52 products were found matching your search for syphilis in 1 shops:
The Tuskegee Syphilis Study: The Real Story and Beyond
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.00 $Connecting readers with great books since 1972. Used textbooks may not include companion materials such as access codes, etc. May have condition issues including wear and notes/highlighting. We ship orders daily and Customer Service is our top priority!
The History of Syphilis
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.17 $From its appearance in Europe at the end of the fifteenth century until its cure with the discovery of penicillin, syphilis has inspired wildly varying--and culturally revealing--theories about its origin, nature, and treatment. In The History of Syphilis, Claude Quétel chronicles five centuries of medical detective work and official management of a virulent disease that quickly became a cultural phenomenon. Quétel's study is a reminder that modern medical science grew not only from inspired genius but also from desperate speculation. Drawing parallels with the current medical and social campaigns against AIDS, Quétel notes that the history of syphilis has a surprisingly contemporary resonance."Quétel argues that the war against syphilis was never mainly between science and disease. From the very beginning, it was waged between those who sought to preserve syphilis as a scourge on sinners and those who sought its cure."--Wilson Quarterly"In its relation to sex and sin, Quétel demonstrates, syphilis was perhaps the archetypical social disease. The strength of this history is that the author portrays physicians and public officials in a broad social context as they tried to counter popular views of syphilis as being shameful and frightening... Demonstrates that our present concern with AIDS has not shifted this debate significantly."--Journal of the History of Sexuality"This book is two books in one. It traces the history of the medical conceptualizations of syphilis and the attendant therapies for the disease from its first appearance in Europe during the 1490s until the present. But it also charts the cultural representations of syphilis over a period of five hundred years. Contemporary French scholars excel in the study of this aspect of medical history, and Claude Quétel is clearly among the finest."--Historian
History of Syphilis
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.24 $The book presents the first comprehensive history of the origin of syphilis, from its appearance in Europe at the end of the fifteenth century to the present day. Quetel examines the origins and treatments of syphilis over the centuries, focusing on the controls over sexual behaviour which were justified by the need to curb the spread of the disease. The author also investigates the cultural dimensions of the problem: for instance, the images of syphilis presented in wartime propaganda and the literary connotations associated with the idea of the syphilitic genius. Quetel discusses historical accounts of the spread of syphilis and draws parallels with the current medical and social campaigns against AIDS.
Dynamic Materia Medica - Syphilis
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 51.93 $. with dustjacket, signed author, clean bright copy
Diagnostic Criteria of Syphilis, Yaws and Treponarid, Treponematoses and of Some Other Diseases in Dry Bones : For Use in Osteo-archaeology
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 68.65 $This publieation summarizes an initial unpublished report (1971) on diagnostie eriteria in dry bones. The relevant study was made in 22 medieal museums in Europe, England and Seotland between 1966 and 1969. About 670 dry bones were reeorded by over 2000 photographs. Emphasis is plaeed on ehanges for whieh diagnostie eriteria are proposed rather than on those for whieh diagnostie problems remain. The ehanges studied were maeroseopieal not mieroseopieal. This is not areport on the pathological ehanges in dry bones in medieal museums, but a statement on "Diagnostic eriteria of syphilis in dry bones" and of eertain other prevalent ehanges, and their eauses, whieh are needed for differential diagnosis. 'Syphilis' as used here usually refers equally to the 'treponematoses' whieh inc1udes yaws and treponarid. It is intended as a eomprehensive guide for archaeologists and anthro- pologists, and as an instrument of preeision for osteo-arehaeologists. It is not a manual of pathology, although pathologists may be interested in this revival of the dying skill of diagnosis of disease in dry bones. All reeords, written, photo graphie and radiographie, together with the initial 120,000 word report, have been deposited in the Department of Morbid Anatomy, Institute of Orthopaedies, London, where they will be available for study. Abrief introduetion to this study has been published (Haekett, 1975). I would like especially to thank the President of the Heidelberger Akade- mie der Wissenschaften, and Doktor H. Götze of Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, for the publieation of this monograph.
Diagnostic Criteria of Syphilis, Yaws and Treponarid, Treponematoses and of Some Other Diseases in Dry Bones : For Use in Osteo-archaeology
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 6.05 $This publieation summarizes an initial unpublished report (1971) on diagnostie eriteria in dry bones. The relevant study was made in 22 medieal museums in Europe, England and Seotland between 1966 and 1969. About 670 dry bones were reeorded by over 2000 photographs. Emphasis is plaeed on ehanges for whieh diagnostie eriteria are proposed rather than on those for whieh diagnostie problems remain. The ehanges studied were maeroseopieal not mieroseopieal. This is not areport on the pathological ehanges in dry bones in medieal museums, but a statement on "Diagnostic eriteria of syphilis in dry bones" and of eertain other prevalent ehanges, and their eauses, whieh are needed for differential diagnosis. 'Syphilis' as used here usually refers equally to the 'treponematoses' whieh inc1udes yaws and treponarid. It is intended as a eomprehensive guide for archaeologists and anthro- pologists, and as an instrument of preeision for osteo-arehaeologists. It is not a manual of pathology, although pathologists may be interested in this revival of the dying skill of diagnosis of disease in dry bones. All reeords, written, photo graphie and radiographie, together with the initial 120,000 word report, have been deposited in the Department of Morbid Anatomy, Institute of Orthopaedies, London, where they will be available for study. Abrief introduetion to this study has been published (Haekett, 1975). I would like especially to thank the President of the Heidelberger Akade- mie der Wissenschaften, and Doktor H. Götze of Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, for the publieation of this monograph.
Fracastoro's Syphilis. Introduction, Text, Translation, Notes (Arca, 12)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 68.03 $Girolamo Fracastoro (?1478-1553) was a doctor and scientist, as well as a poet. He was born in the northern Italian city of Verona, into a prominent local family. Verona is at one of the crossroads of Europe, and although Fracastoro's whole life was spent in that vicinity, he maintained a wide circle of friends and correspondents, keeping up-to-date with what was going on elsewhere. Two cataclysmic events - the European voyages to the New World, and the sudden appearance and rapid spread of syphilis - are the combined themes of his greatest literary work. The Syphilis , dedicated to Pietro Bembo, became one of the most celebrated poems of the Renaissance. Soon after its publication (in 1530) Fracastoro was hailed as a major Latin poet, an equal of Virgil. In the first two books of Syphilis Fracastoro not only describes in vivid terms the symptoms and known cures for syphilis, but also presents for the first time his theory of 'contagion', a major breakthrough towards modern understanding of disease. He was later to write a scientific prose treatise De Contagione. The third and final book of the Syphilis gives a highly mythical narrative of the landing of Columbus in the New World. His reason for including this American material was not, as we might suppose, that syphilis was brought from the Americas to Europe, but rather that the New World provided Europe with one of the more useful remedies for syphilis, an extract from a native American wood, guaiacum. In spite of its poetic mode, Fracastoro's account draws in some detail on contemporary sources for the European discovery of the New World, as Eatough's notes show. This edition offers a 35-page introduction, text with facing English translation, notes elucidating literary, mythical, geographical and botanical topics, and a word-index of the poem.
Examining Tuskegee: The Infamous Syphilis Study and Its Legacy (The John Hope Franklin Series in African American History and Culture)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.00 $The forty-year Tuskegee Syphilis Study, which took place in and around Tuskegee, Alabama, from the 1930s through the 1970s, has become a profound metaphor for medical racism, government malfeasance, and physician arrogance. Susan M. Reverby's Examining Tuskegee is a comprehensive analysis of the notorious study of untreated syphilis among African American men, who were told by U.S. Public Health Service doctors that they were being treated, not just watched, for their late-stage syphilis. With rigorous clarity, Reverby investigates the study and its aftermath from multiple perspectives and illuminates the reasons for its continued power and resonance in our collective memory.
Bad Blood: The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment: A Tragedy of Race and Medicine
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 52.49 $From 1932 to 1972, the United States Public Health Service conducted a non-therapeutic experiment involving over 400 black male sharecroppers infected with syphilis. The Tuskegee Study had nothing to do with treatment. It purpose was to trace the spontaneous evolution of the disease in order to learn how syphilis affected black subjects. The men were not told they had syphilis; they were not warned about what the disease might do to them; and, with the exception of a smattering of medication during the first few months, they were not given health care. Instead of the powerful drugs they required, they were given aspirin for their aches and pains. Health officials systematically deceived the men into believing they were patients in a government study of "bad blood", a catch-all phrase black sharecroppers used to describe a host of illnesses. At the end of this 40 year deathwatch, more than 100 men had died from syphilis or related complications. "Bad Blood" provides compelling answers to the question of how such a tragedy could have been allowed to occur. Tracing the evolution of medical ethics and the nature of decision making in bureaucracies, Jones attempted to show that the Tuskegee Study was not, in fact, an aberration, but a logical outgrowth of race relations and medical practice in the United States. Now, in this revised edition of "Bad Blood", Jones traces the tragic consequences of the Tuskegee Study over the last decade. A new introduction explains why the Tuskegee Study has become a symbol of black oppression and a metaphor for medical neglect, inspiring a prize-winning play, a Nova special, and a motion picture. A new concluding chapter shows how the black community's wide-spread anger and distrust caused by the Tuskegee Study has hampered efforts by health officials to combat AIDS in the black community. "Bad Blood" was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize and was one of the "N.Y. Times" 12 best books of the year.
Pox: Genius, Madness and the Mysteries of Syphilis [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.00 $Was Beethoven experiencing syphilitic euphoria when he composed "Ode to Joy"? Did van Gogh paint "Crows Over the Wheatfield" in a fit of diseased madness right before he shot himself? Was syphilis a stowaway on Columbus's return voyage to Europe? The answers to these provocative questions are likely "yes," claims Deborah Hayden in this riveting investigation of the effects of the "Pox" on the lives and works of world figures from the fifteenth through the twentieth centuries. Writing with remarkable insight and narrative flair, Hayden argues that biographers and historians have vastly underestimated the influence of what Thomas Mann called "this exhilarating yet wasting disease." Shrouded in secrecy, syphilis was accompanied by wild euphoria and suicidal depression, megalomania and paranoia, profoundly affecting sufferers' worldview, their sexual behavior and personality, and, of course, their art. Deeply informed and courageously argued, Pox has already been heralded as a major contribution to our understanding of genius, madness, and creativity.
Bad Blood : The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, New and Expanded Edition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.63 $An account of the experiment performed on unkowing black sharecroppers describes how the U.S. Public Health Service allowed the syphilis in the sharecroppers to take its course without treatment and explains how such a tragedy occurred.
Bad Blood: The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 175.67 $An account of the experiment performed on unkowing black sharecroppers describes how the U.S. Public Health Service allowed the syphilis in the sharecroppers to take its course without treatment and explains how such a tragedy occurred.
The Search for the Legacy of the USPHS Syphilis Study at Tuskegee: Reflective Essays Based upon Findings from the Tuskegee Legacy Project
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 73.02 $The Search for the Legacy of the USPHS Syphilis Study at Tuskegee is a collection of essays that seeks to redefine the "legacy" of the infamous Tuskegee Syphilis Study in light of recent findings from other scientific studies that challenge the long-standing, widely-held understanding of the study. These essays are written with thoughtful attention to fully integrate the essayists' perspectives on the impact of the study on the lives of Americans today and place the legacy of the study within the evolving picture of racial and ethnic relations in the United States. Each essayist looks through his or her own personal and professional prism to give an account of what constitutes that legacy today. Contributors include the two leading historians of the Tuskeegee Syphilis Study and two former Surgeons General of the United States as well as other prominent scholars from the fields of public health, bioethics, psychology, biostatistics, medicine, dentistry, journalism, medical sociology, medical anthropology, and health disparities research.
The Search for the Legacy of the USPHS Syphilis Study at Tuskegee: Reflective Essays Based upon Findings from the Tuskegee Legacy Project
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.93 $The Search for the Legacy of the USPHS Syphilis Study at Tuskegee is a collection of essays that seeks to redefine the "legacy" of the infamous Tuskegee Syphilis Study in light of recent findings from other scientific studies that challenge the long-standing, widely-held understanding of the study. These essays are written with thoughtful attention to fully integrate the essayists' perspectives on the impact of the study on the lives of Americans today and place the legacy of the study within the evolving picture of racial and ethnic relations in the United States. Each essayist looks through his or her own personal and professional prism to give an account of what constitutes that legacy today. Contributors include the two leading historians of the Tuskeegee Syphilis Study and two former Surgeons General of the United States as well as other prominent scholars from the fields of public health, bioethics, psychology, biostatistics, medicine, dentistry, journalism, medical sociology, medical anthropology, and health disparities research.
The Legend of Nietzsche's Syphilis
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 118.22 $In this unique exploration of Nietzsche's life and behavior, Dr. Richard Schain challenges the widely held view that this important philosopher's actions and erratic writings were due to general paresis, or syphilis of the brain. The author offers a detailed biography of Nietzsche's life, at each major turning point offering his own thoughts regarding why the diagnosis of syphilis is unsatisfactory to explain Nietszche's behavioral and thought patterns. With an accessible writing style and close attention to detail, Schain offers important reasons for one to reevaluate the claims made regarding Nietzsche's mental illness.Schain also explores another common diagnosis, namely, that of schizophrenia. While this diagnosis, seems more plausible than that of general paresis, it is still inadequate to fully explain the aberrant behavior and eventual mental deterioration of one of the leading Western philosophers of our time. By examining Nietzsche's life and challenging the medical opinions of the time, Schain lays the foundation for rigorous reexamination of the diagnoses of both general paresis and schizophrenia as causes for Nietzsche's actions, thoughts, and philosophies.
Sex, Sin, and Science: A History of Syphilis in America (Healing Society: Disease, Medicine, and History) Parascandola, John
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.86 $Social and cultural factors, as well as medical ones, help to shape the way we understand and react to diseases. In the case of a disease associated with sex, social and cultural factors figure especially large in its history. For example, moral and religious views influence almost everything connected with sex, and that includes sexually transmitted diseases. Syphilis thus provides an excellent case study to help understand the history of disease in a broader human context. This book covers the history of syphilis in America, from Colonial times to the present, as well as laying bare the origins and spread of the disease in Europe.Several themes explored in the book illustrate ways in which non-medical factors influence our views of a disease and our reaction to it. One of these themes is the tendency to focus blame for the spread of a disease on a particular group (e.g., women, blacks, sinners). The balance between protecting the rights of individuals and protecting the public health, in issues such as whether to quarantine the infected and whether to require mandatory testing for the disease, is another theme. A third theme is the persistent reluctance of many Americans to discuss venereal disease openly because it involves sex, a subject that we are often not comfortable talking about.
Examining Tuskegee : The Infamous Syphilis Study and Its Legacy
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.74 $The forty-year Tuskegee Syphilis Study, which took place in and around Tuskegee, Alabama, from the 1930s through the 1970s, has become a profound metaphor for medical racism, government malfeasance, and physician arrogance. Susan M. Reverby's Examining Tuskegee is a comprehensive analysis of the notorious study of untreated syphilis among African American men, who were told by U.S. Public Health Service doctors that they were being treated, not just watched, for their late-stage syphilis. With rigorous clarity, Reverby investigates the study and its aftermath from multiple perspectives and illuminates the reasons for its continued power and resonance in our collective memory.
Examining Tuskegee: The Infamous Syphilis Study and Its Legacy (The John Hope Franklin Series in African American History and Culture)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.64 $The forty-year Tuskegee Syphilis Study, which took place in and around Tuskegee, Alabama, from the 1930s through the 1970s, has become a profound metaphor for medical racism, government malfeasance, and physician arrogance. Susan M. Reverby's Examining Tuskegee is a comprehensive analysis of the notorious study of untreated syphilis among African American men, who were told by U.S. Public Health Service doctors that they were being treated, not just watched, for their late-stage syphilis. With rigorous clarity, Reverby investigates the study and its aftermath from multiple perspectives and illuminates the reasons for its continued power and resonance in our collective memory.
The Legend Of Nietzsche*s Syphilis
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 87.28 $In this unique exploration of Nietzsche's life and behavior, Dr. Richard Schain challenges the widely held view that this important philosopher's actions and erratic writings were due to general paresis, or syphilis of the brain. The author offers a detailed biography of Nietzsche's life, at each major turning point offering his own thoughts regarding why the diagnosis of syphilis is unsatisfactory to explain Nietszche's behavioral and thought patterns. With an accessible writing style and close attention to detail, Schain offers important reasons for one to reevaluate the claims made regarding Nietzsche's mental illness.Schain also explores another common diagnosis, namely, that of schizophrenia. While this diagnosis, seems more plausible than that of general paresis, it is still inadequate to fully explain the aberrant behavior and eventual mental deterioration of one of the leading Western philosophers of our time. By examining Nietzsche's life and challenging the medical opinions of the time, Schain lays the foundation for rigorous reexamination of the diagnoses of both general paresis and schizophrenia as causes for Nietzsche's actions, thoughts, and philosophies.
L'origine de la syphilis en Europe avant ou après 1493 ? [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.14 $Paris 1994. 1 Volume/1. -- Bon état -- Broché cousu. Couverture illustrée . Format in-4°( 29,8 x 21 cm )( 1120 gr ). ------ 319 pages . **************** "" L' ouvrage réunit les contributions présentées en novembre 1993 lors du colloque international de Toulon par les meilleurs spécialistes internationaux de ce sujet. Médecins, archéologues, anthropologues, paléopathologistes et historiens "" ********************** ref 80
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