9 products were found matching your search for tomatis in 1 shops:
Listening for Wellness: An Introduction to the Tomatis Method
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.97 $"Listening for Wellness" is an introduction to the work of Dr. Alfred Tomatis, who discovered that Listening (as opposed to hearing) is the key to Wellness. Listening problems are at the root of many learning and communication problems, and learning how to listen well greatly improves our abilities. It is a "must read" book for parents, teachers, psychologists and musicians. Even though the book is an in-depth presentation of the work of Dr. Tomatis, it is easy to read thanks to the many examples taken from the practice of the author.
LISTEN to LIVE - our Brain and Music: The Tomatis Listening training and therapy
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 51.66 $This book describes how the quality of life can be improved by exploiting the central role of the hearing organs from the astonishing discoveries of Professor Alfred Tomatis.This book can be considered as a standard work to establish the proper execution of the original Tomatis method. It pays tribute to Professor Alfred Tomatis' pioneering work. It provides an insight into why and for what disabilities the method works so well. A wealth of scientific validations and cases are presented to illustrate this as an aid for practitioners as well as for potential clients and to convince the outside world. Details encompass anatomy, neurology, and physiology, pathology, psychology along with interpretations of listening tests, programming and equipment. It serves both therapists and clients, as well as generally interested persons and medical or educational institutions. The authors have extensive experience in applying the therapy; Jozef Vervoort, as successor appointed by Professor Alfred Tomatis, has run a Tomatis Centre for over forty years, recently with his daughter Astrid, being Josef’s successor. He is also the leader of the large MBL-Tomatis network of the Mozart-Brain-Lab. Martien de Voigt and his wife Ann, in close cooperation with Vervoort, have about twenty-five years' experience. In total about 45,000 disabilities have been successfully treated by them and numerous therapists trained.
The Ear and Language
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.25 $Dr. Alfred Tomatis (1920-2001), was a world-renowned Ear Nose and Throat specialist working in the field of auditory phonetics. Through his research into the function of the ear in language learning, he found that the relationship between hearing and reproducing sounds can be used to facilitate the comprehension, expression and assimilation of a language.
The Ear and the Voice
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.21 $Tomatis was one of the earliest pioneers in the field now known as psychoacoustics, and his book L'Oreille et la Voix is considered a classic by many in that field. Although Tomatis initially applied his theories to vocal performance, it soon became clear that the principles he uncovered could also have a profoundly beneficial influence on actors, painters, writers, and those suffering from physical and psychological disabilities. This translation makes Tomatis's discoveries accessible for a broad audience, and is divided into three parts that can be read separately or together. Part I introduces Tomatis's general concepts as they apply to the art of singing. Part II is a basic introduction to the anatomy of the ear and how its functions relate to the brain and the rest of the body. It also provides the reader with a metaphor-free vocabulary for discussing anatomy with doctors and other concerned professionals. Part III gives practical advice on singing, posture, and matters pertaining primarily to musicians. A list of the latest English-language books on the subject has been appended. The Ear and the Voice is for everyone who wants to understand and experience the benefits of conscious listening.Please visit the author's companion websites: www.vocalimages.com and www.voxmentor.com
Ear and the Voice
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.21 $Tomatis was one of the earliest pioneers in the field now known as psychoacoustics, and his book L'Oreille et la Voix is considered a classic by many in that field. Although Tomatis initially applied his theories to vocal performance, it soon became clear that the principles he uncovered could also have a profoundly beneficial influence on actors, painters, writers, and those suffering from physical and psychological disabilities. This translation makes Tomatis's discoveries accessible for a broad audience, and is divided into three parts that can be read separately or together. Part I introduces Tomatis's general concepts as they apply to the art of singing. Part II is a basic introduction to the anatomy of the ear and how its functions relate to the brain and the rest of the body. It also provides the reader with a metaphor-free vocabulary for discussing anatomy with doctors and other concerned professionals. Part III gives practical advice on singing, posture, and matters pertaining primarily to musicians. A list of the latest English-language books on the subject has been appended. The Ear and the Voice is for everyone who wants to understand and experience the benefits of conscious listening.Please visit the author's companion websites: www.vocalimages.com and www.voxmentor.com
Sonic Alchemy
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 166.21 $Sonic Alchemy explains the principles of rhythm, resonance, entrainment, sonic neuro-technologies, and the ground-breaking work of Dr. Alfred Tomatis. Included are a dozen thought-provoking interviews with leading sound practitioners. Sonic Alchemy explores how 'soundwork' improves health, learning, and productivity. By understanding how music and sound directly impact your body/mind, you can create empowering sonic environments. Whether you are a music lover, music maker, or healthcare practitioner, you will refer to the wisdom in these pages for inspiration, knowledge and personal application. A dozen thought-provoking interviews with leading sound philosophers and practitioners are included. These people are defining the use of sound as a life-enhancing modality in our lives. Interviews and topics include Therese Schroeder-Sheker: Music for the Dying, Fred Schwartz, MD: Music as Anesthesia, Michael Jones: Intention and Music, Jeffrey Thompson, DC: Bio-Tuning, Tom Kenyon: Psychoacoustics, Vickie Dodd: Awakening the Amnesia of Wellness, Arthur Hull: The Power of the Drum, Janalea Hoffman: Entrainment, Jonathan Goldman: The Power of Harmonics, Michael Stevens: Light & Sound Machines, Molly Scott: Resonance Therapy, and Robert Gass: Chantmaster Extraordinaire.
Sonic Alchemy
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.23 $Sonic Alchemy explains the principles of rhythm, resonance, entrainment, sonic neuro-technologies, and the ground-breaking work of Dr. Alfred Tomatis. Included are a dozen thought-provoking interviews with leading sound practitioners. Sonic Alchemy explores how 'soundwork' improves health, learning, and productivity. By understanding how music and sound directly impact your body/mind, you can create empowering sonic environments. Whether you are a music lover, music maker, or healthcare practitioner, you will refer to the wisdom in these pages for inspiration, knowledge and personal application. A dozen thought-provoking interviews with leading sound philosophers and practitioners are included. These people are defining the use of sound as a life-enhancing modality in our lives. Interviews and topics include Therese Schroeder-Sheker: Music for the Dying, Fred Schwartz, MD: Music as Anesthesia, Michael Jones: Intention and Music, Jeffrey Thompson, DC: Bio-Tuning, Tom Kenyon: Psychoacoustics, Vickie Dodd: Awakening the Amnesia of Wellness, Arthur Hull: The Power of the Drum, Janalea Hoffman: Entrainment, Jonathan Goldman: The Power of Harmonics, Michael Stevens: Light & Sound Machines, Molly Scott: Resonance Therapy, and Robert Gass: Chantmaster Extraordinaire.
Apprends a Ecouter Pour Ton Bienetre
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.36 $Le livre de Pierre Sollier donne une synthse claire et comprhensible de l'oeuvre d'Alfred Tomatis. Ce livre n'est pas qu'une simple introduction mais une prsentation magistrale des principales recherches de son mentor. Il a t publi en 2005 sous le titre original de "Listening for Wellness" et fut aussitt rcompense par le prix IPPY Award pour le meilleur ouvrage publi en psychologie et fut honorablement mentionne par le prix Eric Hoffer Award en 2008. Cette mthode mise en avant par Alfred Tomatis issue de ses nombreuses annes de recherches est une gymnastique spcifique des muscles du marteau et de l'trier de votre oreille. Ce fitness donne des rsultats difiants sur le somatique, ainsi que sur votre bien-tre corporel. Dans cet ouvrage apprenez vous sublimer, amlior par l'coute. N le 25 octobre 1948 dans le sud ouest de la France. Il enseigne le franais pendant dix ans dans la rgion parisienne et dcide de partir pour s'installer en Californie dans les annes 80. Son French accent le pnalise grandement pour la comprhension de la langue. Une rencontre va changer sa vie ... aprs avoir pouss la porte du docteur Alfred Tomatis et essay sa mthode innovante, Pierre Sollier va perdre son accent. Il volue dans la comprhension et la diction d'une langue trangre. Il arrive enfin communiquer couramment.
Listen To Live - Our Brain And Music
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 58.74 $This book describes how the quality of life can be improved by exploiting the central role of the hearing organs from the astonishing discoveries of Professor Alfred Tomatis.This book can be considered as a standard work to establish the proper execution of the original Tomatis method. It pays tribute to Professor Alfred Tomatis' pioneering work. It provides an insight into why and for what disabilities the method works so well. A wealth of scientific validations and cases are presented to illustrate this as an aid for practitioners as well as for potential clients and to convince the outside world. Details encompass anatomy, neurology, and physiology, pathology, psychology along with interpretations of listening tests, programming and equipment. It serves both therapists and clients, as well as generally interested persons and medical or educational institutions. The authors have extensive experience in applying the therapy; Jozef Vervoort, as successor appointed by Professor Alfred Tomatis, has run a Tomatis Centre for over forty years, recently with his daughter Astrid, being Josef’s successor. He is also the leader of the large MBL-Tomatis network of the Mozart-Brain-Lab. Martien de Voigt and his wife Ann, in close cooperation with Vervoort, have about twenty-five years' experience. In total about 45,000 disabilities have been successfully treated by them and numerous therapists trained.
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