Sono stati trovati 40 prodotti corrispondenti alla tua ricerca per postn in 3 negozi:
Postnatal Care
Venditore: Prezzo: 49.82 €Essential Midwifery Practice: Postnatal Care summarises the important developments in postnatal care in relation to recent policy and guidance and relates the recommendations to midwifery practice in a clear and easily understood manner. With contributions from experts in the field, this practical text provides a resource for postnatal service provision in both hospital and community, offering a framework to assist midwives understand the background to care.\n With a focus on a woman and family centred philosophy, and community engagement models of care, this text explores issues including clinical care within the postnatal period, transition into parenthood, empowering parents, morbidity and postnatal care, the healthy newborn, and engaging vulnerable women and families.\n \n\n Essential Midwifery Practice: Postnatal Care forms part of a series of books that succinctly address the needs of practising midwives on a number of contemporary issues.\n\n \n\nIncludes up to date information on recent policy, including NICE guidelines\n \nWritten by respected experts in the field\n \nFocused on women and family centered care\n \nFor both hospital and community midwives
Postnatal Care
Venditore: Prezzo: 52.44 €Essential Midwifery Practice: Postnatal Care summarises the important developments in postnatal care in relation to recent policy and guidance and relates the recommendations to midwifery practice in a clear and easily understood manner. With contributions from experts in the field, this practical text provides a resource for postnatal service provision in both hospital and community, offering a framework to assist midwives understand the background to care.\n With a focus on a woman and family centred philosophy, and community engagement models of care, this text explores issues including clinical care within the postnatal period, transition into parenthood, empowering parents, morbidity and postnatal care, the healthy newborn, and engaging vulnerable women and families.\n \n\n Essential Midwifery Practice: Postnatal Care forms part of a series of books that succinctly address the needs of practising midwives on a number of contemporary issues.\n\n \n\nIncludes up to date information on recent policy, including NICE guidelines\n \nWritten by respected experts in the field\n \nFocused on women and family centered care\n \nFor both hospital and community midwives
Postnatal Pilates
Venditore: Prezzo: 14.97 € -
Postnatal Pilates
Venditore: Prezzo: 14.97 € -
Prenatal and Postnatal Care
Venditore: Prezzo: 71.99 € -
Prenatal and Postnatal Care
Venditore: Prezzo: 71.99 € -
Prenatal and Postnatal Care
Venditore: Prezzo: 64.99 € -
Prenatal and Postnatal Care
Venditore: Prezzo: 64.99 € -
Postnatal Development of the Cat’s Retina
Venditore: Prezzo: 84.23 € -
Postnatal Development of the Cat’s Retina
Venditore: Prezzo: 84.23 € -
Antenatal And Postnatal Depression
Venditore: Prezzo: 14.99 € -
Antenatal And Postnatal Depression
Venditore: Prezzo: 14.99 € -
How to Help Someone with Postnatal Depression
Venditore: Prezzo: 10.08 € -
The Postnational Constellation
Venditore: Prezzo: 17.99 € -
The Postnational Constellation
Venditore: Prezzo: 17.99 € -
How to Help Someone with Postnatal Depression
Venditore: Prezzo: 10.08 € -
Motherhood and Postnatal Depression
Venditore: Prezzo: 84.23 € -
Motherhood and Postnatal Depression
Venditore: Prezzo: 84.23 € -
Claudio Gatti I demoni di Salvini. I postnazisti e la lega
Venditore: Prezzo: 14.36 € (+2.70 €)Chiedersi se Matteo Salvini sia fascista non è solo un esercizio inutile, è un grave errore. Perché vuol dire cercare quello che non c’è.\r\nIl fascismo è finito con Mussolini. Quella che non si è mai spenta è la fiamma culturale e ideologica che lo ha alimentato.\r\n\r\n“È arrivato il momento che il complotto venga smascherato.”\r\n\r\n“Salvini ha operato come agente d’influenza al servizio di un governo straniero, quello di Vladimir Putin, il più antidemocratico e aggressivo leader della storia europea contemporanea.” - Claudio Gatti\r\n\r\n\r\nGrazie allo straordinario racconto di una gola profonda e ad altre testimonianze esclusive, l’autore rivela l’identità e la storia dei principali protagonisti di una macchinazione senza precedenti. A condurla è stato un manipolo di persone che, dopo aver metabolizzato fascismo e nazismo, con una strategia classificabile come postnazista ha saputo trarre vantaggio da debolezze e difetti della democrazia liberale\r\nper egemonizzare il dibattito culturale e prendere il controllo di quello politico.\r\nQuella qui raccontata è la più sorprendente operazione di infiltrazione politica della storia della Repubblica italiana. Un progetto di restaurazione del vecchio pensiero reazionario a vocazione autoritaria e plebiscitaria, dissimulato però come una formula nuova che supera i vecchi schemi politici attraverso un veicolo diverso da tutti gli altri: la Lega Nord.\r\nMatteo Salvini oggi, come Umberto Bossi ieri, non ha sposato il pensiero postnazista.\r\nHa fatto di peggio: l’ha cinicamente usato per emergere e rimanere al centro dell’attenzione nazionale.
Mia Scotland Why Postnatal Depression Matters
Venditore: Prezzo: 10.68 € (+2.70 €)You have probably heard of postnatal depression, but did you know that most cases of postnatal depression actually began in pregnancy? And that most people who have antenatal depression have had depression in the past? And did you know that postnatal depression is not caused by women’s hormones gone awry; men are suffering postnatal and perinatal depression in larger and larger numbers too? This is why “postnatal depression” has now been renamed “perinatal depression”(‘peri’ means around, as in the word “perimeter”).\n\n\n\nWhy is the seemingly joyful event of new parenthood causing so much suffering? Depression seems to be related to the stresses that a modern couple undertake when they have a baby. The lack of support, lack of celebration, overload of expectations, overwhelming responsibility, isolation, judgment, blaming by the media, tiredness, mixed messages, confusion, high expectations and lack of tender loving care serve to eventually break parents and their relationships. And when we break parents, we break a baby. Babies are our future, and if we break a baby, in the long run, we break society. Postnatal depression takes a high toll on society. Dealing effectively with perinatal depression is about valuing love, connection, calm and stillness, over and above productivity, achievement and acquisition.
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