Sono stati trovati 40 prodotti corrispondenti alla tua ricerca per beckenständer in 5 negozi:
Stan Beckensall Hexham Through Time
Venditore: Prezzo: 19.99 €The importance of the attractive town of Hexham began when St Wifrid built his great monastery there in the 7th Century, of which only the unique crypt remains beneath the Priory church. It was bounded by a wall that separated it from the Market Place and the civil administration, which includes the Moothall and Old Gaol. These areas still form the nucleus of the town, which lay in the turbulent Border country between England and Scotland. The vital industry of tanning and glove-making has now gone, but there are smaller industries in its place. The town is a focus of music, the arts and sport. The Queen's Hall houses library, cafe, galleries and theatre. It is linked by roads and by the early Carlisle-Newcastle railway which bring in tourists and local people for many activities such as the Hexham Gathering and the Abbey Arts Festival. Much has changed, but the historic centre remains intact. The author has lived here for over 30 years and is an Honorary Steward and Bailiff of the town.
Stan Beckensall Hexham Through Time
Venditore: Prezzo: 19.99 €The importance of the attractive town of Hexham began when St Wifrid built his great monastery there in the 7th Century, of which only the unique crypt remains beneath the Priory church. It was bounded by a wall that separated it from the Market Place and the civil administration, which includes the Moothall and Old Gaol. These areas still form the nucleus of the town, which lay in the turbulent Border country between England and Scotland. The vital industry of tanning and glove-making has now gone, but there are smaller industries in its place. The town is a focus of music, the arts and sport. The Queen's Hall houses library, cafe, galleries and theatre. It is linked by roads and by the early Carlisle-Newcastle railway which bring in tourists and local people for many activities such as the Hexham Gathering and the Abbey Arts Festival. Much has changed, but the historic centre remains intact. The author has lived here for over 30 years and is an Honorary Steward and Bailiff of the town.
Los Reckenstein
Venditore: Prezzo: 12.99 € -
Los Reckenstein
Venditore: Prezzo: 12.99 € -
Metabo - Akku-Heckenschere hs 18 ltx 55 (601718500)
Venditore: Prezzo: 185.00 €Giardino e piscine > Potare, tagliare e sfrondare > Tagliasiepi > Tagliasiepi elettrici, Metabo HS 18 LTX 55 * Akku-Heckenschere TV00 (601718500) Extrem leichte und leise Akku-Heckenschere zum kräfteschonenden Trimmen von Hecken und Sträuchern Saubere...
Metabo Akku-Heckenschere solo HS 18 LTX BL 65 (601723850)
Venditore: Prezzo: 228.04 €Giardino e piscine > Potare, tagliare e sfrondare > Tagliasiepi > Tagliasiepi elettrici, Metabo Akku-Heckenschere HS 18 LTX BL 65 (601723850) Kraftvolle, bürstenlose Akku-Heckenschere mit drehbarem Griff für komfortablen Trimm- und Rückschnitt Starker...
Becken Forno elettrico da tavolo, capacità 30 l, 1500 W, timer 60 min, nero
Venditore: Prezzo: 171.90 €Elettrodomestici > Grandi elettrodomestici > Fornetti elettrici > Fornetti grill, Becken Forno elettrico da tavolo, capacità 30 l, 1500 W, timer 60 min, nero
Akku-Heckenschere 18V + 1x Akku 3 Ah + Ladegerät (DUH507RF) - Makita
Venditore: Prezzo: 325.00 €Giardino e piscine > Potare, tagliare e sfrondare > Tagliasiepi > Tagliasiepi elettrici, Makita Akku-Heckenschere 18V + 1x Akku 3 Ah + Ladegerät (DUH507RF) Kompakte kabellose Heckenschere fur Zweige bis 15,0 mm Durchmesser. Das Gerät hat einen geringen...
ghd curve thin wand Lockenstab
Venditore: Prezzo: 171.41 € (+3.99 €)Con la sua bacchetta sottile di 14 mm, la ghd thin wand crea ricci definiti e uniformi con fino a 24 ore di tenuta senza calore estremo.Con la temperatura ottimale di 185 °C e un tempo di riscaldamento di soli 30 secondi, si creano ricci definiti in soli 3 secondi, con il minimo sforzo e senza danneggiare i capelli.La punta protettiva Cool Tip ti permette di tenere i capelli mentre li arricci e con il supporto di sicurezza incorporato, puoi mettere giù l'arricciacapelli in modo sicuro durante lo styling. Altre caratteristiche pratiche includono il cavo di lunghezza professionale che permette uno styling flessibile, la modalità di sospensione automatica che spegne l'arricciacapelli dopo 30 minuti senza utilizzo e la tensione universale in modo da poter utilizzare il ferro arricciacapelli in qualsiasi parte del mondo.L'arricciacapelli ghd curve thin wand è dotato della rivoluzionaria tecnologia di riscaldamento PTC che assicura una temperatura ottimale per lo styling di 185°C. Questo è mantenuto costante per tutta la bacchetta. Anticipa la curva: goditi il breve tempo di styling e i ricci definiti e duraturi senza calore estremo. Adatto a tutti i tipi di capelli.Bacchetta sottile Ø 14 mm: con rivestimento ceramico avanzatolunghezza del cavo 2,7 mTemperatura di 185 °CSupporto di sicurezza: per appoggiare l'arricciacapelli3 secondi di tempo di riscaldamentoCool Tip: per uno stile confortevoleModalità Sleep, si spegne automaticamente dopo 30 minuti senza usoGaranzia dell'apparecchio 2 anni
Stan Beckensall Rituals of Death: From Prehistoric Times to Now
Venditore: Prezzo: 23.75 €We all must die, and how society deals with the disposal is fascinating in the way it reflects the beliefs of the people of the time and ways in which they honour or do not honour the dead. Having excavated prehistoric burials, the author weighs carefully the evidence of what people might have thought of the dead through the way they buried them and what was put into the graves. These excavations were done mainly with the help of young people, and the way that this has been organised in order to get the maximum information has been an essential part of the task. The author provides much detail of this that makes it more interesting and personal.\n\nBurial customs change, so the book includes a section on events such as the Black Death and cholera to show how such catastrophes change people's minds and customs.\n\nThe present problem of burial has been highlighted as it was then by the horror of an invisible disease, the effects of which we have to cope with. In the past the causes of the disease, when discovered, led to Public health inquiries into the causes, and to improvements in some burial grounds. The traditional burial in God's little Acre' around a church provides with much information about people through their headstones and other monuments - something accessible to all who visit our churches today, and examples from Northumberland give a typical range of what we find there.
Stan Beckensall Rituals of Death: From Prehistoric Times to Now
Venditore: Prezzo: 25.00 €We all must die, and how society deals with the disposal is fascinating in the way it reflects the beliefs of the people of the time and ways in which they honour or do not honour the dead. Having excavated prehistoric burials, the author weighs carefully the evidence of what people might have thought of the dead through the way they buried them and what was put into the graves. These excavations were done mainly with the help of young people, and the way that this has been organised in order to get the maximum information has been an essential part of the task. The author provides much detail of this that makes it more interesting and personal.\n\nBurial customs change, so the book includes a section on events such as the Black Death and cholera to show how such catastrophes change people's minds and customs.\n\nThe present problem of burial has been highlighted as it was then by the horror of an invisible disease, the effects of which we have to cope with. In the past the causes of the disease, when discovered, led to Public health inquiries into the causes, and to improvements in some burial grounds. The traditional burial in God's little Acre' around a church provides with much information about people through their headstones and other monuments - something accessible to all who visit our churches today, and examples from Northumberland give a typical range of what we find there.
Becken Ferro verticale a vapore, 1500 W, serbatoio 300 ml, include 3 spazzole, spegnimento
Venditore: Prezzo: 62.17 €Elettrodomestici > Cura della casa > Prodotti per stirare > Stiratrici verticali, Becken Ferro verticale a vapore, 1500 W, serbatoio 300 ml, include 3 spazzole, spegnimento automatico, 7435019
Greenstar, 10702, Greenstar 10702 Chiave per candele F898 16 x 21 mm
Venditore: Prezzo: 27.38 €Giardino e piscine > Altri attrezzi e materiali per giardino > Motori per utensili da giardino > Accessori per motori a scoppio, Descrizione clã a candela a manico cacciavite. Dimensioni: 16 x 21 mm.
Venditore: Prezzo: 10.99 € -
Venditore: Prezzo: 10.99 € -
Einander neu entdecken
Venditore: Prezzo: 33.99 € -
Einander neu entdecken
Venditore: Prezzo: 33.99 € -
Greenstar, 11568, - Greenstar 11568 RN4C Champion Candela
Venditore: Prezzo: 27.64 €Giardino e piscine > Lavorazione del terreno > Motocoltivatori e accessori > Accessori per motocoltivatori, Descrizione Adatto per azienda, ufficio, negozio, supermercato, negozi, mostra d'arte, casa, pubblicità segno e cartellone
Greenstar, 11561, Greenstar 11561 Candela Champion N9YC F877
Venditore: Prezzo: 32.27 €Giardino e piscine > Altri attrezzi e materiali per giardino > Motori per utensili da giardino > Accessori per motori a scoppio, Greenstar, 11561, Greenstar 11561 Candela Champion N9YC F877
Greenstar, 11558, - Greenstar 11558 Candela Champion L86C F873
Venditore: Prezzo: 33.64 €Giardino e piscine > Altri attrezzi e materiali per giardino > Motori per utensili da giardino > Accessori per motori a scoppio, Greenstar, 11558, - Greenstar 11558 Candela Champion L86C F873
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