Sono stati trovati 51 prodotti corrispondenti alla tua ricerca per norman in 7 negozi:
Piscine Italia Pompa Di Filtrazione Norman/1 250
Venditore: Prezzo: 129.64 € (+29.00 €)Pompa di filtrazione completa di prefiltro. Corpo pompa, basamento e diffusore in noryl e polipropilene. Capacità: 3,3 mc/h.
Norman Sunshine The Book of Norman: /A Life in Art
Venditore: Prezzo: 83.12 € -
Piscine Italia Pompa Di Filtrazione Norman/1 750
Venditore: Prezzo: 22.19 € (+29.00 €)Pompa per filtrazione acqua delle piscine completa di prefiltro. Corpo pompa, basamento e diffusore in noryl e polipropilene. Capacità: 17 mc/h.
Hi, I'm Norman
Venditore: Prezzo: 12.39 € -
Piscine Italia Pompa Di Filtrazione Norman/2 2200
Venditore: Prezzo: 470.12 € (+29.00 €)Pompa centrifuga per filtrazione acqua delle piscine completa di prefiltro. Corpo pompa, basamento e diffusore in noryl e polipropilene. Uscite Ø 63 mm. Capacità: 33,6 mc/h.
Hi, I'm Norman
Venditore: Prezzo: 12.39 € -
Piscine Italia Pompa Di Filtrazione Norman/1 370
Venditore: Prezzo: 202.02 € (+29.00 €)Pompa di filtrazione completa di prefiltro. Corpo pompa, basamento e diffusore in noryl e polipropilene. Capacità: 12,5 mc/h.
Mark Hagger Norman Rule in Normandy, 911-1144
Venditore: Prezzo: 41.55 €A magisterial survey of Normandy from its origins in the tenth century to its conquest some two hundred years later.\n\nThis book provides a comprehensive revision and analysis of Normandy, its rulers, and governance between the traditional date for the foundation of the duchy, 911, and the completion of the conquest led by Count Geoffrey V of theAngevins, 1144. It examines how the Norman dukes were able to establish and then to maintain themselves in their duchy, providing a new historical narrative in the process. It also explores the various tools that they used to promote and enforce their authority, from the recruitment of armies to the use of symbolism and emotions at court. In particular, it also seeks to come to terms with the practicalities of ducal power, and reveals that it was framed and promoted from the bottom up as much as from the top down. In around 911, the Viking adventurer Rollo was granted the city of Rouen and its surrounding district by the Frankish King Charles the Simple. Two further grants of territory followed in 924 and 933. But while Frankish kings might grant this land to Rollo and his son, William Longsword, these two Norman dukes and their successors had to fight and negotiate with rival lords, hostile neighbours,kings, and popes in order to establish and maintain their authority over it.\n This book explores the geographical and political development of what would become the duchy of Normandy, and the relations between the dukes and these rivals for their lands and their subjects' fidelity. It looks, too, at the administrative machinery the dukes built to support their regime, from their toll-collectors and vicomtes (an official similar to the English sheriff) to the political theatre of their courts and the buildings in which they were staged. At the heart of this exercise are the narratives that purport to tell us about what the dukes did, and the surviving body of the dukes'diplomas. Neither can be taken at face value, and both tell us as much about the concerns and criticisms of the dukes' subjects as they do about the strength of the dukes' authority. The diplomas, in particular, because most of them were not written by scribes attached to the dukes' households but rather by their beneficiaries, can be used to recover something of how the dukes' subjects saw their rulers, as well as something of what they wanted or neededfrom them. Ducal power was the result of a dialogue, and this volume enables both sides to speak.
Piscine Italia Pompa Di Filtrazione Norman/1 550
Venditore: Prezzo: 21.07 € (+29.00 €)Pompa di filtrazione completa di prefiltro. Corpo pompa, basamento e diffusore in noryl e polipropilene. Capacità: 14,5 mc/h.
Mark Norman;Tracey Norman Dark Folklore
Venditore: Prezzo: 17.80 € (+2.70 €)How did our ancestors use the concept of demons to explain sleep paralysis? Is that carving in the porch of your local church really what you think it is? And what’s that tapping noise on the roof of your car..? \n\nThe fields of folklore have never been more popular – a recent resurgence of interest in traditional beliefs and customs, coupled with morbid curiosities in folk horror, historic witchcraft cases and our superstitious past, have led to an intersection of ideas that is driving people to seek out more information.\n\nTracey Norman (author of the acclaimed play WITCH) and Mark Norman (creator of The Folklore Podcast) lead you on an exploration of those more salubrious facets of our past, highlighting those aspects of our cultural beliefs and social history that are less ‘wicker basket’ and more ‘Wicker Man’.
garneroarredamenti Scrivania 80x80cm ufficio angolare salvaspazio rovere Norman
Venditore: Garnero Arredamenti Prezzo: 7.99 € (+1.99 €)Scrivania ufficio angolare salvaspazio 80x80cm rovere Norman La linea Norman è la scelta giusta per arredare ed allo stesso tempo ottimizzare al massimo il proprio ambiente. Grazie alle sue misure contenute ti permette di utilizzare al massimo il tuo spazio, senza rinunciare alla comodità e praticità della scrivania. E' molto versatile, capace di adattarsi facilmente a qualsiasi ambiente di casa o dell'ufficio. È un'ottima soluzione anche se necessiti di un'articolo che ti permetta di lavorare da casa, ad esempio in smart working. Ecco che la scrivania Liam può forniti la giusta risposta alle tue esigenze, offrendoti la comodità che stavi cercando!La scrivania ufficio angolare salvaspazio 80x80cm realizzata nell'elegante finitura rovere, è dotata di due ripiani sottostanti al piano, comodi per ordinare i propri elementi di cancelleria.Disponibile anche nella finitura bianco e nero. CARATTERISTICHE SCRIVANIA UFFICIO NORMAN: Materiale: pannelli in melaminico Finitura: rovere Dimensioni totali: L.80 x H.73 x P.80 cm 2 ripiani CURA SCRIVANIA UFFICIO NORMAN: Spolverare con un panno di cotone o lino.Utilizzare acqua tiepida o detergenti delicati e asciugare subito con un panno morbido.Evitare detergenti o panni abrasivi che possono pregiudicare la lucentezza della superficie.
Das Norman-Areal
Venditore: Prezzo: 17.99 € -
Serengeti Norman SV590002
Venditore: Prezzo: 16.89 €Serengeti Norman SV590002
Norman Clyde
Venditore: Prezzo: 11.01 € -
Serengeti Norman SV590004
Venditore: Prezzo: 16.89 €Serengeti Norman SV590004
Das Norman-Areal
Venditore: Prezzo: 17.99 € -
Serengeti Norman SV590003
Venditore: Prezzo: 16.89 €Serengeti Norman SV590003
Normandy ‘44
Venditore: Prezzo: 10.99 € -
Venditore: Prezzo: 2.72 € (+1.39 €)Il Norman Nero d'Avola IGP è un vino rosso siciliano di alta qualità, caratterizzato da un colore intenso e profondo. Al naso si percepiscono note di frutti rossi maturi, spezie e sentori floreali, mentre al palato si distingue per la sua struttura elegante e avvolgente, con tannini morbidi e una piacevole freschezza. Si abbina perfettamente a piatti a base di carne rossa, formaggi stagionati e piatti della tradizione siciliana. Un vino che incarna l'autenticità e l'eleganza del territorio siciliano, perfetto per chi ama scoprire e apprezzare le eccellenze enologiche italiane.
Norman Lock The Ice Harp
Venditore: Prezzo: 15.43 € (+2.70 €)Ralph Waldo Emerson battles dementia while debating whether to intercede in a Black soldier's unjust arrest\n\nIn 1879, toward the end of his life, the Sage of Concord has lost his words. Beset by aphasia and grief, Ralph Waldo Emerson is scarcely recognizable as America's foremost essayist and orator. To the dismay of his wife, he frequently entertains the specters of his fellow transcendentalists, including Whitman, Thoreau, John Muir, and Margaret Fuller, and frets about the future of humankind and the natural world. Does the present displace the past? Do ideas always precede actions? What responsibility does each of us bear for the downtrodden, the preservation of liberty, and the Earth itself? These metaphysical concerns become concrete when Emerson meets a Black soldier accused of killing a white man who abused him. The soldier's presence demands a response from Emerson, an action outside the parlors of philosophy and beyond the realm where language and logic hold sway.\n\nThe Ice Harp, the tenth stand-alone book in The American Novels series, is a poignant portrayal of a literary luminary coming to terms with the loss of memory, the cost of inaction, and the end of life.
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