4 products were found matching your search for tightwad in 1 shops:
Living on a Shoestring
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 51.44 $The essential book for everyone who has been accused of being "cheap"--and is proud of it--has finally arrived!Here are the Tightwad Twins, ready to share hundreds of their time (and budget) tested cheap tricks to help readers learn how not to spend money and still make life easier. With over 1000 tips on cooking, home decorating, entertaining, and gift giving, Living on a Shoestring is an essential bible for everyone looking to stretch their dollar just a little further, with such time-and money-saving tips as:Vacuuming with a scented softener sheet--the vacuum bag will deodorize while you cleanA coat of nail polish can make old jewelry look newA blast of hairspray stiffens flies' wings for easier swattingWhite-out hides scratches on white appliances
The Simple Life: Thoughts on Simplicity, Frugality, and Living Well
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 77.65 $A lively collection of essays by Amy Dacyczyn, the author of The Tightwad Gazette, and others associated with the "Simplicity Movement" outline a plan for living simply, frugally, and peacefully in the frantic modern world. Original.
The Cheap Book: The Official Guide To Embracing Your Inner Cheapskate
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 120.35 $Waste not, want notThroughout history, society has shunned those who are cheap‹they are denounced as "tight" or "stingy." But no longer will you have to be ashamed of your penny-pinching ways. Cheapskates, cheapos, tightwads, and misers unite! Thrift is in. Times are tough. What better time to be cheap? No longer will cheapness equal shame. The Cheap Book is beginning a revolution!Inside, find more than 150 money-saving tips, humorous stories and illustrations that show cheapness at its best and at its comical worst.
Living On A Shoestring
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.45 $1997 Hardcover Living On A Shoestring by the Tightwad Twins Ann Fox Chodakowsi & Susan Fox Wood. Over 1,000 best kept secrets to stretch - and save - your money. The tightwad twins give you double the inside information on how to live on a shoestring...and still feel like a million bucks! See above photos for more content.
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