162 products were found matching your search for venomous in 6 shops:
Venomous: How Earth's Deadliest Creatures Mastered Biochemistry
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 65.53 $A thrilling tale of encounters with nature’s masters of biochemistryFrom the coasts of Indonesia to the rainforests of Peru, venomous animals are everywhere―and often lurking out of sight. Humans have feared them for centuries, long considering them the assassins and pariahs of the natural world.Now, in Venomous, the biologist Christie Wilcox investigates and illuminates the animals of our nightmares, arguing that they hold the keys to a deeper understanding of evolution, adaptation, and immunity. She reveals just how venoms function and what they do to the human body. With Wilcox as our guide, we encounter a jellyfish with tentacles covered in stinging cells that can kill humans in minutes; a two-inch caterpillar with toxic bristles that trigger hemorrhaging; and a stunning blue-ringed octopus capable of inducing total paralysis. How do these animals go about their deadly work? How did they develop such intricate, potent toxins? Wilcox takes us around the world and down to the cellular level to find out. Throughout her journey, Wilcox meets the intrepid scientists who risk their lives studying these lethal beasts, as well as “self-immunizers” who deliberately expose themselves to snakebites. Along the way, she puts her own life on the line, narrowly avoiding being envenomated herself. Drawing on her own research, Wilcox explains how venom scientists are untangling the mechanisms of some of our most devastating diseases, and reports on pharmacologists who are already exploiting venoms to produce lifesaving drugs. We discover that venomous creatures are in fact keystone species that play crucial roles in their ecosystems and ours―and for this alone, they ought to be protected and appreciated.Thrilling and surprising at every turn, Venomous will change everything you thought you knew about the planet’s most dangerous animals.
Venomous arthropod handbook Paperback
Vendor: Heritagereads.com Price: 5.95 $"Venomous Arthropod Handbook" by Terry L. Biery is an indispensable resource for researchers, educators, and enthusiasts interested in the fascinating world of venomous arthropods. This comprehensive guide delves into the biology, ecology, and taxonomy of various species, including spiders, scorpions, and insects known for their venomous capabilities. Biery presents clear, detailed descriptions and high-quality illustrations, making complex information accessible to a wide audience. The handbook not only covers identification and habitat but also provides insights into venom mechanisms, medical significance, and safety precautions for those who encounter these creatures in the wild. With its meticulous research and engaging writing style, "Venomous Arthropod Handbook" serves as both a reference and a captivating read. Whether you're a student, a field researcher, or simply curious about these intriguing organisms, Biery’s work compiles vital knowledge that enhances our understanding of nature's often misunderstood predators. This handbook is a must-have for any naturalist's library.
Venomous Reptiles of the United States, Canada, and Northern Mexico : Heloderma, Micruroides, Micrurus, Pelamis, Agkistrodon, Sistrurus
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 101.24 $Carl and Evelyn Ernst have completely revised their landmark reference Venomous Reptiles of North America to present the most comprehensive review of these animals in years. Volume One of this definitive work presents dramatically improved species accounts of the venomous lizards and elapid and viperid snakes found north of Mexico’s twenty-fifth parallel. Volume Two will cover the twenty-one rattlesnakes found in the United States, Canada, and, for the first time, species found only in northern Mexico. Ernst and Ernst have painstakingly researched and verified the highly valuable and detailed information in this volume, including every detail of the lives of these fascinating and sometimes deadly animals. Venomous Reptiles of the United States, Canada, and Northern Mexico provides facts on each animal’s diet, reproductive behavior, physiology, ecology, and conservation status. The book also covers details on snakebite, how venom is delivered, venom composition, antivenom production, and medical treatments of envenomation. Each species account includes vivid photographs that aid with identification and detailed maps that show the species range. Venomous Reptiles of the United States, Canada, and Northern Mexico represents the latest research on these animals and includes the most extensive bibliography of literature on the subject. Anyone with an interest in venom, snakes, or herpetology in general will find a wealth of information within the pages of these impressive volumes.
Venomous Reptiles of the United States, Canada, and Northern Mexico: Crotalus (Volume 2)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.53 $2012 Outstanding Academic Title, Choice MagazineCarl H. and Evelyn M. Ernst have completely revised their landmark reference Venomous Reptiles of North America to present the most comprehensive review of these animals in years. The first volume contains species accounts of the venomous lizards and elapid and viperid snakes found north of Mexico's twenty-fifth parallel. Volume 2 of this definitive work covers the twenty-one species of the genus Crotalus found in the United States, Canada, and, for the first time, those found in northern Mexico.Mixing their own research with careful data description and intriguing stories, Ernst and Ernst present the most accurate and interesting view of North America’s rattlesnakes available. They provide general background information on Crotalus, including venom delivery systems, how rattles function, what rattlesnakes eat, and what eats rattlesnakes. Additionally, they offer specific and fascinating details, such as observations of rattlesnakes swimming to offshore islands, accounts of male combat bouts, possible "anting" behavior in Crotalus viridis, and the features of the Santa Catalina Island rattleless rattlesnake. Each species account includes vivid photographs, range maps, and explanations of the limits to their respective distribution.Presenting the latest research on venomous reptiles in the United States, Canada, and northern Mexico and featuring an extensive bibliography of literature on the subject, this volume contains a wealth of information for anyone with an interest in venom, snakes, or herpetology in general.
The Venomous
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 20.22 $ (+1.99 $)The Venomous Nightrage - LP 7350049513799
Venomous Rat Regeneration Vendor
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 28.15 $A rock icon and auteur filmmaker with insight and unlimited vision, Rob Zombie has continuously challenged audiences as he stretches the boundaries of music, film, and publishing. Now, the seven-time Grammy-nominated recording artist releases his fifth solo album, VENOMOUS RAT REGENERATION VENDOR. Includes the first single, "Dead City Radio and the New Gods of Super Town," along with such tracks as "Ging Gang Gong de Do Gong de Laga Raga," "Lucifer Rising," "Behold! the Pretty Filthy Creatures"
Venomous?? Bites from Non-Venomous Snakes
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 120.14 $This book is the first significant contribution to thoroughly examine the potential hazards associated with snakes of the former family, Colubridae. This family contained >65% of living snake species (approximately 3,000 taxa) and has recently been split into multiple families. Many of these snakes produce oral secretions that contain toxins and other biologically-active substances. A large variety of these snakes figure in the pet industry, yet little documented information or formal study of their potential medical importance has been published. Therefore, although the possible medical importance of many of these species has been subjected to speculation since the mid-nineteenth century, there is a limited amount of useful descriptive information regarding the real hazard (or lack thereof) of snakes belonging to this diverse, artificial family. There is a need for "one-stop shopping" offering information regarding their possible toxicity and clinical relevance as well as recommendations for medical management of their bites. This book is the first synthesis of this information and includes evidence-based risk assessment, hazard rankings and specific recommendations regarding important species, many common in captivity.Fills a gap in the toxinological, medical and herpetological literature by providing a comprehensive review of this entire assemblage of snakes, with particular attention given to their capacity, real or rumored, to cause harm to humansA patient-centered, evidence-based approach is applied to analyzing documented case reports of bites inflicted by approximately 100 speciesClinical management of medically significant bites from non-front-fanged colubroids is methodically reviewed, and specific recommendations are provided
Venomous Reptiles of the United States, Canada, and Northern Mexico: Heloderma, Micruroides, Micrurus, Pelamis, Agkistrodon, Sistrurus (Volume 1)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 8.43 $Carl and Evelyn Ernst have completely revised their landmark reference Venomous Reptiles of North America to present the most comprehensive review of these animals in years. Volume One of this definitive work presents dramatically improved species accounts of the venomous lizards and elapid and viperid snakes found north of Mexico’s twenty-fifth parallel. Volume Two will cover the twenty-one rattlesnakes found in the United States, Canada, and, for the first time, species found only in northern Mexico. Ernst and Ernst have painstakingly researched and verified the highly valuable and detailed information in this volume, including every detail of the lives of these fascinating and sometimes deadly animals. Venomous Reptiles of the United States, Canada, and Northern Mexico provides facts on each animal’s diet, reproductive behavior, physiology, ecology, and conservation status. The book also covers details on snakebite, how venom is delivered, venom composition, antivenom production, and medical treatments of envenomation. Each species account includes vivid photographs that aid with identification and detailed maps that show the species range. Venomous Reptiles of the United States, Canada, and Northern Mexico represents the latest research on these animals and includes the most extensive bibliography of literature on the subject. Anyone with an interest in venom, snakes, or herpetology in general will find a wealth of information within the pages of these impressive volumes.
Venomous King
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.59 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Venomous Reptiles of North America
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 102.91 $A guide to identifying all venomous reptiles north of Mexico, from copperheads, cottonmouths, and rattlesnakes to the Gila monster
The Venomous Reptiles of the Western Hemisphere - Volume 1 Only
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 70.00 $Since the publication of The Venomous Reptiles of Latin America by Cornell University Press in 1989, scientific discoveries and taxonomic changes have resulted in the addition of many taxa and species to the herpetological fauna of the Western Hemisphere. This updated, heavily rewritten, and greatly expanded version of that book now includes accounts of all 192 species of venomous snakes and lizards found in the Western Hemisphere. This two-volume set is illustrated with stunning color photographs, including portraits of venomous reptiles (many of which are unique in showing newly discovered species and views of male, female, and juvenile individuals); images of snakebites, an important tool for diagnosis and treatment; color vegetation and topographic maps; black-and-white photographs; line figures; and completely revised distribution maps. Volume I includes a list of tables, preface, introduction, and regional/country accounts with related bilingual identification keys and vegetation and topographic maps. Genus and species accounts in this volume treat the lizards, coralsnakes, seasnakes, and all the pitvipers except rattlesnakes; these accounts are accompanied by color photographs of each species. Volume I also contains a complete index to both volumes.Volume II includes descriptions of all known species of rattlesnakes. It also features four chapters by experts on mimicry, evolution, and snakebite treatment in tropical and temperate America. A glossary, literature-cited section, and index serve both volumes. Color photographs portray rattlesnakes, mimics, and the damage done by snakebite.The Venomous Reptiles of the Western Hemisphere, Volumes I and II is an essential reference for all naturalists interested in herpetology―amateurs impressed by the beauty and complexity of venomous reptiles as well as professional herpetologists and their students conducting research in the classroom, at the zoo, and in the field.
Venomous Reptiles of the United States, Canada, and Northern Mexico : Crotalus
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 77.09 $2012 Outstanding Academic Title, Choice MagazineCarl H. and Evelyn M. Ernst have completely revised their landmark reference Venomous Reptiles of North America to present the most comprehensive review of these animals in years. The first volume contains species accounts of the venomous lizards and elapid and viperid snakes found north of Mexico's twenty-fifth parallel. Volume 2 of this definitive work covers the twenty-one species of the genus Crotalus found in the United States, Canada, and, for the first time, those found in northern Mexico.Mixing their own research with careful data description and intriguing stories, Ernst and Ernst present the most accurate and interesting view of North America’s rattlesnakes available. They provide general background information on Crotalus, including venom delivery systems, how rattles function, what rattlesnakes eat, and what eats rattlesnakes. Additionally, they offer specific and fascinating details, such as observations of rattlesnakes swimming to offshore islands, accounts of male combat bouts, possible "anting" behavior in Crotalus viridis, and the features of the Santa Catalina Island rattleless rattlesnake. Each species account includes vivid photographs, range maps, and explanations of the limits to their respective distribution.Presenting the latest research on venomous reptiles in the United States, Canada, and northern Mexico and featuring an extensive bibliography of literature on the subject, this volume contains a wealth of information for anyone with an interest in venom, snakes, or herpetology in general.
Venomous Snakes of Australia and Oceania
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 54.95 $168, 656 col photos, distribution maps. . HB. NEW. . This volume presents the venomous snakes of Australia and Oceania - alI of the about 140 taxa currently recognized or under description of the family Elapidae, several of them with colour variations. A few of these species are depicted for the first time. The newest systematics is introduced. Controversial taxonomic issues are discussed in the introduction. Every photograph is accompanied by a symbol-based overview of the individual species' biology and terrarium requirements. Information on natural habitats and dietary preferences will contribute to their successful rearing and breeding in captivity. More than 650 colour photographs make this an illustrated reference for scientists as well as terrarium keepers. The book provides a unique synopsis of the diversity of colours and morphs of the venomous snakes of Australia and Oceania. [9783899733686]
Venomous Creatures of Australia: A Field Guide with Notes on First Aid
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 87.92 $Now in its third edition, Venomous Creatures of Australia remains the definitive field guide on the subject. Fully updated, it describes more than sixty of the continent's poisonous animals--including snakes, spiders, bees, wasps, ants, and jellyfish--and how to perform life-saving first aid procedures in the event of attack. With its easy-to-use format, full-color photographs, location maps, and helpful illustrations, the guide is ideal for hikers, divers, campers, teachers, hospital workers, scouts, and pharmacists.
The Venomous Snakes and their Mimics of Panama and Costa Rica: Las Culebras Venenosas y sus Mímicas de Panamá y Costa Rica
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 57.75 $Snakes are feared around the world. In some countries, such as Panama and Costa Rica, this comes from the presence of venomous snakes that bite and, in some cases, kill people. In truth, the majority of snakes are not a threat to humans, and all are fascinating animals that deserve our protection and understanding. This book includes: · Text in easy-to-read English and Spanish · 56 species accounts with range maps · Over 150 colored photographs · “No Touch” keys to help identify species · List of hospitals in Panama and Costa Rica by province It is our hope that this book will not only help to limit the incidental and unnecessary killings of snakes, but also reduce the number of accidental snake bites. Las culebras son temidas en todo el mundo. En algunos países, como Panamá y Costa Rica, esta proviene de la presencia de culebras venenosas que se muerden y, en algunos casos, matan a la gente. En verdad, la mayoría de las culebras no son una amenaza para los seres humanos, y todos son animales fascinantes que merecen nuestra protección y comprensión. Este libro incluye: · Texto de fácil de leer en inglés y en español · 56 descripciones de especies con mapas de distribución · Más de 150 fotografías en color · Claves de "No Tocar" para ayudar a identificar las especies · Lista de hospitales en Panamá y Costa Rica por provincia Es nuestra esperanza que este libro no sólo nos ayudará a limitar la captura incidental y muertes innecesarias de culebras, sino también reducir el número de accidentes las mordeduras de culebras.
Venomous Snakes In Captivity: Safety And Husbandry
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 63.86 $This Book Includes: Proper Housing, Responsible Husbandry, The Tools and Equipment, Safe Handling Practices, Mistakes to be Avoided, Tips for Safety and Effeciency, Federal and State Regulatory Agencies, Emergency Contacts and 76 FULL COLOR Illustrations. Endorsed by the Miami Dade Antivenom Unit.
Venomous Bites from Non-venomous Snakes
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 129.04 $2nd edition. 400 pages. 9.25x7.50x1.97 inches. In Stock.
The Venomous Reptiles of Latin America [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 64.76 $First edition. Book is like new, dust jacket is very good. Free tracking.
Venomous Animals of the United States and Canada A Guide to Vertebrates and Invertebrates of Land and Sea [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.00 $Very slight edge rubbing, one reading crease on spine. ; Large 8vo 9" - 10" tall; 928 pages
Venomous Bites from Non-venomous Snakes : A Critical Analysis of Risk and Management of "Colubrid" Snake Bites
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 125.23 $This book is the first significant contribution to thoroughly examine the potential hazards associated with snakes of the former family, Colubridae. This family contained >65% of living snake species (approximately 3,000 taxa) and has recently been split into multiple families. Many of these snakes produce oral secretions that contain toxins and other biologically-active substances. A large variety of these snakes figure in the pet industry, yet little documented information or formal study of their potential medical importance has been published. Therefore, although the possible medical importance of many of these species has been subjected to speculation since the mid-nineteenth century, there is a limited amount of useful descriptive information regarding the real hazard (or lack thereof) of snakes belonging to this diverse, artificial family. There is a need for "one-stop shopping" offering information regarding their possible toxicity and clinical relevance as well as recommendations for medical management of their bites. This book is the first synthesis of this information and includes evidence-based risk assessment, hazard rankings and specific recommendations regarding important species, many common in captivity.Fills a gap in the toxinological, medical and herpetological literature by providing a comprehensive review of this entire assemblage of snakes, with particular attention given to their capacity, real or rumored, to cause harm to humansA patient-centered, evidence-based approach is applied to analyzing documented case reports of bites inflicted by approximately 100 speciesClinical management of medically significant bites from non-front-fanged colubroids is methodically reviewed, and specific recommendations are provided
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