Sono stati trovati 40 prodotti corrispondenti alla tua ricerca per hamish in 4 negozi:
Hamish Brown Airman Abroad
Venditore: Prezzo: 23.74 €A revealing picture of a time when Britain was losing its empire. It draws on letters written at the period by an airman, his vivid memories and experiences from the Canal Zone, Kenya during Mau Mau times, Cyprus and Jerusalem. His time encompassed conducting church services, being shipwrecked, numerous wildlife encounters and the formation of many lifelong friendships.\n\nThe Canal Zone was no easy life and 50 years later a medal was awarded when the government was forced to admit it was deserved and to confess its own political chicanery in the events. Hamish paints a picture of the highs and lows of RAF life, a station being run down in Egypt, working in oppressive heat and now and then being shot at!\n\nHe saw the Windrush a week before it exploded and sank in the Mediterranean; both the Windrush story and that of building the Suez Canal are detailed in an appendix. There is much to find in this story including background histories to events and the politics of the time. As a whole it provides a fascinating account of the era.
Hamish Brown Airman Abroad
Venditore: Prezzo: 22.55 € (+2.70 €)A revealing picture of a time when Britain was losing its empire. It draws on letters written at the period by an airman, his vivid memories and experiences from the Canal Zone, Kenya during Mau Mau times, Cyprus and Jerusalem. His time encompassed conducting church services, being shipwrecked, numerous wildlife encounters and the formation of many lifelong friendships.\n\nThe Canal Zone was no easy life and 50 years later a medal was awarded when the government was forced to admit it was deserved and to confess its own political chicanery in the events. Hamish paints a picture of the highs and lows of RAF life, a station being run down in Egypt, working in oppressive heat and now and then being shot at!\n\nHe saw the Windrush a week before it exploded and sank in the Mediterranean; both the Windrush story and that of building the Suez Canal are detailed in an appendix. There is much to find in this story including background histories to events and the politics of the time. As a whole it provides a fascinating account of the era.
Hamish Macbeth 1 - Qui prend la mouche
Venditore: Prezzo: 10.99 € -
Hamish Brown Chasing the Dreams
Venditore: Prezzo: 10.68 € (+2.70 €)Hamish Brown, who occupies a special place as a Scottish writer and traveller, turns his wealth of experience into captivating narratives of fascinating people and places; sometimes serious, at times laugh aloud in this new volume. Chasing the Dreams is a companion to Walking the Song, with the same kaleidoscopic range and variety, telling of treks in Scotland, the Alps, Atlas and Himalaya, of ventures by canoe and sailing, ski-ing and cycling.
Hamish Brown Chasing the Dreams
Venditore: Prezzo: 11.24 €Hamish Brown, who occupies a special place as a Scottish writer and traveller, turns his wealth of experience into captivating narratives of fascinating people and places; sometimes serious, at times laugh aloud in this new volume. Chasing the Dreams is a companion to Walking the Song, with the same kaleidoscopic range and variety, telling of treks in Scotland, the Alps, Atlas and Himalaya, of ventures by canoe and sailing, ski-ing and cycling.
Hamish Macbeth 1 - Qui prend la mouche
Venditore: Prezzo: 10.99 € -
Hamish Robertson Mixed Tonic
Venditore: Prezzo: 33.19 € -
Hamish Robertson Mixed Tonic
Venditore: Prezzo: 34.94 € -
M. C. Beaton Morte di una snob. I casi di Hamish Macbeth
Venditore: Prezzo: 14.25 € (+2.70 €)Convinta che qualcuno stia cercando di ucciderla, la ricca Jane Wetherby chiede a Hamish Macbeth di trascorrere il Natale con lei e con un gruppo di amici presso la sua clinica termale, che sorge sull'isola di Eileencraig. Tormentato da un brutto raffreddore e senza progetti per il periodo natalizio, Hamish accetta, anche se pensa che Jane sia soltanto una donna po' strampalata. Sull'isola, però, l'atmosfera è assai cupa: gli abitanti sono scontrosi e quasi aggressivi e gli altri ospiti sono assai gelidi nei suoi confronti. E quando una di essi, Heather Todd, un'insopportabile snob, viene trovata cadavere, Hamish sa che non deve cercare molto lontano per trovare il colpevole…
Hamish Macbeth: Death of a Smuggler
Venditore: Prezzo: 13.99 € -
Hamish Macbeth: Death of a Smuggler
Venditore: Prezzo: 13.99 € -
Morte Di Una Snob. I Casi Di Hamish Macbeth - Beaton M. C. - Tea
Venditore: Prezzo: 10.00 € (+2.50 €)Morte Di Una Snob. I Casi Di Hamish Macbeth - Beaton M. C. - Tea
M. C. Beaton Morte di una snob. I casi di Hamish Macbeth
Venditore: Prezzo: 14.25 €Convinta che qualcuno stia cercando di ucciderla, la ricca Jane Wetherby chiede a Hamish Macbeth di trascorrere il Natale con lei e con un gruppo di amici presso la sua clinica termale, che sorge sull'isola di Eileencraig. Tormentato da un brutto raffreddore e senza progetti per il periodo natalizio, Hamish accetta, anche se pensa che Jane sia soltanto una donna po' strampalata. Sull'isola, però, l'atmosfera è assai cupa: gli abitanti sono scontrosi e quasi aggressivi e gli altri ospiti sono assai gelidi nei suoi confronti. E quando una di essi, Heather Todd, un'insopportabile snob, viene trovata cadavere, Hamish sa che non deve cercare molto lontano per trovare il colpevole…
M. C. Beaton Morte di un macho. I casi di Hamish Macbeth
Venditore: Prezzo: 17.10 € (+2.70 €)Un nuovo caso per Hamish Macbeth.C'è un nuovo abitante a Lochdubh: Randy Duggan. Muscoloso, spaccone, vestito in modo eccentrico, si spaccia per ex wrestler americano e conquista tutti al pub offrendo da bere e raccontando incredibili avventure professionali. Ma a poco a poco le simpatie per il nuovo arrivato vengono meno. Quando è parecchio ubriaco, Randy ostenta un accento più scozzese che yankee, e inizia a insultare gli abitanti del posto. Dopo vari alterchi, Hamish è chiamato in causa per calmare le acque, ma viene sfidato da Randy a un duello a cazzotti. Hamish accetta, però il giorno convenuto per il duello – tutto il paese è pronto ad assistere all'evento – Randy non si presenta. Viene ritrovato barbaramente ucciso a casa sua. Nelle indagini che ne conseguono, con Hamish fra gli indiziati, ne succedono di cotte e di crude, anche... sotto le lenzuola del detective meno ambizioso delle Highlands.
John Eaton Spid the Spider Meets Hamish McSpid
Venditore: Prezzo: 10.63 €It's a very long way from Spider Webdon to Glenthistle. But after reading about King Robert the Spid of Glenthistle in a history book, Spid decides to visit his cousin, Hamish McSpid, who lives there. However, Spid and his friends have hardly arrived when strange things begin to happen. Of course, the fearsome monster of Loch Monroe is nothing more than a legendary beast ... Or is it ...? \n\nThe story features two songs: 'Hamish McSpid' and 'The Water King'. By scanning QR codes, readers can hear musical versions of the songs: 'The Ballad of Hamish McSpid' is a folk song in the Scottish music tradition. It has a stirring violin accompaniment.'The Water King' is a tub-thumping tune that celebrates and warns about the 'guardian' of the loch. \n\nWith very creative prose, Spid's adventures are fun for parents, and teachers to read to, and with, their children. They present lots of opportunities to invest dramatic licence thus helping adults and children interact and engage. The humour works at multiple levels from silly and slapstick to more sophisticated wordplay and concepts. Thus, children will discover more and enjoy reading the stories multiple times.\n\nSpid is a lowly spider, who wants to better himself, write songs, and marry his girlfriend Bid, though he is prone to hilarious mishaps mostly of his own making. He is hard-working, cool, and a role model for young children. As well as encouraging children to read and love books, Spid's adventures also teach valuable life lessons, including determination and what psychologists call a 'growth mindset' (desire to better oneself and succeed), the importance of friendship, and sustainability.\n\nFor more parent and teacher resources to accompany the book and help children learn to read and grow go to
John Eaton Spid the Spider Meets Hamish McSpid
Venditore: Prezzo: 10.10 € (+2.70 €)It's a very long way from Spider Webdon to Glenthistle. But after reading about King Robert the Spid of Glenthistle in a history book, Spid decides to visit his cousin, Hamish McSpid, who lives there. However, Spid and his friends have hardly arrived when strange things begin to happen. Of course, the fearsome monster of Loch Monroe is nothing more than a legendary beast ... Or is it ...? \n\nThe story features two songs: 'Hamish McSpid' and 'The Water King'. By scanning QR codes, readers can hear musical versions of the songs: 'The Ballad of Hamish McSpid' is a folk song in the Scottish music tradition. It has a stirring violin accompaniment.'The Water King' is a tub-thumping tune that celebrates and warns about the 'guardian' of the loch. \n\nWith very creative prose, Spid's adventures are fun for parents, and teachers to read to, and with, their children. They present lots of opportunities to invest dramatic licence thus helping adults and children interact and engage. The humour works at multiple levels from silly and slapstick to more sophisticated wordplay and concepts. Thus, children will discover more and enjoy reading the stories multiple times.\n\nSpid is a lowly spider, who wants to better himself, write songs, and marry his girlfriend Bid, though he is prone to hilarious mishaps mostly of his own making. He is hard-working, cool, and a role model for young children. As well as encouraging children to read and love books, Spid's adventures also teach valuable life lessons, including determination and what psychologists call a 'growth mindset' (desire to better oneself and succeed), the importance of friendship, and sustainability.\n\nFor more parent and teacher resources to accompany the book and help children learn to read and grow go to
M. C. Beaton Morte di un macho. I casi di Hamish Macbeth
Venditore: Prezzo: 17.10 €Un nuovo caso per Hamish Macbeth.C'è un nuovo abitante a Lochdubh: Randy Duggan. Muscoloso, spaccone, vestito in modo eccentrico, si spaccia per ex wrestler americano e conquista tutti al pub offrendo da bere e raccontando incredibili avventure professionali. Ma a poco a poco le simpatie per il nuovo arrivato vengono meno. Quando è parecchio ubriaco, Randy ostenta un accento più scozzese che yankee, e inizia a insultare gli abitanti del posto. Dopo vari alterchi, Hamish è chiamato in causa per calmare le acque, ma viene sfidato da Randy a un duello a cazzotti. Hamish accetta, però il giorno convenuto per il duello – tutto il paese è pronto ad assistere all'evento – Randy non si presenta. Viene ritrovato barbaramente ucciso a casa sua. Nelle indagini che ne conseguono, con Hamish fra gli indiziati, ne succedono di cotte e di crude, anche... sotto le lenzuola del detective meno ambizioso delle Highlands.
WHAMISA - Shampoo - Oily Scalp 510 ml unisex
Venditore: Prezzo: 55.00 €Questo shampoo deterge delicatamente e si prende cura dei capelli e del cuoio capelluto grassi. L'olio di menta piperita e il mentolo inibiscono la formazione della forfora, mentre i fagioli mung li nutrono con vitamine, minerali e sostanze...
M. C. Beaton Morte di un nomade. I casi di Hamish Macbeth
Venditore: Prezzo: 16.15 € (+2.70 €)È primavera sulle Highlands, ma all'orizzonte di Hamish Macbeth si addensano nuvole nerissime. Ha avuto la promozione (di cui avrebbe volentieri fatto a meno), il suo nuovo capo è insopportabile, e un certo Sean, insieme con la sua ragazza, è arrivato in paese a bordo di un furgone malconcio, che, secondo lui, è il mezzo ideale per girare il mondo in lungo e in largo. Hamish sente puzza di guai e, come al solito, ha ragione. Prima c'è una serie di piccoli furti. Poi ci sono le lamentele e i sospetti. Infine Sean viene ritrovato cadavere, picchiato a morte. E l'intera Lochdubh non ci mette molto ad accusare di quel delitto la sua ragazza. Ma è davvero così semplice?
Hamish Steele DeadEndia: The Broken Halo
Venditore: Prezzo: 17.49 €From the creator of Netflix original series Dead End: Paranormal Park comes the graphic novel series that started it all!\n \n\"DeadEndia is immediately appealing with its colorful art, unique setting, and funny jokes, but I especially loved the complicated emotional arcs of the characters and the weird, spooky magic underlying everything!\"\n -Molly Knox Ostertag, creator of The Witch Boy\n \n \"Heart-warming, heartbreaking, heart-pounding, and heartfelt!\"\n -Marika McCoola, The New York Times bestselling author of Baba Yaga's Assistant\n \n Norma Khan has been split in two . . . literally! Dead End, the haunted hotel attraction at Phoenix Parks, has been rebuilt following the epic destruction that occurred there when Norma and her friends Barney and Pugsley saved the world. Unfortunately, Norma can't keep herself together as a result. Not only is her friendship with Barney on the rocks, but she can't seem to keep her own ghost inside her body. When Norma feels like she's about to lose it all, her irksome friend and demon, Courtney, steps in to provide some unexpected support-though they are battling their own issues with identity and sense of belonging.\n\n Meanwhile, Barney can't face going back to Phoenix Parks and is mourning the loss of his beloved friend Pugsley. When his boyfriend, Logan, urges him to get a job, an opportunity from the demon planes comes knocking, and soon Barney is climbing the ladder of success in the Demon Wrestling Federation. Barney's glory in the ring quickly comes crashing down when the friends discover they've stepped into an eons old battle between the demons and the angels. Can they keep their relationships and sense of self intact while doing battle with the forces of good AND evil?\n\nPart workplace comedy, part supernatural horror adventure, with a splash of LGBTQ+ romance, The Broken Halo is perfect for fans of author Hamish Steele's TV series Dead End: Paranormal Park who are in search of more adventures, for graphic novel lovers who want more diversity in their reads, or for anyone who has finished The Watcher's Test and is ready for the next entry in the zany, creative, and laugh-out-loud funny world of DeadEndia.
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