3 products were found matching your search for wickramasinghe in 1 shops:
Evolution from Space: A Theory of Cosmic Creationism
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.28 $Book by Fred Hoyle, Chandra Wickramasinghe
Cosmic Life-Force
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.39 $In the last decade Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramasinghe have put forth their theories of the extraterrestrial origin of life, and of the way viruses and bacteria spread disease. Their ideas have always aroused intense controversy and invariably given new direction to scientific research. In Cosmic Life-Force, the most ambitious synthesis of their theories, the authors connect the "evolution of life and intelligence on Earth with the processes that are cosmic on the grandest scale." Citing current data derived from space probes and biological and astronomical research, Hoyle and Wickramasinghe eloquently support their startling claim that life on Earth originated from and has been continually influenced by the influx of freeze-dried "cosmic bacteria" carried by comets and other celestial objects. Applying this theory first to Earth, they then move to the other planets of our solar system and beyond to other galaxies. They conclude that the universe as a whole is controlled by an intelligent life-force that overcomes all other forces of nature. Mind boggling in its implications, this book makes an incredible contribution to the fields of astronomy, cosmology, evolutionary biology, and medicine. Intriguing interpretations are presented for a number of scientific mysteries. Superbly written and richly illustrated, Cosmic Life-Force is popular science writing at its most provocative, a brilliant union of compelling scientific argument and profound spiritual meditation.
Life on Mars : And in the Cosmos
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.74 $This text expounds in a logical and scientific manner the idea that life did not originate on earth, but was added to it from the comets. When Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramasinghe first made this proposal in the 1970s, they had few takers - because the theory flew in the face of established beliefs. This text argues that in recent years, evidence to support this theory has accumulated from many different directions and grown to the point of being compelling. This work should be of value to readers interested in general science, the origin of man and the meaning of life.
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