19 products were found matching your search for unresponsive in 3 shops:
Juárez Girls Rising Format: Paperback
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.91 $Working-class girls in Ciudad Juárez grow up in a context marked by violence against women, the devastating effects of drug cartel wars, unresponsive and abusive authorities, and predatory U.S. capitalism: under constantly precarious conditions, these girls are often struggling to shape their lives and realize their aspirations. Juárez native Claudia G. Cervantes-Soon explores the vital role that transformative secondary education can play in promoting self-empowerment and a spirit of resistance to the violence and social injustice these girls encounter.Bringing together the voices of ten female students at Preparatoria Altavista, an innovative urban high school founded in 1968 on social justice principles, Cervantes-Soon offers a nuanced analysis of how students and their teachers together enact a transformative educational philosophy that promotes learning, self-authorship, and hope. Altavista’s curriculum is guided by the concept of autogestión, a holistic and dialectical approach to individual and collective identity formation rooted in the students’ experiences and a critical understanding of their social realities. Through its sensitive ethnography, this book shows how female students actively construct their own meaning of autogestión by making choices that they consider liberating and empowering.Juárez Girls Rising provides an alternative narrative to popular and often simplistic, sensationalizing, and stigmatizing discourses about those living in this urban borderland. By merging the story of Preparatoria Altavista with the voices of its students, this singular book provides a window into the possibilities and complexities of coming of age during a dystopic era in which youth hold on to their critical hope and cultivate their wisdom even as the options for the future appear to crumble before their eyes.
Linn Linn Drum 2
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 4,860.00 $Linn Linn Drum 2 in non-functioning conditionUnit powers on but is otherwise unresponsive. There are scuffs, scratches and light dents throughout. ...
Love and Respect in the Family: The Respect Parents Desire, the Love Children Need
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.94 $Children need love. Parents need respect. It is as simple and complex as that!When frustrated with an unresponsive child, a parent doesn’t declare, “You don’t love me.” Instead the parent asserts, “You are being disrespectful right now.” A parent needs to feel respected, especially during conflicts. When upset a child does not whine, “You don’t respect me.” Instead, a child pouts, “You don’t love me.” A child needs to feel loved, especially during disputes. But here’s the rub: An unloved child (or teen) negatively reacts in a way that feels disrespectful to a parent. A disrespected parent negatively reacts in a way that feels unloving to the child. This dynamic gives birth to the FAMILY CRAZY CYCLE. So how is one to break out of this cycle? Best-selling author Emerson Eggerichs has studied the family dynamic for more than 30 years, having his Ph.D. in Child and Family Ecology. As a senior pastor for nearly two decades, Eggerichs builds on a foundation of strong biblical principles, walking the reader through an entirely new way to approach the family dynamic. For instance, God reveals ways to defuse the craziness with our children from preschooler to teen, plus how to motivate them to obey and how to deal with them when they don’t. In the Bible, God has spoken specifically to parents on how to parent. This book is about that revelation.
Shadow Bodies: Black Women, Ideology, Representation, and Politics
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.93 $What does it mean for Black women to organize in a political context that has generally ignored them or been unresponsive although Black women have shown themselves an important voting bloc? How for example, does #sayhername translate into a political agenda that manifests itself in specific policies? Shadow Bodies focuses on the positionality of the Black woman’s body, which serves as a springboard for helping us think through political and cultural representations. It does so by asking: How do discursive practices, both speech and silences, support and maintain hegemonic understandings of Black womanhood thereby rendering some Black women as shadow bodies, unseen and unremarked upon? Grounded in Black feminist thought, Julia S. Jordan-Zachery looks at the functioning of scripts ascribed to Black women’s bodies in the framing of HIV/AIDS, domestic abuse, and mental illness and how such functioning renders some bodies invisible in Black politics in general and Black women’s politics specifically.
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 29.95 $The original Ozploitation classic is back like you've never seen it before: Robert Thompson (THIRST) stars as a comatose killer seemingly unresponsive in a small private hospital. But when a hot new nurse (Susan Penhaligon of THE LAND THAT TIME FORGOT) begins to question his condition, Patrick will unleash a waking nightmare of psychokinetic carnage. Sir Robert Helpmann (The Child Catcher in CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG) co-stars in this international hit shocker produced by Antony I. Ginnane (TURKEY
Albion's Dance: British Ballet During the Second World War
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 117.31 $When the Second World War broke out, ballet in Britain was only a few decades old. Few had imagined that it would establish roots in a nation long thought to be unresponsive to dance. Nevertheless, the war proved to be a boon for ballet dancers, choreographers and audiences, for the nation's dancers were forced to look inward to their own identity and sources of creativity. As author Karen Eliot demonstrates in this fascinating book, instead of withering during the enforced isolation of war, ballet in Britain flourished, exhibiting a surprising heterogeneity and vibrant populism that moved ballet outside its typical elitist surroundings to be seen by uninitiated, often enthusiastic audiences. Ballet was thought to help boost audience morale, to render solace to the soul-weary and to afford entertainment and diversion to those who simply craved a few hours of distraction. Government authorities came to see that ballet could serve as a tool of propaganda; the ways it functioned within the larger public discourse of propaganda and sacrifice, and how it answered a public mood of pragmatism and idealism, are also topics in this story of the development of a national ballet identity. This narrative has several key players-- dance critics, male and female dancers, producers, audiences, and choreographers. Exploring the so-called "ballet boom" during WWII, the larger story of this book is one of how art and artists thrive during conflict, and how they respond pragmatically and creatively to privation and duress.
Confrontational Politics: How to Effectively Practice the Politics of Principle
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 47.81 $In this era of ever-growing, more distant, unresponsive government—and politicians of both parties who do not walk their talk—retired California state senator H.?L. (Bill) Richardson's book is a strong tonic.He warns, however, his words are not for the faint of heart: as Finley Peter Dunne once said, “Politics ain't beanbag.”He spells out in a series of lessons how his often hard-pressed conservative minority was able to win victory after victory on issues like the death penalty, gun control, and removing liberal judges. “The central theme of this book is the methodology both sides use. Being 'right' is not enough,” he cautions.
90 s Roland VG-8 Expanded
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 202.46 $ (+112.48 $)Roland VG-8 Expanded in perfect working condition, except for the Jog Value dial, which is unresponsive. However, all values can still be adjusted ...
Shadow Bodies : Black Women, Ideology, Representation, and Politics
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 4.18 $What does it mean for Black women to organize in a political context that has generally ignored them or been unresponsive although Black women have shown themselves an important voting bloc? How for example, does #sayhername translate into a political agenda that manifests itself in specific policies? Shadow Bodies focuses on the positionality of the Black woman’s body, which serves as a springboard for helping us think through political and cultural representations. It does so by asking: How do discursive practices, both speech and silences, support and maintain hegemonic understandings of Black womanhood thereby rendering some Black women as shadow bodies, unseen and unremarked upon? Grounded in Black feminist thought, Julia S. Jordan-Zachery looks at the functioning of scripts ascribed to Black women’s bodies in the framing of HIV/AIDS, domestic abuse, and mental illness and how such functioning renders some bodies invisible in Black politics in general and Black women’s politics specifically.
Confrontational Politics
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 51.66 $In this era of ever-growing, more distant, unresponsive government―and politicians of both parties who do not walk their talk―retired California State Senator H. L. (Bill) Richardson’s book is a strong tonic. He warns; however, his words are not for the faint of heart: as Finley Peter Dunne once said, “Politics ain’t beanbag.” He spells out in a series of lessons how his often-hard-pressed conservative minority was able to win victory after victory on issues like the death penalty, gun control, and removing liberal judges. “The central theme of this book is the methodology both sides use. Being ‘right’ is not enough,” he cautions.
A Nation In Denial: The Truth About Homelessness
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.49 $With homlessness on the increase, the media, policymakers and other bodies have attempted to explain the problem by blaming the hardships of poverty, the lack of affordable housing, economic recession and unresponsive government. Policies have, therefore, focused on the belief that emergency shelter, soup kitchens and job training help the homeless to regain their independence. This book challenges the accepted notions of homelessness and presents scientific evidence to show that most homeless adults are also suffering from other problems, such as substance abuse and mental illness. The book uses the USA as its main example and weaves together demographic and epidemiological research with personal accounts of homeless individuals.
Active Platform Management Demystified: Unleashing the Power of Intel VPro (TM) Technology
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 65.47 $Has your IT organization felt the need for accurate asset management, reduced downtime with fewer deskside visits, and improved malware prevention and response? Want a solution for out-of-band manageability and security when the PC is in a low-power state or even powered off, the operating system is unresponsive, or software agents are disabled? Active Platform Management Demystified describes the manageability and security features in PCs equipped with Intel(r) vPro Technology which includes Intel(r) Active Management Technology (Intel(r) AMT). It "goes into detail about how Intel AMT eases the burden of maintaining, managing and protecting PCs in both the Enterprise and Small Business environments" according to Christoph Graham, Hewlett-Packard Technical Strategist, and "will be very useful to anyone delivering Intel AMT solutions." Intel Active Management Technology provides an access point for the latest management consoles from Microsoft, Altiris, Cisco, LANDesk, HP and others so IT practitioners can access PCs over a wired or corporate wireless network- or even outside the corporate firewall through a wired LAN connection. "This book keeps things clear and simple, even when discussing out-of-band operational details on IDE-Redirect and heuristic filters. The explanations illustrated using the Developer s Tool Kit are especially useful" says Javier Caceres of Aranda Software Corporation.
The 99 Percent Economy: How Democratic Socialism Can Overcome the Crises of Capitalism (Hardback or Cased Book)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.21 $We live in a time of crises - economic turmoil, workplace disempowerment, unresponsive government, environmental degradation, social disintegration, and international rivalry. In The 99 Percent Economy, Paul S. Adler, a leading expert on business management, argues that these crises are destined to deepen unless we radically transform our economy. But despair is not an option, and Adler provides a compelling alternative: democratic socialism. He argues that to overcome these crises we need to assert democratic control over the management of both individual enterprises and the entire national economy. To show how that would work, he draws on a surprising source of inspiration: the strategic management processes of many of our largest corporations. In these companies, the strategy process promises to involve and empower workers and to ensure efficiency and innovation. In practice, this promise is rarely realized, but in principle, that process could be consolidated within enterprises and it could be scaled-up to the national level. Standing in the way? Private ownership of society's productive resources, which is the foundation of capitalism's ruthless competition and focus on private gain at the cost of society, the environment, and future generations. Adler shows how socialized, public ownership of our resources will enable democratic councils at the local and national levels to decide on our economic, social, and environmental goals and on how to reach them. The growing concentration of industry makes this socialization step ever easier. Democratic socialism is not a leap into the unknown, Adler shows. Capitalist industry has built the foundations for a world beyond capitalism and its crises.
Was Pythagoras Chinese? : An Examination of Right Triangle Theory in Ancient China
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.77 $The title of this monograph, while intended to intrigue and attract the otherwise unresponsive reader, is not whimsically conceived. Of course, the historical figure of mathematical fame known as Pythagoras, born on the island of Samos in the 6th century B.C., was Greek, not Chinese. But there is another "Pythagoras" equally deserving fame. He is the man who first proved the proposition that "the sum of the squares of the legs of a right triangle is equal to the square of the hypotenuse." For hundreds of years this theorem has borne the name of Pythagoras of Samos, but was he really the first person to demonstrate the universal validity of this theorem? The issue is controversial. Seldom are mathematical discoveries the product of a single individual's genius. Often centuries and thousands of miles separate the appearance and the isolated reappearance of the same mathematical or scientific theory.It is now acknowledged that the "Pascal Triangle" method of determining the coefficients of a binomial expansion was known in Sung China 300 years before Pascal was born, and that the root extraction algorithm credited to the 19th-century British mathematician W. G. Homer was employed by Han mathematicians of the 3rd century A.D. If, then, these mathematical processes are to bear the names of the persons who devised them, surely "Pascal" and "Homer" were Chinese. So too might such an argument be posed for the Pythagorean Theorem on the basis of evidence contained in ancient Chinese mathematics texts. It is the purpose of this monograph to present and examine this evidence. This is a joint publication of the Penn State Press and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.Penn State Study No. 40
The Frozen Republic: How the Constitution Is Paralyzing Democracy
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 76.41 $Arguing that the Constitution has created an unresponsive, inefficient government, a political scientist explains how the checks and balances system has created political and social gridlock, resulting in a government controlled by special interests. Tour.
Reclaiming Reluctant Writers: How to encourage students to face their fears and master the essential traits of good writing
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.44 $The primary grades offer young students opportunities to tackle the basics of reading and writing. But when they encounter the demands of intermediate and middle-level writing, many students become unresponsive, and the gap between the willing” and less willing” student widens.Reclaiming Reluctant Writers explores the myths and realities of writing and shows teachers how to give struggling students the knowledge, understanding, and confidence to write willingly and well. This practical guide features classroom-tested activities that take students from isolated skills to a deep and rich understanding of the form and function of language.Included in the book are many strategies for teaching the essentials of good writing: Topics and Flow of IdeasOrganizationFluency and ExperimentationCompetencyPeer EditingPower and VoiceReclaiming Reluctant Writers focuses on inspiring and nurturing young writers to become more competent and to regard writing not as a chore, but as a purposeful, pleasurable and satisfying experience.
Time to Stir : Columbia '68
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 44.46 $For seven days in April 1968, students occupied five buildings on the campus of Columbia University to protest a planned gymnasium in a nearby Harlem park, links between the university and the Vietnam War, and what they saw as the university’s unresponsive attitude toward their concerns. Exhilarating to some and deeply troubling to others, the student protests paralyzed the university, grabbed the world’s attention, and inspired other uprisings. Fifty years after the events, A Time to Stir captures the reflections of those who participated in and witnessed the Columbia rebellion.With more than sixty essays from members of the Columbia chapter of Students for a Democratic Society, the Students’ Afro-American Society, faculty, undergraduates who opposed the protests, “outside agitators,” and members of the New York Police Department, A Time to Stir sheds light on the politics, passions, and ideals of the 1960s. Moving beyond accounts from the student movement’s white leadership, this book presents the perspectives of black students, who were grappling with their uneasy integration into a supposedly liberal campus, as well as the views of women, who began to question their second-class status within the protest movement and society at large. A Time to Stir also speaks to the complicated legacy of the uprising. For many, the events at Columbia inspired a lifelong dedication to social causes, while for others they signaled the beginning of the chaos that would soon engulf the left. Taken together, these reflections present a nuanced and moving portrait that reflects the sense of possibility and excess that characterized the 1960s.
Albion's Dance: British Ballet during the Second World War
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 53.55 $When the Second World War broke out, ballet in Britain was only a few decades old. Few had imagined that it would establish roots in a nation long thought to be unresponsive to dance. Nevertheless, the war proved to be a boon for ballet dancers, choreographers and audiences, for the nation's dancers were forced to look inward to their own identity and sources of creativity. As author Karen Eliot demonstrates in this fascinating book, instead of withering during the enforced isolation of war, ballet in Britain flourished, exhibiting a surprising heterogeneity and vibrant populism that moved ballet outside its typical elitist surroundings to be seen by uninitiated, often enthusiastic audiences. Ballet was thought to help boost audience morale, to render solace to the soul-weary and to afford entertainment and diversion to those who simply craved a few hours of distraction. Government authorities came to see that ballet could serve as a tool of propaganda; the ways it functioned within the larger public discourse of propaganda and sacrifice, and how it answered a public mood of pragmatism and idealism, are also topics in this story of the development of a national ballet identity. This narrative has several key players-- dance critics, male and female dancers, producers, audiences, and choreographers. Exploring the so-called "ballet boom" during WWII, the larger story of this book is one of how art and artists thrive during conflict, and how they respond pragmatically and creatively to privation and duress.
Some of the Dharma
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.36 $Written during a critical period of his life, Some of the Dharma is a key volume for understanding Kerouac and the spiritual underpinnings of his work.While his future masterpiece, On the Road, languished on the desks of unresponsive editors, Kerouac turned to Buddhist practice, and in 1953 began compiling reading notes on the subject intended for his friend Allen Ginsberg. As Kerouac's Buddhist meditation practice intensified, what had begun as notes evolved into a vast and all-encompassing work of nonfiction into which he poured his life, incorporating poems, haiku, prayers, journal entries, meditations, fragments of letters, ideas about writing, overheard conversations, sketches, blues, and more. The final manuscript, completed in 1956, was as visually complex as the writing: each page was unique, typed in patterns and interlocking shapes. The elaborate form that Kerouac so painstakingly gave the book on his manual typewriter is re-created in this typeset facsimile. Passionate and playful, filled with humor, insight, sorrow, and struggle, Some of the Dharma is one of Kerouac's most profound and original works.
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