49 products were found matching your search for stica in 2 shops:
Sociolingu?stica del espa?ol: Desarrollos y perspectivas en el estudio de la lengua espa?ola en contexto social (Ling??stica) (Spanish Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.86 $Este libro es un manual universitario sobre la disciplina sociolingüistica, centrada en la investigacion desarrollada en el mundo hispanico desde su aparicion a mediados de los anos 60 hasta la actualidad. En el mundo editorial espanol existen algunas monografias introductorias sobre sociolingüistica, sin duda una de las disciplinas que mayor auge ha conocido en las ultimas decadas dentro del panorama lingüistico, tanto dentro como fuera de nuestras fronteras. La mayoria de esos manuales cuentan ya con mas de una decada desde que fueron publicados, por lo que no recogen las investigaciones realizadas en los ultimos quince anos, los de mayor proyeccion de la disciplina. Este volumen intenta llenar esa laguna y se presenta como una guia tematica, bibliografica y didactica, de manera que pueda ser util para los investigadores del dominio hispanico, que reune ya cerca de 400 millones de hablantes, y para los alumnos universitarios que encuentran esta disciplina en los planes de estudios de numerosas carreras humanisticas. El libro presenta un temario dividido en tres unidades tematicas, con doce temas en total, que corresponden a otros tantos dominios dentro de la sociolingüistica contemporanea: general, variacionista e internacional.
SociolingüÃstica y pragmática del español (Georgetown Studies in Spanish Linguistics)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.95 $This thoroughly updated second edition provides a clear and comprehensive overview of sociolinguistics and the pragmatics of oral communication in Spanish. While maintaining the same structure as the first edition, it includes revised "Ejercicios de reflexión" and new comprehension checks at the end of each chapter, along with numerous bibliographic references throughout, enhancing its use as a classroom text. Among the significant revisions are new sections on corpus linguistics and on statistical modeling programs for studying linguistic variables, an expanded chapter on the study of linguistic attitudes with special attention to Spanish in the United States, greater attention to the relation of pragmatics to sociolinguistics, including coverage of verbal politeness and forms of address, and updated information on Spanglish and on the teaching of Spanish as a heritage language.
Lingüística Aplicada: Adquisición Del Español Como Segunda Lengua
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 122.94 $* The aim of this text is train teachers to teach the Spanish language as a communicative system rather than as a set of grammatical rules - therefore it includes relevant information on Spanish pragmatics and sociolinguistics."
Lingu?i?stica Aplicada: Adquisicio?n Del Espan?ol Como Segunda Lengua
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 124.21 $* The aim of this text is train teachers to teach the Spanish language as a communicative system rather than as a set of grammatical rules - therefore it includes relevant information on Spanish pragmatics and sociolinguistics."
Socioling��stica y pragm�tica del espa�ol (Georgetown Studies in Spanish Linguistics)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.73 $This thoroughly updated second edition provides a clear and comprehensive overview of sociolinguistics and the pragmatics of oral communication in Spanish. While maintaining the same structure as the first edition, it includes revised "Ejercicios de reflexión" and new comprehension checks at the end of each chapter, along with numerous bibliographic references throughout, enhancing its use as a classroom text. Among the significant revisions are new sections on corpus linguistics and on statistical modeling programs for studying linguistic variables, an expanded chapter on the study of linguistic attitudes with special attention to Spanish in the United States, greater attention to the relation of pragmatics to sociolinguistics, including coverage of verbal politeness and forms of address, and updated information on Spanglish and on the teaching of Spanish as a heritage language.
Historia eclesi?stica indiana (Spanish Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.97 $Esta magna obra cuya factura duró casi tres décadas, documenta la época de la primera evangelización mexicana, así como la mentalidad, los valores y los conflictos de la sociedad novohispana de la segunda mitad del siglo XVI. La casa real impidió su publicación debido a la críticas de Mendieta a la colonización del nuevo mundo y el texto no se publicó hasta 1870.
Introducci�n y aplicaciones contextualizadas a la ling��stica hisp�nica (Spanish Edition) [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 91.97 $Introducción y aplicaciones contextualizadas a la lingüística hispánica provides a contemporary introduction to the study of Spanish, helping students apply linguistics analysis to the study of language. It encourages the reader to analyze language in action and understand how linguistic components interact to convey conceptual and social meaning. A contemporary introduction to the study of Spanish that encourages both Spanish and semi-proficient non-native Spanish speaking students to see language in action and understand how linguistic components interact to convey conceptual and social meaning Addresses the core sub-fields of linguistics (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics) as they relate to the study of the Spanish language Uses second language acquisition as a foundation upon which linguistic analysis can be built Supplementary companion website includes exercises, comprehension questions, cutting-edge research highlights, lists of key terms, and analytical mini-projects designed to help the user and encourage students to apply learned theoretical knowledge to real-world language use contexts Instructors will also have access to a sample 16-week semester syllabus and corresponding task-based lesson plans (in PowerPoint format) as well as assignments which they can edit for use in their own learning context.
El español y la lingüÃstica aplicada
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.31 $Informed by the latest research in the fields of second language acquisition and applied linguistics, El español y la lingüística aplicada responds to the central questions that lie at the heart of learning Spanish as a second or foreign language. What does it mean to know a language? Can technology help second language learners? How does studying abroad promote language acquisition? Framing chapters in terms of these and other critical areas of inquiry, Robert J. Blake and Eve C. Zyzik examine the linguistic challenges and pitfalls involved in Spanish-language learning and delve into practical implications for students and teachers. Written entirely in Spanish, some chapters focus on specific areas of Spanish grammar that tend to pose difficulty for learners, while others explore broad pedagogical themes related to the concept of proficiency, the nature of input, and the impact of learning context. Each chapter ends with a series of guided questions for reflection and further research. Designed to address the pre-service training needs of Spanish language professionals, El español y la lingüística aplicada will also be of interest to anyone wishing to develop linguistic expertise in this important world language.
Virtuosso Virtuosso Curso De Guitarra Ac stica Ritmos Latinos
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 29.99 $Curso de guitarra ac stica ritmos latinos, Aprende m sica con Virtuosso. Aprende a tocar tu instrumento favorito Sin salir de casa! Los m s modern...
Introducci?n a la Ling??stica Hisp?nica
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 56.61 $Ships SAME or NEXT business day. We Ship to APO/FPO addr. Choose EXPEDITED shipping and receive in 2-5 business days within the United States. See our member profile for customer support contact info. We have an easy return policy.
Cómo Tocar Guitarra Acu stica : El Mejor Libro Para Aprender a Tocar Guitarra -Language: spanish
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.35 $VALOR INCREÍBLE POR DINERO200 páginas de lecciones Soberbamente Explicado Más de 100 consejos PersonalizadosCómo tocar los acordes Mas Fácil De TocarCómo cambiar acordes RápidamenteCómo aprender Sus Canciones FavoritasPara miles de personas esto es El Mejor Libro para aprender a tocar guitarra. Dentro hay un Programa Completo De Lecciones que me ayudo a conseguir en semanas, lo que a muchos les toma años aprender.MEJOR QUE UN PROFESOR DE GUITARRA50 rítmos más reconocidos100 acordes sás tocadosProgramas de práctica Que Sí FuncionanEnseñe a sí mismo o otros en lecciones privadas y grupalesComplementa todos los libros de canciones y métodos de enseñanza¡NOTARÁ MEJORAS DIA A DIA!Todo es Soberbamente Explicado - y mostrado a usted exactamente como tocado por los mejores guitarristas. Y toda su práctica es pre-planeada desde el principio hasta el final. Esta es La Clave De Su Éxito.Sin embargo, esto es Un Libro Simple. Claro, práctico y Fácil De Seguir. El autor, Pauric Mather, ha diseñó cada lección tan bien que No Es Necesario Ningún Conocimiento Musical para aprender con él.
Introduccin a la Linga1/4a-Stica Espaaola
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 56.19 $Introduccion a la linguistica espanola provides a systematic overview of key areas of Spanish linguistics, including the sound system, forms of words, syntactic patterns, the development of the language, and regional, social and contextual variation. Written entirely in Spanish from the viewpoint of contemporary descriptive linguistics, it employs a flexible theoretical approach that incorporates trends from different schools of linguistics as well as the most recently published research.
Antolog?a de la literatura fant?stica (Spanish Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.66 $De Oriente a Occidente, de la antigüedad a nuestro siglo, he aqui algunas de las piezas fantasticas mas significativas y logradas de la historia literaria. «El fruto de oro de la imaginacion», el cuento fantastico, muestra aqui su vertiginosa fascinacion.
Introducci�n a la ling��stica hisp�nica (Spanish Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.83 $Used books cannot guarantee unused access codes or working CD's!
Biblia Para Grupos Peque�os - Nbv R�stica (Paperback or Softback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.27 $Biblia Para Grupos Peque�os - Nbv R�stica 0.7
Sta. Mar?a Magdalena: Una visi?n gn?stica de la novia sagrada (Gnostic (Spanish), 3) (Spanish Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 188.63 $En muchas escuelas de la cristiandad gnóstica, María Magdalena es influyente en las revelaciones evangélicas. Por primera vez impreso, se presenta el evangelio Sofiano de Sta. Mar’a Magdalena, con 250 sabias revelaciones que el lector puede usar como recursos para su crecimiento espiritual. Anteriormente, ninguna tradición oral tan importante había sido impresa, así como tampoco la visión gnóstica de María Magdalena y la forma como es presentada en esta obra sin igual: como una poderosa y bendita mujer, la más cercana discípula de Jesús y su amada esposa. English Translation In many schools of Gnostic Christianity, Mary Magdalene is influential in evangelical revelations. For the first time, the Sophian Gospel of St. Martha Magdalene is presented in this book, with 250 wise revelations that the reader can use as resources for spiritual growth. Previously, no such important oral tradition had been printed, nor had the Gnostic vision of Mary Magdalene and the way she's presented in this work: as a powerful and blessed woman, the closest disciple of Jesus and his beloved wife.
El Español a Través de la LingüÃstica: Preguntas y Respuestas
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.38 $These engaging short essays explore linguistic answers to real questions that students confront when studying Spanish. The informative and sometimes surprising answers, all written in Spanish, are provided by experts in Hispanic linguistics. Each chapter includes activities designed to stimulate further exploration and discussion. Estos fascinantes artículos ofrecen respuestas lingüísticas a preguntas reales con las que se enfrentan a menudo los estudiantes de español. Estas informativas y a veces sorprendentes respuestas, todas escritas en español, son proporcionadas por expertos en lingüística hispánica. Cada capítulo incluye actividades diseñadas para estimular la discusión y posterior investigación. El español a través de la lingüística is a perfect fit for courses in Hispanic linguistics. The book will help future and current Spanish teachers answer many of their students' questions, and it explores thought-provoking topics for advanced language learners in composition or conversation courses. The first chapter provides a general introduction to the field of linguistics and the range of topics addressed in the book. Many chapters focus on applied linguistics, such as language acquisition and sociolinguistics. Others examine Spanish phonology, syntax, and pragmatics. All of the chapters are designed to be self-contained, so you can read or assign chapters that best meet your interests.
Aportaciones Cient?ficas Y Human?sticas Mexicanas En El Siglo Xx
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.45 $¿Qué sabemos de las mayores aportaciones científicas y humanísticas realizadas a lo largo del siglo XX por investigadores nacionales? ¿Alguna vez has escuchado hablar del Factor de Transferencia? Un inmunorregulador que suele emplearse en pacientes con enfermedades alérgicas y que llegó a producirse con una tecnología desarrollada en el Departamento de Inmunología del IPN. En este libro, más de 900 páginas en relación a aquellos descubrimientos que han contribuido a colocar a México en el escenario mundial. El resultado de eminentes biólogos, médicos, antropólogos, químicos, geólogos, ingenieros, historiadores, físicos, matemáticos, geógrafos o filósofos.
Introducci�n y aplicaciones contextualizadas a la ling��stica hisp�nica (Spanish Edition) [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 55.27 $Introducción y aplicaciones contextualizadas a la lingüística hispánica provides a contemporary introduction to the study of Spanish, helping students apply linguistics analysis to the study of language. It encourages the reader to analyze language in action and understand how linguistic components interact to convey conceptual and social meaning. A contemporary introduction to the study of Spanish that encourages both Spanish and semi-proficient non-native Spanish speaking students to see language in action and understand how linguistic components interact to convey conceptual and social meaning Addresses the core sub-fields of linguistics (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics) as they relate to the study of the Spanish language Uses second language acquisition as a foundation upon which linguistic analysis can be built Supplementary companion website includes exercises, comprehension questions, cutting-edge research highlights, lists of key terms, and analytical mini-projects designed to help the user and encourage students to apply learned theoretical knowledge to real-world language use contexts Instructors will also have access to a sample 16-week semester syllabus and corresponding task-based lesson plans (in PowerPoint format) as well as assignments which they can edit for use in their own learning context.
Virtuosso Virtuosso Curso De Guitarra Ac stica Vol.2
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 29.99 $Curso de guitarra ac stica vol.2, Aprende m sica con Virtuosso. Aprende a tocar tu instrumento favorito Sin salir de casa! Los m s modernos cursos...
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