3 products were found matching your search for vastus in 1 shops:
The Secret of Certavus (Bionicle Growing Reader, Level 3)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.01 $LEGO'S most successful property -- now in books for younger fans!The Glatorian Vastus has always been a fighter who believes that being a fighter is really about is having the best moves, being the fastest, being the most agile or knowing the best tricks. Then he goes on a search for a legendary scroll.Along the way he encounters moments where his tricks aren't enough, and he begins to doubt himself. But when he finds the scroll, he discovers that it does contain a secret on it -- and it is that the best fighter is the one with the courage to keep going even when his skills desert him. Vastus heads back to his village, wiser for the adventure.
Kategorien der Wirklichkeit im fr hen Yogacara [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 119.00 $English description: This book investigates the concept of the five "categories" (vastu) in the Buddhist Yogacara tradition. The five vastus may be understood as an attempt at categorizing all aspects of existence and as such they may probably be regarded as an alternative concept to the theory of the three "natures" (svabhava). The main focus of this book is the description of the five vastus in the Yogacarabhumi. The presentation of the five categories in this early Yogacara work provides an insight into early Yogacara thought which does not yet take into account the theory of cognition-only (vijnaptimatrata). German description: Die Studie bietet eine umfassende Untersuchung der Lehre von den funf Kategorien (Sanskrit: vastu) in der Yogacara-Tradition des Buddhismus. Die Funf-vastu-Lehre stellt, ahnlich dem Konzept der drei Wesen (svabhava), den Versuch dar, samtliche Aspekte des Seins in einem zusammenhangenden Schema zu erfassen. Die im Mittelpunkt des Buches stehende Beschreibung der funf vastus in der Yogacarabhumi (ca. 4. Jahrhundert n.Chr.) bietet einen Einblick in die bislang wenig erforschte Gedankenwelt der fruhen Yogacara-Schule, in der die spater fur diese Tradition zentrale Lehre von der vijnaptimatrata ("bloss-Vorstellung-Sein") noch keine Erwahnung findet.
Kategorien Der Wirklichkeit Im Fruhen Yogacara : Der Funf-vastu-abschnitt in Der Viniscayasamgrahani Der Yogacarabhumi -Language: German
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 163.46 $English description: This book investigates the concept of the five "categories" (vastu) in the Buddhist Yogacara tradition. The five vastus may be understood as an attempt at categorizing all aspects of existence and as such they may probably be regarded as an alternative concept to the theory of the three "natures" (svabhava). The main focus of this book is the description of the five vastus in the Yogacarabhumi. The presentation of the five categories in this early Yogacara work provides an insight into early Yogacara thought which does not yet take into account the theory of cognition-only (vijnaptimatrata). German description: Die Studie bietet eine umfassende Untersuchung der Lehre von den funf Kategorien (Sanskrit: vastu) in der Yogacara-Tradition des Buddhismus. Die Funf-vastu-Lehre stellt, ahnlich dem Konzept der drei Wesen (svabhava), den Versuch dar, samtliche Aspekte des Seins in einem zusammenhangenden Schema zu erfassen. Die im Mittelpunkt des Buches stehende Beschreibung der funf vastus in der Yogacarabhumi (ca. 4. Jahrhundert n.Chr.) bietet einen Einblick in die bislang wenig erforschte Gedankenwelt der fruhen Yogacara-Schule, in der die spater fur diese Tradition zentrale Lehre von der vijnaptimatrata ("bloss-Vorstellung-Sein") noch keine Erwahnung findet.
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