7 products were found matching your search for Ätna in 2 shops:
T.W. Evans Cordage #8 - 1/4 in. Samson Aetna Aash Cord 100 ft. Hank
Vendor: Homedepot.com Price: 26.45 $Aetna Sash Cord is a balanced, interlocked, solid braid that retains its smooth, round construction for excellent performance. It is polished to resist rot, mildew, and wear. Color: Whites. Material: Cotton.
T.W. Evans Cordage #6 - 3/16 in. Samson Aetna Sash Cord 100 ft. Hank
Vendor: Homedepot.com Price: 27.92 $Aetna Sash Cord is a balanced, interlocked, solid braid that retains its smooth, round construction for excellent performance. It is polished to resist rot, mildew, and wear. A great cord for window sash repair. Color: Whites. Material: Cotton.
T.W. Evans Cordage #10 - 5/16 in. Samson Aetna Sash Cord 100 ft. Hank
Vendor: Homedepot.com Price: 34.13 $Aetna Sash Cord is a balanced, interlocked, solid braid that retains its smooth, round construction for excellent performance. It is polished to resist rot, mildew, and wear. A great cord for window sash repair. Color: Whites. Material: Cotton.
ACHLA DESIGNS 26 in. Tall Black Traditional Cast Iron Aetna Fireback
Vendor: Homedepot.com Price: 242.89 $Based on a 19th Century design from the Aetna Fire Insurance Company of Hartford, CT (the ancestor of the current Aetna Life Insurance Company) this fireback design features a charming piece of Americana for your hearth. While many people think of our Firebacks as being purely decorative, solid cast iron firebacks first absorb and then radiate the heat directly into the room, making the fireplace much more efficient at heating the house. They also protect firebrick, increasing the life of the firebox and helping to prevent further damage to an aging fireplace. Firebacks are designed to rest on the floor of the hearth, but fireback supports may also be used to hold the fireback upright and raise it off the hearth if extra height is desired. All our firebacks are designed for use with both gas logs and wood burning fireplaces, even becoming popular as a decorative element behind the kitchen stove. MINUTEMAN INTERNATIONAL has been serving fireplace and wood-heating needs for 40-years, with a full line of decorative and functional accessories, from tool sets and screens, to wood stove steamers and hearth gloves.
Entrepreneurial Leader : A Lifetime of Adventures in Business, Education and Government
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.42 $Observations From a Lifetime of Leadership Bill Donaldson cofounded the innovative investment firm Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette, served in the State Department under Henry Kissinger, and was the founding dean of the Yale School of Management. He led the New York Stock Exchange and insurance giant Aetna through tumultuous change, and championed reform as chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission. It's an amazing life full of challenges and successes and of high-level, innovative problem solving. In Entrepreneurial Leader, he offers a lifetime of observations about what it takes to build lasting value in organizations of every kind.
Suppliant Maidens. Persians. Prometheus. Seven Against Thebes (Volume I) (Loeb Classical Library; 145)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.58 $Aeschylus (ca. 525–456 BCE), author of the first tragedies existing in European literature, was an Athenian born at Eleusis. He served at Marathon against Darius in 490, and again during Xerxes' invasion, 480–479. Between 478 and 467 he visited Sicily, there composing by request Women of Aetna. At Athens he competed in production of plays more than twenty times, and was rewarded on at least thirteen occasions, becoming dominant between 500 and 458 through the splendour of his language and his dramatic conceptions and technique. Of his total of 80–90 plays seven survive complete. The Persians (472), the only surviving Greek historical drama, presents the failure of Xerxes to conquer Greece. Seven against Thebes (467) was the second play of its trilogy of related plays on the evil fate of the Theban House. Polyneices tries to regain Thebes from his brother Eteocles; both are killed. In Suppliant Maidens, the first in a trilogy, the daughters of Danaus arrive with him at Argos, whose King and people save them from the wooing of the sons of their uncle Aegyptus. In Prometheus Bound, first or second play of its trilogy about Prometheus, he is nailed to a crag, by order of Zeus, for stealing fire from heaven for men. Defiant after visitors' sympathy and despite advice, he descends in lightning and thunder to Hell. The Oresteia (458), on the House of Atreus, is the only Greek trilogy surviving complete. In Agamemnon, the King returns from Troy, and is murdered by his wife Clytaemnestra. In Libation-Bearers, Orestes with his sister avenges their father Agamemnon's death by counter-murder. In Eumenides, Orestes, harassed by avenging Furies, is arraigned by them at Athens for matricide. Tried by a court set up by Athena, he is absolved, but the Furies are pacified. We publish in Volume I four plays; and in Volume II the Oresteia and some fragments of lost plays.
Information Security: Contemporary Cases: Contemporary Cases
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 80.79 $Information Security: Contemporary Cases addresses fundamental information security concepts in realistic scenarios. Through a series of substantive cases, different aspects of information security are addressed by real organizations. The organizations include Kraft Foods, Advo, IBM, SRA, Aetna, the FBI, and the Yale New Haven Center for Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response. Case topics include data protection, integrating IT and physical security, contingency planning, disaster recovery, network security, hardware design, encryption, standards compliance, tracking intruders, and training and awareness programs. This casebook will enable students to develop the practical understanding needed for today's information security and information assurance profession.
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