38 products were found matching your search for webern in 3 shops:
Anton von Webern (20th Century Composers)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.01 $A concise biographical study of the life and work of Anton von Webern. The book explores the idea that modern music is obscure by setting Webern's technical advances against the Romantic inheritance of 19th century Austro-Germany.
Stravinsky, Ligeti, Berg, Webern
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 25.98 $Stravinsky, Ligeti, Berg, Webern Stravinsky / Ligeti / Berg / Webern - DVD 822231302896
Anton Von Webern: A Chronicle of His Life and Work
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.37 $Based on the discovery of previously unknown Webern manuscripts, notebooks, and diaries, this biography of the twentieth-century composer examines all the crucial elements of his life and work, including his years as a pupil of Schoenberg
Anton Von Webern: a Chronicle of His Life and Work
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.29 $Based on the discovery of previously unknown Webern manuscripts, notebooks, and diaries, this biography of the twentieth-century composer examines all the crucial elements of his life and work, including his years as a pupil of Schoenberg
Twelve Note Music of Anton Webern: Old Forms in a New Language (Music in the Twentieth Century, Series Number 2)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.13 $This important new study reassesses the position of Anton Webern in twentieth-century music. The twelve-note method of composition adopted by Anton Webern had profound consequences for composers of the next generation such as Stockhausen and Boulez, who saw Webern's music as revolutionary. In her detailed analyses, however, Professor Bailey demonstrates a fundamentally traditional aspect to Webern's creativity, when describing his own music. Professor Bailey analyses all Webern's twelve-note works (from Op. 17 to Op. 31) i.e. the instrumental and vocal music written between 1924 and 1943. These analyses draw on sketch material recently made available at the Paul Sacher Foundation in Basel and include transcriptions of little-known drafts and sketches. A most valuable aspect of the book is the inclusion in appendices of such materials as a complete explanation of the row content of each work, the correct prime form of each of the rows from Op. 20 onwards, with a matrix constructed for each, and exhaustive row analyses.
The Death Of Anton Webern: A Drama In Documents
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.73 $The Death of Anton Webern: A Drama in Documents 0.43
Alexander Zemlinsky, Briefwechsel mit Arnold Schönberg, Anton Webern, Alban Berg und Franz Schreker. Briefwechsel der Wiender Schule Band 1.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 54.00 $XL, 403 S. : Ill. Sehr gutes Ex. mit leicht beriebenem und verschmutztem Schutzumschlag. Der Einband ist leicht bestoßen. Die Seiten sind sehr sauber und ordentlich. - THOMAS ERTELT - - Vorwort - - HORST WEBER - - Vorwort des Herausgebers - - Zur Edition - - Über Zemlinskys Verhältnis zu Schönberg und seinem Kreis - - Briefwechsel Zemlinsky - Schönberg - - Briefwechsel Zemlinsky - Webern - - Briefwechsel Zemlinsky - Berg - - Briefwechsel Zemlinsky - Schreker - - Anhang - - Verzeichnis verschollener Briefe - - Adressensigla - - Abkürzungen - - Personenverzeichnis - - Personenregister - - Zu den Abbildungen. Ecken bestoßen, sonst gutes Exemplar. - "Zemlinskys Briefwechsel mit Schönberg, Webern, Berg Schreker bietet die Korrespondenzen Zemlinskys mit den Komponisten der Wiener Schule, soweit sie erhalten sind. Erstmals wird eine der großen Korrespondenzen der Wiener Schule vollständig vorgelegt, ohne daß Briefe oder Passagen aus irgendwelchen Rücksichten unterdrückt wurden. Die Korrespondenz ist ein facettenreiches Dokument der langjährigen Freundschaft zwischen Zemlinsky und Schönberg, die von der Jahrhundertwende, als Schönberg Zemlinskys Schüler war, bis zu der Zeit des amerikanischen Exils andauerte. Sie gewährt Einblick in das freundschaftliche und spannungsreiche Verhältnis zwischen beiden Komponisten, sie informiert über die Entstehung und Aufführung ihrer Kompositionen und vermittelt ein lebendiges Bild vom Musikleben in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Ergänzt wird diese große Künstlerkorrespondenz durch die Briefe, die Zemlinsky mit Schönbergs Schülern Webern und Berg gewechselt hat, sowie durch die Korrespondenz mit Franz Schreker, der durch seine künstlerischen Überzeugungen und Aktivitäten dem Kreis der Wiener Schule nahestand." ISBN 9783534125081 Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 776
Serial Composition and Atonality : An Introduction to the Music of Schoenberg, Berg, and Webern
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 57.34 $Widely recognized as the definitive work in its field ever since its original publication in 1962, Serial Composition and Atonality remains an unsurpassed introduction to the technical features of what is probably the most revolutionary body of work since the beginnings of polyphony. In the analysis of specific compositions there is first and last of all a concern with the musical surface―an attempt to trace connections and distinctions there before offering any deeper-level constructions, and to offer none where their effects are not obvious on more immediate levels of musical experience. In this sixth edition of the book, George Perle employs the new and more consistent terminology for the identification of transpositional levels of twelve-tone sets that he first proposed in Twelve-Tone Tonality (1977).
Twelve Note Music of Anton Webern: Old Forms in a New Language (Music in the Twentieth Century, Series Number 2)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 45.64 $This important new study reassesses the position of Anton Webern in twentieth-century music. The twelve-note method of composition adopted by Anton Webern had profound consequences for composers of the next generation such as Stockhausen and Boulez, who saw Webern's music as revolutionary. In her detailed analyses, however, Professor Bailey demonstrates a fundamentally traditional aspect to Webern's creativity, when describing his own music. Professor Bailey analyses all Webern's twelve-note works (from Op. 17 to Op. 31) i.e. the instrumental and vocal music written between 1924 and 1943. These analyses draw on sketch material recently made available at the Paul Sacher Foundation in Basel and include transcriptions of little-known drafts and sketches. A most valuable aspect of the book is the inclusion in appendices of such materials as a complete explanation of the row content of each work, the correct prime form of each of the rows from Op. 20 onwards, with a matrix constructed for each, and exhaustive row analyses.
90s Vienna Acoustics Vienna Acoustics Webern Center Channel Sp...
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 175.00 $ (+38.00 $)Vienna Acoustics Webern single speaker1 Speakers with grills 23x13x8"Webern speakers in Brushed AluminumTested and works as it should Its all met...
Serial Composition and Atonality: An Introduction to the Music of Schoenberg, Berg, and Webern
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.95 $Widely recognized as the definitive work in its field ever since its original publication in 1962, Serial Composition and Atonality remains an unsurpassed introduction to the technical features of what is probably the most revolutionary body of work since the beginnings of polyphony. In the analysis of specific compositions there is first and last of all a concern with the musical surface―an attempt to trace connections and distinctions there before offering any deeper-level constructions, and to offer none where their effects are not obvious on more immediate levels of musical experience. In this sixth edition of the book, George Perle employs the new and more consistent terminology for the identification of transpositional levels of twelve-tone sets that he first proposed in Twelve-Tone Tonality (1977).
Three Men of Letters : Arnold Schönberg, Alban Berg and Anton Webern, 1906-1921
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 9.72 $Neuware - A look through the correspondence of two befriended pupils and their teacher: Schönberg, Berg, WebernThis book examines the relationship of three very different men who are usually seen as the most important composers of the so-called Second Viennese School - Arnold Schönberg, Alban Berg and Anton Webern - in the years 1906 to 1921 through a close examination of their correspondence with each other. To date only one of these correspondences, that of Schönberg and Berg, has been published, so the other two sets of letters are not yet widely known. The largely differing personalities of these three mencome out clearly in their letters to each other: Schönberg, the master who demands a great many things from his two pupils (long after they have ceased to be that); Berg, from whom he demands the most; and Webern, his pious devotee. The book covers the period linking the first correspondence between master and pupils in 1906 and the dissolution of the Verein für musikalische Privataufführungen in 1921, the period when these men were most closely bound together.
String Quartets By Webern, Beethoven And Yun
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 21.98 $ (+1.99 $)Novus quartet # 1 Ludwig Van Beethoven, Anton Webern, Isang Yun The Novus String Quartet was founded in 2007 at the National University of the Arts in Seoul. After critical success in Korea, they moved to Germany in 2011. This dbut album sits at the crossroads of their Korean and German influences. Demonstrating prodigious technique at the service of exceptional musicality, their versions of Werbern's Langsamer Satz and Beethoven's String Quartet No.11 stand up to any comparisons. Isang Yun's Q
Mobart Music Publications/Schott Helicon 49018643
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 53.99 $ (+9.95 $)Composer: Anton Webern Piano Quintet Monod Publisher: Mobart Music Publications/Schott Helicon Category: Band/Orchestra/Ensemble Series: Scho...
Schott 49046352
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 22.99 $ (+9.95 $)Composer: Anton Webern Symphony Op. 21 Edition Eulenburg No. 1552 Publisher: Schott Category: Band/Orchestra/Ensemble Series: Study Score Form...
Henle Urtext Edition 51481344
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 23.99 $ (+9.95 $)Composer: Anton Webern Variations Op. 27 Piano Solo Publisher: Henle Urtext Edition Category: Keyboard & Piano/Vocal/Guitar Series: Henle ...
The Da Capo Catalog Of Classical Music Compositions
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 102.14 $The Da Capo Catalog of Classical Music Compositions exhaustively lists the works of 132 major composers, from Vivaldi and Bach to Webern and Cage. A classical music lover's dream, it is the only source containing all the essential information about classical compositions within the convenient covers of one volume. Designed for listeners, readers, collectors, and connoisseurs alike, this catalog will be as indispensable an investment as a philatelic catalog is to the postage stamp collector. This catalog will tell you at a glance: which works would complete your collection of Dvorák's string quartets; which Gershwin songs appeared in which of his shows; in which Mozart opera the aria "Il mio tesoro" appears; at what age Brahms composed his first symphony; whether Beethoven's Piano Sonata No.14 is the "Moonlight" or the "Waldstein"; and how many symphonies Borodin composed. The Da Capo Catalog of Classical Music Compositions relies on the most authoritative sources. Easy to use and difficult to put down, it will delight anyone frustrated by the inadequacy and inconsistency of existing reference works. The first book of its kind, it will undoubtedly become a well-appreciated companion on your journeys through musical history.
Gyorgy Kurtag : Three Interviews and Ligeti Homages
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 55.62 $György Kurtág (b. 1926) is widely regarded as one of the foremost composers in the second half of the twentieth century and the early twenty-first. Born in Romania, he received crucial training in Paris from Olivier Messiaen and Marianne Stein. He was also shaped by his broadening contact there with the music of Webern and such challenging literary works as the plays of Samuel Beckett. After many years in Hungary, teaching at the Budapest Academy of Music, Kurtág settled near Bordeaux with his wife Márta. The two regularly perform duo-recitals of his music. In 2006, his . . . concertante . . . (2003, for violin, viola and orchestra) won the coveted Grawemeyer Award for Music Composition. This unique set of interviews with Kurtág, alone or with his wife, gives a fascinating insight into the composer's personality, which is marked by shyness but also an unquenchable thirst for impressions of every kind [artistic, natural and human]. The two speak with disarming openness about their lives -- the background against which masterpieces like Messages of the Late Miss R. V. Troussova (1976-80, for soprano and chamber orchestra) or Stele (1994, for orchestra) were written. The analysis of certain of Kurtág's works, especially of . . . concertante . . ., shows the way that his mind works: no system, no dogma, no formulae -- rather, basic human emotions expressed through means that speak directly to the listener's innermost feelings. The Hungarian music publisher Bálint András Varga has spent nearly forty years working for and with composers. He has published several books, including extensive interviews with Lutoslawski, Berio, and Xenakis.
Juilliard String Quartet
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 44.99 $Juilliard String Quartet Bartok / Berg / Webern - CD 5425008377827
009 Salzburg Festival Opening Concert
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 29.99 $Nikolaus Harnoncourt conducts the Vienna Philharmonic in works by Schubert/Webern, Josef Strauss, and Schubert.
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