor, and compassion. They avoid the easy trap of politicization, allowing and encouraging each of us to see the relationship between humankind and trees--in all of its complexity--for ourselves. This much is certain: Those who delve into the pages of this remarkable book will never again look at the trees around them in quite the same way.
John Hyde: Apostle of Prayer
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 130.45 $The marvelous story of the missionary to India whose example of soul-winning through intercession is almost without parallel in the history of the church.Setting out for India in 1892, one could have wondered how John Hyde would fair as a missionary. His slowness of speech, slightly defective hearing, and his apparent lack of enthusiasm and zeal appeared to be a hindrance to his effectiveness. But Hyde discovered the power of intercessory prayer, and the results were staggering. He proved that prayer was an evangelical force in India: by faith he claimed one soul a day, then two, then four. Through his intercessory prayer, God was able to work in remarkable ways in conventions, churches, and personal lives. It is no surprise that he was often called "The Apostle of Prayer."A challenging testimony of what God can do through the life of one who is willing to seek His face!
Collected Writings of John Murray: Lectures in Systematic Theology
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 4.41 $Although John Murray was teaching theology at Princeton in 1929 such was his slowness to go into print that it was not until the 1950's that his first books appeared. The reason lay in his high view of the responsibilities of Christian authorship, and even when his works were being acclaimed as 'exegesis of the highest rank' he declined the advice of those who urged him to publish his work in systematic theology. Instead, from the store of manuscript material, he was giving close attention to certain themes which had come to possess a special interest for him The revision of his manuscripts on these themes constituted the greater part of his literary work over the last ten years of his life, with the most beneficial results for the present volume.Volume 2 of his Collected Writings thus provides virtually John Murray's own selection from his articles and lectures in systematic theology. In it will be found definitive treatments of subjects upon which, in the judgement of many, he advanced the frontiers of reformed theology and gave fresh elucidation of biblical truth. This is most evident in the chapters on Adamic Administration and Definitive Sanctification, but the seed-thoughts of further insight are also clearly evident in many other places.The arrangement is in seven sections which deal comprehensively with the themes of Man, Common Grace, Christ and Redemption (2 sections), Sanctification , Church and Sacraments, and the Last Things. To the author's own selection the publishers have added material from his class lectures. None of the 36 chapters has previously appeared in any of John Murray's volumes.
Turbulence and Flow in Film: The Rhythmic Design
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.23 $Little attention has been paid to the temporal aspect of filmmaking. Turbulence and Flow in Film describes how pace and rhythm create meaning and how film gains its fullness through the flow of images and the speed or slowness of the dramatic action. It demonstrates that the quick or restrained breathing of the sequences is not a secondary element but rather provides the spirit and ambiance of the work.Yvette Bíro thoroughly analyzes this overlooked subject, examining various methods of temporal articulation. Relying on the richness of both classical and contemporary cinema, the author revisits the great masters such as Bresson, Ozu, Tarkovsky, Bergman, and Antonioni, as well as the directors of the Nouvelle Vague. In addition to discovering the new contributions of Asian cinema, she also discusses newcomers, including Jarmusch, Kaurismaki, and Kiarostami.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.42 $Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a relatively common psychological problem. The symptoms--which can be seriously disabling in extreme cases--can include excessive hand-washing or other cleaning rituals, repeating checking, extreme slowness, and unwanted, repugnant intrusive thoughts. This book covers the nature, symptoms, causes, and theories of OCD. It discusses the treatments that are available and provides valuable practical advice to those who may need help. Numerous case histories are given throughout the book, highlighting various aspects of the disorder and its treatment. There are in-depth sections on scrupulosity, culture and OCD, mental pollution, OCD in children, and on the similarities and differences between childhood OCD and an autistic disorder. This fourth edition has been updated with succinct explanations of recent research, information on treatment advances, and the recent expansion of treatment services for anxiety disorders, including OCD, in the NHS. Stanley Rachman gives a clear account of the nature of obsessive-compulsive problems, which are useful for sufferers and their families, as well as general readers interested in finding out more about the disorder.
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