55 products were found matching your search for verilog in 1 shops:
Verilog Styles for Synthesis of Digital Systems
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 19.23 $This book is designed specifically to make the cutting-edge techniques of digital hardware design more accessible to those just entering the field. The text uses a simpler language (Verilog) and standardizes the methodology to the point where even novices can get medium complex designs through to gate-level simulation in a short period of time. Requires a working knowledge of computer organization, Unix, and X windows. Some knowledge of a programming language such as C or Java is desirable, but not necessary. Features a large number of worked examples and problems--from 100 to 100k gate equivalents--all synthesized and successfully verified by simulation at gate level using the VCS compiled simulator, the FPGA Compiler and Behavioral Compiler available from Synopsys, and the FPGA tool suites from Altera and Xilinx. Basic Language Constructs. Structural and Behavioral Specification. Simulation. Procedural Specification. Design Approaches for Single Modules. Validation of Single Modules. Finite State Machine Styles. Control-Point Writing Style. Managing Complexity--Large Designs. Improving Timing, Area, and Power. Design Compiler. Synthesis to Standard Cells. Synthesis to FPGA. Gate Level Simulation and Testing. Alternative Writing Styles. Mixed Technology Design. For anyone wanting an accessible, accelerated introduction to the cutting-edge tools for Digital Hardware Design.
Verilog and SystemVerilog Gotchas: 101 Common Coding Errors and How to Avoid Them
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 84.66 $This book will help engineers write better Verilog/SystemVerilog design and verification code as well as deliver digital designs to market more quickly. It shows over 100 common coding mistakes that can be made with the Verilog and SystemVerilog languages.
The Verilog® Hardware Description Language
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 75.85 $Presents the language through examples illustrating the important styles of representation including: structural models, behavioral models of combinational and sequential circuits for logic synthesis, FSM-datapath models, and cycle-accurate descriptions.
The Verilog? Hardware Description Language
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 42.37 $The Third Edition has been revised and updated to conform to the IEEE 1364-1995 Standard. Several entirely new chapters have been added including a chapter on Advanced Timing and a chapter on Synthesis. The chapter on synthesis presents methods of describing systems for both logic and behavioral synthesis.Thomas & Moorby's The Verilog Hardware Description Language, Third Edition is a valuable resource for engineers and students interested in describing, simulating and synthesizing digital systems.The book and the CD-ROM allow the reader to be able to study Verilog as well as use it.
Verilog Digital System Design: Register Transfer Level Synthesis, Testbench, and Verification
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 208.58 $This rigorous text shows electronics designers and students how to deploy Verilog in sophisticated digital systems design.The Second Edition is completely updated -- along with the many worked examples -- for Verilog 2001, new synthesis standards and coverage of the new OVI verification library.
Verilog for Digital Design
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 53.44 $* Ideal as either a standalone introductory guide or in tandem with Vahid's Digital Design to allow for greater language coverage, this is an accessible introductory guide to hardware description language * Verilog is a hardware description language used to model electronic systems (sometimes called Verilog HDL) and this book is helpful for anyone who is starting out and learning the language * Focuses on application and use of the language, rather than just teaching the basics of the language
A Verilog Hdl Primer
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 96.78 $Second edition describes more features, has expanded test bench modeling section, more examples explaining constructs and has exercises to every chapter.
Verilog Digital System Design: Register Transfer Level Synthesis, Testbench, and Verification
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 8.73 $This rigorous text shows electronics designers and students how to deploy Verilog in sophisticated digital systems design.The Second Edition is completely updated -- along with the many worked examples -- for Verilog 2001, new synthesis standards and coverage of the new OVI verification library.
Verilog and SystemVerilog Gotchas: 101 Common Coding Errors and How to Avoid Them
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 187.83 $This book will help engineers write better Verilog/SystemVerilog design and verification code as well as deliver digital designs to market more quickly. It shows over 100 common coding mistakes that can be made with the Verilog and SystemVerilog languages. Each example explains in detail the symptoms of the error, the languages rules that cover the error, and the correct coding style to avoid the error. The book helps digital design and verification engineers to recognize, and avoid, these common coding mistakes. Many of these errors are very subtle, and can potentially cost hours or days of lost engineering time trying to find and debug them.
Verilog and SystemVerilog Gotchas: 101 Common Coding Errors and How to Avoid Them
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 135.72 $This book will help engineers write better Verilog/SystemVerilog design and verification code as well as deliver digital designs to market more quickly. It shows over 100 common coding mistakes that can be made with the Verilog and SystemVerilog languages.
Verilog HDL: A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 136.98 $A complete Verilog HDL reference which progresses from the basic Verilog concepts to the most advanced concepts in digital design, from gate, RTL and behavioural modelling to timing simulation, switch level modelling, PLI and logic synthesis.
Verilog Styles for Synthesis of Digital Systems
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.00 $This book is designed specifically to make the cutting-edge techniques of digital hardware design more accessible to those just entering the field. The text uses a simpler language (Verilog) and standardizes the methodology to the point where even novices can get medium complex designs through to gate-level simulation in a short period of time. Requires a working knowledge of computer organization, Unix, and X windows. Some knowledge of a programming language such as C or Java is desirable, but not necessary. Features a large number of worked examples and problems--from 100 to 100k gate equivalents--all synthesized and successfully verified by simulation at gate level using the VCS compiled simulator, the FPGA Compiler and Behavioral Compiler available from Synopsys, and the FPGA tool suites from Altera and Xilinx. Basic Language Constructs. Structural and Behavioral Specification. Simulation. Procedural Specification. Design Approaches for Single Modules. Validation of Single Modules. Finite State Machine Styles. Control-Point Writing Style. Managing Complexity--Large Designs. Improving Timing, Area, and Power. Design Compiler. Synthesis to Standard Cells. Synthesis to FPGA. Gate Level Simulation and Testing. Alternative Writing Styles. Mixed Technology Design. For anyone wanting an accessible, accelerated introduction to the cutting-edge tools for Digital Hardware Design.
Verilog Hdl Synthesis: A Practical Primer
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 102.96 $With this book, you can: - Start writing synthesizable Verilog models quickly. - See what constructs are supported for synthesis and how these map to hardware so that you can get the desired logic. - Learn techniques to help avoid having functional mismatches. - Immediately start using many of the models for commonly used hardware elements described for your own use or modify these for your own application.
Principles of Verilog Digital Design
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 85.16 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Principles of Verilog Digital Design
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 66.95 $New. US edition. Expediting shipping for all USA and Europe orders excluding PO Box. Excellent Customer Service.
System Verilog for Verification
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 95.17 $Based on the highly successful second edition, this extended edition of SystemVerilog for Verification: A Guide to Learning the Testbench Language Features teaches all verification features of the SystemVerilog language, providing hundreds of examples to clearly explain the concepts and basic fundamentals. It contains materials for both the full-time verification engineer and the student learning this valuable skill.In the third edition, authors Chris Spear and Greg Tumbush start with how to verify a design, and then use that context to demonstrate the language features, including the advantages and disadvantages of different styles, allowing readers to choose between alternatives. This textbook contains end-of-chapter exercises designed to enhance students’ understanding of the material. Other features of this revision include:New sections on static variables, print specifiers, and DPI from the 2009 IEEE language standardDescriptions of UVM features such as factories, the test registry, and the configuration databaseExpanded code samples and explanations Numerous samples that have been tested on the major SystemVerilog simulatorsSystemVerilog for Verification: A Guide to Learning the Testbench Language Features, Third Edition is suitable for use in a one-semester SystemVerilog course on SystemVerilog at the undergraduate or graduate level. Many of the improvements to this new edition were compiled through feedback provided from hundreds of readers.
FPGA Prototyping by Verilog Examples: Xilinx Spartan-3 Version
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 125.89 $FPGA Prototyping Using Verilog Examples will provide you with a hands-on introduction to Verilog synthesis and FPGA programming through a “learn by doing” approach. By following the clear, easy-to-understand templates for code development and the numerous practical examples, you can quickly develop and simulate a sophisticated digital circuit, realize it on a prototyping device, and verify the operation of its physical implementation. This introductory text that will provide you with a solid foundation, instill confidence with rigorous examples for complex systems and prepare you for future development tasks.
Practical Guide to Verilog-a : Mastering the Modeling Language for Analog Devices, Circuits and Systems
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 54.98 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Digital Design with Verilog® HDL: (Formerly titled "Hardware Modeling with Verilog HDL") (Design Automation Series)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 59.54 $Verilog HDL is the standard hardware description language for the design of digital systems and VLSI devices. This volume shows designers how to describe pieces of hardware functionally in Verilog using a top-down design approach, which is illustrated with a number of large design examples. The work is organized to present material in a progressive manner, beginning with an introduction to Verilog HDL and ending with a complete example of the modelling and testing of a large subsystem.
A Practical Guide to Verilog-A: Mastering the Modeling Language for Analog Devices, Circuits, and Systems
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.37 $Brand New. Soft Cover International Edition. Different ISBN and Cover Image. Priced lower than the standard editions which is usually intended to make them more affordable for students abroad. The core content of the book is generally the same as the standard edition. The country selling restrictions may be printed on the book but is no problem for the self-use. This Item maybe shipped from US or any other country as we have multiple locations worldwide.
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