21 products were found matching your search for yahya in 3 shops:
Excavations at Tepe Yahya, Iran, 1967-1975 : The Third Millennium (Bulletin (American School of Prehistoric Research) ; no. 45)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.95 $Situated roughly midway between the great cities of the Indus Valley and those of the Mesopotamian plains, Tepe Yahya occupies a special place in our conceptions of relations between these distant territories during the early Bronze Age. Its third-millennium levels, dating from 3000 to 2100 B.C., are particularly important. In this definitive study, D.T. Potts describes the stratigraphy, architecture, ceramics, and chronology of the site and presents a full inventory of the small finds. Holly Pittman contributes comprehensive illustrations and a discussion of the seals and sealings, and Philip Kohl provides an analysis of the carved chlorite industry. In a foreword and afterword, project director C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky tells the story of the archaeological expedition and reflects on the contributions of the Tepe Yahya project.
Excavation at Tepe Yahya, Iran, 1967-1975 : The Iron Age Settlements
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 51.19 $Tepe Yahya provides a stratigraphic sequence that stretches some 6,000 years, from the Neolithic period to the early centuries AD. As a result, the site is critical for understanding cultural processes in southeastern Iran. In this fifth volume of results of the excavations at Tepe Yahya, Peter Magee presents evidence from the Iron Age occupation of the site. Looking beyond the epigraphic and historical data and examining the insights provided by the artifactual record, Magee describes how a small settlement, located some distance from the main centers of power, came into being and was affected by the emergence of the Achaemenid imperial system, which stretched from Pakistan to Libya.
Excavations At Tepe Yahya, Iran, 1967-1975, Volume III : the Third Millennium
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 69.95 $Situated roughly midway between the great cities of the Indus Valley and those of the Mesopotamian plains, Tepe Yahya occupies a special place in our conceptions of relations between these distant territories during the early Bronze Age. Its third-millennium levels, dating from 3000 to 2100 B.C., are particularly important. In this definitive study, D.T. Potts describes the stratigraphy, architecture, ceramics, and chronology of the site and presents a full inventory of the small finds. Holly Pittman contributes comprehensive illustrations and a discussion of the seals and sealings, and Philip Kohl provides an analysis of the carved chlorite industry. In a foreword and afterword, project director C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky tells the story of the archaeological expedition and reflects on the contributions of the Tepe Yahya project.
Proto-Elamite Texts from Tepe Yahya
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.29 $This comprehensive study of the Proto-Elamite language (ca. 3000 B.C.) is based on a small archive recovered from the site of Tepe Yahya in southeastern Iran. The authors, two of the leading specialists on the most ancient written texts of the Near East, illuminate the structure of the texts, the numerical sign systems used, and the relation of Proto-Elamite to other protocuneiform writing systems. A computer-generated sign list compares the written archive from Tepe Yahya with those of other archaeological sites from which Proto-Elamite texts have been recovered. The volume offers a new understanding of the language and culture of the Proto-Elamites as well as important insights into the economic structure of the earliest literate civilizations. With a new preface by the authors.
Le Livre de la sagesse orientale Sohravardî, Shihâboddîn-Yahya
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 7.02 $Editeur : Verdier Date de parution : 1986 Description : In-8, 694 pages, broché, occasion, très bon état. Envois quotidiens du mardi au samedi. Les commandes sont adressées sous enveloppes bulles. Photos supplémentaires de l'ouvrage sur simple demande. Réponses aux questions dans les 12h00. Librairie Le Piano-Livre. Merci. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thanks
The Mystical & Visionary Treatises of Shihabuddin Yahya Suhrawardi
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 70.55 $Sheikh Shihabuddin Yahya Suhrawardi, the great illuminist philosopher and mystic of the 12th century, evoked such opposition and hatred in the orthodox of his time that he was put to death, at the insistence and by order of Saladin’s nephew in 1191. He became known thereafter as the "Murdered Sheikh." In addition to his monumental exposition, The Wisdom of Illumination, and other major works, he left a number of smaller treatises which form an important part of the Sufi heritage. Nine of these treatises, dealing with the initiation of the aspirant into the spiritual realm, are here presented in English, with an introduction by the translator, W. M.Thackston, Jr.
Vendor: Ufccollectibles.com Price: 199.99 $ (+33.73 $)This Fight Night saw Victor ‘La Mangosta’ Henry go up against Rani Yahya in a bantamweight bout. The fight was incredible, with both fighters making some incredible strikes. With this Fight Issue Jersey, you can re-live the action from the evening and own a piece of history from the bout. The Fight Night took place at the UFC Apex, Enterprise, Las Vegas on April 27th, 2024. The headline bout, between Alex Perez & Matheus Nicolau, did not make it all 5 rounds. Alex Perez came out the gate viciously and in the second round landed a mighty right-hand hook to Nicolau’s face – knocking him out in the process. This was a bantamweight bout, and these two nimble athletes put on an incredible show for the fans in attendance! La Mangosta (The Mongoose) dominated the bout as the fight wore on – with a very close round 1, round 2 was clear cut for Victor & round 3 saw the American KO his opponent. You can now celebrate La Mangosta’s win
The Book Of Remembrances [Kitab Al-Adhkar]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 115.21 $The Book Of Remembrances [Kitab al-Adhkar] - By Imam Yahya ibn Sharaf an-Nawawi Kitab al-Adhkar is the definitive compilation of words of remembrance and glorification of (dhikr), and supplicatory prayer to (du'a), the Lord of the Universe, as related from His final Emissary, the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless and exalt him). Dhikr and du'a lie at the very heart of the din, the relationship between creature and Creator. As part of the Sunna or Prophetic Way, they are a divinely appointed means of approaching Allah Most High for all our needs, and of making use of all the moments of daily life to strengthen our tawhid, the existential and cognitive Unity that is the hallmark of Muslim spirituality. Also covered are the vital principles of speaking only what is good and avoiding the sins of the tongue.
A Mine of Meaning: Ma`din ul-Ma`ani
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.67 $Filled with spiritual advice and inspiring teaching stories, this book will interest both the scholar and the seeker regardless of religious affiliation. Presenting the collected discourses of 14th-century Sufi Master Sharafuddin Yahya Maneri, it covers detailed aspects of theology, law, and spiritual life while communicating the goal of human perfection and the means for its attainment. Derived from a vast array of sources—from the Quran and hadith traditions—this account also constitutes a compendium of essential teachings by many of the most important Sufi Masters known during this vibrant period in the history of Sufism in India.
Lamp of Umm Hashim
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 61.92 $Together with such figures as the scholar Taha Hussein, the playwright Tawfik al-Hakim, the short story writer Mahmoud Teymour and--of course--Naguib Mahfouz, Yahya Hakki belongs to that distinguished band of early writers who, midway through the last century, under the influence of Western literature, began to practice genres of creative writing that were new to the traditions of classical Arabic. In the first story in this volume, the very short 'Story in the Form of a Petition,' Yahya Hakki demonstrates his ease with gentle humor, a form rare in Arabic writing. In the following two stories, 'Mother of the Destitute' and 'A Story from Prison,' he describes with typical sympathy individuals who, less privileged than others, somehow manage to scrape through life's hardships. The latter story deals with the people of Upper Egypt, for whom the writer had a special understanding and affection. It is, however, for the title story (in fact, more of a novella) of this collection that the writer is best known. Recounting the difficulties faced by a young man who is sent to England to study medicine and who then returns to Egypt to pit his new ideals against tradition, 'The Lamp of Umm Hashim' was the first of several works in Arabic to deal with the way in which an individual tries to come to terms with two divergent cultures.
The Story of Mary and Jesus in the Quran: Reprinted from the Meaning of the Holy Quran
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.72 $The nineteenth chapter of the Qur'an is named Maryam, the Arabic name for Mary, the mother of Isa (Jesus). The reading of this chapter shows reverence Muslims have towards Jesus, his mother, Zakariyya and his son Yahya (John the Baptist). The chapter presents the lives of the Virgin, her son and of John before them in terms of grace, love and miracle.
Aristotle and His Medieval Int
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.49 $This book is an extensive review and analysis of Aristotelian thought as received and adapted by such medieval commentators as Ammonius, Philoponus, Boethius, al-Farabi, Yahya ibn 'Adi, Avicenna, Albertus Magnus, Thomas Aquinas, Martin of Dacia, Simon of Faversham, John Duns Scotus, Peter of Spain, Robert Kilwardby, William of Ockham, and Giles of Rome. The discussions range from metaphysics to logic, linguistics, and epistemology, encompassing such topics as being, god, causation, actuality, potentiality, universals, individuation, signification, cognition, certainty, infallibility, error, ignorance, analogy, grammar, interpretation, foundationalism, and the eucharist and transubstantiation.
The Book Of Remembrances [Kitab Al-Adhkar]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 115.18 $The Book Of Remembrances [Kitab al-Adhkar] - By Imam Yahya ibn Sharaf an-Nawawi Kitab al-Adhkar is the definitive compilation of words of remembrance and glorification of (dhikr), and supplicatory prayer to (du'a), the Lord of the Universe, as related from His final Emissary, the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless and exalt him). Dhikr and du'a lie at the very heart of the din, the relationship between creature and Creator. As part of the Sunna or Prophetic Way, they are a divinely appointed means of approaching Allah Most High for all our needs, and of making use of all the moments of daily life to strengthen our tawhid, the existential and cognitive Unity that is the hallmark of Muslim spirituality. Also covered are the vital principles of speaking only what is good and avoiding the sins of the tongue.
Reformation of Morals [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.00 $Under the title The Reformation of Morals, the tenth-century Syrian Orthodox scholar Yahya ibn 'Adi offered encouragement to the effort to promote moral perfection, especially among kings and other members of the social elite: his tract, on the social virtues and vices, gives extensive advice about the cultivation of the former and the extirpation of the latter. Where there are many echoes of Hellenistic moral philosophy in his presentation, the topical profile of the work and the language the author uses reveal his participation in the Baghdad circle of philosophers and intellectuals—both Christian and Muslim—who were responsible for much that has come to be regarded as typical of the classical culture of the Islamic world. In fact, this text has occasionally been attributed to one or another famous Muslim author. It now stands as an important Christian contribution, in Arabic, to a strand of moral philosophy that is an integral component of the intellectual tradition of the world of Islam.
Suhrawardi and the School of Illumination (Routledge Sufi Series)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 71.57 $Shihab al-Din Yahya Suhrawardi, also known as Shaikh al-ishraq or the Master of Illumination, lived in the sixth century AH / twelfth century CE.His thoughts form a consistent and coherent philosophical system, and a close study of his writings in Persian reveals a theory of knowledge generally called 'Knowledge by Presence'. The elaborate web of myth and symbolism in Suhrawardi's philosophy articulates his theory of knowledge, an important subject in the ishraqi school of thought.Suhrawardi, who claims first to have discovered the truth and then embarked on a path to find the rational basis of his experiential wisdom, represents a thinker who tried to reconcile rational discourse and inner purification.
Ayub Khan Era; Politics in Pakistan, 1958-1969.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 71.42 $This is the study of a decade when the Army under General Mohammad Ayub Khan took control of Pakistan amidst turmoil until Ayub was pressured into passing his authority to General Yahya Khan. It is an examination of the character of Ayub Khan's rule, of his dreams of a new Pakistan and of the reasons for his failure to bring it about. This book is divided into two parts. Part I provides a political survey of the events, personalities, and relationships of the Ayub Khan era. Part II links the political events with aspects of the traditional political environment in Pakistan-the bureaucratic legacy, the rural power structure, the urban intelligentsia-that actually shape politics, This book contains a glossary, a two-page map, an appendix, a bibliography, end notes, and an index.
Mine of Meaning / Ma'din ul-Ma'ani
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.75 $Filled with spiritual advice and inspiring teaching stories, this book will interest both the scholar and the seeker regardless of religious affiliation. Presenting the collected discourses of 14th-century Sufi Master Sharafuddin Yahya Maneri, it covers detailed aspects of theology, law, and spiritual life while communicating the goal of human perfection and the means for its attainment. Derived from a vast array of sources—from the Quran and hadith traditions—this account also constitutes a compendium of essential teachings by many of the most important Sufi Masters known during this vibrant period in the history of Sufism in India.
Fundamentals of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages in K-12 Mainstream Classrooms
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 91.63 $Book By Ariza Eileen, Morales-jones Carmen, Yahya Noorchaya, Zainuddin Hanizah
The Reformation of Morals Format: Hardcover
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 36.16 $Under the title The Reformation of Morals, the tenth-century Syrian Orthodox scholar Yahya ibn 'Adi offered encouragement to the effort to promote moral perfection, especially among kings and other members of the social elite: his tract, on the social virtues and vices, gives extensive advice about the cultivation of the former and the extirpation of the latter. Where there are many echoes of Hellenistic moral philosophy in his presentation, the topical profile of the work and the language the author uses reveal his participation in the Baghdad circle of philosophers and intellectuals—both Christian and Muslim—who were responsible for much that has come to be regarded as typical of the classical culture of the Islamic world. In fact, this text has occasionally been attributed to one or another famous Muslim author. It now stands as an important Christian contribution, in Arabic, to a strand of moral philosophy that is an integral component of the intellectual tradition of the world of Islam.
Pakistan: At the Helm
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.87 $Fascinating vignettes about the men and woman who ruled Pakistan What did Muhammad Ali Jinnah say when he received a royal salute from the last British regiment about to leave Pakistan? Did Ayub Khan consider turning Pakistan into a monarchy? Why was Yahya Khan so confident that the 1970 elections would return a hung parliament? What did Zulfikar Ali Bhutto say when the Pakistan Army launched a brutal crackdown in March 1971? How did Zia-ul-Haq get Bhutto to appoint him the army chief? In 2007, did Benazir Bhutto misread the extent of American support for her return to Pakistan? Had Pervez Musharraf and Nawaz Sharif agreed to a pull-out from Kargil even before the latter went to meet President Clinton in July 1999? Backed by meticulous research, the second book from Tilak Devasher, author of Pakistan: Courting the Abyss, provides enthralling insights into the lives and times of the leaders of Pakistan over the seven decades of the nation s existence. Anecdotal and engrossing, Pakistan: At the Helm presents a human side to the country s political history for anyone who is curious about the inner workings of its corridors of power.
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