162 products were found matching your search for sousa in 4 shops:
Marching With Sousa
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 77.45 $In shrink wrap. Looks like an interesting title!
SOUSA OPTICS Raid Red Dot 1x30mm, 3 MOA Red Dot Reticle, Black, Small, RRD
Vendor: Opticsplanet.com Price: 197.99 $ -
SOUSA OPTICS Raid Micro Dot 1x25mm, 2 MOA Dot, Black, Small, RMD
Vendor: Opticsplanet.com Price: 105.02 $ -
Sousa's Greatest Marches: Liberty Bell
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 24.99 $ (+1.99 $)This 2-CD set presents 34 of John Philip Sousa' best-loved marches, including the Washington Post which, in the early 1890s, sparked a huge world-wide dance-craze, the Liberty Bell, used as the signature tune for the BBC comedy Monty Python' .
A Box of Sousa
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 59.99 $One of America's musical treasures, The United States Marine Band, gets plenty of time to shine on this box set featuring selections from their appearances on NPR's "Performance Today." Perfect for the 4th of July or anytime you're in the mood to feel patriotic, this box set is the musical version of the American flag!
The Legendary Sousa Band: 40 Years from Plainfield to Atlantic City, 1892-1931
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.99 $It was arguably, the greatest and most popular musical organization during the late 19th and early 20th century in America, the “golden age” of professional touring bands. This was SOUSA’S BAND, formed by the illustrious composer and previous bandmaster of the United States Marine Band, John Philip Sousa some 115 years ago. It was to be the most dominant musical group throughout America for 40 years. It was the prototype of concert bands and had no peers over its entire history.The 50-member band of the most select instrumentalists available, began in 1892 in Plainfield, New Jersey, touring practically every town and city in North America and many in Europe, South Africa, and Australia as well, and culminating in 1931 in Atlantic City, covering an amazing 1.3 million miles only by railroad, bringing music to the masses who wanted to be entertained, in over 15 thousand concerts.This book tells the story of this legendary group which leaves us with a very important legacy that should be of great interest to readers.
John Philip Sousa (Revised Edition) (Getting To Know The World's Greatest Composers) ; 9780531228692 ; 053122869X
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.03 $Meet ComposerJohn Philip Sousa!Getting to Know the World's Greatest Composers series combines a delightful mix of full-color historical reproductions, photos, and hilarious cartoon-style illustrations that bring to life the works of renowned composers, combining poignant anecdotes with important factual information for readers (Ages 8-9).
John Philip Sousa: American Phenomenon
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 7.94 $Chronicles Sousa's life and career paying particular attention to his life-long efforts to realize his ideal of an American popular music
The Works of John Philip Sousa
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 107.85 $Paul E. Bierley..The Works of John Philip Sousa...(beautiful hard cover) ISBN: 0918048044...Copyright 1984..Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 84-080665.. printed in the USA 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
Amadeo de Sousa Cardoso (french Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.56 $Le 14 novembre 1906, jour de ses dix-neuf ans, le jeune Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso, étudiant en architecture, quitte son village natal, Manhufe, au nord du Portugal, pour Paris. Dix ans plus tard, il est présenté par Fernando Pessoa comme "le plus célèbre peintre portugais d'avant-garde", avant d'être emporté à l'âge de trente ans par l'épidémie de grippe espagnole. Pour la première fois en France, d'éminents spécialistes révèlent au public le plus large l'oeuvre étourdissante d'un artiste phare du Portugal du début du XXe siècle. Sont ainsi soulignés les liens étroits qui l'unissaient aux artistes les plus créatifs de son temps, parmi lesquels Modigliani, Brancusi ou le couple Delaunay, tout comme son rôle actif dans la naissance des grandes révolutions esthétiques : cubisme, futurisme, orphisme et expressionnisme. Artiste singulier, Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso participa aux expositions collectives les plus importantes de son temps : les Salons de Paris (1911-1912), l'Armory Show aux Etats-Unis et le premier Salon d'Automne à Berlin (1913). C'est pourtant privé de la reconnaissance de ses pairs et méconnu de l'histoire de l'art qu'il acheva sa vie au Portugal, où il donna la pleine mesure de son art durant la guerre.
Amadeo de Sousa Cardoso (french Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 4.32 $Le 14 novembre 1906, jour de ses dix-neuf ans, le jeune Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso, étudiant en architecture, quitte son village natal, Manhufe, au nord du Portugal, pour Paris. Dix ans plus tard, il est présenté par Fernando Pessoa comme "le plus célèbre peintre portugais d'avant-garde", avant d'être emporté à l'âge de trente ans par l'épidémie de grippe espagnole. Pour la première fois en France, d'éminents spécialistes révèlent au public le plus large l'oeuvre étourdissante d'un artiste phare du Portugal du début du XXe siècle. Sont ainsi soulignés les liens étroits qui l'unissaient aux artistes les plus créatifs de son temps, parmi lesquels Modigliani, Brancusi ou le couple Delaunay, tout comme son rôle actif dans la naissance des grandes révolutions esthétiques : cubisme, futurisme, orphisme et expressionnisme. Artiste singulier, Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso participa aux expositions collectives les plus importantes de son temps : les Salons de Paris (1911-1912), l'Armory Show aux Etats-Unis et le premier Salon d'Automne à Berlin (1913). C'est pourtant privé de la reconnaissance de ses pairs et méconnu de l'histoire de l'art qu'il acheva sa vie au Portugal, où il donna la pleine mesure de son art durant la guerre.
John Philip Sousa: American Phenomenon
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 77.38 $The most well-respected biography of John Philip Sousa, John Philip Sousa: American Phenomenon explores his life and work and traces his effects on the role of cultural arts in the United States. Sousa was a true musical genius who dedicated his life to raising the level of his country's music appreciation and improving its image abroad. This new edition retains all the wonderful images and information about the composer and conductor who had so much influence on musical tastes in our country. This text makes a great addition to any library, especially for Sousa fans and music educators, and is a must for every band director preparing Sousa scores for rehearsal. A reprint with additions, 270 pages.
Incredible Band of John Philip Sousa
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.61 $John Philip Sousa (1854-1932) is an American icon. Most famous for his military marches, the composer-bandmaster led a disciplined group of devoted musicians on numerous American tours and around the world, shaping a new cultural landscape. Paul E. Bierley documents every aspect of the "March King's" band: its history, its star performers, its appearances on recordings and radio, and the problems they faced on their 1911 trip around the world. Enhanced by more than 120 images and photographs, The Incredible Band of John Philip Sousa also contains six statistical appendixes detailing where the band played, a complete list of musicians, instrumentation of the band, program listings, and a discography
The Incredible Band of John Philip Sousa (Music in American Life)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.61 $John Philip Sousa (1854-1932) is an American icon. Most famous for his military marches, the composer-bandmaster led a disciplined group of devoted musicians on numerous American tours and around the world, shaping a new cultural landscape. Paul E. Bierley documents every aspect of the "March King's" band: its history, its star performers, its appearances on recordings and radio, and the problems they faced on their 1911 trip around the world. Enhanced by more than 120 images and photographs, The Incredible Band of John Philip Sousa also contains six statistical appendixes detailing where the band played, a complete list of musicians, instrumentation of the band, program listings, and a discography
Making the March King: John Philip Sousa's Washington Years, 1854-1893 (Music in American Life)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.22 $ John Philip Sousa's mature career as the indomitable leader of the United States Marine Band and his own touring Sousa Band is well known, but the years leading up to his emergence as a celebrity have escaped serious attention. In this revealing biography, Patrick Warfield explains the making of the March King by documenting Sousa's early life and career. Covering the period 1854 to 1893, this study focuses on the community and training that created Sousa, exploring the musical life of late nineteenth-century Washington D.C. and Philadelphia as a context for Sousa's development. Warfield examines Sousa's wide-ranging experience composing, conducting, and performing in the theater, opera house, concert hall, and salons, as well as his leadership of the United States Marine Band and the later Sousa Band, early twentieth-century America's most famous and successful ensemble. Sousa composed not only marches during this period but also parlor, minstrel, and art songs; parade, concert, and medley marches; schottisches, waltzes, and polkas; and incidental music, operettas, and descriptive pieces. Warfield's examination of Sousa's output reveals a versatile composer much broader in stylistic range than the bandmaster extraordinaire remembered as the March King. Warfield presents the story of Sousa as a self-made business success, a gifted performer and composer who deftly capitalized on his talents to create one of the most entertaining, enduring figures in American music.
Making the March King : John Philip Sousa's Washington Years, 1854-1893
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.56 $ John Philip Sousa's mature career as the indomitable leader of the United States Marine Band and his own touring Sousa Band is well known, but the years leading up to his emergence as a celebrity have escaped serious attention. In this revealing biography, Patrick Warfield explains the making of the March King by documenting Sousa's early life and career. Covering the period 1854 to 1893, this study focuses on the community and training that created Sousa, exploring the musical life of late nineteenth-century Washington D.C. and Philadelphia as a context for Sousa's development. Warfield examines Sousa's wide-ranging experience composing, conducting, and performing in the theater, opera house, concert hall, and salons, as well as his leadership of the United States Marine Band and the later Sousa Band, early twentieth-century America's most famous and successful ensemble. Sousa composed not only marches during this period but also parlor, minstrel, and art songs; parade, concert, and medley marches; schottisches, waltzes, and polkas; and incidental music, operettas, and descriptive pieces. Warfield's examination of Sousa's output reveals a versatile composer much broader in stylistic range than the bandmaster extraordinaire remembered as the March King. Warfield presents the story of Sousa as a self-made business success, a gifted performer and composer who deftly capitalized on his talents to create one of the most entertaining, enduring figures in American music.
Una Epistemologia Del Sur - Boaventura De Sousa Santos (pap
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 55.00 $En este libro se entiende por epistemologia del Sur la busqueda de conocimiento y de criterios de validez del conocimiento que otorguen visibilidad y credibilicen las practicas cognitivas de las clases, de los pueblos y de los grupos sociales que han sido historicamente victimizados, explotados y oprimidos por el colonialismo y el capitalismo globales. El Sur es, pues, usado aqui como metafora del sufrimiento humano sistematicamente causado por el colonialismo y capitalismo. Es un Sur que tambien en el Norte global geografico, el llamado Tercer Mundo interior de los paises hegemonicos. A su vez, el Sur global geografico contiene en si mismo, no solo el sufrimiento sistematico causado por el colonialismo y el capitalismo globales, sino tambien las practicas locales de complicidad con aquellos. Tales practicas constituyen el Sur imperial. El Sur de la epistemologia del Sur es el Sur antiimperial. La primera premisa de los ensayos aqui reunidos es que no habra justicia social global sin justicia cognitiva global. La segunda es que, tal como en el inicio, el capitalismo y el colonialismo continuan profundamente entrelazados, aunque las formas de articulacion hayan variado a lo largo del tiempo. La tercera es que la epistemologia del Sur apunta fundamentalmente a practicas de conocimiento que permitan intensificar la voluntad de transformacion social.
Brainwork: the Neuroscience Behind How We Lead Others David A. Sousa
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 52.84 $Finalist 2012 USA Book News Best Book Award Finalist ForeWord Reviews 2012 Book of the Year Award The success of your organization depends on your ability to prioritize, focus, and act. What if you could reinvigorate productivity, expand your creative vision, and become a better leader by simply thinking differently … about thinking? David A. Sousa examines the most provocative brain research as it relates to organizational leadership. By understanding the way the brain perceives, plans, and impacts your behavior, you'll more effectively influence both your internal and external customers. Discover ways you can train your brain to: - Deal with information overload. - Manage the emotions of a crisis. - Ignore irrelevant information. - Work most effectively with colleagues. - Solve problems by thinking differently. - Cultivate and develop creativity. - Control stress in the workplace. - Nurture a healthy brain.
A Good Man in Evil Times: The Heroic Story of Aristides de Sousa Mendes -- The Man Who Saved the Lives of Countless Refugess in World Wa
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.97 $A long-unknown story of individual courage in the face of an authoritarian fascist bureaucracy unfolds in this inspiring biographical tribute to Aristides de Sousa Mendes, the Portuguese consul to France in the early years of the Second World War. After the Nazi invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939, Aristides de Sousa Mendes found himself continually more restricted by the policies of Portugal's prime minister, Dr. Antonio Oliveira de Salazar, who, like Franco in Spain, assumed a position of neutrality but did not wish to offend Hitler. It was Salazar's Circular 14 -- which denied, on the basis of race and religion, visas to the swelling number of refugees to Portugal -- that prompted the fifty-five-year-old Sousa Mendes's first acts of disobedience in his office at the consulate in the temporary French capital of Bordeaux. Over a period of six months in 1940, in accordance with his own conscience rather than Salazar's dictates, Sousa Mendes signed many thousands of visas that spared their recipients, ten thousand of them Jews, a terrible fate in the Nazi death camps. Sousa Mendes's acts of private resistance earned him Salazar's wrath, a forced early retirement, and years of dire poverty. They also won him a place in the pantheon of truly just men and, in Israel, a forest commemorating his tremendous heroism.
WP181 - The Stars and Stripes Forever - 2 Pianos 8 Hands - Sousa
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.42 $11.70x8.80x0.20 inches. In Stock.
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