5 products were found matching your search for yanez in 1 shops:
Al filo del agua (Spanish Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.61 $La literatura narrativa ocupa un lugar importante en la obra de Agustin Yanez. La vida de la provincia y su propia vida han ido dando la materia con que se tejen sus novelas. A fuerza de mirarse a si mismo y de contemplar el medio en que nacio y crecio adquirieron en su imaginacion perfil y relieve personajes y sucesos, libros y juegos, consejos y entretenimientos, amistades y lecturas, esperanzas y deseos. Y ya modelado por la imaginacion, todo este variado repertorio fue pasando facilmente a la pagina escrita.
Sandokan: The Two Tigers
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.73 $India, 1857. Just when Tremal-Naik's life was getting back to normal, the Thugs of the Kali cult return to exact their revenge by kidnapping his daughter Darma. Summoned by Kammamuri, Sandokan and Yanez immediately set sail for India to help their loyal friend. But the evil sect knows of their arrival and thwarts them at every turn. Have our heroes finally met their match? It's the Tiger of Malaysia versus the Tiger of India in a fight to the death!
The Edge of the Storm: A Novel (Texas Pan American Series)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.53 $This tale of a repressive priest and his small Mexican village during the eighteen months preceding the Revolution of 1910 is a great novel, one that exposes the struggle between human desire and paralyzing fear—fear of humanity, fear of nature, fear of the wrath of God. Agustín Yáñez probes the actions of people caught in life’s currents, enthralling his readers with mounting dramatic tension as he shows that no power can forge saints from the human masses, that any attempt to do so, in fact, often has exactly the opposite result.Yáñez brings to his work a deep understanding of people—his people—and he illuminates a great truth—that no one, anywhere, seems very strange when we understand the environment that has produced him or her.
La Tierra Prodiga
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.86 $Con La tierra pródiga, Agustín Yáñez enriquece el ciclo de novelas que ha inspirado su propósito de componer un retrato de México. El tema es ahora la vida en algunas regiones de la costa y la lucha por el dominio de esas tierras. En sus páginas triunfa la violencia, captada en el molde de una prosa que se significa tanto por su energía plástica como por el uso del habla popular.
Monkton el loco y otros cuentos de terror y misterio
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.00 $Traducción de Óscar Palmes Yáñez. Colección "Gótica, Nº 35". EXCELENTE ejemplar. 432pp
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