Sono stati trovati 43 prodotti corrispondenti alla tua ricerca per burgenland in 8 negozi:
Kroiss Roland Sankt Laurent 2017
Venditore: Prezzo: 19.06 € (+7.88 €)Il sankt laurent è una delle bacche rosse più coltivate in Austria, che nella zona del Burgenland trova le condizioni migliori di sviluppo. Il vino di Roland Kroiss fermenta in acciaio e matura per 12 mesi in botti grandi. Un ottimo rosso che esprime al meglio il potenziale varietale, raccontando fedelmente tutto il potenziale di una grande regione vitivinicola.
Burgenland 1:150.000
Venditore: Prezzo: 12.90 € (+2.70 €) -
Kroiss Roland Sankt Laurent 2015
Venditore: Prezzo: 18.06 € (+7.88 €)Il sankt laurent è una delle bacche rosse più coltivate in Austria, che nella zona del Burgenland trova le condizioni migliori di sviluppo. Il vino di Roland Kroiss fermenta in acciaio e matura per 12 mesi in botti grandi. Un ottimo rosso che esprime al meglio il potenziale varietale, raccontando fedelmente tutto il potenziale di una grande regione vitivinicola.
Burgenland für Entdecker
Venditore: Prezzo: 20.99 € -
Meinklang Rosé Frizzante 'Prosa' 2022
Venditore: Prezzo: 1.84 € (+0.68 €)Il "Prosa" di Meinklang è un rosé frizzante sur lie prodotto con i vitigni a bacca rossa tradizionalmente coltivati nel territorio della regione del Burgenland: Pinot Noir, Zweigelt e Blaufränkisch. È un vino realizzato con il metodo ancestrale della rifermentazione in bottiglia, senza sboccatura finale. I lieviti esausti si depositano sul fondo della bottiglia dopo aver consumato tutti gli zuccheri. Il profilo è secco e fresco, di piacevolissima beva, grazie agli eleganti e delicati aromi di piccoli frutti a bacca rossa. È un vino genuino, prodotto ancora in modo artigianale, che si può degustare in compagnia al momento dell’aperitivo o con uno spuntino informale. Il Rosé Frizzante “Prosa” è prodotto da un’importante cantina del Bergenland austriaco. La tenuta Meinklang si trova nella zona orientale del paese, al confine con l’Ungheria e copre complessivamente una superficie di oltre 2000 ettari, di cui solo una settantina dedicati alla viticoltura. Si tratta di un’azienda mista in cui la vite convive con altre coltivazioni, boschi, prati e pascoli destinati all’allevamento del bestiame. Da più di 30 anni le vigne sono gestite secondo i principi dell’agricoltura biologica e biodinamica, con l’intento di produrre vini genuini e rispettosi del territorio, con i vitigni storici della regione. I vigneti di Pinot Noir, Zweigelt e Blaufränkisch sono coltivati su suoli di matrice sabbiosa e rocciosa, con notevole presenza di calcare. La fermentazione si svolge con lieviti spontanei e la rifermentazione in bottiglia avviene secondo il metodo ancestrale. Il vino Frizzante “Prosa” della cantina austriaca Meinklang è un rosé brioso e vivace, dal volto conviviale. È l’espressione diretta dello stile della cantina, nitido, elegante e di grande purezza. Un vino sincero e schietto dal gusto autentico e tipicamente varietale. Nel calice ha un colore rosso rubino intenso, con una spuma lieve e sottile. All’olfatto regala note fragranti di piccoli frutti rossi, ribes e fragoline di bosco. Al palato è pulito e scorrevole, con un frutto maturo e croccante. Il finale è caratterizzato da una vibrante freschezza, e da una chiusura su piacevoli note sapide e minerali.
Burgenland für Entdecker
Venditore: Prezzo: 20.99 € -
Burgenländische Bäuerinnen kochen
Venditore: Prezzo: 12.99 € -
Burgenländische Bäuerinnen kochen
Venditore: Prezzo: 12.99 € -
Venditore: Prezzo: 14.99 € -
Venditore: Prezzo: 14.99 € -
Sepp Moser Pinot Blanc Beerenauslese Burgenland 0.375L 2017
Venditore: Prezzo: 29.56 € (+7.88 €)Giallo paglierino con riflessi dorati. Al naso si avvertono sentori di agrumi, accompagnate da note vegetali e note minerali. Al palato il vino risulta di corpo soave.
David Joseph Burgenland: Village Secrets and the First Tremors of the Holocaust
Venditore: Prezzo: 16.24 €When Hitler marched into Austria in March 1938, he was given a rapturous reception. Millions lined the streets and filled the squares of Vienna. Tobias Portschy, a self-appointed regional Nazi chief, considered what to give the Fuhrer for his birthday, and devised a particular gift from the Austrian people: the elimination of Jewish life in the Burgenland, picturesque farming country about 70 km south-east of Vienna. Eichmann took note of the brutal methodology. The Holocaust had begun.\n\nBurgenland is an astonishing survey of Jewish history in Central Europe, an account of the opening salvo of what turned into the systematic industrial-scale genocide of European Jewry, a stern examination of British policy and the world’s wholly inadequate response. It is also a deeply personal memoir and family history. Impeccably researched and hugely ambitious in scope, it narrates the full arc of the Jewish experience in Central Europe over 300 years, following the lives of one family who played a significant part in events described, from the struggle for civil liberties to the resistance to fascism and the rise of Zionism.\n\nDavid Joseph has dissected an uncomfortable history, and the results demand a substantial reassessment of the orthodox narrative around the Holocaust both in Britain and in Austria.
David Joseph Burgenland: Village Secrets and the First Tremors of the Holocaust
Venditore: Prezzo: 15.43 €When Hitler marched into Austria in March 1938, he was given a rapturous reception. Millions lined the streets and filled the squares of Vienna. Tobias Portschy, a self-appointed regional Nazi chief, considered what to give the Fuhrer for his birthday, and devised a particular gift from the Austrian people: the elimination of Jewish life in the Burgenland, picturesque farming country about 70 km south-east of Vienna. Eichmann took note of the brutal methodology. The Holocaust had begun.\n\nBurgenland is an astonishing survey of Jewish history in Central Europe, an account of the opening salvo of what turned into the systematic industrial-scale genocide of European Jewry, a stern examination of British policy and the world’s wholly inadequate response. It is also a deeply personal memoir and family history. Impeccably researched and hugely ambitious in scope, it narrates the full arc of the Jewish experience in Central Europe over 300 years, following the lives of one family who played a significant part in events described, from the struggle for civil liberties to the resistance to fascism and the rise of Zionism.\n\nDavid Joseph has dissected an uncomfortable history, and the results demand a substantial reassessment of the orthodox narrative around the Holocaust both in Britain and in Austria.
David Joseph Burgenland: Village Secrets and the First Tremors of the Holocaust
Venditore: Prezzo: 31.25 €When Hitler marched into Austria in March 1938, he was given a rapturous reception. Millions lined the streets and filled the squares of Vienna. Tobias Portschy, a self-appointed regional Nazi chief, considered what to give the Fuhrer for his birthday, and devised a particular gift from the Austrian people: the elimination of Jewish life in the Burgenland, picturesque farming country about 70 km south-east of Vienna. Eichmann took note of the brutal methodology. The Holocaust had begun.\n\nBurgenland is an astonishing survey of Jewish history in Central Europe, an account of the opening salvo of what turned into the systematic industrial-scale genocide of European Jewry, a stern examination of British policy and the world's wholly inadequate response. It is also a deeply personal memoir and family history. Impeccably researched and hugely ambitious in scope, it narrates the full arc of the Jewish experience in Central Europe over 300 years, following the lives of one family who played a significant part in events described, from the struggle for civil liberties to the resistance to fascism and the rise of Zionism.\n\nDavid Joseph has dissected an uncomfortable history, and the results demand a substantial reassessment of the orthodox narrative around the Holocaust both in Britain and in Austria.
David Joseph Burgenland: Village Secrets and the First Tremors of the Holocaust
Venditore: Prezzo: 29.69 €When Hitler marched into Austria in March 1938, he was given a rapturous reception. Millions lined the streets and filled the squares of Vienna. Tobias Portschy, a self-appointed regional Nazi chief, considered what to give the Fuhrer for his birthday, and devised a particular gift from the Austrian people: the elimination of Jewish life in the Burgenland, picturesque farming country about 70 km south-east of Vienna. Eichmann took note of the brutal methodology. The Holocaust had begun.\n\nBurgenland is an astonishing survey of Jewish history in Central Europe, an account of the opening salvo of what turned into the systematic industrial-scale genocide of European Jewry, a stern examination of British policy and the world's wholly inadequate response. It is also a deeply personal memoir and family history. Impeccably researched and hugely ambitious in scope, it narrates the full arc of the Jewish experience in Central Europe over 300 years, following the lives of one family who played a significant part in events described, from the struggle for civil liberties to the resistance to fascism and the rise of Zionism.\n\nDavid Joseph has dissected an uncomfortable history, and the results demand a substantial reassessment of the orthodox narrative around the Holocaust both in Britain and in Austria.
Stivali 35059 Groenland Eva.Verde.Taille 44
Venditore: Prezzo: 68.42 € (+13.99 €)Giardino e piscine > Abbigliamento e protezione del giardiniere > Stivali, zoccoli e accessori > Scarpe da giadino, Stivali invernali > esecuzione: • Morbido e flessibile in caso di fluttuazioni di temperatura • Calzino retrattile...
Im kleinen wilden Schnergenland
Venditore: Prezzo: 11.99 € -
Im kleinen wilden Schnergenland
Venditore: Prezzo: 11.99 € -
Piscina Fuori Terra Ovale Groenlandia 610 X 375 x h132 cm Nordic
Venditore: Prezzo: 2,969.00 €Giardino e piscine > Piscine e mini-piscine spa > Piscine > Piscine fuori terra rigide, La Piscina Fuori Terra Ovale Groenlandia di Gre , provvista di una decorazione effetto legno bianco , è la soluzione ideale per rinfrescarti nelle calde giornate...
Ferenc Jankó From Borderland to Burgenland: Science, Geopolitics, Identity, and the Making of a Region
Venditore: Prezzo: 101.25 €The area that constitutes the Austrian federal province of Burgenland belonged to the Hungarian part of the Habsburg empire until the end of World War I. This book helps us realize that geographical knowledge does not come ready-made. Instead, it is created by knowledge makers: geographers, historians, statisticians etc. This knowledge-making helped to legitimatize the area transferred between Austria and Hungary, shape the Burgenland identity, and depict its geopolitical role in the rise of national socialism. This book is about how those studying Burgenland, the creators of its geographical knowledge, saw and represented the province. It explores how they grasped the geographical characteristics of the region through their own perspective, influenced by their own professional positions, individual careers, motivations, and by the broader historical and social medium.\n\n\nThe way the area between the provinces of Lower Austria and Styria came about as Burgenland is enthralling, as is how the people there experienced this change of sovereignty and how everyday social and economic relationships were transformed. Tracing the geographical discourses in the interwar period and beyond, the book argues that Burgenland became a successful geographical project, and departs from thoughts of subdivision, unviability, and backwardness, concentrating instead on fertility, unity, and modernization.
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