101 products were found matching your search for verilog in 1 shops:
Verilog Designer's Library
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 5.47 $Ready-to-use building blocks for integrated circuit design. Why start coding from scratch when you can work from this library of pre-tested routines, created by an HDL expert? There are plenty of introductory texts to describe the basics of Verilog, but Verilog Designer's Library is the only book that offers real, reusable routines that you can put to work right away. Verilog Designer's Library organizes Verilog routines according to functionality, making it easy to locate the material you need. Each function is described by a behavioral model to use for simulation, followed by the RTL code you'll use to synthesize the gate-level implementation. Extensive test code is included for each function, to assist you with your own verification efforts. Coverage includes: Essential Verilog coding techniques Basic building blocks of successful routines State machines and memories Practical debugging guidelines Although Verilog Designer's Library assumes a basic familiarity with Verilog structure and syntax, it does not require a background in programming. Beginners can work through the book in sequence to develop their skills, while experienced Verilog users can go directly to the routines they need. Hardware designers, systems analysts, VARs, OEMs, software developers, and system integrators will find it an ideal sourcebook on all aspects of Verilog development.
Verilog Digital System Design: Register Transfer Level Synthesis, Testbench, and Verification
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 173.69 $This rigorous text shows electronics designers and students how to deploy Verilog in sophisticated digital systems design.The Second Edition is completely updated -- along with the many worked examples -- for Verilog 2001, new synthesis standards and coverage of the new OVI verification library.
Verilog(r) QuickStart: A Practical Guide to Simulation and Synthesis in Verilog
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 72.18 $From a review of the Second Edition 'If you are new to the field and want to know what "all this Verilog stuff is about," you've found the golden goose. The text here is straight forward, complete, and example rich -mega-multi-kudos to the author James Lee. Though not as detailed as the Verilog reference guides from Cadence, it likewise doesn't suffer from the excessive abstractness those make you wade through. This is a quick and easy read, and will serve as a desktop reference for as long as Verilog lives. Best testimonial: I'm buying my fourth and fifth copies tonight (I've loaned out/lost two of my others).' Zach Coombes, AMD
Verilog HDL, 2/e (with CD)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.52 $Verilog HDL is a language for digital design, just as C is a language for programming. This complete Verilog HDL reference progresses from the basic Verilog concepts to the most advanced concepts in digital design. Palnitkar covers the gamut of Verilog HDL fundamentals, such as gate, RTL, and behavioral modeling, all the way to advanced concepts, such as timing simulation, switch level modeling, PLI, and logic synthesis. Verilog HDL is a hardware description language (with a user community of more than 50,000 active designers) used to design and document electronic systems. This completely updated reference progresses from basic to advanced concepts in digital design, including timing simulation, switch level modeling, PLI, and logic synthesis.
A Verilog Hdl Primer
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 115.91 $- Written for new users. - Explains the language through simple examples. - Explains the syntax of language using commonly-used design terminology. - Explains the behavioral style, the dataflow style, and structural style in detail. - Concepts of delay and timing are clearly explained. - Testbench writing is made easier by providing a number of examples. - Many hardware modeling examples have also been provided to make this an excellent reference. Also includes exercises for every chapter and expanded coverage of more language features including test bench writing strategies. Third edition is based on IEEE Verilog 2001 Standard. It includes explanations of all the new features introduced in this version of the language, with examples.
Verilog and SystemVerilog Gotchas: 101 Common Coding Errors and How to Avoid Them
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 172.88 $This book will help engineers write better Verilog/SystemVerilog design and verification code as well as deliver digital designs to market more quickly. It shows over 100 common coding mistakes that can be made with the Verilog and SystemVerilog languages. Each example explains in detail the symptoms of the error, the languages rules that cover the error, and the correct coding style to avoid the error. The book helps digital design and verification engineers to recognize, and avoid, these common coding mistakes. Many of these errors are very subtle, and can potentially cost hours or days of lost engineering time trying to find and debug them.
Verilog Digital System Design [With CDROM]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 56.19 $Hardware description languages are used to design high density VLSI, allowing designers to put millions of transistors on a single substrate. Verilog is closing in on VHDL as the most popular of the hardware description languages. This is a tutorial in designing with Verilog. Each major chapter features in-depth Verilog examples of the coding described, and all the examples are assembled into a final full CPU design. The CD-ROM includes a Verilog simulator and all examples worked in the book.
Verilog Styles for Synthesis of Digital Systems [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 100.00 $This book is designed specifically to make the cutting-edge techniques of digital hardware design more accessible to those just entering the field. The text uses a simpler language (Verilog) and standardizes the methodology to the point where even novices can get medium complex designs through to gate-level simulation in a short period of time. Requires a working knowledge of computer organization, Unix, and X windows. Some knowledge of a programming language such as C or Java is desirable, but not necessary. Features a large number of worked examples and problems--from 100 to 100k gate equivalents--all synthesized and successfully verified by simulation at gate level using the VCS compiled simulator, the FPGA Compiler and Behavioral Compiler available from Synopsys, and the FPGA tool suites from Altera and Xilinx. Basic Language Constructs. Structural and Behavioral Specification. Simulation. Procedural Specification. Design Approaches for Single Modules. Validation of Single Modules. Finite State Machine Styles. Control-Point Writing Style. Managing Complexity--Large Designs. Improving Timing, Area, and Power. Design Compiler. Synthesis to Standard Cells. Synthesis to FPGA. Gate Level Simulation and Testing. Alternative Writing Styles. Mixed Technology Design. For anyone wanting an accessible, accelerated introduction to the cutting-edge tools for Digital Hardware Design.
Verilog Digital Computer Design: Algorithms into Hardware
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 95.00 $Understand the fundamental goals, structure, and behavior of Verilog; Discover how to use ASMs as the "master plan" for digital design; Walk through the three stages of Verilog design: behavioral, mixed, and structural; Learn Verilog simulation techniques for Mealy machines and bottom-testing loops; Use Verilog simulation techniques to model propagation delay; Leverage special-purpose design techniques to build general-purpose processors; Build a CPU from a ready-to-synthesize programmable logic example. Verilog Digital Computer Design: Algorithms to Hardware is more than a great guide to Verilog: it's a primer on the enduring concepts of computer design that will apply no matter which tools you choose.
The Verilog? Hardware Description Language
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 42.37 $The Third Edition has been revised and updated to conform to the IEEE 1364-1995 Standard. Several entirely new chapters have been added including a chapter on Advanced Timing and a chapter on Synthesis. The chapter on synthesis presents methods of describing systems for both logic and behavioral synthesis.Thomas & Moorby's The Verilog Hardware Description Language, Third Edition is a valuable resource for engineers and students interested in describing, simulating and synthesizing digital systems.The book and the CD-ROM allow the reader to be able to study Verilog as well as use it.
Verilog for Digital Design
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 90.16 $* Ideal as either a standalone introductory guide or in tandem with Vahid's Digital Design to allow for greater language coverage, this is an accessible introductory guide to hardware description language * Verilog is a hardware description language used to model electronic systems (sometimes called Verilog HDL) and this book is helpful for anyone who is starting out and learning the language * Focuses on application and use of the language, rather than just teaching the basics of the language
Verilog and SystemVerilog Gotchas: 101 Common Coding Errors and How to Avoid Them
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 187.85 $This book will help engineers write better Verilog/SystemVerilog design and verification code as well as deliver digital designs to market more quickly. It shows over 100 common coding mistakes that can be made with the Verilog and SystemVerilog languages. Each example explains in detail the symptoms of the error, the languages rules that cover the error, and the correct coding style to avoid the error. The book helps digital design and verification engineers to recognize, and avoid, these common coding mistakes. Many of these errors are very subtle, and can potentially cost hours or days of lost engineering time trying to find and debug them.
Verilog Styles for Synthesis of Digital Systems
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 19.23 $This book is designed specifically to make the cutting-edge techniques of digital hardware design more accessible to those just entering the field. The text uses a simpler language (Verilog) and standardizes the methodology to the point where even novices can get medium complex designs through to gate-level simulation in a short period of time. Requires a working knowledge of computer organization, Unix, and X windows. Some knowledge of a programming language such as C or Java is desirable, but not necessary. Features a large number of worked examples and problems--from 100 to 100k gate equivalents--all synthesized and successfully verified by simulation at gate level using the VCS compiled simulator, the FPGA Compiler and Behavioral Compiler available from Synopsys, and the FPGA tool suites from Altera and Xilinx. Basic Language Constructs. Structural and Behavioral Specification. Simulation. Procedural Specification. Design Approaches for Single Modules. Validation of Single Modules. Finite State Machine Styles. Control-Point Writing Style. Managing Complexity--Large Designs. Improving Timing, Area, and Power. Design Compiler. Synthesis to Standard Cells. Synthesis to FPGA. Gate Level Simulation and Testing. Alternative Writing Styles. Mixed Technology Design. For anyone wanting an accessible, accelerated introduction to the cutting-edge tools for Digital Hardware Design.
Verilog Quickstart : A Practical Guide to Simulation and Synthesis in Verilog
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 180.31 $From a review of the Second Edition 'If you are new to the field and want to know what "all this Verilog stuff is about," you've found the golden goose. The text here is straight forward, complete, and example rich -mega-multi-kudos to the author James Lee. Though not as detailed as the Verilog reference guides from Cadence, it likewise doesn't suffer from the excessive abstractness those make you wade through. This is a quick and easy read, and will serve as a desktop reference for as long as Verilog lives. Best testimonial: I'm buying my fourth and fifth copies tonight (I've loaned out/lost two of my others).' Zach Coombes, AMD
Verilog Hdl
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 50.88 $Stresses the practical design perspective of Verilog rather than emphasizing only the language aspects. The information presented is fully compliant with the upcoming IEEE 1364 Verilog HDL standard. CD ROM included.
The Verilog® Hardware Description Language
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 72.44 $Presents the language through examples illustrating the important styles of representation including: structural models, behavioral models of combinational and sequential circuits for logic synthesis, FSM-datapath models, and cycle-accurate descriptions.
Verilog for Digital Design
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.58 $* Ideal as either a standalone introductory guide or in tandem with Vahid's Digital Design to allow for greater language coverage, this is an accessible introductory guide to hardware description language * Verilog is a hardware description language used to model electronic systems (sometimes called Verilog HDL) and this book is helpful for anyone who is starting out and learning the language * Focuses on application and use of the language, rather than just teaching the basics of the language
Verilog HDL: A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 86.25 $A complete Verilog HDL reference which progresses from the basic Verilog concepts to the most advanced concepts in digital design, from gate, RTL and behavioural modelling to timing simulation, switch level modelling, PLI and logic synthesis.
Verilog Digital System Design: Register Transfer Level Synthesis, Testbench, and Verification
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.64 $This rigorous text shows electronics designers and students how to deploy Verilog in sophisticated digital systems design.The Second Edition is completely updated -- along with the many worked examples -- for Verilog 2001, new synthesis standards and coverage of the new OVI verification library.
The Verilog® Hardware Description Language
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 126.06 $xv From the Old to the New xvii Acknowledgments xxi 1 Verilog – A Tutorial Introduction 1 Getting Started 2 A Structural Description 2 Simulating the binaryToESeg Driver 4 Creating Ports For the Module 7 Creating a Testbench For a Module 8 11 Behavioral Modeling of Combinational Circuits Procedural Models 12 Rules for Synthesizing Combinational Circuits 13 14 Procedural Modeling of Clocked Sequential Circuits Modeling Finite State Machines 15 Rules for Synthesizing Sequential Systems 18 Non-Blocking Assignment ("
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