10 products were found matching your search for sommerfelds in 1 shops:
Blessings: Sommerfeld Trilogy #3 (Truly Yours Romance Club #19)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.99 $Trina Muller is passionate about healing animals. But when her ambitions threaten to separate her from the Old Order Mennonite community, where will Trina’s heart lead her?
In Plain Sight: Felix A. Sommerfeld, Spymaster in Mexico, 1908 to 1914
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.55 $Book is in NEW condition. 1.95
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.52 $Beth Quinn is struggling to find a place to belong in the Old Order Mennonite Community of Sommerfeld, Kansas. When she starts a business designing stained glass windows, two men-one a Mennonite, the other not-begin to vie for her attention. Andrew Braun, a member of the Sommerfeld fellowship, is dedicated to family and faith. Sean McCauley, the son of a successful businessman, may only be interested in Beth's talents. Will Beth look to her heavenly Father to fill the emptiness within, or will her desperate quest for love shatter more than one heart? Beginnings is book 2 in the Sommerfeld Trilogy. Other books in the trilogy include Bygones: Book 1 and Blessings: Book 3.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.59 $In the third of a six-volume series, Sommerfeld presents a distillation of his lecture notes on electrodynamics.
Wissenschaftlicher Briefwechsel
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 73.44 $Neuware - Sommerfelds Karriere führte um die Jahrhundertwende von der Mathematik über die Technik zur theoretischen Physik - zu einer Zeit, als die Disziplin noch kaum als selbständiges Fach etabliert war. Dieser Umstand, Sommerfelds ausgeprägtes Lehrtalent und die Breite seiner Interessen machten ihn zu der Lehrerpersönlichkeit seines Faches. Aus der von ihm begründeten (und auch so bezeichneten) 'Pflanzstätte der theoretischen Physik' an der Universität München gingen etwa die späteren Nobelpreisträger Peter Debye, Wolfgang Pauli, Werner Heisenberg und Hans Bethe hervor. Heisenberg nannte seinen Lehrer einen der 'letzten Physiker, denen es möglich war, die ganze Physik ihrer Zeit mit ihrem Wissen zu umspannen und auf fast allen Gebieten der theoretischen Physik wertvolle Forschungsarbeit zu leisten.' Als Zentrum eines rasch wachsenden und erfolgreichen Physikerkreises stand Sommerfeld zeitlebens im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte seiner Disziplin. Was für sein Werk gilt, zeigt sich auch in seinem wissenschaftlichen Briefwechsel: In ihm spiegelt sich wie in keiner anderen Korrespondenz die ganze Breite der Physikgeschichte in der ersten Hälfte des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. Diesen Briefwechsel der wissenschaftshistorischen Forschung zu erschließen, ist das Ziel der vorliegenden Edition. Der erste Band beginnt mit Sommerfelds Assistentenzeit in Göttingen in den 1890er Jahren und schließt mit dem Bohr-Sommerfeldschen Atommodell am Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs, das den Höhepunkt seiner wissenschaftlichen Karriere markierte. Die je Band abgedruckten rund 300 Briefe stellen nur ein Zehntel der vorliegenden Briefe dar. Die nicht editierten Briefe erschließt ein dritter CD-ROM-Band: Er enthält für jeden Brief eine Kurzfassung des Inhalts und bietet Suchmöglichkeiten nach Personen und Stichworten.
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.58 $By Arnold Sommerfeld - Mechanics of Deformable Bodies: Lectures on Theoretical Physics, (1950-01-16) [Paperback]
Constructing Quantum Mechanics : The Scaffold 1900-1923
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 130.21 $Constructing Quantum Mechanics is the first of two volumes on the genesis of quantum mechanics. This volume traces the early contributions by Planck, Einstein, and Bohr, all showing the need for drastic changes to the physics of their day. It examines the efforts by Sommerfeld and others to develop a new theory, now known as the old quantum theory. After some striking successes, this theory ran into serious difficulties and ended up serving as the scaffold on which the arch of modern quantum mechanics was built. This volume breaks new ground, both in its treatment of the work of Sommerfeld and his associates, and by offering new perspectives on classic papers by Planck, Einstein, Bohr, and others. Paying close attention to both primary and secondary sources, Constructing Quantum Mechanics provides an in-depth analysis of the heroic struggle to come to terms with the wealth of mostly spectroscopic data that eventually gave us modern quantum mechanics.
Electrodynamics: Lectures on Theoretical Physics: 3
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 120.96 $In the third of a six-volume series, Sommerfeld presents a distillation of his lecture notes on electrodynamics.
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies: Lectures on Theoretical Physics, Vol. 2
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 108.16 $By Arnold Sommerfeld - Mechanics of Deformable Bodies: Lectures on Theoretical Physics, (1950-01-16) [Paperback]
Constructing Quantum Mechanics : The Scaffold 1900-1923
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 124.81 $Constructing Quantum Mechanics is the first of two volumes on the genesis of quantum mechanics. This volume traces the early contributions by Planck, Einstein, and Bohr, all showing the need for drastic changes to the physics of their day. It examines the efforts by Sommerfeld and others to develop a new theory, now known as the old quantum theory. After some striking successes, this theory ran into serious difficulties and ended up serving as the scaffold on which the arch of modern quantum mechanics was built. This volume breaks new ground, both in its treatment of the work of Sommerfeld and his associates, and by offering new perspectives on classic papers by Planck, Einstein, Bohr, and others. Paying close attention to both primary and secondary sources, Constructing Quantum Mechanics provides an in-depth analysis of the heroic struggle to come to terms with the wealth of mostly spectroscopic data that eventually gave us modern quantum mechanics.
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