Sono stati trovati 40 prodotti corrispondenti alla tua ricerca per greentree in 4 negozi:
David Greentree Q Ship vs U-Boat: 1914–18
Venditore: Prezzo: 18.99 € (+2.70 €)Q ships came in all shapes and sizes – coastal steamer, trawler, barque, yacht or schooner – but all had to look harmless in order to lure their opponents to the surface and encourage them to attack. Armaments differed according to ship size; steamers commonly had 4in guns mounted amidships and in the bow, trawlers 3-pdrs and sailing ships 12-pdrs. Those who served on Q ships had to accept that their U-boat opponents would be able to strike first. Q ship captains kept ready a ‘panic crew’, which was trained to act out an elaborate evacuation to convince the U-boat commander that the ship was being abandoned by its crew. The Q ship captain would remain behind with a handful of other crewmen manning the guns, which remained hidden until the most opportune time to unmask and engage the U-boat. The Q ship concept had emerged early in the war when no other method seemed likely to counter the U-boat threat, and flourished until new technologies and tactics were developed, tested and implemented.
David Greentree Q Ship vs U-Boat: 1914–18
Venditore: Prezzo: 19.99 € (+2.70 €)Q ships came in all shapes and sizes – coastal steamer, trawler, barque, yacht or schooner – but all had to look harmless in order to lure their opponents to the surface and encourage them to attack. Armaments differed according to ship size; steamers commonly had 4in guns mounted amidships and in the bow, trawlers 3-pdrs and sailing ships 12-pdrs. Those who served on Q ships had to accept that their U-boat opponents would be able to strike first. Q ship captains kept ready a ‘panic crew’, which was trained to act out an elaborate evacuation to convince the U-boat commander that the ship was being abandoned by its crew. The Q ship captain would remain behind with a handful of other crewmen manning the guns, which remained hidden until the most opportune time to unmask and engage the U-boat. The Q ship concept had emerged early in the war when no other method seemed likely to counter the U-boat threat, and flourished until new technologies and tactics were developed, tested and implemented.
David Greentree SU-152/ISU-152 vs Tiger: Eastern Front 1943-45
Venditore: Prezzo: 17.80 € (+2.70 €)This fully illustrated volume compares two of the most iconic AFV's: the SU-152/ISU-152 and the Tiger, used on the Eastern Front during World War II.\n\nOn the Eastern Front in 1943, the Tiger-equipped heavy Panzer battalions gave German armoured divisions an unmatched capability that cost the Red Army dearly. The Tiger's 88mm gun had the potential to carve through Soviet defences in the attack and cause havoc amongst advancing Soviet armoured formations when used in defence. Neither of the Red Army's heavy tanks (the KV-1 and KV-2) could match the Tiger's gun, and, more importantly, penetrate its armour at anything approaching standard combat range. The Soviet response was a stopgap Tiger-killing vehicle that mounted a 152mm artillery piece onto the KV tank's chassis: the SU-152. The latter would evolve into the ISU-152 in late 1943 (mounting the same powerful gun on an IS chassis). This fascinating book describes the mighty duels fought between these opposing AFVs. The colour illustrations explore key details of both the SU-152/ISU-152 and Eastern Front Tigers, including armament, ammunition and crew positions, and the period photographs show rarely seen views of these iconic AFVs in action. How each attempted to best the other using its strengths and advantages is documented across a wide range of dramatic Eastern Front armoured battles.
David Greentree SU-152/ISU-152 vs Tiger: Eastern Front 1943-45
Venditore: Prezzo: 18.74 € (+2.70 €)This fully illustrated volume compares two of the most iconic AFV's: the SU-152/ISU-152 and the Tiger, used on the Eastern Front during World War II.\n\nOn the Eastern Front in 1943, the Tiger-equipped heavy Panzer battalions gave German armoured divisions an unmatched capability that cost the Red Army dearly. The Tiger's 88mm gun had the potential to carve through Soviet defences in the attack and cause havoc amongst advancing Soviet armoured formations when used in defence. Neither of the Red Army's heavy tanks (the KV-1 and KV-2) could match the Tiger's gun, and, more importantly, penetrate its armour at anything approaching standard combat range. The Soviet response was a stopgap Tiger-killing vehicle that mounted a 152mm artillery piece onto the KV tank's chassis: the SU-152. The latter would evolve into the ISU-152 in late 1943 (mounting the same powerful gun on an IS chassis). This fascinating book describes the mighty duels fought between these opposing AFVs. The colour illustrations explore key details of both the SU-152/ISU-152 and Eastern Front Tigers, including armament, ammunition and crew positions, and the period photographs show rarely seen views of these iconic AFVs in action. How each attempted to best the other using its strengths and advantages is documented across a wide range of dramatic Eastern Front armoured battles.
David Greentree Soviet Naval Infantry 1917-91
Venditore: Prezzo: 17.80 € (+2.70 €)Drawing upon Soviet sources, this book assesses the evolving organization, uniforms, insignia, weaponry and personal equipment of Soviet naval infantry units from 1917 to 1991.\n\nFeaturing eight plates of specially commissioned artwork alongside carefully chosen archive photographs, this study charts the history and appearance of the Soviet Union's naval infantry, from the October Revolution to the end of the Soviet era.\n\nAlthough Russian naval infantry achieved fame during the October Revolution they were quickly disbanded, only being re-established in 1939. Following the Axis invasion of 1941 some 500,000 Soviet Navy personnel served on land, fighting in the defence of Leningrad, Odessa and Sevastopol and the recapture of the Crimea in 1943-44; Soviet naval troops also participated in the invasion of Manchuria in 1945.\n\nDuring the Cold War era the Soviet Union developed an amphibious assault capability that had a vital strategic role - to capture an aggressor's geographical exits to the oceans and thereby forestall threats to Soviet submarine bases. Naval infantry forces could deploy a wealth of firepower assets, while the use of amphibious ships, hovercraft and helicopters aided their rapid deployment, even amid ice-bound terrain in the Arctic. All of these developments are described and illustrated in absorbing detail in this study.
David Greentree Soviet Naval Infantry 1917-91
Venditore: Prezzo: 18.74 € (+2.70 €)Drawing upon Soviet sources, this book assesses the evolving organization, uniforms, insignia, weaponry and personal equipment of Soviet naval infantry units from 1917 to 1991.\n\nFeaturing eight plates of specially commissioned artwork alongside carefully chosen archive photographs, this study charts the history and appearance of the Soviet Union's naval infantry, from the October Revolution to the end of the Soviet era.\n\nAlthough Russian naval infantry achieved fame during the October Revolution they were quickly disbanded, only being re-established in 1939. Following the Axis invasion of 1941 some 500,000 Soviet Navy personnel served on land, fighting in the defence of Leningrad, Odessa and Sevastopol and the recapture of the Crimea in 1943-44; Soviet naval troops also participated in the invasion of Manchuria in 1945.\n\nDuring the Cold War era the Soviet Union developed an amphibious assault capability that had a vital strategic role - to capture an aggressor's geographical exits to the oceans and thereby forestall threats to Soviet submarine bases. Naval infantry forces could deploy a wealth of firepower assets, while the use of amphibious ships, hovercraft and helicopters aided their rapid deployment, even amid ice-bound terrain in the Arctic. All of these developments are described and illustrated in absorbing detail in this study.
David Greentree Crusader vs M13/40: North Africa 1941–42
Venditore: Prezzo: 19.99 € (+2.70 €)This illustrated study assesses the British Crusader and the Italian M13/40, two medium tanks that played crucial roles in World War II’s Desert War.\n \n Making its combat debut in North Africa during December 1940, Italy’s M13/40 medium tank was armed with a 47mm main gun. Its British opposite number, the Crusader I, was armed with a 2-pdr (40mm) main gun; it entered the fighting in June 1941. While the M13/40 could fire armour-piercing rounds but also high-explosive ammunition against infantry and towed-gun targets, the Crusader could only fire armour-piercing ammunition. In this book, David Greentree charts the evolution of these two tanks as the Desert War raged on.\n\nWhile the Crusader III, making its debut at the Second Battle of El Alamein in October 1942, was armed with the much more effective 6-pdr (57mm), the M13/40 could not be upgunned or uparmoured; new types such as the US-built M3 Grant tipped the balance in favour of the British. Joined in the front line by the similar M14/41, the M13/40 soldiered on; as the M4 Sherman also entered British service, the Italian tanks were largely wiped out as the Axis forces retreated from Egypt.\n\nFeaturing all-new full-colour artwork, archive photographs and expert analysis, this engaging study assess the origins, development and combat effectiveness of these two mainstays of the Desert War during 1941–42.
David Greentree Crusader vs M13/40: North Africa 1941–42
Venditore: Prezzo: 18.99 € (+2.70 €)This illustrated study assesses the British Crusader and the Italian M13/40, two medium tanks that played crucial roles in World War II’s Desert War.\n \n Making its combat debut in North Africa during December 1940, Italy’s M13/40 medium tank was armed with a 47mm main gun. Its British opposite number, the Crusader I, was armed with a 2-pdr (40mm) main gun; it entered the fighting in June 1941. While the M13/40 could fire armour-piercing rounds but also high-explosive ammunition against infantry and towed-gun targets, the Crusader could only fire armour-piercing ammunition. In this book, David Greentree charts the evolution of these two tanks as the Desert War raged on.\n\nWhile the Crusader III, making its debut at the Second Battle of El Alamein in October 1942, was armed with the much more effective 6-pdr (57mm), the M13/40 could not be upgunned or uparmoured; new types such as the US-built M3 Grant tipped the balance in favour of the British. Joined in the front line by the similar M14/41, the M13/40 soldiered on; as the M4 Sherman also entered British service, the Italian tanks were largely wiped out as the Axis forces retreated from Egypt.\n\nFeaturing all-new full-colour artwork, archive photographs and expert analysis, this engaging study assess the origins, development and combat effectiveness of these two mainstays of the Desert War during 1941–42.
Coxir - Greentea Bha Clear Toner Tonico viso 150 ml unisex
Venditore: Prezzo: 24.99 € (+5.00 €)Il tonico contiene tè verde e complesso BHA per la rimozione delle cellule morte.dalla superficie cutanea, idratando la pelle, regolandone il sebo e migliorandone il tono. La mucina di lumaca dona elasticità e aiuta a gestire l'invecchiamento della...
David Greentree Narvik 1940: The Battle for Northern Norway
Venditore: Prezzo: 18.99 € (+2.70 €)In early 1940, a battle raged to control the ice-free, iron-ore port in northern Norway – with changing fortunes until the very end. \n\nThis highly detailed book covers both the naval battles and the individual Norwegian, British, Polish, French and German units that fought the land campaign over northern Norway. Highly detailed maps guide you step by step through the events. Few other books on Narvik give you as much detail on the forces of the fighting five. From Gebirgsjägers to Guardsmen, Fallschirmjägers to Foreign Legionnaires, it offers you an impressive level of tactical detail, even down to company command, whilst also helping you understand the strategic confusion surrounding the whole Allied expedition to the north too. \n\nAmong the naval clashes covered in this action-packed story are the destroyer battles in the fjords, the sinking of the aircraft carrier HMS Glorious and the roles the famous battlecruisers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau played in the fighting. No less dramatic are the land battles, which include amphibious landings, sabotage, commando raids, daring ski missions and a rare parachute insertion by Gebirgsjäger troops.
David Greentree Narvik 1940: The Battle for Northern Norway
Venditore: Prezzo: 19.99 € (+2.70 €)In early 1940, a battle raged to control the ice-free, iron-ore port in northern Norway – with changing fortunes until the very end. \n\nThis highly detailed book covers both the naval battles and the individual Norwegian, British, Polish, French and German units that fought the land campaign over northern Norway. Highly detailed maps guide you step by step through the events. Few other books on Narvik give you as much detail on the forces of the fighting five. From Gebirgsjägers to Guardsmen, Fallschirmjägers to Foreign Legionnaires, it offers you an impressive level of tactical detail, even down to company command, whilst also helping you understand the strategic confusion surrounding the whole Allied expedition to the north too. \n\nAmong the naval clashes covered in this action-packed story are the destroyer battles in the fjords, the sinking of the aircraft carrier HMS Glorious and the roles the famous battlecruisers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau played in the fighting. No less dramatic are the land battles, which include amphibious landings, sabotage, commando raids, daring ski missions and a rare parachute insertion by Gebirgsjäger troops.
HideHere - GREENTEA COL GEL CLEANSER Gel detergente 25 ml unisex
Venditore: Prezzo: 6.90 € (+5.00 €)Detergente one-step per il viso, pulisce i pori, controlla il sebo, rinfresca, idrata e lenisce la pelle.Contiene collagene idrolizzato ed estratto di tè verde;
The Centre of the Green
Venditore: Prezzo: 12.37 € -
The Centre of the Green
Venditore: Prezzo: 12.37 € -
David Greentree Eighth Army Soldier vs Italian Soldier: El Alamein 1942
Venditore: Prezzo: 18.99 € (+2.70 €)Fully illustrated, this absorbing study assesses the Commonwealth and Italian infantrymen pitted against one another during the First and Second battles of El Alamein in 1942.\n\n By July 1942, the Allied troops fighting in North Africa, the multinational Eighth Army, had withdrawn to the El Alamein line, the last position stopping their German and Italian opponents from reaching the Suez Canal. Featuring full-colour artwork, carefully chosen archive photographs and incisive analysis, this book casts light on the Commonwealth and Italian infantrymen who participated in the seesaw battle for control of the North African coastline as it entered its decisive phase, played out over two bloody engagements during July–October 1942.\n\n Although Allied and Axis commanders saw armour as the decisive weapon in the Desert War, the infantry fielded by both sides would be key to the outcomes of the two El Alamein battles. While the majority of the 96,000 Axis troops at the first battle were Italian, mostly infantry, Commonwealth forces provided the greater part of Eighth Army’s fighting strength. During the First Battle of El Alamein in July 1942, Italian infantry units clashed with Indian troops at Ruweisat Ridge and Australian forces at Makh Khad Ridge; both battles are assessed in this book, along with the defence mounted by New Zealand troops at Miteiriya Ridge during the Second Battle of El Alamein that October.
David Greentree Eighth Army Soldier vs Italian Soldier: El Alamein 1942
Venditore: Prezzo: 19.99 € (+2.70 €)Fully illustrated, this absorbing study assesses the Commonwealth and Italian infantrymen pitted against one another during the First and Second battles of El Alamein in 1942.\n\n By July 1942, the Allied troops fighting in North Africa, the multinational Eighth Army, had withdrawn to the El Alamein line, the last position stopping their German and Italian opponents from reaching the Suez Canal. Featuring full-colour artwork, carefully chosen archive photographs and incisive analysis, this book casts light on the Commonwealth and Italian infantrymen who participated in the seesaw battle for control of the North African coastline as it entered its decisive phase, played out over two bloody engagements during July–October 1942.\n\n Although Allied and Axis commanders saw armour as the decisive weapon in the Desert War, the infantry fielded by both sides would be key to the outcomes of the two El Alamein battles. While the majority of the 96,000 Axis troops at the first battle were Italian, mostly infantry, Commonwealth forces provided the greater part of Eighth Army’s fighting strength. During the First Battle of El Alamein in July 1942, Italian infantry units clashed with Indian troops at Ruweisat Ridge and Australian forces at Makh Khad Ridge; both battles are assessed in this book, along with the defence mounted by New Zealand troops at Miteiriya Ridge during the Second Battle of El Alamein that October.
David Campbell;David Greentree German 88mm Gun vs Allied Armour: North Africa 1941–43
Venditore: Prezzo: 16.62 € (+2.70 €)Few weapons developed a more deadly reputation than the German ‘88’ in the role of anti-tank gun, its long reach and lethal hitting power making it a significant problem for every type of British and later American armour. Despite its individual potency, it was almost always utilized as part of a comprehensive system of defences that relied on a mix of weapons carefully deployed in anticipation of the enemy’s likely avenue and method of attack. Used in this way, the 88 became a particularly deadly part of the Afrika Korps’ attempts to shatter British armoured power in the Western Desert.\n\n\nInitially extremely successful over the course of 1941 and 1942 in Operations Battleaxe and Crusader, the Allies’ tactics and vehicles (such as the American-made M3 and the Crusader III) eventually evolved to deal with the 88’s awesome power. This detailed new book tells the story of that evolution and provides an in-depth treatment of this key weapon of World War II.
David Campbell;David Greentree German 88mm Gun vs Allied Armour: North Africa 1941–43
Venditore: Prezzo: 17.49 € (+2.70 €)Few weapons developed a more deadly reputation than the German ‘88’ in the role of anti-tank gun, its long reach and lethal hitting power making it a significant problem for every type of British and later American armour. Despite its individual potency, it was almost always utilized as part of a comprehensive system of defences that relied on a mix of weapons carefully deployed in anticipation of the enemy’s likely avenue and method of attack. Used in this way, the 88 became a particularly deadly part of the Afrika Korps’ attempts to shatter British armoured power in the Western Desert.\n\n\nInitially extremely successful over the course of 1941 and 1942 in Operations Battleaxe and Crusader, the Allies’ tactics and vehicles (such as the American-made M3 and the Crusader III) eventually evolved to deal with the 88’s awesome power. This detailed new book tells the story of that evolution and provides an in-depth treatment of this key weapon of World War II.
David Greentree British Airborne Soldier vs Waffen-SS Soldier: Arnhem 1944
Venditore: Prezzo: 19.99 € (+2.70 €)Operation Market Garden was an Allied plan to try and end the war before the end of 1944, and relied on landing airborne troops to secure bridges over the Rhine bridges in the Netherlands. Critical to this plan were the glider troops of Britain's 1st Airlanding Brigade. Short on heavy weapons and not trained in street fighting, the glider troops were meant to secure and defend the Allied perimeter around Arnhem as the parachute brigades fought their way into the city. Facing the airborne forces were understrength Waffen-SS units that were hastily formed into ad hoc battle groups, some supported by armour. The troops on both sides would have their tactical flexibility and powers of endurance tested to the limit in the bitter actions that ensued. Employing first-hand accounts and drawing upon the latest research, David Greentree tells the story of the glider troops' dogged defence of the Allied perimeter at Arnhem, and the Waffen-SS forces' efforts to overcome them.
David Greentree Caccia a Tito. Operazione Rösselsprung maggio 1944
Venditore: Prezzo: 16.00 € (+2.70 €)Il 25 maggio 1944, 800 uomini appartenenti al 500º battaglione paracadutisti SS furono lanciati su Drvar, una città oltre le linee nemiche nella Bosnia nord-occidentale. L'obiettivo dell'operazione, detta in codice Rösselsprung (\"mossa del cavaliere\"), era quello di catturare vivo o morto il maresciallo Tito nel suo rifugio sulle montagne, con un audace assalto condotto per mezzo di alianti che avrebbero sbarcato nell'area una forza di paracadutisti, il cui compito sarebbe stato resistere fino all'arrivo, il giorno seguente, delle forze di terra per completare la missione. Ma Tito riuscì a fuggire dal suo nascondiglio, mentre i paracadutisti subivano il violento contrattacco dei partigiani. Completo di rare fotografie, mappe e illustrazioni originali, il libro racconta la storia dell'incursione e analizza gli errori tattici e informativi che determinarono l'insuccesso dei paracadutisti.
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