8 products were found matching your search for tightwad in 1 shops:
The Tightwad Gazette II: Promoting Thrift as a Viable Alternative Lifestyle
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.36 $The Tightwad Gazette IIThe Perfect -- and Cheap -- Home Chili Recipe! New Uses for Old Blue Jeans!Make a Quilt for Ninety-five Cents!In 1993, Amy Dacyczyn's first book featured advice from the pages of her two-year-old newsletter The Tightwad Gazette. Over 250,000 copies were sold, inspiring millions of people to profit through thrift. Now, The Tightwad Gazette II serves up all-new help and hints from the newsletter's third and fourth years, yielding still more savings for millions of converts to tightwaddery.Save More Money! Save More Time! Save More Resources!Some of the Exciting, Money-Saving Topics Include:A Reader's Guide to The Tightwad Gazette-- Penny Pinching Pizza-- Car Maintenance Tips-- Calculate Your Cost Per Muffin-- How to Make a Solar Box Cooker-- Store-Brand Common Sense-- Think Small to Save Big-- Where to Get Insurance Information-- Breakfast Breakthrough-- Picture-Framing for Less-- Gas Versus Electric-- Reupholstery Savings-- Army Surplus Bargains-- The Tightwad A to Z-- Saving Space to Save Money-- How to Stop Flushing Money Down the Toilet-- Frugality and the Economy-- Whoopie Pies-- How to Fix Up a House-- Should We Use Used Shoes?-- Where to Get Something for Nothing-- What to Do with Old Blue Jeans-- Warehouse Clubs and Savings-- Cheap Holiday Accommodations-- The Femme Frugal-- Shared-Housing Programs-- How to Work Out How Much You're Saving-- Mail-Order Eye Care-- Budgeting and Keeping Records-- Dumpster Diving-- How to Shop Thriftily-- Money-Saving Recipes-- Homemade Goo-- Coupon or Not Coupon?-- Splitting Pills to Cut Costs-- Stained-Glass Cookies-- The Tightwad Christmas-- Candles and Decorations-- Practical Gift-Giving-- Synthetic Motor Oil-- Bartering and Exchange-- Detergents Determined-- CDs Versus LPs-- Long-Distance Phone Call Charges-- Moving for Less --Just Look Inside For Much, Much More...
Tightwads on the Loose: A Seven Year Pacific Odyssey
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.47 $Everyone dreams of tropical escape. But what happens when you escape for too long? Imagine spending 24 hours a day with your spouse in 31 not-so-square feet . . . for years; crossing the Pacific Ocean on two gallons of fuel; and tossing spaghetti marinara around your living room, then cleaning it up while bouncing like ice in a martini shaker. Tightwads on the Loose tells the story of Wendy and Garth, lured to sea by the promise of adventure. They buy a 31-foot boat that fits their budget better than it fits Garth's large frame and set sail for an open-ended voyage, never imagining they'd be gone seven years, or cover 34,000 miles at the pace of a fast walk. They live without most “necessities” and learn that teamwork and a sense of humor matter most as they face endless "character-building opportunities." They make a long-anticipated visit to the island where Garth had been shipwrecked as a teenager, only to find it had become a penal colony. An electronic catastrophe in the Solomon Islands leaves them without navigation equipment, which forces them to trade their free-wheeling lifestyle for one that seems straight out of a '60s sitcom: jobs at a U.S. Army base in the Marshall Islands. In Asia, they dodge typhoons and ships that threaten to turn their home into kindling. Finally they endure a grueling 49-day nonstop ocean crossing. None of this prepares them for their arrival "home" to a post-9/11 America which leaves them wondering what had changed more, them or the world. Tightwads on the Loose offers a fun read to the armchair adventurer -- or anyone afflicted with wanderlust.
The Complete Tightwad Gazette: Promoting Thrift as a Viable Alternative Lifestyle
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 36.69 $At last--the long-awaited complete compendium of tightwad tips for fabulous frugal living!In a newsletter published from May 1990 to December 1996 as well as in three enormously successful books, Amy Dacyczyn established herself as the expert of economy. Now The Complete Tightwad Gazette brings together all of her best ideas and thriftiest thinking into one volume, along with new articles never published before in book format. Dacyczyn describes this collection as "the book I wish I'd had when I began my adult life." Packed with humor, creativity, and insight, The Complete Tightwad Gazette includes hundreds of tips and topics, such as:Travel for tightwads¸ How to transform old blue jeans into potholders and quilts¸ Ten painless ways to save $100 this year¸ Picture-framing for pennies¸ A comparison of painting versus re-siding your house¸ Halloween costumes from scrounged materials¸ Thrifty window treatments¸ Ways to dry up dry-cleaning costs¸ Inexpensive gifts¸ Creative fundraisers for kids¸ Slashing your electric bill¸ Frugal fix-its¸ Cutting the cost of college¸ Moving for less¸ Saving on groceries¸ Gift-wrapping for tightwads¸ Furniture-fusion fundamentals¸ Cheap breakfast cereals¸ Avoiding credit card debt¸ Using items you were about to throw away (milk jugs, plastic meat trays, and more!)¸ Recipes galore, from penny-pinching pizza to toaster pastries¸ And much much more . . .
Complete Tightwad Gazette : Promoting Thrift As a Viable Alternative Lifestyle
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.19 $At last—the long-awaited complete compendium of tightwad tips for fabulous frugal living! In a newsletter published from May 1990 to December 1996 as well as in three enormously successful books, Amy Dacyczyn established herself as the expert of economy. Now The Complete Tightwad Gazette brings together all of her best ideas and thriftiest thinking into one volume, along with new articles never published before in book format. Dacyczyn describes this collection as "the book I wish I'd had when I began my adult life." Packed with humor, creativity, and insight, The Complete Tightwad Gazette includes hundreds of tips for anyone looking to save money or get out of debt, such as: Travel for tightwads · How to transform old blue jeans into potholders and quilts · Ten painless ways to save $100 this year · Picture-framing for pennies · A comparison of painting versus re-siding your house · Halloween costumes from scrounged materials · Thrifty window treatments · Ways to dry up dry-cleaning costs · Inexpensive gifts · Creative fundraisers for kids · Slashing your electric bill · Frugal fix-its · Cutting the cost of college · Moving for less · Saving on groceries · Gift-wrapping for tightwads · Furniture-fusion fundamentals · Cheap breakfast cereals · Avoiding credit card debt · Using items you were about to throw away (milk jugs, plastic meat trays, and more!) · Recipes galore, from penny-pinching pizza to toaster pastries · And much much more . .
The Giant Book of Insults
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 72.94 $Quips, caustic remarks, put-downs, and comebacks are aimed at such targets as chatterboxes, egotists, entertainers, fair-weather friends, husbands, liars, show-offs, and tightwads
The Cheap Book: The Official Guide To Embracing Your Inner Cheapskate
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 96.45 $Waste not, want notThroughout history, society has shunned those who are cheap‹they are denounced as "tight" or "stingy." But no longer will you have to be ashamed of your penny-pinching ways. Cheapskates, cheapos, tightwads, and misers unite! Thrift is in. Times are tough. What better time to be cheap? No longer will cheapness equal shame. The Cheap Book is beginning a revolution!Inside, find more than 150 money-saving tips, humorous stories and illustrations that show cheapness at its best and at its comical worst.
The Simple Life: Thoughts on Simplicity, Frugality, and Living Well
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 65.86 $A lively collection of essays by Amy Dacyczyn, the author of The Tightwad Gazette, and others associated with the "Simplicity Movement" outline a plan for living simply, frugally, and peacefully in the frantic modern world. Original.
Money Before Marriage: A Financial Workbook for Engaged Couples
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.08 $Are you off to a good start financially in your marriage?She's a shopaholic and he's a tightwad. Or he's a spendthrift and she's a penny-pincher. Are their marriages doomed to fail? Should they even marry at all? It's been said that the two most destructive problems in a marriage are mismanagement of money and poor communication. In this financial book, Money Before Marriage, Larry Burkett disarms these powerful threats by summarizing the key insights of wise money management. Learn how to avoid the most common financial and communication pitfalls experienced by thousands of newlyweds by:Applying to your marriage what God's Word says about finances Discovering the practical aspects of managing your personal finances Answering the tough questions relating to debt, credit card use, life insurance needs, and separate bank accounts Preparing your new family's first budgetLet Larry Burkett help you to smooth out the bumps in your marriage before they start. "The prudent sees evil and hides himself, but the naive go on, and are punished for it." — Proverbs 22:33
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