Sono stati trovati 40 prodotti corrispondenti alla tua ricerca per drummer in 3 negozi:
Drummer In the Dark
Venditore: Prezzo: 10.91 € -
Drummer In the Dark
Venditore: Prezzo: 10.91 € -
Don't Sleep With Your Drummer
Venditore: Prezzo: 14.65 € -
Don't Sleep With Your Drummer
Venditore: Prezzo: 14.65 € -
A Different Drummer
Venditore: Prezzo: 10.91 € -
Different Drummer
Venditore: Prezzo: 20.37 € -
Different Drummer
Venditore: Prezzo: 20.37 € -
A Different Drummer
Venditore: Prezzo: 10.91 € -
Tricia Fields The Drummers
Venditore: Prezzo: 26.24 €Police Chief Josie Gray's life is complicated when sparks and bullets begin to fly after her small town in Texas is overrun by a community wishing to live \"off grid.\" \n\nThe residents of the small town of Artemis are suspicious when a community called The Drummers moves into a local abandoned church. Their leader, Gideon, claims their aim is simple: to live peacefully off the grid without government interference. But when local power substations are sabotaged and the whole of West Texas loses electricity, all fingers point to them. \n\nForced to intervene, Police Chief Josie Gray and her team try to enter the church only for gunshots to be exchanged. Inside the church one young girl is killed, with Gideon claiming Josie's stray bullet hit her.\n\nWas Josie responsible? Did one of The Drummers murder the girl and use Josie as a patsy? Were The Drummers responsible for the power outage? As Josie identifies an ever-widening pool of suspects, she learns of a shocking connection reaching far beyond West Texas.
Tricia Fields The Drummers
Venditore: Prezzo: 28.74 €Police Chief Josie Gray's life is complicated when sparks and bullets begin to fly after her small town in Texas is overrun by a community wishing to live \"off grid.\" \n\nThe residents of the small town of Artemis are suspicious when a community called The Drummers moves into a local abandoned church. Their leader, Gideon, claims their aim is simple: to live peacefully off the grid without government interference. But when local power substations are sabotaged and the whole of West Texas loses electricity, all fingers point to them. \n\nForced to intervene, Police Chief Josie Gray and her team try to enter the church only for gunshots to be exchanged. Inside the church one young girl is killed, with Gideon claiming Josie's stray bullet hit her.\n\nWas Josie responsible? Did one of The Drummers murder the girl and use Josie as a patsy? Were The Drummers responsible for the power outage? As Josie identifies an ever-widening pool of suspects, she learns of a shocking connection reaching far beyond West Texas.
Tricia Fields The Drummers
Venditore: Prezzo: 27.30 €Police Chief Josie Gray's life is complicated when sparks and bullets begin to fly after her small town in Texas is overrun by a community wishing to live \"off grid.\" \n\nThe residents of the small town of Artemis are suspicious when a community called The Drummers moves into a local abandoned church. Their leader, Gideon, claims their aim is simple: to live peacefully off the grid without government interference. But when local power substations are sabotaged and the whole of West Texas loses electricity, all fingers point to them. \n\nForced to intervene, Police Chief Josie Gray and her team try to enter the church only for gunshots to be exchanged. Inside the church one young girl is killed, with Gideon claiming Josie's stray bullet hit her.\n\nWas Josie responsible? Did one of The Drummers murder the girl and use Josie as a patsy? Were The Drummers responsible for the power outage? As Josie identifies an ever-widening pool of suspects, she learns of a shocking connection reaching far beyond West Texas.
Tricia Fields The Drummers
Venditore: Prezzo: 24.93 € (+2.70 €)Police Chief Josie Gray's life is complicated when sparks and bullets begin to fly after her small town in Texas is overrun by a community wishing to live \"off grid.\" \n\nThe residents of the small town of Artemis are suspicious when a community called The Drummers moves into a local abandoned church. Their leader, Gideon, claims their aim is simple: to live peacefully off the grid without government interference. But when local power substations are sabotaged and the whole of West Texas loses electricity, all fingers point to them. \n\nForced to intervene, Police Chief Josie Gray and her team try to enter the church only for gunshots to be exchanged. Inside the church one young girl is killed, with Gideon claiming Josie's stray bullet hit her.\n\nWas Josie responsible? Did one of The Drummers murder the girl and use Josie as a patsy? Were The Drummers responsible for the power outage? As Josie identifies an ever-widening pool of suspects, she learns of a shocking connection reaching far beyond West Texas.
C. Micalizzi Drummer'S Play Along + 2 Cd
Venditore: Prezzo: 23.08 € (+2.70 €) -
John le Carre The Little Drummer Girl: Now a BBC series
Venditore: Prezzo: 12.49 € (+2.70 €)'Wonderful' The New York Times\n\nCharlie, a jobbing young English actress, is accustomed to playing different roles. But when the mysterious, battle-scarred Joseph recruits her into the Israeli secret services, she enters the dangerous 'theatre of the real'. As she acts out her part in an intricate, high-stakes plot to trap and kill a Palestinian terrorist, it threatens to consume her.\n\nSet in the tragic arena of the Middle East conflict, this compelling story of love and torn loyalties plays out against the backdrop of an unwinnable war. \n\n'The Little Drummer Girl is about spies as Madame Bovary is about adultery or Crime and Punishment about crime' The New York Times
John le Carre The Little Drummer Girl: Now a BBC series
Venditore: Prezzo: 11.87 € (+2.70 €)'Wonderful' The New York Times\n\nCharlie, a jobbing young English actress, is accustomed to playing different roles. But when the mysterious, battle-scarred Joseph recruits her into the Israeli secret services, she enters the dangerous 'theatre of the real'. As she acts out her part in an intricate, high-stakes plot to trap and kill a Palestinian terrorist, it threatens to consume her.\n\nSet in the tragic arena of the Middle East conflict, this compelling story of love and torn loyalties plays out against the backdrop of an unwinnable war. \n\n'The Little Drummer Girl is about spies as Madame Bovary is about adultery or Crime and Punishment about crime' The New York Times
From the Riser: A Drummer's Perspective II
Venditore: Prezzo: 37.49 € -
From the Riser: A Drummer's Perspective II
Venditore: Prezzo: 35.62 € -
Herman Brusselmans Ex drummer
Venditore: Prezzo: 15.00 € (+2.70 €)Tre musicisti disabili, improbabili e perditempo, stanno cercando un batterista per la loro rock band. Il narratore, un famoso scrittore, che però non sa suonare la batteria (almeno così pensano i tre), sembra l'uomo giusto per entrare nel gruppo e partecipare al più grosso raduno di musica fiammingo. Una gara senza esclusione di colpi e riff violentissimi ed estremi. È necessario infatti che anche lui abbia un'invalidità: non saper suonare la batteria lo è di certo. Dopo un primo momento di esitazione l'uomo accetta: nascono così i The Feminists. Gli altri membri della band sono: Koen, misogino e violento; Ivan, un rozzo tossico parzialmente sordo; Jan, un omosessuale con complessi materni. Fin da subito il cinico protagonista viene risucchiato dal fascino che prova nei confronti dei The Feminists, lui che pare l'esatto contrario di loro: raffinato, ricco, intelligentissimo. Ma, con il passare del tempo, lo scrittore entrerà sempre di più nella vita e nelle emozioni dei tre arrivando a condizionarli, da vero leader, e infine a scatenarli l'uno contro l'altro... Lurido, rude, esagerato, comico, assolutamente originale e ben oltre il limite del \"politicamente scorretto\", Ex Drummer è un romanzo sorprendente che trascina il lettore in un crescendo di cattiveria, divertimento, musica hardcore e colpi bassi. Libro di culto assoluto in Belgio e Olanda, ha ispirato l'omonimo film di Koen Mortier che ha suscitato entusiasmo e polemiche in patria come in Italia.
Salvatore Pristerà Drummero
Venditore: Prezzo: 11.40 € (+2.70 €)Siamo in una grande città. Un uomo impazzisce e la sua follia condensa contaminando il mondo. In poco tempo tutto muta e le cose assumono un'altra forma. Un nuovo Dio, dedito al bivacco ed al delirio, si impadronisce del pensiero degli uomini, trasformandoli in consumatori seriali di droghe alcol e vizi in generale. Per il giovane Mounth, artefice involontario della creazione del nuovo Dio, rimane una sola cosa da fare: fuggire.
Salvatore Pristerà Drummero
Venditore: Prezzo: 11.40 € (+2.70 €)Siamo in una grande città. Un uomo impazzisce e la sua follia condensa contaminando il mondo. In poco tempo tutto muta e le cose assumono un'altra forma. Un nuovo Dio, dedito al bivacco ed al delirio, si impadronisce del pensiero degli uomini, trasformandoli in consumatori seriali di droghe alcol e vizi in generale. Per il giovane Mounth, artefice involontario della creazione del nuovo Dio, rimane una sola cosa da fare: fuggire.
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